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-type of animal- cervids
- habitat - forests, grasslands and jungles
spanish - ciervo
2. dog [puppy]
-type of animal - canis lupus familiaris
- habitat - warm places
spanish - perro
3. dolphin
-type of animal - sea mammals
- habitat - ocean, rivers and lakes
spanish - delfin
4. donkey
-type of animal - primate
- habitat - open woods
spanish - mono
5. dragonfly
-type of animal- paleoptera
- habitat - lakes, puddles, rivers and wetlands
spanish - libélula
6. duck
-type of animal - anatidaes
- habitat - wetlands, swamps, ponds, rivers, lakes and oceans.
spanish - pato
7. eagle
-type of animal - ​ Accipitridae
- habitat - mountainous or rugged areas where tranquility reigns.
spanish - aguila
8. elephant
-type of animal - elephantidae
- habitat - rainforest grasslands, river valleys. swamps and savannas.
spanish - elefante
9. fish
-type of animal - ectothermic
- habitat - streams, rivers, ponds, lakes and oceans.
spanish - pescado
10. fly (flies, plural)
-type of animal - diptera
- habitat - live in garbage and wherever there is animal fecal matter
spanish - moscas
11. fox
-type of animal - ​Vulpini
- habitat - ​ deciduous forests, grasslands and steppes
spanish - zorro
12. frog
-type of animal - ​Ranidae
- habitat - where there is water and humidity
spanish - rana
13. giraffe
-type of animal - artiodactyl
- habitat - grasslands and open forest
spanish - jirafa
14. goat
-type of animal - Artiodactyls of the Bovidae family
- habitat - rocky terrain, mountains and arid areas
spanish - cabra
15. goose (geese, plural)
-type of animal - ​Anatidae
- habitat - Lakes and rivers
spanish - ganso
16. gorilla
-type of animal - herbivorous primates
- habitat - open woods
spanish - gorila
17. grasshopper
-type of animal - ​Orthoptera
- habitat - meadows, forests, and mountains.
spanish - saltamontes
18. hamster
-type of animal - rodent, cricetinae
- habitat - - open woods
spanish - hamster
19. pigeon
-type of animal - Columbiformes
- habitat - all over the world except cold places
spanish - paloma
20. praying mantis
-type of animal - ​Mantidae
- habitat - temperate climates
spanish - mantis religiosa
21. rabbit
-type of animal - ​Oryctolagus.
- habitat - forests and grasslands
spanish - conejo
22. rat
-type of animal - myomorphic rodent
- habitat - warm places
spanish - rata
23. rhino
-type of animal -perissodactyls,
- habitat - arid zones
spanish - rinoceronte
24. scorpion
-type of animal - arachnids
- habitat - rainforests, monsoon forests, temperate forests, savannas and grasslands
spanish - escorpion
25. seagull
-type of animal- ​Larus
- habitat - ​costeras marinas o costeras de lagos
spanish - gaviota

26. seahorse
-type of animal - ​ Hippocampus
- habitat - seas and oceans
spanish - caballo de mar
27. octupus
-type of animal - cephalopod invertebrate
- habitat - salty seas
spanish - pulpo
28. shark
-type of animal -​Selachimorpha
- habitat - tropical and temperate zones.
spanish - tiburon
29. sheep:
-type of animal - ​artiodáctilos
- habitat - pasture plains, semi-desert areas, cold areas near polar areas and not so polar
spanish : oveja
30. chameleon
-type of animal: ​reptiles
- habitat: like mountains, jungles and savannas
spanish: camaleon

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