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Procedia Engineering 172 (2017) 1220 – 1226

Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques, MBMST 2016

Strength of Circular Concrete Columns Reinforced with FRP Bars

and Spirals
Egidijus Vanagasa*, Romualdas Kliukasb, Ona Lukoševičienėc
Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Strength of Materials and Engineering Mechanics, Vilnius Gediminas Technical Univ., Vilnius, Lithuania
Prof. Ph.D., Dept. of Strength of Materials and Engineering Mechanics, Vilnius Gediminas Technical Univ., Vilnius, Lithuania
Ph.D., Dept. of Strength of Materials and Engineering Mechanics, Vilnius Gediminas Technical Univ., Vilnius, Lithuania


Circular cross section reinforced concrete columns are often used in structures of buildings, ports or bridges. Generally, for the
installment of these constructions metal/steel reinforcement is being used. Corrosion of steel reinforcement is the main and one of
the biggest problems reducing the durability of these structures and it is a reason of fragile disintegration of these structures. In
the current period, the composite reinforcement is an alternative material for the production of reinforced concrete structures the
mechanical characteristics of which are equal to or even better in comparison of the commonly used steel reinforcement
characteristics, including tensile strength and resistance to corrosion at the extremely aggressive environment. Due to the lack of
the researches, many design standards do not indicate or recommend the use of composite reinforcement in compressive elements
or flexural elements in compressed zones. This article analyzes the possibilities of the use of composite reinforcement in axially
crushed circular cross section columns.

© 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of MBMST 2016.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of MBMST 2016
Keywords: Circular cross section; conrete columns; FRP reinforcement; Spirals.

1. Introduction

About 92% of Lithuanian bridges are built of reinforced concrete, therefore, increasing the reliability and
durability of their structural members is a problem most important for ensuring effective operation of transport

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +370 611 18958;

E-mail address:

1877-7058 © 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of MBMST 2016
Egidijus Vanagas et al. / Procedia Engineering 172 (2017) 1220 – 1226 1221

structures. The main factor of the deterioration of the entire bridge structure is high permeability and poor corrosion
resistance of reinforced concrete used in its construction.
Transport system’s elements (i.e. ports, bridges, tunnels, viaducts, etc.) comprise the main group of buildings
most heavily exposed to aggressive environments, such as cold cycles, water, ice, salt, etc. Although the structures
(columns, beams, etc.) are generally designed for 50 years of service, usually, after a half of this period, they
become deteriorated and have to be repaired or strengthened. The most common defects of these structures are the
damaged protective concrete layer and the corroded steel reinforcement.
The reinforced concrete columns with a circular cross section are commonly used in the construction of
buildings, ports and bridges (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Usage of circular cross section reinforced concrete columns.

According to the construction regulation [1], corrosion of steel reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures is
one of the main indicators of a possible limit state of a building.
Corrosion of steel reinforcement is also one of the main and most serious problems because it causes the decrease
in durability of structures and their brittle failure. In order to increase the resistance of metal reinforcement to
weathering and aggressive environments, which cause the corrosion of steel, the efforts were made to use galvanized
steel reinforcement. Later, the attempt was made to coat steel reinforcement with epoxy resin and only then
scientists began to consider using FRP materials for reinforcement.
The research into designing structures with non-steel FRPs was first carried out in the 1960's. Currently, the FRP
(with carbon, glass or aramid fiber) is considered to be an alternative material used in the manufacture of reinforced
concrete structures [2]. Its mechanical properties are comparable to or better than those of the commonly used steel
reinforcement in terms of tensile strength and resistance to corrosion in the highly aggressive environment.
It should be noted that the American design codes [2], emphasize that the problem of using FRP in columns
under compression requires further studies for determining the behaviour of columns reinforced with FRP bars.
It should be noted that the Canadian design rules [3], permit using FRP in the compressed areas of flexural
members, provided that the contribution of this type of reinforcement to the carrying capacity of the flexural
member is not taken into account.
The building specifications of the Republic of Lithuania [4] do not contain any recommendations or regulations
for using FRP bars for reinforcement.


ffn the ultimate FRP tensile strength

Ef modulus of elasticity of FRP bars
εbu strain deformation, initiating concrete microcracking and plastic deformation
αsp spiral efficiency ratio
Ac,sp compressive concrete area inside the spiral
1222 Egidijus Vanagas et al. / Procedia Engineering 172 (2017) 1220 – 1226

2. Physical-mechanical properties of fiber reinforcement polymer

The main components of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) are fiber filaments of various materials impregnated
with polymer resin. Fiber strands provide this reinforcement material with the required properties (strength and
stiffness), while polymer resin combines fiber strands into a single structure, thereby ensuring the integrity of FRP.
Usually, FRP is made of carbon, glass, basalt or aramid fibers. Fiber properties determine the properties of the
entire FRP.
The properties of FRP depend on fiber filament properties used in the production of FRP, polymer resin
properties and production technology. Physical-mechanical properties of FRP commonly used in construction as a
reinforcing material are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Physical-mechanical properties of fiber reinforcement polymer.

Property Material
Steel Glass fibre Carbon fibre Aramid fibre
Elasticity modulus along 200 35-60 100-580 40-125
fibre, GPa.
Tensile strength, MPa. 450-700 450-1600 600-3500 1000-2500
Ultimate failure strain, %. 5-20 1,2-3,7 0,5-1,7 1,9-4,4

It should be noted that FRP is

− up to 10 times lighter than metal;
− resistant to corrosion and having the longevity of at least 80 years
− not conducting the electric current or passing transmitting radio waves and not changing its properties in the
electromagnetic field;
− having a very low coefficient of linear expansion compared to that of steel reinforcement. FRP is suitable for
use in multi-layered heat protection structures due to its low thermal conductivity coefficient (about 10 times lower
than that of steel reinforcement). This makes it possible to avoid cold bridges, and to increase the overall thermal
resistance of the structure;
− having a wide operating temperature range (-70 to +100 °C).
The properties restricting the use of FRP for reinforcement are as follows:
− low elastic modulus;
− the cost higher than that of steel reinforcement;
− strength decrease with time;
− good ductility and loss of adhesion to concrete at high temperatures (90°C to 100°C).
In recent years, the research into the concrete structures reinforced with composite rods and their use for real
buildings structures has become very intense worldwide. This allowed the researchers to accumulate the design,
construction and operational experience of such structures over a few decades.
Composite materials are not resistant to high temperatures. High temperatures primarily affect the matrix of FRP
(polymer resin). Under low temperatures (90-180°C), the matrix begins to plasticize, which results in lower
efficiency due to its interaction with fiber, decreasing its adhesion to concrete. Finally, the structure can disintegrate
or suffer heavy deformations. Polymer reinforcement is not recommended for use in reinforced concrete structures
which are either constantly exposed to high temperatures or are at a high risk of exposure to high temperatures in

3. Design requirements on Capacity in Concrete Columns reinforced with Steel or FRP Bars

Several codes and design guidelines are now available for designing concrete structures reinforced with FRP
(FRP) bars under flexural and shear loads. Yet, due to a lack of research, design codes of different countries do not
take into account the compressed FRP reinforcement work or even do not recommend using them as longitudinal
reinforcement elements in the compressed areas of columns or in the bending zones [5].
Egidijus Vanagas et al. / Procedia Engineering 172 (2017) 1220 – 1226 1223

3.1. Assessing FRP contribution in the calculation of concrete columns reinforced with longitudinal reinforcing
FRP bars

In 2013, the Canadian University of Sherbrooke carried out the experimental research on axially loaded concrete
columns reinforced with FRP [6] and suggested the following theoretical ultimate strength for the FRP RC columns:

N 0,85 fc ( Ac  AF )  Dc f fn AF . (1)

A new factor αc was introduced to account for the decrease in the compressive strength of the FRP bar as a
function of its tensile strength. Based on the experimental results, this factor was found to be equal to 0,25.

3.2. Review of experimental research

Despite the recommendations for using FRP in the compression members or compressed areas of flexural
members provided in design codes of different countries, many experimental studies of axially loaded columns with
FRP (fiberglass, carbon fiber, etc.) have been made in Canada [6].

a) b)

Fig. 2. (a) A comparison of the Nexp ratio (referring to axial compression columns reinforced with composite GFRP and CFRP longitudinal and
transverse reinforcing bars) with that of non-reinforced concrete, Nconcrete. (b) A comparison of theoretical values (Nteor) of carrying capacity
calculated according to various recommendations and the experimentally determined values (Nexp).

It should be noted that all the above-mentioned design rules do not recommend using FRP in the compression
member and the calculations do not take into account the contribution of this reinforcing material to the overall
construction work, i.e. the carrying capacity of the structure is calculated depending only on the properties of
concrete. However, it should be noted that the experimental studies presented in Fig. 2 (a) show that carrying
capacity of columns reinforced with FRP is by 1.15 to 1.28 times the carrying capacity of a non-reinforced column.

3.3. The comparative analysis of experimental and theoretical results

Experimental results were used for the analysis of the calculation methods of axially loaded columns reinforced
with FRP [5]. The research was aimed at determining the strength and deformation of axially loaded circular cross
section concrete members reinforced with FRP.
The data obtained in the comparative analysis of experimental and theoretical results are given in Fig. 2 (b).
Comparing the results, it can be stated that analytically calculated values closely matched the experimentally
determined values when the calculation algorithm model of M. Afifi et al [5], assessing the contribution of FRP to
the carrying capacity of the structure, was used. Analytical and experimental carrying capacity values were obtained
based on the recommendations found in CAN/CSA S806-12 [7], ACI 318-11 [8] and M. Afifi et al [5] and differed
from them by up to 18%.
Theoretically calculated results differed in a wider range from the experimentally determined results based on
using the Canadian design code [7] recommendations (Fig. 2 (b)).
1224 Egidijus Vanagas et al. / Procedia Engineering 172 (2017) 1220 – 1226

In the analysis of the calculation model offered by Afifi et al [5], we divided the formula into two parts,
representing the carrying capacity of concrete and longitudinal reinforcement.
a) b)

Fig. 3. (a) Breaking down the calculation algorithm model of Afifi et al [6], (b) Carrying capacity of the column determined experimentally by
changing the cross-section of the reinforcing bars.

The axial force taken over by FRP (Fig. 3 (a)) comprises from 27% to 35% of the load-carrying capacity of the
column, depending on the FRP factor of the longitudinal reinforcing bars.
Although the theoretical and experimental results demonstrated close matching, when the calculation algorithm
proposed by Afifi et al. [5] was used, it should be noted that this calculation model does not account for the effect of
transverse reinforcement on the carrying capacity of the structure.
a) b)

Fig. 4. (a) The carrying capacity of the column determined experimentally by changing the transverse reinforcement step. (b) The effect of the
spiral wire ratio on the efficiency coefficient of annular reinforcement αir by (3) when fc – from 47 N / mm2 to 50 N / mm2.

As shown in the graphs given in Figures 3 (b) and 4 (a), increasing transverse reinforcing bar cross-section from
6.4 mm to 12.7 mm increases the column’s carrying capacity by 6% (from 2.85 MN to 3.02 MN), while decreasing
the transverse reinforcement step from 120 mm to 40 mm increases the column carrying capacity by 3% (from 2.98
MN to 3.07 MN).
The examination of the experimental [5] results shows that increasing the cross section of the transverse
reinforcement and reducing the transverse reinforcement step could probably increase the column carrying capacity
up to 10%, and this increase would not be assessed by any of the above-mentioned calculation methods.
Transverse reinforcement, restricting the development of transverse deformations, increases the concrete strength
by creating the confining effect. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University carried out the research on axially loaded
circular cross-section elements reinforced with spiral reinforcement [9].
Egidijus Vanagas et al. / Procedia Engineering 172 (2017) 1220 – 1226 1225

It has been confirmed that using wire reinforcement with a spiral pitch S<100 mm causes concrete
compressibility increase up to 15-20%. A positive effect of the spiral wire on the spun concrete strength is shown in
Fig. 4 (b).
The spiral efficiency coefficient can be calculated by the formula:

fc ,cir
D cir 0, 81  0, 9 U cir  0, 6 U
cir . (2)

where the percentage spiral ratio Ucir 0, 25...1, 25% .

This relatively slight influence of the spiral on the strength of tubular concrete can be attributed to the fact that
the tubular sample in the strained state can be described as two-dimensional (plane) rather than three-dimensional
body. It is known that flat concrete double-axis compression virtually has no effect on its strength. It is close to the
cylindrical strength.
The experimental study has shown that the carrying capacity of axially loaded solid members can be significantly
increased by using the transverse spiral reinforcement. The increase in concrete strength inside the confinement (a
spiral) depends on the intensity of transverse reinforcement and spiral material strength and deformation [9].

3.4. Carrying Capacity of Concrete Columns reinforced with longitudinal FRP bars and spirals

When calculating the carrying capacity N of short centrifugally cast concrete columns reinforced with
longitudinal FRP bars and dense spiral reinforcement, it is necessary to assess all three components, including
concrete, Nc, longitudinal bars, Nf, and spiral reinforcement, Nsp.

N Nc  N f  N sp . (3)

As shown by the experiments [6], ultimate failure strains of FRP bars (Eu) are sufficiently large (4-6 times those
of concrete), while the modulus of elasticity, Ef, is 3-4 times that of steel and is close to the modulus of elasticity of
concrete, Ec. With this in mind, Nf should be calculated from the formula:

Nf H bu E f Af . (4)

Considering the influence of the spiral reinforcement on the carrying capacity of the members, the physico-
mechanical properties of the spiral and spiral reinforcement intensity (the spiral pitch diameter) should be
considered. Then,

N sp (D sp  1) fc Ac , sp . (5)

Where αsp – is spiral efficiency ratio, showing how many times the strength of concrete inside the spiral
(excluding the protective concrete layer) is higher than the cylindrical concrete strength fc.
The influence of the concrete and the spiral on the carrying capacity of the member is as follows

Nc  N sp J c fc ( Ac  Af ) ; (6)

Nc J c fc ( Ac  A f ) . (7)

where The parameter J c is defined as the ratio between the in-place strength of concrete to concrete cylinder
1226 Egidijus Vanagas et al. / Procedia Engineering 172 (2017) 1220 – 1226

When combining the bearing capacity components of the element Nc and Nsp into a single one, the larger of the
values should be accepted

­ Nc  N sp J c fc ( Ac  Af );
® (8)
¯ Nc  N sp J cD sp fc Ac , sp .


N Nc  N sp J cD sp fc Ac , sp  H bu E f Af ; (9)


N Nc  N sp J c fc ( Ac  Af )  H bu E f Af . (10)

The proposed operations require experimental verification. After performing the relevant experiments, it will be
possible to determine the accuracy of the suggested theoretical statements.

4. Conclusions

1. Design codes of different countries do not take into account the work of FRP reinforcing bars and even do
not recommend them to be used for longitudinal reinforcement of columns in compression or flexural members.
2. The carrying capacity of axially loaded solid members can be significantly increased by using the transverse
spiral reinforcement. The increase in concrete strength inside the confinement (a spiral) depends on the intensity of
transverse reinforcement and spiral material strength and deformation.
3. Experimental studies are needed to offer theoretical solutions to the calculations of carrying capacity of the
examined members and to ensure the reliability of structures.


[1] Lithuanian Ministry of Environment, STR 1.12.01:2004, A procedure of recognizing the limit of state of public and municipal buildings, 2004,
4 pp.
[2] ACI Committee 440, Guide for the Design and Construction of Structural Concrete Reinforced with FRP Bars (ACI 440.1R-06), American
Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2006, 44 pp.
[3] Canadian Standards Association (CSA), [2006- S6S1-10 Edition 2010]. Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (Section 16), CAN/CSA-S6-
06, Rexdale, Toronto.
[4] Lithuanian Ministry of Environment, STR 2.05.05:2005 Concrete and reinforced concrete structures, 2004, 123 pp.
[5] M. Z.Afifi, H. Mohamed, B. Benmokrane, Strength and Axial Behavior of Circular Concrete Columns Reinforced with CFRP Bars and
Spirals, Journal of Composites for Construction, 2013, In press.
[6] M.Z. Afifi, H. Mohamed, B. Benmokrane, Axial Capacity of Circular Concrete Columns Reinforced with GFRP Bars and Spirals, Journal of
Composites for Construction, 2013, in press.
[7] Canadian Standards Association, 2002, Design and Construction of Building Components with Fiber-Reinforced Polymers (CAN/CSA S806-
02), Canadian Standards Association, Mississauga, ON, Canada, 177 pp.
[8] ACI Committee 318, 2008, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-08) and Commentary, American Concrete Institute,
Farmington Hills, MI, 473 pp.
[9] A. Kudzys, R. Kliukas, R. Vadlūga, Using high-strength spun concrete and reinforcing steel in compressive structures, The International
Conference of High-Strength Concrete, June 20-24 1993, Lillehammer, 259–268.
[10] ACI Committee 440, 2004, Guide Test Methods for Fiber-Reinforced Polymers (FRPs) for Reinforcing or Strengthening Concrete Structures
(ACI 440.3R-04), American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 40 pp.
[11] ACI Committee 440, 2006, Guide for the Design and Construction of Structural Concrete Reinforced with FRP Bars (ACI 440.1R-06),
American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 44 pp.

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