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NISCE, Alyssa Angela R.


Question: Given the current events and the sentiments of allegedly a large number of
citizens, what solidarity characterizes the Philippine society and why?

Based on Durkheim’s definition of solidarity, the Philippine society is classified under

organic solidarity wherein people have interdependence like that of a human body with
individual organs each doing their special jobs to keep the whole system working. There is
similarity which is limited to very general and indeterminate ways of thought and sentiment
which leaves room for a growing variety of individual differences. 1 With what is happening
in the Philippines today, with different degrees of social roles and responsibilities, we
rely on each other. However, this dependence on each other gives space for many
individual differences to grow; hence, we are always threatened by individualism,
refusing to conceptualize that as a nation, we have one common goal. We are
concerned by the alarming amount of human rights violations being committed but we
resort to social media to voice out our concerns which may seem good but entirely puts
a target on the government. Although our government is flawed in some respects, our
willingness as a people to work for a common goal can make up for the inconsistencies
of our government. Just like the diversity of our social responsibilities, we can also be
diverse extending our own ways of reinforcement in helping our government. It is truly
possible for the Filipinos to unite even if there are internal threats plaguing our lands,
without bringing down an ineffective Executive. Furthermore, it is important to discuss
the need to emphasize the very significance of unity in our day-to-day dealings across
different walks of life. It is an obligation to direct all our drives as a society to our
respective communities.

Durkheim, E. 1893. The Division of Labour in Society (trans. Halls, W. D.). New York: Free Press.

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