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ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING – Transboundary Air Pollution - Franco DiGiovanni and Philip Fellin


Franco DiGiovanni and Philip Fellin

Airzone One Ltd., 222 Matheson Boulevard East, Mississauga Ontario, Canada

Keywords: Long range transport, acid precipitation, acid deposition, arctic haze,
persistent organic pollutants, smog, ozone, visibility, mercury, particulate matter


1. Introduction
2. Background on the atmosphere and dynamics

3. Smog
4. Acid Deposition

5. Particulate Matter
6. Mercury

7. Haze O
8. Persistent Organic Pollutants

Biographical Sketches
To cite this chapter


A broad range of pollutants have been described that share the common phenomena of

transboundary transport. It has been seen that transboundary transport occurs either
because the pollutants have very low deposition velocities (as in the case of Arctic

haze constituents or fine particulate matter (PM)), or an extended period of time is


required for the pollutant to develop from the precursor compounds (smog, acid rain)


or are chemically inert (mercury) or go through a multi-hop pathway as in the case of


persistent organic pollutants (POPs). In general, the smog and acid rain issues have
had the longest history of study and are generally better understood. More recently

issues of POPs and mercury have come to the fore, and research is in early
development, possibly because their effects are more insidious.

There are two major challenges with transboundary pollutants. The first is the
international co-operation required to deal with them. Fortunately, in recent years, the
political climate has become more attune to international co-operation to alleviate
transboundary air pollution (e.g., North American Free Trade Association –
Commission of Environmental Co-operation, rationalization of EU environmental
regulations, UN CLRTAP). Other factors aide these political decisions, which must
balance social and economic considerations against environmental, such as the
recognition of co-benefits of emissions reductions where certain pollutants have
multiple effects (e.g. NOx in acid rain and smog issues).

©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING – Transboundary Air Pollution - Franco DiGiovanni and Philip Fellin

The second challenge involves providing the appropriate data upon which reduction
decisions can be made. These data are generated by the scientific monitoring and
modeling investigations described in this paper. For transboundary pollutant
problems, the need to co-ordinate international networks of monitoring stations has
been successfully met in Europe (EMEP) and in North America (Environment Canada
1998) and modeling efforts have often been coordinated, although to a greater extent
in Europe under the EMEP Program than in North America. Given the complexity of
the vertical and horizontal structure of the atmosphere, and the large range of scales
atmospheric motion affecting transboundary air pollution, the types of complex
modeling efforts require are perhaps best accomplished by international co-operation.

1. Introduction

Pollutants emitted from natural or anthropogenic sources to the atmosphere may be

advected over distances of several to hundreds of meters (micro-scale), 1000’s of
meters to hundreds of kilometers (meso-scale) or hundreds to 1000’s of kilometers
(macro-scale) (Oke 1978). The upper end of macro-scale dispersal describes global

dispersal patterns and is also referred to as ultra-long range transport. When airborne

contaminants cross geopolitical boundaries or migrate across several geographic
zones, the pollution is designated as transboundary even if the physical distance of the
boundary from the emitting pollutant source is quite short.
Many transboundary issues trace their origin to releases from specific sources

impinging directly upon receptors in other jurisdictions. For example, a smelter in

Trail, British Columbia, released SO2 from a tall stack that impinged directly on sites

in Washington State, USA, under specific atmospheric conditions. This issue was the

subject of protracted negotiations from the 1930s to the 1950s when it was resolved by
treaty negotiated through the International Joint Commission (IJC). The “Superstack”

in Sudbury, Ontario, a 335 m chimney erected to disperse SO2 emissions from a nickel

smelter in the late 1960s, became the single largest source of SO2 emissions in North


America, initially at about 5 000 Tonnes/annum (currently reduced to less than 500
Tonnes/annum). Emissions were tracked as far as lower New York State in the USA.

Many more examples are available from all over the world of transboundary pollution

problems of this type.


Over the last thirty years or so, however, transboundary air pollution has become
synonymous with broader, more complex issues incorporating contributions from
many sources and vast regions, complex atmospheric processes and multiple chronic
effects on receptors that are more difficult to detect and define unambiguously. The
latter view of transboundary air pollution is discussed in this article drawing upon
research experiences and regulatory and environmental issues in North America,
similar work in Europe and broader international efforts including the United Nations
Environment Program.

In this paper we begin with a brief overview of atmospheric processes that affect air
pollution transport. The rest of the paper will describe the major transboundary
pollutants. Specifically, we will describe their sources, aspects of their long-range
transportation, and their deposition or incorporation into the ecosystem.

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ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING – Transboundary Air Pollution - Franco DiGiovanni and Philip Fellin

Appropriate reduction strategies require knowledge of the emissions, dispersal and

deposition processes, as well as an understanding of atmospheric processes and use of
that knowledge to identify significant sources. This knowledge and data is gained by
monitoring of atmospheric pollutants, often utilizing networks of monitoring stations,
and computer-based models of atmospheric dispersal and chemical processes that
allow prediction of the affects of suggested reduction methods. Such models require
monitoring data for validation, and thus monitoring and modeling studies are often
conducted in parallel.

To effectively manage a transboundary pollution issue, the source-receptor

relationship is an important one to elucidate. In other words, it is important to know
how much deposition at location “y” occurs as a result of emissions from location “x”
and, moreover, to understand if a linear or non-linear relationship exists between

source emissions and receptor deposition. Both these factors are crucial to applying

appropriate controls, and are especially important considerations in transboundary
transport where an appreciable disjoint may develop between variations in the
pollution emission and variations in atmospheric concentrations of the pollutants at the

receptor. It is the relationship between emissions and final deposition of the pollutant

that computer models attempt to simulate. Successful simulations allow the models to
be used in a predictive mode to assess the success of various proposed reduction
strategies. Accordingly, the last two sections of each pollutant description will
describe examples of investigative techniques and reduction strategies that may have
been implemented or are planned.

2. Background on the Atmosphere and Dynamics


When natural or anthropogenic pollutants are emitted from their source, air currents
carry the pollutants, dilute them, and expose them to varying environmental conditions

or other chemicals in the atmosphere, before the pollutants are either chemically

transformed or deposited to the earth’s surface (land or water) through dry or wet


deposition processes. Therefore, it is essential to understand the atmospheric structure

and dynamics that control these air movements. A description is given based upon

issues relevant to long-range transport.


2.1. Vertical Structure of the Earth’s Atmosphere


The vertical structure of the earth’s atmosphere is classified by the thermal gradient.
The bottom layer, where the air temperature generally decreases with increasing
altitude, is known as the troposphere. The height of the troposphere varies from
approximately 16 km over the Tropics to approximately 9 km over the Polar region.
Above the troposphere, between approximately 12 and 50 km, the stratospheric layer
contains much of the ozone that protects the earth from sun’s UV radiation.

Within the troposphere, the vertical structure is further sub-divided into the surface
layer, the planetary boundary layer (PBL) and the free atmosphere. It is within the
PBL that most of the “weather,” that affects pollutant transformation and dispersal,
occurs. The surface layer is defined as the layer with approximately constant shear
stress (a measure of the drag of the earth’s surface on the atmosphere) with increasing

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ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING – Transboundary Air Pollution - Franco DiGiovanni and Philip Fellin

height where the winds are determined by the nature of the surface and vertical
gradients of temperature. This layer may extend from 50 - 100 m above the earth’s
surface. The rest of the planetary boundary layer extends up to approximately 500 –
3000 m and is a region of transition wherein shear stresses are variable and winds are
determined by horizontal pressure gradients, Coriolis and surface friction forces and
also vertical temperature gradients. The variation of forces with increasing height
causes wind directions to vary as height increases. Above the planetary boundary
layer, the balance of the troposphere is made up by a region called the free atmosphere
where air motions are governed by the horizontal (synoptic) pressure gradients and the
Coriolis force and flow is quite laminar with winds of a high velocity.

The top of the boundary layer is marked by a temperature inversion, that is, a layer
above which environmental temperatures increase. Such a “capping” inversion

usually traps pollutants released at the earth’s surface within the boundary layer since

vertical movements are subdued. Turbulence and convective activity within the PBL
causes pollutants to be mixed within this layer. Because the height of the PBL varies,
and especially is lower at night, highly buoyant pollutants, released from an industrial

smoke stack, for example, or from other elevated point sources may penetrate the

inversion and invade the free atmosphere where the potential for long-distance
dispersal is greatly enhanced. Also, pollutants released into the nocturnal boundary
layer (NBL) can result in elevated atmospheric concentrations because there is less
depth available for dilution of the pollutant. The interested reader is directed to Stull
(1997) and Lutgens and Tarbuck (1986) for further details.

2.2. Horizontal Structure of the Earth’s Atmosphere


Wind flow over the earth’s surface is affected by phenomena of varying length and
time scales. Pollutants released into the atmosphere, and which take part in

transboundary pollution, are influenced by motions covering virtually the entire


spectrum of atmospheric motions. At the larger scales, the influences are controlled


by large scale global circulation patterns, and at the smaller scales by small scale
turbulence and air viscosity effects.

Air masses on the earth’s surface have distinct characteristics of temperature and
humidity derived from the characteristics of the surface over which it resides. As a

result, meteorologists have classified air masses according to their sources region.
Thus the Arctic air mass has characteristics derived from the Arctic region, the Polar
air mass is characteristic of temperate regions and the Tropical air mass has climatic
features typical of the Tropics. The general circulation over the earth is such that
warmer air from the topics moves towards the poles and cold air from the poles moves
towards the equator. The flow patterns are modified by the rotation of the earth, and
the three-cell meridional circulation system attributed to Rossby. Flows patterns are
illustrated in Figure 1.

The north-south limits of each of the cells mark the general boundary between the
three air masses. However, these boundaries vary seasonally. For example, the Arctic
front moves south in northern winter and north in the northern summer. These
movements are important factors affecting phenomena such as the Arctic haze and

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ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING – Transboundary Air Pollution - Franco DiGiovanni and Philip Fellin

persistent organic pollutant (POPs) influx into the Arctic region as will be described






Figure 1. A schematic representation of Rossby’s three-cell meridional scheme


(adapted from Lutgens and Tarbuck 1986)


In addition, the boundaries between air masses are usually wave-like in nature, with

the waves referred to as Rossby waves. These large scale, or planetary, waves,

ultimately spawn low pressure systems, or cyclones, which bring clouds and
precipitation. In North America, cyclogenesis predominantly occurs in the lee (east)

of the Rocky Mountains and along the east coast of North America, and generally
propagate to the east and northeast (Figure 2).

Cyclones are also centers of air convergence and result in vertical movements of air.
Cyclone development and movement of the cyclone centre obviously modifies airflow
and has a fundamental affect on pollutant transport as well as deposition.

Superimposed upon the large-scale air movements, micro-scale dispersal also occurs
with time and length scales in the order of hours and kilometers, respectively. The
relatively constant wind speeds and direction within the PBL, over these length and
time scales, allows simplifying assumptions to be made about the physics of
atmospheric dispersal that greatly ease mathematical modeling of air flow and have
prompted the development of numerous dispersal models. In the main, these are based
on Eulerian or Lagrangian modeling principles and on our understanding of the

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ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING – Transboundary Air Pollution - Franco DiGiovanni and Philip Fellin

momentum or pollutant flux relationships within the surface layer and of wind speed
variations within the rest of the boundary layer (Arya 1988, Blackadar 1997, Stull



Figure 2. Climatological summary of cyclone tracks over north America (solid lines
represent extratropical cyclones and dashed lines denote cyclones, adapted from Irving
AP 1991)

2.3. Pollutant Deposition


During transport, pollutants may undergo chemical transformation, or depletion from


the atmosphere by transfer to the earth’s surface by one of two basic mechanisms; wet

deposition, wherein pollutants are absorbed by rain, snow or fog and deposited on to

the earth’s surface (precipitation scavenging), and dry deposition, wherein the

pollutants fall or are absorbed at the earth’s surface by soil, water or vegetation


(i) Precipitation Scavenging


Particles: As water drops fall through the air they collide with pollutant particles and

collect them. The efficiency with which rain drops collect particles is a function of the
radii of the rain drops and particles and the fall speed of the rain drop (assuming the
pollutant particles have negligible vertical velocity). Integration over the size range of
rain drops and pollutant particles, together with data on rainfall rates, yields the total
amount of particulate matter that a rain event can collect and transfer to the earth
(Seinfeld 1986).

Gases: The capture of particles is assumed to be irreversible; however, gas capture by

water drops may be irreversibly or reversibly captured. The scavenging rate of an
irreversibly soluble gas is determined by the equilibrium constant between the gas-
phase and aqueous phase of the gas, as well as factors such as the droplet size, fall
velocity, concentration of the gas and height of droplet fall (Seinfeld 1986). However,

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ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING – Transboundary Air Pollution - Franco DiGiovanni and Philip Fellin

the capture rate of a reversibly absorbed gas is determined by the aqueous

concentration of the pollutant gas within the droplet as well as the scavenged gas’
vapor pressure close to the surface of the drop. Thus, the point of drop saturation must
be known or calculated to determine scavenging rate and may vary with drop and
environmental conditions (Seinfeld 1986).

(ii) Dry Deposition

Dry deposition of gases or particles is a complex process which is normally

conceptualized as being analogous to electrical or heat transfer, and occurring in three
consecutive steps:

1. the aerodynamic component, wherein substances are transferred from the

atmosphere to the deposition surface, and is largely controlled by atmospheric

turbulence and stability,
2. the surface component, wherein substances are transferred through the laminar
sub-layer surrounding objects, which is largely controlled by molecular

diffusivity, and,

3. the transfer component, wherein substances are absorbed by the surface, and
which is controlled by species solubility and/or absorptivity.
Although the laminar sub-layer surrounding objects (plant leaves, soil surface, etc.)
may be quite thin (10-1 to 10-2 cm thick), it is often a crucial step in the entire transfer

process. The strength of dry deposition is represented by the deposition velocity, vd

(units of velocity), which is a constant of proportionality between the atmospheric flux

to the surface and the concentration of a particular pollutant at some reference height.

The three components of dry deposition are combined in the form of resistances, thus

vd = (ra + rs + rt )-1


where ra is the aerodynamic resistance, rs is the surface resistance and rt is the transfer

resistance. These components are often derived theoretically or experimentally and

readers are referred to various articles (e.g., Brook et al. 1999) and texts (e.g., Seinfeld

1986) for further description.


With these concepts firmly in mind it is now useful to describe specific “pollution-
based” issues that are of concern and that can be attributed, at least in part, to
transboundary movements of pollutants.

3. Smog

3.1. Introduction

Smog is one of most well known pollutants among the general public. It occurs
mainly in urban or built-up areas and causes reduced visibility and can make breathing
difficult, even for healthy people, and can also increase susceptibility to cardio-
respiratory diseases (Burnett et al. 1995). Smog is a complex mix of pollutants

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ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING – Transboundary Air Pollution - Franco DiGiovanni and Philip Fellin

including nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), volatile organic compounds
(VOCs), particulate matter (PM) and ozone (O3), but can also contain many other
compounds. Smog issues first came to light during the famous smoke and fog (thus
“smog”) episodes in London during 1952 for which over 4000 deaths are attributed
(Wark et al. 1998), although most smog problems today are produced by
photochemical oxidants.

Ground-level (as opposed to Stratospheric) ozone is a colorless and highly irritating

gas that forms just above the earth's surface. It is called a "secondary" pollutant
because it is produced when primary pollutants undergo reactions due to
photochemically induced production of free radicals. Two primary pollutants that
strongly affect ground-level ozone are NOx and VOCs. NOx includes the gases nitric
oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and are produced mostly by burning fossil


Ozone not only affects human health, it can damage vegetation and decrease the
productivity of some crops, injure flowers and shrubs and may contribute to forest

decline (e.g., in Western Europe [Lubkert et al. 1984]) and can also cause collateral

damage to manmade materials (Seinfeld 1986). Fine particulates also cause health
problems that are described more fully in a later section.
3.2. Emissions and Transport

Smog tends to be a regional pollutant, as opposed to a global problem. An example of

a transboundary smog problem occurs in southern Ontario, Canada. About half of the

nitrogen oxides and VOCs that form smog in southern Ontario originate in the United

States Midwest and are carried by prevailing winds through the Ohio Valley
( to the north-east. But as with other transboundary pollutants, local

sources are also important. In Ontario, the largest single domestic source of smog is

vehicle emissions; about 40 per cent of ozone-forming nitrogen oxides come from this


source. Long-range transport of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN, another smog constituent)

and ozone were also reported in northern Europe (Hov 1984, Hov et al. 1986, Brice et

al. 1984). The atmospheric residence time of these pollutants is approximately of the

order of the breakdown time for the anticyclonic PBL in the mid-latitudes (2-5 days).
In this length of time, the pollutants disperse over geopolitical boundaries in Europe

and North America.

Nitrogen oxides and VOCs are also emitted by many industrial processes, including
refining and power generation. Solvents and coatings used in industrial processes
produce smog-forming VOC emissions, as do many cleaning products, paints,
pesticides and fertilizers that contain solvents. In addition, volatile organic
compounds (VOCs) are given off naturally by some vegetation especially broad leaf
trees (Finlayson-Pitts and Pitts 1986).

Fine particles are emitted directly into the air from many sources such as combustion
sources (forest fires, internal combustion engine emissions, power plants, etc.). They
are also formed in the atmosphere from the chemical reaction of gaseous pollutants,

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ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING – Transboundary Air Pollution - Franco DiGiovanni and Philip Fellin

and are thus called ‘secondary’ particles. Fine particle sources are described more
fully later.

Human activities are responsible for the increases in ground-level ozone in recent
years. About 95 per cent of nitrogen oxides from human activity come from the
burning of coal, gas and oil in motor vehicles, homes, industries and power plants.

3.3. Investigation Methods

(i) Monitoring
Networks of monitoring sites across North America measure the constituents or
indicators of urban and regional smog. Canada maintains two air-monitoring
networks which are involved in measuring smog constituents. The National Air

Pollution Surveillance (NAPS) Network is primarily an urban network, gathering

measurements on ozone, PM, SO2, CO, NOx and VOCs, with 239 air monitoring
stations across the country. The Canadian Air and Precipitation Monitoring Network
(CAPMoN), mentioned also in the acid deposition section, is a rural network with 10

air monitoring stations in Canada and one in the USA. CAPMoN locations are chosen

to ensure measurements are regionally representative and unaffected by local sources
of air pollution and so data from CAPMoN are used to assess transboundary transport
of pollutants.
In the U.S., the EPA's ambient air quality monitoring program includes measurement

of smog and smog precursors and is carried out by State and local agencies. The
program consists of three major categories of monitoring networks that measure the

criteria pollutants (including ozone and PM); State and Local Air Monitoring Stations

(SLAMS), National Air Monitoring Stations (NAMS), and Special Purpose

Monitoring Stations (SPMS). Additionally, a fourth category of a monitoring station,

the Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMS), which measure ozone


precursors (approximately 60 volatile hydrocarbons and carbonyls) have been



established under the 1990 Amendments to the US Clean Air Act (Figure 3).

In Europe, the EMEP program (Co-operative Programme for Monitoring and


Evaluation of the Long-Range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe, e.g., United

Nations 1991) ( is a co-operative program for monitoring and

evaluation of the long range transmission of air pollutants in Europe, and includes
assessing the transboundary transport of photo-oxidants. In addition, the formation of
acidifying species is included and, more recently, also persistent organic pollutants
(POPs) and heavy metals.

(ii) Modeling

Modeling of smog transport and chemistry has had a relatively long history in North
America. In the US, much developmental work has culminated in the regulatory
application of photochemical models. In particular, the US EPA has developed, and
promotes the use of, the Urban Airshed Model (UAM, Environmental Protection
Agency 1990). UAM is an urban scale, three dimensional, grid-type numerical
simulation model. The model incorporates a condensed photo-chemical kinetics

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ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING – Transboundary Air Pollution - Franco DiGiovanni and Philip Fellin

mechanism for urban atmospheres. The UAM is designed for computing O3

concentrations under short-term, episodic conditions lasting one or two days resulting
from emissions of NOX and VOCs.

Models-3 is an environmental modeling system developed by the US EPA to simulate

smog development and transport, among other pollutants. The initial version of
Models-3 contains a Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system for
urban to regional scale air quality simulation of tropospheric ozone, acid deposition,
visibility and fine particulate matter. The target grid resolutions and domain sizes for
CMAQ range spatially and temporally over several orders of magnitude.

In Europe, the EMEP program utilizes both Eulerian and Lagrangian modeling









Figure 3. Locations of Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Network in the USA

non-attainment areas. (

3.4. Reduction Actions

Within Canada, as with other airborne pollutants, provincial environment ministries

use regulations, standards and approvals to limit industrial emissions of many
pollutants, including smog precursors. Voluntary measures by industry, such as the
adoption of codes and management practices, are also utilized. A coalition of
government, business and other organizations has developed smog reduction plans
aimed at lowering emissions of nitrogen oxides and VOCs by 45% of 1990 levels by
the year 2015 (Ontario Ministry of the Environment 1998) in regions affected such as
southern Ontario. Similar actions are also being taken in the lower Fraser Valley
(Vancouver) and the Atlantic region. Other provincial initiatives include mandatory

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ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING – Transboundary Air Pollution - Franco DiGiovanni and Philip Fellin

vehicle inspection programs in Ontario (“Drive Clean”) and British Columbia,

highway patrols which issues warnings and fines to drivers of visibly polluting
vehicles, updating air quality standards and air monitoring networks, and establishing
an interim air quality criterion for fine PM.

At the federal level, mandatory emissions reporting for many substances, including
smog precursors, has been established and continually expands in terms of number of
substances reported and lowering reporting thresholds (Canada’s National Pollutant
Release Inventory web-site). Additional resources have been added to Canada’s air
pollutant monitoring networks and, in 1997, Canada initiated the first program on
smog forecasting in eastern Canada.

In June 2000, the federal government of Canada, the provinces and the territories,

except Quebec, adopted new Canada-Wide Standards (CWS) for PM and Ozone. To

meet its commitments under the CWS, resources have been allocated to implement a
NOx emission limit on the fossil fuelled electricity sector in Ontario and Quebec; and
reductions have been mandated for other emissions such as VOCs from a range of

products including paints and paint coatings, degreasing agents, solvents, printing

chemicals and cleaners.
On December 7, 2000, an agreement to reduce transboundary smog was signed
between Canada and the U. S. through the Ozone Annex under the 1991 Canada-U.S.
Air Quality Agreement. North American government agencies are also devoting

resources for modeling of transboundary flows and regional smog formation and
transport. Work is also being done to conduct regional risk analyses to characterize

major sources of smog in selected regions such as ozone non-attainment areas to


prepare for the next round of Ozone Annex negotiations in 2004. Similar issues exist
in Europe also, and are being handled in a similar manner through the European



The severest regional smog problems exist in many of the large conurbations (large
metropolitan areas with populations greater than 10,000,000) in the developing world

where vehicle populations are large, emissions regulations are either non-existent or

poorly enforced and environmental conditions are conducive to the production of

urban smog. Mexico City (Mexico), Rio DeJaneiro and Sao Paolo (Brazil), Santiago

(Chile), Caracas (Venezuela), Calcutta and New Delhi (India), Bankok (Thailand),
Jakarta (Indonesia), and Lagos (Nigeria) are among the megacities (as well as most of
southern China) identified with the most significant smog problems (Faiz et al 1990).

4. Acid Deposition

4.1. Introduction

When SO2 and NOx are released into the atmosphere (from combustion sources or
from ore smelting, for example) these compounds are oxidized to the produce acidic
compounds sulfuric and nitric acid respectively:

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ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING – Transboundary Air Pollution - Franco DiGiovanni and Philip Fellin

SO2+NOx+H2O+ O2 + oxidants → acidic compounds

Most of the atmospheric acidic species are rain scavenged and brought to earth via
precipitation causing “acid rain.” Because there may be other causes of acidity in
precipitation such as naturally occurring weak organic acids (where pH ≈ 5.6 for “non-
acidic” rain in equilibrium with CO2 in air), acid rain is defined as being precipitation
with pH of less than 5.0 (Seinfeld 1986). The effects of increased acidic deposition to
soil, plants and water bodies has been extensively documented in North America (e.g.,
Irving 1991) and in Europe (Overrein 1972, Overrein et al. 1980).

4.2. Emissions and Transport

In North America, predominant sources of SO2 are in the USA in states to the south of

Lake Erie (Figure 4) with effects felt in north-eastern USA and in south-eastern

Canada. In 1995, the estimated transboundary flow of SO2 from the USA to Canada
was between 3.5 – 4.2 millions of tonnes per year (Meteorological Service of Canada
web-site Studies by the Canadian

Meteorological Service indicate that some regions in eastern Canada received

deposition amounts in excess of the target loading of 20 kg ha-1 yr-1 for SO42- wet
deposition (target loading = loading above which significant ecological effects are
encountered). For both SO2 and NOx, studies in eastern Canada also indicate that
those regions receive a disproportionate amount of sulfate and nitrate deposition
compared to local emissions (Environment Canada 1997a). NOx sources include the

transportation sector and industrial combustion sources. In Canada, the transportation

sector accounts for 60% of NOx emissions (

Both SO2 and NOx compounds are also emitted naturally. Natural sources of sulfur,
eventually forming acidic species, are predominantly water bodies (seas, lakes, etc.).

Overall, biogenic sources of sulfur are a minor constituent of acidic sulfur in the

atmosphere in North America. In Ontario, for example, biogenic sources are thought

to contribute approximately 5-8% to ambient excess SO42-, but may be significant


locally (Environment Canada 1997a) and especially so for other parts of the earth. In
terms of biogenic emissions, the primary NOx species, NO, is released as a result of

bacterial activity in the upper few centimeters of soil (Finlayson-Pitts and Pitts 1986).

Emissions (for SO2) and acid precipitation effects across North America are illustrated
in Figure 4.

Despite the popular term “rain,” a significant portion of the acidic species that are
adsorbed by the earth’s surface may be deposited via dry deposition (Brook et al.
1999) and also by fog, especially at higher elevations (Environment Canada 1997a).
Dry deposition has been found to be especially important for nitrate deposition
(Environment Canada 1997a). Because of a number of factors (location and height of
release of the precursor chemicals, rate of chemical reaction, etc.) acid deposition
effects can be measured many thousands of kilometers from the source region, making
this pollutant a transboundary issue both in Europe and in North America. The

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ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING – Transboundary Air Pollution - Franco DiGiovanni and Philip Fellin

pathways by which these acidic species are formed, transported and deposited are
shown in Figure 5.






Figure 4. Sulfur dioxide emissions in North America in 1980 and precipitation-


weighted mean pH in 1980 (adapted from Seinfeld 1986).


4.3. Investigative Methods



(i) Monitoring

Acid deposition and airborne concentration of species is monitored by well established


networks of samplers. In Canada, the national network is called CAPMoN (Canadian

Air and Precipitation Monitoring Network). This network is operated by the

Meteorological Service of Canada in order to study the regional patterns and trends of
acid rain, air and precipitation chemistry. CAPMoN measures wet deposition (rain or
snow) and (inferential) dry deposition, as well as the ambient concentrations of acid
forming gases and particles. Inferential dry deposition estimates are obtained by
modeling vd and using that estimate, together with measured concentrations, to
estimate fluxes to the earth’s surface (e.g., Brooks et al. 1997a). The network began
operating in mid-1983. Currently, there are 10 air and precipitation CAPMoN sites
across Canada.

In the USA, the National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) and the Clean Air
Status and Trends Network (CASTNet) were developed to monitor wet and dry acid
deposition, respectively. CASTNet was established in 1991 to measure various air

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ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING – Transboundary Air Pollution - Franco DiGiovanni and Philip Fellin

pollutants including those involved in acid deposition. CASTNet estimates dry

deposition inferentially using the Multi-Layer Model (Myers et al. 1998). In 1998
CASTNet included measurements of precipitation chemistry, ozone concentrations,
aerosols and visibility-related parameters at 79 primarily rural sites.

In Europe, the EMEP program includes measurement of ambient and precipitated

acidifying species.







Figure 5. Atmospheric paths leading to acid deposition (adapted from Seinfeld 1986).


(ii) Modeling

Numerous models have been developed over the years to investigate acidic deposition.

Models have been developed that include both the physical transport of the precursor
species as well as including effects of dry and wet deposition in order to determine

source-receptor relationships. In Canada, two different long-range transport and

transformation models have been used by the federal government to investigate acid
deposition issues. The first is the LRTAP model (Environment Canada 1997a) which
is a one-and-a-half layer Lagrangian model with linear chemistry and month-
dependent process parameterization coefficients. This model has been used in the
investigation of acid rain issues in several studies, including (i) transboundary flux of
acidifying species in Alberta, Canada (Environment Canada 1997a), (ii) to help locate
monitoring stations for the CAPMoN program in appropriate locations, and also, (iii)
to estimate the effects of control legislation in Canada and the USA (Environment
Canada 1997b). In addition, the Canadian government has also developed the
Integrated Assessment Model (Environment Canada 1997a), which links transport

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models, such as LRTAP, with emissions and effects models to assess control and
damage costs (Environment Canada 1997a).

The second model is the Acid Deposition and Oxidant Model (ADOM, Venkatram et
al. 1988) which was also developed, in part, by the Canadian government, and is an
Eulerian model with (more realistic) non-linear chemical transformation modeling. A
similar Eulerian model has also been developed by USA agencies; the Regional Acid
Deposition Model (RADM, Chang et al. 1987). These two models have been
compared during validation field tests (Environment Canada 1997a).

Transboundary fluxes in Europe and import/export budgets for oxidized sulfur (SOx),
NOx and reduced nitrogen (NHx) are computed with the EMEP Eulerian Acid
Deposition Model. Transboundary fluxes are also available for years from 1985

through 1996 computed with the EMEP Lagrangian Acid Deposition Model (see

EMEP web-site, and Tsyro 1998a, b).

4.4. Reduction Actions


In Canada new regulations were initiated in 1985 as part of the Eastern Canada Acid
Rain Program which committed Canada to cap SO2 emissions in the seven provinces
from Manitoba eastward at 2.3 million tonnes by 1994, a 40% reduction from 1980
levels. By 1994, all seven provinces had achieved or exceeded their targets. In 1997,
emissions in eastern Canada totalled just 1.75 million tonnes — 24% below the 2.3-

million tonne cap and a 54% reduction from 1980 levels (Environment Canada 1998).
The Federal government has signed the Canada-Wide Acid Rain Strategy for Post-

2000, and is currently working in collaboration with the provinces and territories on its

implementation. The Strategy calls for new emission reduction targets in eastern
Canada, pursuing emission reduction commitments from the USA, ensuring the

adequacy of acid rain science and monitoring, and minimizing growth in emissions.

In addition, the government of Canada is reducing sulfur in gasoline through



regulations that require reductions across Canada to 150 parts per million (ppm) by
2002 and 30 ppm starting in 2005 (Environment Canada 1998). Moreover, the

Canadian government has announced its intention to further reduce sulfur in diesel to

15 ppm by 2006 in line with similar requirements for diesel sold in the United States.
So far, Canadian NOX emissions have declined slightly, from 2.1 million tonnes in

1990 to 2.0 million tonnes in 1995. This is largely a result of industrial process
changes, retrofitting of fossil-fuelled power plants, and provincial and federal
programs targeting mobile sources (Environment Canada 1998).

Internationally, under Article V of the Canada-U.S. Air Quality Agreement, Canada

and the USA are obligated to notify the each other of any proposed actions, activities
or projects which, if carried out, would be likely to cause significant transboundary air
The US EPA's Acid Rain Program limits, or "caps," SO2 emissions from power plants
at 8.95 million tons annually and allows those plants to trade SO2 allowances.
Interested readers are directed to the US EPA web-site for the most up-to-date

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5. Particulate Matter

5.1. Introduction

Issues of particulate matter (PM) as an air pollutant are also mentioned as part of the
discussion on Arctic haze and smog issues. However, it can also constitute a health
issue by itself.

Airborne particles cover a range of sizes, from the sub-micron to sizes of the order of
100 μm (1/10th of a millimeter). However, from a human health point of view, the
particles of greatest concern are those inhaled. Because of the physics of particle flow
and deposition, only those particles with an aerodynamic diameter (Reist 1984) less
than 10 μm (PM10), or “fine” PM, enter the respiratory system and those less than 2.5

micrometers in size (PM2.5, a “sub-set” of PM10) are responsible for causing the

greatest harm to human health. PM10 particles generally affect the upper respiratory
system and PM2.5 can be inhaled deep into the lungs reaching areas where the lung

cells replenish the blood with oxygen. Breathing problems, respiratory symptoms,
irritation, inflammation and damage to the lungs and premature deaths have been

attributed to fine PM. However, many of these attributions are based on population-
based statistical (epidemiological) studies and there are some disputations over the
linkages between outdoor ambient fine PM and health effects (Vedal 1997).
Nonetheless, governments in north America have proceeded with establishing air
quality standards for PM10 and PM2.5.

5.2. Emission and Transport


Some PM2.5 are released directly to the atmosphere from industrial smokestacks and
automobile tailpipes, but a large percentage are formed in the atmosphere from other

pollutants such as SO2, NOx and VOCs producing secondary particulates. Sources of

these other pollutants have been mentioned in other sections. These compounds tend


to combine to form particles under particular atmospheric conditions (Seinfeld 1986).


While some of the PM10 are generated naturally by sea salt spray, wind and wave

erosion, volcanic dust, windblown soil and micro-organisms, they are also produced
by human activities, such as construction, demolition, mining, road dust, tire wear and

grinding processes of soil, rocks, or metals. Many of the sources, especially the
natural sources of fine PM, are not well characterized (Ontario Ministry of the
Environment 1999). In particular, primary bioaerosols (micro-organisms, e.g., pollen
and fungal spores) have been recognized as health threat for a number of years (see
journals Grana and Aerobiologia), but linkages to the PM issue were not made until
recently (e.g., Stieb et al. 2000).
Because secondary aerosols can be produced over a period of several days, and
because fine PM in general has low dry deposition velocities, dispersal must be
considered over regional scales, and to a lesser degree, over continental scales making
transport of this pollutant a transboundary issue. Locally, high concentrations can
occur over urban areas due to primary particulate and precursor gas emissions over the

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5.3. Investigation Methods

(i) Monitoring

Networks of samplers for PM10 are relatively well established in North America. In
Canada, the NAPS network, mentioned in an earlier section, provides data on PM10
and PM2.5 (e.g., Brook et al. 1997b). Within the Province of Ontario, the provincial
Ministry of the Environment has installed 23 TEOM (Tapered Element Oscillating
Microbalance) samplers to provide continuous, hourly measurements of PM10. In the
U.S., the EPA monitors progress of the individual States in meeting air quality
standards by measuring concentrations of criteria pollutants. The U.S. Clean Air Act
requires every State to establish a network of air monitoring stations for these
pollutants (including PM10), using criteria set by the EPA for their location and

operation (previously mentioned SLAMS network). Each State must provide the US

EPA with an annual summary of monitoring results at each SLAMS monitor. This
information is summarized in the Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS)
available at the EPA web-site. In addition, PM data is collected by the US IMPROVE

network (Beveridge 1999) established primarily to investigate haze issues.

In Europe, The EMEP network was expanded to include PM measurements as a result
of international assessments of health risks imposed by transboundary PM dispersal
(e.g., WHO-EMEP 1999). AP

(ii) Modeling

Primary PM can, and has, been modeled using many of the mesoscale dispersal

models currently in use, since it requires only considerations of passive dispersal. On

the other hand, secondary PM requires the use of chemistry “modules” that simulate

the reactions required for PM formation. A number of models with chemistry modules

are under development, among those being the Canadian Meteorological Service’s


Chemical Tracer Model (CTM; Environment Canada 1997a). Other efforts in Canada
are based on incorporating aerosol modules and modifying acid deposition/oxidant

models (Ontario Ministry of the Environment 1999).


In the U.S., a number of models are used to simulate pollution episodes, especially for

the California situation (references in Ontario Ministry of the Environment 1999,

p.II.4-5). It is possible to estimate annual averages by running episodic models for a
number of representative meteorological conditions and uses climatology to
extrapolate to longer term averages. The Community Multiscale model within Models
3 ( treats aerosol transport and formation, and the U.S. EPA is funding
an upgrade of the Urban Airshed Model (UAM) to include an aerosol module.

In Europe, the EMEP Program has utilized both Eulerian and Lagrangian models to
investigate PM.

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5.4. Reduction Actions

In May of 2000, based on scientific recommendations, Canada's Minister of

Environment and Minister of Health announced their intention to declare PM10 toxic
under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA, Government of Canada
1999). Under CEPA, key industrial sectors in Canada are required to set emission
reduction targets and timetables to meet those targets. In addition, a Canada-wide
Standard for PM2.5 of 30 µg m-3 (24 hour averaging time), to be achieved by year
2010, was ratified by the Federal and Provincial governments. A wide range of
actions to reduce emissions from vehicles, products and industry will have to be
implemented to meet the Standard. Some of these, like vehicles and fuels, will be
carried out by the federal government of Canada. Others, such as emission reductions
from certain existing industrial sources, will be undertaken by provinces and

territories. Emission reductions from a limited number of major industrial sectors that

are of interest nationally will be achieved through joint efforts by the
provinces/territories and the Government of Canada (

In 1997, the U.S. EPA added two new PM2.5 standards, set at 15 μg m-3 and 65 µg m-

, for the annual and 24-hour standards, respectively. The US EPA is beginning to
collect data on PM2.5 concentrations, and beginning in 2002 based on 3 years of
monitor data, EPA will designate areas that do not meet the new PM2.5 standards as
non-attainment. AP

6. Mercury

6.1. Introduction

Mercury is a naturally occurring element that is present throughout the environment


and in plants and animals. Human activities have increased the amount of mercury

that is currently cycling in the atmosphere, in soils, and in lakes, streams and the


oceans. Mercury concentrations in air are usually low and of little direct concern, but

when mercury enters water, biological processes transform it to a very toxic and
bioaccumulative form, known as methylmercury that builds up in fish and animals that

eat fish. People are exposed to mercury primarily by eating fish

( Mercury vapor is chemically relatively

inert and is therefore transported globally, becoming an international pollution issue

and an ultra-long dispersal phenomenon. This explains it’s inclusion in the UN
Protocol on heavy metals in the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air
Pollution (CLRTAP).

6.2. Emissions and Transport

Approximately 2000 tonnes of mercury are released globally to the air through man’s
activities each year. Based on 1990 estimates, the USA released approximately 300
tonnes while Canada released some 30 tonnes. Through regulations and voluntary
efforts by the major industrial sectors, Canada has reduced mercury emissions in
excess of 50% since 1988 (

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In Canada, airborne mercury is emitted mainly from base metal smelting plants and
incinerators (Schroeder and Munthe 1998). In the USA, based on EPA’s National
Toxics Inventory, the highest emitters of mercury to the air include coal-burning
power plants, municipal waste combustors, medical waste incinerators and hazardous
waste combustors (

In the atmosphere, mercury is transported by wind either as a vapor or as particles.

Mercury reaches waters either through direct deposition or as run-off from soil after
rain (Environmental Protection Agency 2000). Mercury deposition can occur very
close to the source or, depending on the chemical form in which it is emitted, it can be
transported great distances across international borders (Environmental Protection
Agency 2000). The highest deposition rates in the USA occur in the southern Great
Lakes, the Ohio Valley, the northeast and scattered areas in the southeast.

Approximately 60 percent of the mercury deposition that occurs in the USA comes

from domestic man-made sources of pollution. The remaining 40 percent comes from
man-made sources located outside of the USA, re-emitted mercury from historic USA
sources, and natural sources. Approximately two-thirds of USA emissions are

transported outside their borders (

In Europe, heavy metal (including mercury) dispersion investigations have been
promoted by the CLRTAP Protocol on heavy metals. The Meteorological
Synthesising Centre – East section of EMEP coordinates investigations into heavy
metals. The organization’s web-site ( provides a description of

natural and anthropogenic emissions with further references.


6.3. Investigation Methods


(i) Monitoring

In Canada, total ambient mercury is measured on a continuous basis at 11 sites across



the country ( Precipitation mercury

measurements are taken at a sub-set of these sites (Kellerhals et al. 2000). In the US,

mercury wet deposition is measured at a sub-set (over 50 in year 2000) of the NADP

sampling sites, and is called the Mercury Deposition Network (Sweet and Prestbo
1999). In Europe, the EMEP Chemical Coordinating Centre coordinates Mercury

measurements in ambient air and precipitation.

(ii) Modeling

Long range transport modeling has been undertaken in the USA to estimate the
regional and national impacts of mercury emissions, based on the atmospheric
chemistry of emitted elemental mercury (Petersen et al. 1995). The long range
transport of mercury was modeled using the Regional Lagrangian Model of Air
Pollution (RELMAP) atmospheric model (Environmental Protection Agency 1997)
applied to cumulative mercury emissions from multiple mercury emission sources.
The results of the RELMAP modeling were combined with a local scale atmospheric
model (US EPA’s ISC3) to assess average annual atmospheric mercury concentrations

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in air and annual deposition rates from selected, individual sources (Environmental
Protection Agency 1997).

In Europe, efforts have also been recently made in modeling mercury transport and
deposition under the EMEP program (Kallweit et al. 1998, 1999).

6.4. Reduction Actions

Within Canada federal, provincial and territorial governments have agreed (Canadian
Council of Ministers of the Environment, Quebec City, June 2000) to ratify a Canada-
wide Standard on mercury, paralleling similar actions in the USA Additional Canada-
wide Standards were also accepted in principle to reduce emissions of mercury in
fluorescent lamps and dental amalgam wastes. Canada continues its implementation

of mercury management options under the Canada/United States Great Lakes Bi-

national Toxics Strategy in order to virtually eliminate mercury from human activities
around the Great Lakes. In addition, Canada has signed and ratified the United
Nations Protocol on heavy metals under CLRTAP, obliging Canada to control

emissions of mercury, cadmium and lead from major stationary sources and some

products. Finally, the signing of the Phase II North American Regional Action Plan
on Mercury by Canada, the USA and Mexico under the North American Commission
for Environmental Co-operation on June 12, 2000, will assist in investigating and
remediating the effects of this pollutant.

The USA government has announced that it will regulate mercury emissions from
power plants. The regulations are expected by 2004. The US EPA has also issued

regulations covering significant emitters that are said to reduce mercury emissions by

50% compared to 1990 levels ( In addition,

USA’s industrial demand for mercury dropped 75 percent from 1988 to 1997. The

drop can be attributed to a number of actions including: federal bans on mercury


additives in paint and pesticides; industry efforts to reduce mercury in batteries;



increasing state regulation of mercury emissions and mercury in products; state-

mandated recycling programs; and, voluntary actions by industry.

7. Haze

7.1. Introduction

Haze is the phenomenon of reduced visibility; in this section we concentrate in haze

issues on the Arctic, but issues of haze formation also occur in many major cities and
regions worldwide as a result of either local or imported transboundary pollution
emissions. The US National Parks Service has identified visibility impairment related
to haze formation as a major issue and has devoted considerable resources to its
measurement and control.

Arctic haze has been found to consist largely of a collection of acidic sulfur
compounds, black carbon, metals and some organics. The major problem associated
with this haze is the associated health and ecosystem effects, rather than the loss of

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visibility per se (compared to the US National Parks haze issue). A sub-set of

associated pollutants, the persistent organic pollutants (POPs), have a sufficiently
different transport mechanism and source region to warrant separate discussion.
However, this section will describe the general transport mechanisms for haze and
most air pollutants into the Arctic.

7.2. Emissions and Transport

Most contaminants are transported to the Arctic by air currents from parts of Asia,
Europe and North America. Transport by air currents is the most important pollutant
pathway into the Arctic (Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program 1998). Long-
range transport of soot and sulfates into the Arctic occurs predominantly during the
winter and spring period. This is caused by an intense high-pressure system which

develops over Siberia pushing the Arctic air mass far to the south, so that areas of

Eurasia, with high pollutant emissions, are within the Arctic air mass. Once released
into the Arctic air mass, they disperse towards the pole (Figure 6).









Figure 6. The mean circulation of the lower atmosphere during January and July as
depicted by mean streamlines of the resultant winds (from Arctic Monitoring and
Assessment Program 1998).

The transport of contaminants during the Arctic winter is aided by low rates of
precipitation scavenging in the relative absence of clouds over the areas dominated by
high-pressure systems. In addition, low wind speeds and temperature inversions,
caused by the cold winter weather, allow contaminants to accumulate in the
atmosphere. Added to this, dry deposition rates tend to be low for air pollutant routes
to the Arctic due to sparse vegetation and the general occurrence of surfaces of low
pollutant absorbance. Finally, the relatively low amounts of sunlight, which would
otherwise provide energy for the chemical transformation of these pollutants, provides

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conditions highly conducive to long-range pollutant transport. In contrast the haze

issue in US National Parks is caused primarily from secondary PM formation (Wark et
al 1998) and carbonaceous primary particles.

Sources in North America and East Asia are not thought to provide major
contributions to air pollution into the Arctic due the path of the air trajectories (Arctic
Monitoring and Assessment Program 1998 and Figure 6). From these regions, air
usually passes over large stretches of ocean where rain and snow cause marked
precipitation scavenging. However, occasional “bursts” of pollution are thought to
originate from these areas (Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program 1998).

The heavy metals that occur in Arctic haze, such as mercury, cadmium and lead, are
present naturally in rocks and soil. Generally, human activities, such as mining,

smelting and coal-burning power generation, release these metals to the environment

(Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program 1998). Smelter emissions from non-
ferrous metal production from sulfur-bearing ores cause the largest emissions of
acidifying substances within the Arctic (Figure 7).


Most smelter emissions come from the Nikel, Zapolyarnyy, and Monchegorsk
complexes on the Kola Peninsula and from Norilsk in northwestern Siberia. In
addition, these complexes tend to have lower levels of pollution control causing
emissions to be extremely high (Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program 1998).

7.3. Investigative Methods


(i) Monitoring

The Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP) is an international

organization established to implement components of the Arctic Environmental

Protection Strategy (AEPS) and is now a program group of the Arctic Council. The

monitoring work within AMAP is based on existing national and international



monitoring and research programs. Monitoring projects are carried out within each of
the eight Arctic countries, and across borders under bilateral and multilateral

agreements. In Canada, the Northern Contaminants Program co-ordinates air


sampling at the three Canadian sites (Alert and Cape Dorset, both in the Territory of
Nunavut, and Tagish in the Yukon Territory). In Russia, monitoring is, or has been,

conducted at Dunai, in eastern Siberia, and Amderma, in the European Arctic region.
Norway has also conducted monitoring near Spitzbergen.

(ii) Modeling

Most pollutants making-up Arctic haze are described as one-hop compounds; that is,
once deposited, or incorporated into the ecosystem they are not re-entrained into the
atmosphere. For these compounds, three-dimensional numerical models have been
applied and are described in Gregor et al. (1998)

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Figure 7. An illustration of the interplay between a) contaminant emissions

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distribution for sulfur dioxide and b) frequency of atmospheric south-to-north

transport, yielding c) a net annual input of sulfur to the Arctic as a function of
longitude that favors Eurasian sources in the winter half of the year. This contaminant
has a one-hop pathway in contrast to more volatile persistent organochlorines, PAHs,
and mercury. (Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program 1998)

7.4. Reduction Actions

Signatory countries to the CLRTAP have committed to reductions in emissions and

transboundary fluxes of many of the pollutants resulting in arctic haze under a number
of Convention Protocols. The need for further protocols on heavy metals and POPs
has been encouraged by Arctic countries and led to the conclusion of negotiations on
these two sets of pollutants in February of 1998 (

Many of the Arctic countries have reduced emissions for various pollutants included
in Arctic haze, sometimes driven by other issues (e.g., acid precipitation) at local or
international levels, thus deriving “co-benefits” from respective reduction programs.

In addition, organizations such as the Canadian International Development Agency

have funded projects in the Russian Arctic to aid emissions reductions.

8. Persistent Organic Pollutants

8.1. Introduction

Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are highly toxic chemicals that are not easily

broken down or converted in the environment. Outside of the Arctic, sources exist for

a number of POPs; the main contaminants of concern include eight pesticides (aldrin,
chlordane, DDT, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, mirex, and toxaphene), two industrial

chemicals (PCBs and hexachlorobenzene, which is also a pesticide), and two


unwanted by-products of combustion and industrial processes (dioxins and furans).



Once deposited and incorporated into living tissues, these pollutants bioaccumulate,
having long-term toxic effects (Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program 1998).

8.2. Emissions and Transport


Generally, POPs are emitted from sources outside of the Arctic region and follow the
same pathways into Arctic as for Arctic haze. However, their travels are interrupted
by a number of step-wise occurrences of deposition, followed by re-entrainment into
the atmosphere. Deposition can occur by condensation, adsorption or adherence into
or on various substances. This multi-hop pathway, the so-called “Grasshopper” effect,
together with their relative chemical inertness, causes these substances to be
distributed globally. At some point in their journey, the winds are likely to carry them
into the Arctic, where the cold climate and low evaporation rates trap POPs within the
Arctic region. POP compounds have, until recently, been widely used as pesticides in
poorer countries, but have been banned from use in richer countries.

There are local sources of contaminants in the Arctic, such as mines and former
military sites. However, these sources cannot account for all the types of

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contaminants or the wide geographic distribution of contaminants found there. Within

the Canadian Arctic, PCBs from decommissioned DEW (Distant Early Warning) Line
sites are thought to be sources, and dioxins/furans from smelters in Norway are
examples of identified sources of POPs within the Arctic; other such sources probably
exist but are presently unknown.

8.3. Investigation Methods

(i) Monitoring

Measurements of airborne POPs are carried out at the same measurement stations as
for Arctic haze, and were described under that section.

(ii) Modeling

Models for multi-hop compounds are much more complex than for single-hop
compounds. In addition to the meteorology, multi-hop models also need to simulate

how the contaminant moves between different environmental media, such as the

atmosphere, the land, and the ocean. The dispersal domain is compartmentalized in
order to simulate varying meteorological and climactic conditions encountered by the
moving pollutant, with each compartment including atmospheric, land and water
layers. Two models have been applied to orgnao-chlorines; the Bergen and Toronto
models, which have also been combined (Gregor et al. 1998).

8.4. Reduction Actions


In November 1996, the Executive Body for the CLRTAP moved negotiations forward
on a protocol for POPs. The final draft text was signed on December 10, 2000 by

Canada and 122 other countries. In its Federal budget for 2000, Canada committed

$20 million over the next five years to projects that will help developing countries,


and countries with economies in transition, to reduce or eliminate the release of POPs.
The final text of the POPs Convention will go forward for formal approval, signature

and ratification in Stockholm, Sweden, in May 2001.


As part of that accord, most of the 12 POPs are subject to an immediate ban.

However, a health-related exemption has been granted for DDT, which is still needed
in many countries to control malarial mosquitoes ( Also in the case of
PCBs, which have been widely used in electrical transformers and other equipment,
governments may maintain existing equipment in a way that prevents leaks until 2025
to give them time to arrange for PCB-free replacements. In addition, a number of
country-specific and time-limited exemptions have been agreed for other chemicals.
Governments agree to reduce releases of furans and dioxins, which are accidental by-
products and thus more difficult to control, "with the goal of their continuing
minimization and, where feasible, ultimate elimination."


AEPS: Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy

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Allowances: in reference to pollutant emissions, the (positive) differences

between a facility’s emissions and their allowable caps
AMAP: Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program
Anthropogenic: of human origin
Atmospheric the preponderance of the atmosphere to enhance or suppress
stability: turbulence and vertical motions
Bioacummulative: to accumulate in a biological system. However, it is commonly
taken to measure the uptake over time of toxic substances that
can stay in a biological system
CAPMoN: Canadian Air and Precipitation Monitoring Network (Canada)
CASTNet: Clean Air Status and Trends Network (USA)
CLRTAP: (UN) Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution

CMAQ: Community Multiscale Air Quality modeling system for urban
to regional scale air quality simulation of tropospheric ozone

Coriolis (force): imaginary force required to divert the movement of air parcels
over a flat surface to correctly simulate the effect of the

O rotation of the curved earth’s surface
Cyclogenesis: the formation of low pressure zones (cyclones)

DDT: Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane is an organochlorine
insecticide used to control mosquitoes and other insects
EMEP: AP Co-operative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the
Long-Range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe
European Union

Eulerian: a fixed frame of reference to track the movement of pollutants

Free radicals: pollutant molecules or atoms with unpaired electrons, thus

highly reactive

Lagrangian: a moving frame of reference to track the movement of


NAMS: National Air Monitoring Stations (USA)


NADP: National Atmospheric Deposition Program (US)


NAPS: National Air Pollution Surveillance Network (Canada)


Non-attainment State in the USA deemed not to have yet attained national air
area: quality objectives

PAHs: polyaromatic hydrocarbons

PAMS: Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (USA)

ppm (Parts per concentration unit based upon dimensionless volume fraction
million): of pollutant
PCBs: Polychlorinated Biphenyls
Photochemical atmospheric pollutants that involved in smog reactions
oxidants: (formation and so forth)
POPs: persistent organic pollutants
Primary pollutants: pollutants released directly from humanmade or natural sources

SLAMS: State and Local Air Monitoring Stations (USA)

SPMS: Special Purpose Monitoring Stations (USA)
(US) EPA: (USA) Environmental Protection Agency

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Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program 1998. AMAP Assessment Report: Arctic Pollution Issues.
Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP), Oslo, Norway. [Major international report
describing arctic pollution issues.]
Ayra, S.P. 1988. Introduction to Micrometeorology. Academic Press, San Diego, CA USA. [A good
introductory text to micrometeorology.]
Beveridge, P. 1999. IMPROVE Particulate Monitoring Network Procedures for Site Selection. Crocker
Nuclear Laboratory, University of California (available from OR [A description of
site selection procedures for the IMPROVE network.]
Blackadaar, A.K. 1997. Turbulence and Diffusion in the Atmosphere. Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
Heidelberg, New York. [A good introductory text to micrometeorology.]
Brice, K.A., Penkett, S.A., Atkins, D.A.F., Sandalls, F.J., Bamber, D.J., Tuck, A.F. and Vaugham, G.

1984. Atmospheric measurements of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) in rural south-east England: Seasonal

variations winter photochemistry and long-range transport. Atmos. Environ. 18: 2691-2702. [A paper
on PAN measurements.]
Brook, J.R., Di-Giovanni, F., Cakmak, S., Meyers, T.P. 1997a. Estimation of dry deposition velocity

using inferential models and site-specific meteorology: Uncertainty due to siting of meteorological
towers. Atmos. Environ. 31(23): 3911-3919. [A paper on site-to-site variability of estimated dry

deposition velocities.]
Brook, J.R., Dann, T.F. and Burnett, R.T. 1997b. The relationship among TSP, PM10, PM2.5, and
inorganic constituents of atmopsheric particulate matter at multiple Canadian locations. J. Air & Waste
Manage. 47: 2-19. [A survey paper on airborne measurements of particulate matter in Canada.]

Brook J., Zhang L., Di-Giovanni, F. and Padro J. 1999. Description and evaluation of a model of
deposition velocities for routine estimates of air pollutant dry deposition over North America. Part I.

Model development. Atmos. Environ. 33: 5037-5052. [A paper on a major regional deposition model
developed for eastern North America.]

Burnett, R.T., Dales, R., Krewski, D., Vincent, R., Dann, T. and Brook, J.R. 1995. Associations
between ambient particulate sulphate and admissions to Ontario hospitals for cardiac and respiratory

diseases. Am. J. Epidemiol. 142: 15-22. [A paper on links between health effects and ambient

particulate matter levels.]



Chang, J.S., Brost, R.A., Isaksen, I.S.A., Madronich, S. Middleton, P., Stockwell, W.R. and Walcek,
C.J. 1987. A three-dimensional Eulerian acid deposition model: physical concepts and formulation. J.

Geophys. Res. 92: 14681-14700. [A paper on the technical background behind a regional acid
deposition model.]

Environment Canada 1997a. 1997 Canadian Acid Rain Assessment, V. II: Atmospheric Science
Assessment Report. Environment Canada, Downsview, Ontario, Canada. [A major assessment report

on the state of knowledge on acid rain in Canada.]

Environment Canada, 1997b. Modelling of ground-level ozone in the Windsor–Québec City Corridor
and in the Southern Atlantic Region. Report of the Windsor–Québec City Corridor and Southern
Atlantic Region Modelling and Measurement Working Group. ISBN 1-896997-06-6. [A report on
zone modeling application in southern Ontario, Canada.]
Environment Canada 1998. Canada-United States Air Quality Agreement: 1998 Progress Report.
Available from the International Joint Commission ( OR [Progress report on the International Agreement between Canada and
the USA on transboundary air pollution.]
Environmental Protection Agency, 1990. User’s Guide for the Urban Airshed Model, Volume I–VIII.
EPA Publication Nos. EPA–450/4–90–007a–c, d(R), e-g, and EPA–454/B–93–004, respectively. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC (NTIS Nos. PB 91–131227, PB 91–

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ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING – Transboundary Air Pollution - Franco DiGiovanni and Philip Fellin

131235, PB 91–131243, PB 93–122380, PB 91–131268, PB 92–145382, and PB 92–224849,

respectively, for Vols. I–VII). [User’s guide for an air pollution model.]
Environmental Protection Agency. 1997. Mercury Study Report to Congress, Volume III: Fate and
Transport of Mercury in the Environment. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
Air Quality, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711, Report EPA-452/R-97-005. [A report to the US
Congress on the transport of Mercury in the environment.]
Environmental Protection Agency 2000. Deposition of Air Pollutants to the Great Waters: Third Report
to Congress. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality, Research Triangle
Park, NC 27711, Report EPA-453/R-00-005. [A report to the US Congress on the deposition of air
pollutants to the Great Lakes.]
Faiz, A., Sinha, K., Walsh, M. and Varma, A. 1990. Automotive Air Pollution: Issues and Options for
Developing Countries. The World Bank, August 1990, WPS 492. [A report by the World Bank on air
pollution issues caused by automobiles.]

Finlayson-Pitts, B.J. and Pitts, J.N. Jr. 1986. Atmospheric Chemistry: Fundamentals and Experimental
Techniques. Wiley-Interscience, Toronto. [A good introductory text on atmospheric chemistry.]

Government of Canada 1999. Canadian Environmental Protection Act. Available at [A copy of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act.]

Gregor, D.J., Loeng, H. and Barrie, L. 1998. The Influence of Physical and Chemical Processes on
Contaminant Transport into and within the Arctic. In: Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program

1998. Chapter 3, pp. 25-116, AMAP Assessment Report: Arctic Pollution Issues. Arctic Monitoring
and Assessment Program (AMAP), Oslo, Norway. [Part of the AMAP report describing the physical
and chemical processes affecting transport within the arctic.]
Hov, O. 1984. Modelling of the long-range transport of peroxyacetyl nitrate to Scandinavia. J. Atmos.
Chem. 1: 187-202. [A paper on modeling long-distance PAN movement in Scandinavia.]

Hov, O. Becker, K.H., Builtjes, P. Cox, R.A. and Kley, D. 1986. Evaluation of Photooxidants-Precursor

Relationship in Europe. CEC, Brussels, AP/60/87. Air Pollut. Res. Rep. 1. [A report on photo-oxidant
precursors in Europe.]

Irving, P.M. 1991. Acidic Deposition: State of the Science and Technology. Volume I: Emissions,
Atmospheric Processes, and Deposition. The US National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program,

NAPAP Office of the Director, Washington DC, USA. [A major US assessment report on the state of

the science on acid rain as it stood in the early 1990’s.]



Kallweit D., Loblich K. and Ihie, P. 1998. Niederschlagsanalysen 1997. Depositionsmessnetz des
Umweltbundesamtes. Das jahrliche Bericht von Institut fur Energetik und Umwelt. Leipzig, Germany.

[A report on mercury deposition modeling under the EMEP program.]


Kallweit D., Loblich K. and Ihie, P. 1999. Niederschlagsanalysen 1998. Depositionsmessnetz des
Umweltbundesamtes. Das jahrliche Bericht von Institut fur Energetik und Umwelt. Leipzig, Germany.
[A report on mercury deposition modeling under the EMEP program.]

Kellerhals, M., S. Beauchamp, W. Belzer, P. Blanchard, F. Froude, B. Harvey, K. McDonald, M.

Pilote, L. Poissant, K. Puckett, W.H. Schroeder, A. Steffen, R. Tordon. 2000. Temporal and spatial
variability of total gaseous mercury in Canada: Preliminary results from the Canadian Atmospheric
Mercury Measurement Network (CAMNet). In proceedings of The International Conference on Heavy
Metals in the Environment, August 6-10, 2000, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. [A preliminary Canadian
report on mercury variation.]
Lubkert, B., Lieben, P., Grosch, W., Jots, D. and Weber, E. 1984. Oxidant Monitoring Networks –
Oxidant Monitoring Data. Report from an International Workshop, 23-25 October 1984. Schauinsland,
Federal Republic of Germany/OECD Environment Directorate, Ministry of the Interior of the Federal
Republic of Germany, Unweltbundesamt, Berlin. [A report on zone in Europe including a description
of damage to vegetation.]
Lutgens, F.K. and Tarbuck, E.J. 1986. The Atmosphere: An Introduction to Meteorology. 3rd. Edn.
Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA. [A good introductory text to meteorology.]

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ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING – Transboundary Air Pollution - Franco DiGiovanni and Philip Fellin

Meyers T.P., Finklestein P., Clarke J., Ellestad T. and Sims P.F., (1998) A multi-layer model for
inferring dry deposition using standard meteorological measurements. J. Geophys. Res., 103: 22645-
22661. [A description of the theoretical background to the dry deposition model used for the US
National Atmospheric Deposition routine monitoring program.]
Oke, T.R. 1978. Boundary Layer Climates. Methuen, London and New York. [A good introductory
text to micro-cliamtology.]
Ontario Ministry of the Environment 1998. Ontario’s Smog Plan: A Partnership for Collective Action.
Ontario’s Smog Plan – Secretariat, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Toronto, Ontario. [A
description of Ontario (Canada) provincial government actions to deal with Smog.]
Ontario Ministry of the Environment. 1999. A Compendium of Current Knowledge on Fine Particulate
Matter in Ontario. Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Toronto, Canada. [A recent review on
airborne fine particulate matter with emphasis on the province of Ontario, Canada.]
Overrein, L.N. 1972, Sulfur pollution patterns observed: Leaching of calcium in forest determined.

Ambio 1: 143-145. [A paper on early European work on acid rain.]

Overrein, L.N., Seip, H.M. and Tollan, A. 1980. Acid Precipiation – Effects on Forest and Fish. Final
Report of the SNSF Project, 1972-1980. RECLAMO, Oslo, Norway. [A report on early European work
on acid rain.]

Petersen, G., Iverfeldt, Å. and Munthe, J. 1995. Atmospheric mercury species over Central and
Northern Europe: Model calculations and comparison with observations from the Nordic Air and

Precipitation Network for 1987 and 1988. Atmos. Environ. 29: 47-68. [A paper on modeling airborne
mercury dispersion and deposition.]
Reist, P.C. 1984. Introduction to Aerosol Science. Macmillan Publishing Company, New York. [A
good introductory text to aerosol science.]

Schroeder, W.H. and J. Munthe. 1998. Atmospheric mercury: An overview. Atmos. Environ. 32: 809-
822. [An overview paper on atmospheric mercury with emphasis on north America, especially Canada.]

Seinfeld, J.H. 1986. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics of Air Pollution. John Wiley & Sons, New
York, Toronto. [A god introductory text to atmospheric chemistry.]

Stieb, D.M., Beveridge, R.C., Brook, J.R., Smith-Doiron, M., Burnett, R.T., Dales, R.E., Beaulieu, S.,

Judek, S. and Mamedov, A. (2000). Air pollution, aeroallergens and cardiorespiratory emergency

department visits in Saint John, Canada. J. Exposure Analysis and Env. Epidemiology 10: 461-477. [A

paper on the relationship between air pollution, including bioaerosols, and health impacts.]

Stull, R.B. 1997. An Introduction to Boundary Layer Meteorology. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Dordrecht, Boston, London. [A good introductory text on boundary-layer meteorology.]

Sweet, C.W. and Prestbo, E. 1999. Wet Deposition of Mercury in the U.S. and Canada. Presented at

"Mercury in the Environment Speciality Conference", September 15-17, 1999, Minneapolis, MN.
Proceedings published by Air and Waste Management Association, Pittsburgh, PA. [A paper on the

deposition of mercury, in precipitation, in north America.]

Tsyro, S.G. 1998a. 12-year acidification trends over Europe with the Lagrangian model: quality
assessment. EMEP/MSC-W Status Report 1/98, Part 1: Estimated dispersion of acidifying and
eutrophying compounds and comparison with observations, EMEP/MSC-W Status Report 1/98, pp. 79-
102. Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Oslo, Norway. [A report on EMEP efforts to model
dispersion of acidifying compounds.]
Tsyro, S.G. 1998b. Description of the Lagrangian Acid Deposition Model. EMEP/MSC-W Status
Report 1/98, Part2: Numerical Addendum. EMEP/MSC-W Status Report 1/98, Appendix A.
Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Oslo, Norway. [A report describing the EMEP Lagrangian acid
deposition model.]
United Nations, 1991. Assessment of Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Air Pollution Studies 7
prepared by the Economic Commission for Europe (Geneva). UN Publication ECE/EB.AIR/26. [A UN
report on general aspects of transboundary air pollution.]

©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING – Transboundary Air Pollution - Franco DiGiovanni and Philip Fellin

Vedal, S. 1997. Ambient Particles and Health: Line that Divide. J. Air & Waste Manage, Assoc. 47:
551-581. [A critical review of the relationship between airborne particulate matter and human health
Venkatram, A., Karachandani, P.K. and Misra, P.K. 1988. Testing a comprehensive acid deposition
model. Atmos. Environ. 22: 737-747. [Early work on testing a regional Canadian model of acid
Wark, K., Warner, C.F. and Davis, W.T. 1998. Air Pollution: Its Origin and Control. 3rd Edn. Addison
Wesley, Dons Mills, Ontario. [A good introductory text to air pollution in general, with emphasis on
US examples.]
WHO-EMEP 1999. Health risk of particulate matter from long range transboundary air pollution:
Preliminary Assessment. WHO, Bilthoven, The Netherlands. [A WHO report on health risks from
particulate matter from long range transportation.]

Biographical Sketches

Philip Fellin
With 29 years in the environmental field, Mr. Fellin has specific expertise in:
-- measuring air pollutants

-- indoor air quality and occupational hygiene measurements
-- developing analytical methods, instrumentation and methods for sampling airborne compounds

-- designing studies to investigate chemical and physical processes in the atmosphere such as the long
range transport of airborne pollutants (acid rain), urban air pollution (smog), fugitive emissions from
industrial facilities, and
-- measuring personal exposures in occupational, indoor and transportation environments
In addition, he has been involved in the measurement of airborne toxic compounds in both populated
and remote areas such as the Arctic, executed environmental impact assessments for new industrial

facilities and delivered training programs on air pollution measurement and assessment in Canada and

Franco DiGiovanni has had 10 years dispersal modeling experience and is presently Air Quality and

Dispersal Modeler for Airzone One Ltd. He has particular expertise in particulate matter dispersal
modeling and measurement. He is also experienced in field program execution aimed at model

verification. In addition, he has responsibilities in the bioaerosol (ambient and indoor) and indoor air

quality sectors, and in emissions estimation and regulatory compliance.



To cite this chapter

Franco DiGiovanni and Philip Fellin, (2006) ,TRANSBOUNDARY AIR POLLUTION, in

Environmental Monitoring , [Eds.Hilary I. Inyang, John L. Daniels], in Encyclopedia of Life Support

Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford ,UK,


©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

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