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Amity School of Architecture and Planning

Amity University


Assignment - 1

Analysis of Innovative Case Example in High Density Urban Context

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Q 1. Identify and Explain the problems addressed by Architect Gary Chang in his
innovative “Transformer Home” in about 500-750 words.

Ans. Ar. Gary Chang has spent approximately 40 years in that tiny 344sqft home
with his family and also rented a room to a tenant. In his video he described
problem faced by majority of people in Hong Kong for their home.

Problems described by him primarily focus on:

1. Quality of space available for living.

2. Condition of people living in those spaces.


Now talking about the key factors affecting the quality of space are:

Increasing population
Hong Kong is 8th most densely populated cities in world with population density
of 7140 per sqkm. Due to this increasing population space availability is affected.

Less space to build

Hong Kong being an independent nation have a very less space to expand and due
to high population need of compact spaces is more and more.

Expensive homes
Now due to rising population and less space to build, homes are getting more and
more expensive so people can’t buy the large space to live.

Above three factors answer the question “Why the majority of people live in


Due to very compact space available for living, people of Hong Kong face various
problems. They had to compromise with the space for living.
Usually 3 to 4 people have to live together in those tiny spaces. This affects their
mental health also. Considering the fact of widespread diseases like COVID 19
their physical health also affects.
Q2. From the example deduce the parameters that may influence the dwelling
costs and affordability.

Ans. Dwelling cost and affordability in rising cities Hong Kong, Mumbai etc.
depends on various factors:

1. Population density
Due to high migration and birth rate population density is increasing day by day.
More and more people are trying to accommodate in these cities for a better
occupation and business scope. So due to increasing population density demand
for living space has increased resulting in expensive homes and high land value.

2. Size of the unit

In cities with a very high land value increase in plot or flat size makes the homes
more expensive and less affordable.

3. Design and execution of space

A design with more use of luxurious spaces and materials will definitely cost more
to a person to live while the same amenities if provided in less space will cost less
and make the space more affordable.
Use of technologies like prefabrication and pre cast construction, time and labour
cost are reduced affecting the overall cost of space and making them affordable to

4. Location of living
Every city has its own land values. A big metropolitan city will have more land
value comparing to a small city, because these large cities provide a better
employment and facilities.

Q3. Form your opinion through selecting from the options provided below and
Architect Gary Chang’s “Transformer Home” is an example of:
a. Space optimization
b. Cost-effective Architecture
c. Compact Living
d. Cost-effective through space optimization
e. Storage solutions
f. Up gradation of Space quality through design intervention.

Ans. Actually architect Gray Chang’s “Transformer Home” is a perfect example

defining all the factors:

Space optimization
By the use of technology he has used his space so efficiently that all the
amenities are there in his home.
Cost effective architecture
He has shown in his design that how a compact space can be designed so that
people can comfortably live in, thus reducing the overall cost of project.

Compact living
By his efficient design we can say that people can live in these compact spaces
without compromising or adjusting.

Cost effective through space optimization

By efficiently designing in small spaces we can reduce the project cost by
reducing the size of land one buys.

Storage solutions
With more technically advanced furniture design one can get more storage in
less space.

Up gradation of space quality through design intervention

These well designed spaces create a positive outcome on people using them , so
we can say that design intervention surly can improve the space quality.

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