Descriptive Essay

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Antonios Y.

Descriptive essay
Beirut, the capital of Lebanon has a mix of beauty, history that can be deeply
inspiring. It has been throughout wars, natural catastrophes and still rise up again
like a phoenix; Beirut refuses to die. What happened to our phoenix on the fourth
of August can’t be cleared from history neither through generations: Beirut has
been hit by a massive explosion. As a volunteer I had to be there giving a hand.
As we drive through Dora’s High way, it becomes to feel like we are fighting an
apocalypse. Getting more into the center of Beirut, you can barely say that is our
beloved capital. That wasn’t Beirut! Buildings were on the ground, trees were
separated from their mother-the nature- the fire was eating our wheat, ravaging
our stock deposited in the port risking our economical cycle. The anger of earth
can be shown by the anger of the sky, it felt like it would cry for years.
As we spend more time looking around to the damage, we can clearly notice
the cries and the screams of the injured citizens, animals were terrified and
traumatized separated from their owners. We arrived to the hospital and there
was the shock, dead bodies were over each other rivers of blood were
everywhere, kids were hugging their parents hoping to see them waking up but
that was impossible. Nurses were giving help to people on streets trying to revive
every last breath on every people.
Leaving Beirut and those poor, injured and shocked people after that long day
was hard. On the road to home having all these images getting back to my mind
were tearing me to pieces, but we had to stay positive because as I said before,
Beirut never dies and we will rise again facing every enemy.

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