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As United Nations, THW enforce trusteeship in

Africa continent


The problem in SQ: Problems in long time stability, We agree to OG that UN should fix humanitarian
economy of turbulence damaging people in Africa. problem in Africa. Is by enforce trusteeship become
They sustain their life and increase the conflict. the problem without further harm to Africa?
Further impact:
Systemic failure is existing; we want to enforce
trusteeship because Africa is in danger. OO want to hamper further harm to African country
due the trusteeship that UN wants to implement in
We will make official announcement to enforce Africa.
trusteeship, we send delegates to talk about the UN should fix humanitarian, but has another value.
trusteeship. We will take trusteeship, and will be UN as organization have value as neutral agent to fix
regulate by legal consensus by potential harm in intl’ conflict. UN also an agent of peacekeeper.
We believe by enforcing trusteeship, UN are harming
Two argument: their value as peacekeeper. Why? LATER
1. Why justifiable By enforcing trusteeship, will make Africa not going
UN interest is to serve human in all country in the to be better but cause more problem.
world, we have people increases purpose to BOTTOMLINE?
prosperity and sustainability. Africa has lost their
scrutiny since very long time ago. It’s not valid since
humanitarian crisis should not be counted as SQ is already enough and progressive, by meaning is
accountable gov. It goes to interest as UN purpose people in Africa start to develop. The proof Africa
collectively comes from all nation and its okay. already leave their culture like harming themselves,
without reinforcement. SQ is progressive enough
2. Why better in our world BACKGROUND. NOT CULTURE)
Potential harm in government. When there is
military conflict, there will be a moderator consent. More way to help them, like:
In your world, it will be bad. Better economic and 1. UN can make commitment to make incentives
stability at the end. like delivering volunteer without have to force
trusteeship in Africa. Why with this, UN doesn’t
At best in their world, they can be stable. Harm is have to force the international believe that Africa
happening once in the beginning and will not get hampered their development and culture.
into the longer time. As UN, we want to enforce the
trusteeship in Africa. Give bad impact to Africa.
1. Leave the culture
Africa are hampering their development; therefore,
we need inforce them to leave their culture. They’ll
shock(?) The new enforcement culture, they have to
deal by more problems by creating more harm to
make them deal with more problems and we don’t
want that to happen.

2. Create further impact and hamper the

development of Africa
We know that UN have veto right countries and have
several conflicts, by enforcing this it will create China
and America conflicts even more.

Progressive? Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe, or Somalia UN need to serve humanity, that’s why they are
will never happen. The reason why UN want to being made. Their idea will exist if UN is a simple
intervene, because no other actor is capable. organization. The case if UN have political conflict
will be hard to do that’s why they are fail with
During the distribution of gov that is going to control humanity.
Africa, they’ll take moderate consensus in the name
of UN: UN can help them, but enforce trusteeship is not
working because we still have other option is
1. UN deal with sovereignty diplomacy.
UN represent various countries in world, in that
sense why UN send democratic values. That is why Rebuttals:
UN can have condemned NK. Let’s talk about UN 1. Idea about build the infrastructure, although is
represent US, they have no proper chance. already happen not in form of UN.
Idea of UN, if you want to help humanitarian good,
1. There is no elite continence the UN can help to build those. But if want to bring
There is no superior continent, have collective the idea of African country rejecting the help. Since
corrupted gov, every single aid is being African country have not been treated well, how
corrupted/rejected. Never truly care for society. judging panel haven’t heard the Africa.
How international community being bias with them,
UN is more capable due more channeling, they are even if it leads to decreasing the humanity, it’s still
binding by culture and propagandas by not trusting not a good way.
foreigner in their country.
2. Africa will never be better in Opp 1. SQ is progressing
Interest the political leader is to take the position of Give or send peacekeepers, creating conference to
gov since they are not the one is oppressed. The one help themselves. In African country we have African
is oppressed is society that is marginalized. Let’s take union but still never enforce trusteeships, among
a diplomatic way: send volunteer diplomatically, gov African there are a lot political believe, we never
itself won’t listen and won’t let you in. agree the idea of political homogenous.

3. Better in Gov Extend the idea how proposal will hamper the
More opportunity to rebuild the agreement to African countries
another country. 1. Idea OO is not further the conflicts in nations, the
Worst case, in Gov: idea when they are being forced, they are forcing to
Military conflict, is less likely to happen. When UN leave their gov system. When we give this shocking
stops aids, they losing their power. Power will not be moment, is a bad thing for progressive. Will be trap
so strong with UN. Africa and the leader still think in political drama, like US and China which in a cold
about their own self-interest; they won’t attack UN war. They want to show they are in a better position.
back since they put in jail. But if there’s conflict, it’s
too tangible and we can minimize the further harm. How it can give bad impact in UN?
UN start to enforce the country, while UN goals is to
Waste resources, reason why UN send help to keep doing the job as humanitarian or betterment,
expect you to be able to survive that’s why we give but not to enforce the trusteeships.
subsidy to the poor.

Contextualize what UN is, while UN was portrayed Differentiate between intervention and enforce
like has no power of African while never be able to trusteeship, OG establishing to you about troops and
understand that UN is not antagonist actor. stop the terrorist.
In CO, process of acceptance and mutual acceptance
Analyze why UN coming, while African will welcome and difference characteristics.
1. Why social culture issues, we need to engage Why it’s not okay to define?
internally. Varieties issues and varieties nations, existence of
Root of the problem, by only engaging in mechanism UN will never be able to represent the UN is
like problem like constructive policy, when you are dominated by western country and mostly bias.
leaving it will remain the same.
In order to idealize the rule of UN, which never
2. Strategic issue to fix economic issue internally explained, stability is ability to minimize the conflict
We don’t have to rely to UN, we have China. China and we need strategic.
has a stance of their own interest, and its not a best
actor. Why UN is perfect? It will solve the root of the UN: active engagement, active enforcement. Also
problem, inability to utilize the language properly. direct engagement.
Even if we want to send the volunteer, Microsoft fail
to send the computers because African doesn’t Enforcement is UN, will invade the country by
understand. oppose by entire nations. OG acknowledge about
WHY EXCLUSIVE? EXCLUSIVE STRUCTURAL which party is corrupted is chosen by political party.
CHANGES AND POLICY CAN ONLY BE RATIFIED SIT Invasion is not in-line with UN purpose, by maximum
Will not provide under side of the house, various of
3. Why African people will accept that. African country, will trigger more rebellious act and
1. Due to the long invasion by their own African also western sentiment with historically previous.
government directly, or what happen in Somalia, like
what happen in South Somalia lands, the reason of We are opposing the idea of western, it will increase
their language barrier there is a systematic failure terrorist group, it will also create massive terrorist
inside Somalia. People in Somalia and African have group against UN, by prolonging identity and wreck
been far too long with government due to long your own persona as UN to maintain peace.
failure that exist.
There is possibility of people to accept, why gov As UN, trust that are going to help the nations or
want to accept UN the sense of belonging of society.

Notice the failure of gov is due corrupted system,

that is to say that laid for personal use. It’s a failure,
but by engaging internally, we can take over the
problem and enforce the trusteeships.
1. African people want mostly to enter.
2. Tribal leader are not the one who lead the

Whole debate antagonized the UN, in fact UN is not We understand UN is not only consisting of white,
only consist of western country. It’s not the best but due the voting systems, western domination is
form, consist of whole world which is basically not still evitable. We can see that UN, the majority is
only western people. THESE WESTERN PEOPLE white people and have power to win the vote system
ALSO DIFFERENT. So what they are talking about that UN it gives the
impact of the systems.
Why African accept UN?
UN is also consisting of African, and there is a direct Why intervention is better in outside? When we talk
engagement, UN is also consisting of African, as about acceptance, is very little because we respect
what partner mention, the issues that happen in of sovereignty, because it’s not a important
African government is incapable to solve the issues parameter since they play in best case. Nations will
that happening in their country. have their own sovereignty. BUT WHY THIS IS OKAY
Why the international engagement is so much better EMERGENCY?
to external issues is much more effective way to
solve the problem Its more accountable, without enforcing our
What happen is best scenario after engagement, first personal value and keep traditional value like
like main reason is the government is incapable, UN cultural they have and also the mentality of society
is consist of many different people want. who don’t want to be participated like Europe
Even if when UN leave, they can still stand on their
own ground. In Somalia, with language barrier, with They don’t want the massive progressive, it will be
the help of UN, people can understand any other better to maintain society trust and UN to be able to
languages, and achieve the same goal and achieve help the African nation without enforcing
education of those people. trusteeship in African continent doesn’t mean to
trusteeship in African like economic growth and
Why internal engagement is more efficient? others.
We believe the volunteer won’t affect towards the
decision of what will be made, it can change the It will be better to help the African nation without
social politics and engage to the problem, it will last trusteeship in Africa continent, in their side will be
very long and will be the best investment towards worse because they want UN to take control for all
Africa. kinds of governance in society.

What happen after internal engagement?

UN is the only international organization that is
capable and all their action is under supervision by
all members of UN, and African is one of the
member and supervised by any other countries.

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