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Personal Portfolio

This digital portfolio represents who I am-an responsible, thoughtful individual who enjoys
learning and thinking about new ways we can help society and why animals could help improve
are daily lives. I think if were to show more dedication and affection to animals, we could help
animals life’s to the point we’re they make us happy in are life. This portfolio showcases the
goals and strengths that I gained for my potential field career field. For example at my high
school I show my strengths that I have by being patient, working hard for what I want, being
respectful to other, having temperance and transcendence. With having develop this I have reach
my goals by commutating with others, asking for help more and giving my input about different
things to others.

When I’m at school or out and about I like it when people ask for advice about something that is
going on or they just want my input on it. I especially like to work with animals by trying to
make a positive impact on them. Either by cutting their hair, giving them a bath, making them
better I love it. When they make a recovery, they will be filed with happiness that they are
feeling better which will bring their patient joys. I also enjoy trying to help others improve or
want to improve their self either by it begin physically or mentally. By me loving to do this for
others this led me to becoming a basketball manger at my high school.

After I graduate from high school, I plan to pursue a DVM in Veterinary medicine. Right now, I
am a basketball manger at my high school. Helping the coach and facility with anything that they
need help on. Many of the skills I have develop were either acquired or improve from working
with other students to get a task done or just talking to others. As you browse this digital
portfolio, please pay attention to how us my love and passion for helping animals.

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