Suggested Video Clip:: Types of Plate Boundaries Url

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Teacher: Romarico S.

School: SAN BARTOLOME HIGH SCHOOL Quarter: Quarter 1
Grade 10 Pope Pius (Every Wednesday 7:00-9:00)
G10 Pope John Paul II (Every Tuesday 10:00-12:00)
Grade and Section: Week: Week 6
WEEKLY G10 St. Felicity (Every Thursday 7:00-9:00)
HOME G10 St. Matthew (Modular)
LEARNING G10 Pope Pius (Online Distance Learning)
PLAN G10 Pope John Paul II (Online Distance Learning)
Learning Modality Date: November 9-13, 2020
G10 St. Felicity (Blended Distance Learning)
G10 St. Matthew (Modular Distance Learning)

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate the understanding of the relationship among location of volcanoes, earthquake epicenters and mountain ranges.

Performance Standard: The learner should be able to construct a short poem or song using concepts of earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.


1. Describe the distribution of active volcanoes, earthquake epicenters and major mountain belts in relation to Plate Tectonics; (S10ES –Ia-j-36.1.5)
2. Infer pattern and relationship among the location of volcanoes, earthquake epicenter’s and mountain ranges; (S10ES –Ia-j-36.1.6)
3. Determine the scientific basis of dividing lithospheric plates; (S10ES –Ia-j-36.1.7)
4. Develop awareness and understanding how this phenomenon shapes the earth crust. (S10ES –Ia-j-36.1.4)

DAY /Lesson Materials (to be

Number/ Objectives included in the Learning Tasks Assessment Notes to the Facilitator
TOPIC Learning Packets)
Week 5 1. describe the different Online Class: Quiz Output
Day 1 types of plate boundaries Prayer (Written)
Online Class (S10ES-Ia-j-36.2) Review/Recall of previous Online Q&A
2. explain the different lessons
processes that occur along Short Quiz on previous lesson
the plate boundaries Science 10 Module Discussion:
4 Entitled: Plate Introduction to new lessons
Boundaries: Set Plate Tectonics and Plate 1. Start the lesson with the
3. describe the possible
Your Limit, Know Boundaries daily routine activities i.e,:
causes of plate
Your Boundaries Presentation of lesson (PPT) Prayer
movements (S10ES-Ia-j-
LM Q1 M4 Wk6 Plate Checking of attendance
Boundaries Kumustahan
Suggested Video Clip:
Types of Plate Boundaries
?v=IAGZItftASg 2. Maximize learner’s
Science 10 Module participation during online
4 Entitled: Plate Plate Tectonics classes.
Tectonic Boundaries URL:
Home-Based Activities:
 Explain the processes Accomplish:
Identify the
that occur along different types of
Activity 1.1
convergent boundaries plate boundaries
Move It. Move It
 Determine the and explain the
Week 5 consequences of movement they
Activity 1.2
Day 2 colliding plates. exhibit.
Cookies and Plates
Lesson 1:  Explain the processes
Activity Sheets for
The that occur along Give at least 5
Weekly Home Activity 1.3
Borderline divergent boundaries examples of
Learning Plan: Know Thy Neighbor
 Determine the neighboring plates
consequences of and describe what
diverging plates. kind of plate
Activity 1.1 Science 10 Module: Plate
boundaries are
Move It. Move It Boundaries: Set Your Limit,
Know Your Boundaries 1. Students shall analyze the
Lesson 1: The Borderline different types of plate
Week 5 Home-Based Activities: Identify the boundaries by performing
Day 3  Explain the processes Accomplish: different types of the activity
Lesson 2 that occur along Activity 1.2 plate boundaries
Compression, divergent boundaries Cookies and Plates Activity 2.1 and explain the
Tension…. Stable or Not movement they
Come on!  Determine the exhibit.
consequences of Activity 2.2
diverging plates. Activity 1.3 Tug Of war Infer from Activity
Know Thy Neighbor 2.1 and Activity
Reference: 2.2 how the plates
Science 10 Module: Plate move and explain
Boundaries: Set Your Limit, how a divergent
Know Your Boundaries boundary happens.
Activity 2.1 Lesson 2: Compression,
Stable or Not Tension…Come on!
Home-Based Activities:
 Explain the processes
Week 4 that occur along Activity 2.3 Explain how
Day 4 divergent boundaries Push It shearing,
Lesson 2 compression
Compression,  Determine the Activity 2.4 and tension
Tension…. consequences of Stress on Plate Boundaries forces are
Come on! diverging plates. related to plate
Reference: boundaries.
Science 10 Module: Plate
Boundaries: Set Your Limit, 2. Check and take note how
Know Your Boundaries learners answer all the
Lesson 2: Compression, activities. Provide
Activity 2.2 Tension…Come on! clarification if needed.
Tug of War 1. Explain the 1.Guide the learners of online
Week 4 Home-Based Activities: types of plate
uploading of Activity
Day 5 boundaries.
Determine students Sheets via Google Share
Submission Activity 2.3 Uploading of Activity 2. Give examples
acquired knowledge of Drive
of Finished Push It Sheets/Outputs of geologic
Activities the concepts presented. features as a 2.Identify the difficulties the
results of plates students may encounter and
movement. least mastered skills.

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