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From Fear to Love

Heal the World by Healing Yourself

Michael Wolff
Founder, Freedom Within
First Edition

© Ki Net Limited 2016 Freedom Within 2

Invitation from the Author

This book is not about changing the world on the outside, but about inner change. It is
about how we can “be the change we want to see in the world” by changing ourselves. And
how when we change ourselves, the world changes accordingly. This is a book about inner
power and how we might be exploring a new Global Social Contract - with each other and with
the planet.

The book addresses the question: What does it take to trigger a quantum shift in
individual and collective consciousness?

If you see yourself as a transformational change agent and would like to participate in
any of our mutual support programs, see

Clear Your Blocks - How to make a quantum shift in your life.

Facilitator Program - How to trigger a collective quantum shift.

Recommended Reading

David Hawkins - Power vs. Force Paperback – 30 Jan 2014

David Hawkins - Letting Go: The Pathway Of Surrender Paperback

Anodea Judith - Eastern Body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System as a
Path to the Self

Charles Eisenstein -The Ascent of Humanity: Civilization and the Human Sense of Self

Thank You! Freedom Within 3

Invitation from the Author.................................................................................................. 3
Recommended Reading................................................................................................. 3
Thank You! ..................................................................................................................... 3
A Dedication ........................................................................................................................ 7
How to Use this Book ........................................................................................................ 10
A new Global Social Contract ...................................................................................... 10
Recognizing our Own Inner Prison .............................................................................. 11
The Benefits and Price of Disconnection ..................................................................... 11
How Do I Re-connect? ................................................................................................. 11
Re-connecting is Really Easy ........................................................................................ 12
Changing the World by Changing Ourselves ............................................................... 12
It is Really Easy to Clear Our Blocks ............................................................................. 13
A Quick Sense of Where You Are Now ........................................................................ 13
Our Journey Together .................................................................................................. 14
The Quantum Shift ...................................................................................................... 14
Why a Quantum Shift is Possible ...................................................................................... 15
Our Starting Point ........................................................................................................ 15
Becoming Connected Is Not Enough ........................................................................... 15
Getting Connected is Easy ........................................................................................... 16
This Is the Real Magic .................................................................................................. 17
Surrendering and Letting Go ....................................................................................... 17
Disconnection ................................................................................................................... 20
The Wobble Test .......................................................................................................... 20
Using the Wobble Test ................................................................................................ 21
Fight or Flight ............................................................................................................... 22
Testing for Blocks......................................................................................................... 23
Energetic Plumbing ...................................................................................................... 24
Qigong Hugging The Tree ............................................................................................ 24
Muscle Testing ............................................................................................................. 28
Mongolian Overtone Chanting .................................................................................... 29
The Root Causes of Disconnection ................................................................................... 31
Our Thoughts ............................................................................................................... 31 Freedom Within 4
Holding Onto Our Wounds .......................................................................................... 33
Driven by Fear .............................................................................................................. 34
Thoughts, Feelings and Beliefs .................................................................................... 35
How We Disconnect Is How We Are ................................................................................. 38
My Disconnection and My Unmet Need ..................................................................... 38
Chronic Disconnection ................................................................................................. 43
Connection ........................................................................................................................ 45
Four Steps to Connection ............................................................................................ 45
Connecting the Breathing ............................................................................................ 45
Breathing into the Heart Centre .................................................................................. 46
Breathing into the Solar Plexus Centre ....................................................................... 46
Breathing into the Lower Belly Centre ........................................................................ 47
How to Test.................................................................................................................. 49
How to Practise............................................................................................................ 49
The Lower Belly Centre................................................................................................ 50
The Torus Energy Pattern and Flow ............................................................................ 51
Vertical Torus Breathing .............................................................................................. 53
Meridians ..................................................................................................................... 56
Interrelating Polarities ................................................................................................. 58
The Chakras ................................................................................................................. 59
The Aura....................................................................................................................... 60
Climbing The Ladder to the Rainbow Bridge ............................................................... 61
Crossing the Rainbow Bridge ....................................................................................... 61
Capturing the Feeling .................................................................................................. 63
A Short Cut to Being Connected and Feeling the Feeling ........................................... 63
Connecting is Easy ....................................................................................................... 64
Dr David Hawkins - Map of Consciousness ....................................................................... 65
Levels of Consciousness............................................................................................... 66
The First Great Barrier ................................................................................................. 66
Click this link for the Detailed Map of Consciousness. ..................................................... 67
The Second Great Barrier ............................................................................................ 67
Level of Consciousness 600 ......................................................................................... 68
For Most People, Lifetime Change is Minimal............................................................. 69 Freedom Within 5

A Few People Can Make a Difference ......................................................................... 70
1000 and Above ........................................................................................................... 70
How many are a few? .................................................................................................. 71
Self-testing ................................................................................................................... 71
The Hawkins Numeric Scale......................................................................................... 72
Muscle-testing with a Partner ..................................................................................... 74
Clearing Our Blocks and Expanding Consciousness .......................................................... 75
From Acceptance to Unconditional Love to Gratitude ............................................... 75
Identifying our Primary Unmet Need .......................................................................... 77
Clearing Your Blocks .................................................................................................... 77
Readiness Test ............................................................................................................. 78
Safety Test ................................................................................................................... 79
Clearing Statements .................................................................................................... 80
Helping Your Partner to Clear Her Blocks.................................................................... 80
Re-testing on the Hawkins Scale ................................................................................. 81
Letting Go Your Unmet Need ...................................................................................... 82
Getting Triggered and Healing Crises .......................................................................... 83
Practice, Practice, Practice ................................................................................................ 85
Resistance is Pain, Flow is Bliss.................................................................................... 86
Living on the Edge of Disconnection ........................................................................... 87
The Evolutionary Turning Point ........................................................................................ 88
The Threat of Economic Depression............................................................................ 88
Other Threats............................................................................................................... 91
Responding to Increasing Levels of Stress................................................................... 92
Triggering the Quantum Shift ........................................................................................... 94
The Magnitude of the Challenge ................................................................................. 94
Why the Mission Impossible Is Possible ...................................................................... 94
What I Do Not Know .................................................................................................... 95
Summary of Benefits......................................................................................................... 97
Thank You! ................................................................................................................... 97 Freedom Within 6

A Dedication

I have dedicated this book to my great grandfather, Dr Paul Hasterlik.

Paul was born in 1860 in Bohemia as a Jew. He converted from Judaism to Christianity.
This enabled him to study and become a doctor. He later lived with his family in Vienna. Some
say that forsaking your religion (apostasy) is the worst crime imaginable. For some faiths, this is
punishable by death. I make no judgments. By all accounts, Paul was a decent man, loved by all
who knew him.

Paul was 79 when Hitler marched into Austria. He had recently been widowed. He knew
he was in danger. The younger members of his family had all been able to leave. But Paul was
an optimist. He believed in the essential goodness of his fellow men. He could not imagine that
the Nazis would ever perpetrate the crimes that they eventually committed. Paul was getting
old. Also he was in love with another woman. He would not abandon her.

For Hitler, to qualify as a proper Christian you needed four Christian grandparents. So
Paul was still a Jew. His conversion did not count. Maybe he was about to pay the price for his
apostasy. The older Jews in Austria were transported to Theresienstadt, a concentration camp Freedom Within 7

in the Czech Republic. Paul was sent there in 1942 at the age of 82. Two years later he died of

Theresienstadt was not the worst of Hitler’s concentration camps. In fact the Nazis used
it as a model for propaganda purposes. But the conditions must have been awful. The facility
had originally been built to house 7,000 combat troops. Now it needed to accommodate more
than 30,000 prisoners. The conditions must have been cramped, to say the least. Tens of
thousands of people died there, some killed outright and others dying from malnutrition and
disease. More than 150,000 other persons (including tens of thousands of children) were held
there for months or years, before being sent by rail transports to their deaths at the Treblinka
and Auschwitz extermination camps in occupied Poland, as well as to smaller camps elsewhere.

Ironically, the slogan on the entrances to all the Nazi concentration camps read: Arbeit
Macht Frei (Work Makes You Free); a twisted example of the belief that freedom comes from
what we do in the world rather than how we are in ourselves and in the world. This has an
ironic resonance with the title of our book.

So how was it for Paul? He was a doctor and in a position to help others. I would like to
believe that he knew how to experience Freedom Within, and that he was able to practice the
Way of Harmony through the Power of Infinite Love. I want to believe that notwithstanding the
terrible conditions and hardships his level of harmony was very high.

I want to believe that he was able to accept his predicament without blame or
judgment; that he was able to forgive his jailers; that he was able to have compassion for his
own suffering, for the suffering of his fellow prisoners, and also for their jailers; and that he was Freedom Within 8

able to love himself, his fellow prisoners and his jailers - unconditionally. In other words, even
in the hell and the deprivation in which he found himself, he was still able to experience Love
and Joy, to feel a sense of abundance where he had nothing, and to be able to stand fully in his
own power.

And most importantly, I want to believe that his example and higher energetic
frequencies in some way influenced both his fellow prisoners and their tormentors, resulting in
at least some mitigation of the harshness of their conditions.

We will never know. But what I would like to believe is that if ever I were in the same
position, I would be able to maintain my own level of harmony at the highest possible level, and
that in so doing, I could be of the greatest possible service to all those around me. And even if I
could do nothing in a practical sense, through transmitting a higher energetic frequency, the
frequency of Infinite Love, I could help reduce the pain and suffering of all those involved.

But more than anything, I would like to believe that after reading this book and doing all
the exercises, you, my dear reader, will be able to live your life at the highest level of harmony,
whatever the circumstances. Freedom Within 9

How to Use this Book

A new Global Social Contract

The next great revolution in human thought, culture and society is going to come, not by
trying to change the world from the outside, but by changing oneself on the inside – through the
expansion of individual and collective consciousness.

"Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains." This is the opening sentence of
Rousseau’s most famous work. In the 18th Century, the French philosopher’s The Social
Contract helped inspire political reforms or revolutions throughout Europe, especially in France.
It argued against the idea that monarchs were divinely empowered to legislate. As Rousseau
asserts, only the people, who are sovereign, have that all-powerful right. His book heralded the
birth of modern democracies.

But today we are reaching a situation where democracy is looking more and more like a
sham. Everyone has a vote, but now a tiny fraction of the population are getting richer by the
day, and the vast majority are getting poorer. Government is beginning to resemble the same
corrupted systems that Rousseau experienced in his day.

Rousseau’s response was to call for a change in the system of government. In other
words, to change the structure of our relationships on the outside, independent of how we
were on the inside.

This book is not about changing the world on the outside, but about inner change. It is
about how we can “be the change we want to see in the world” by changing ourselves. And
how when we change ourselves, the world changes accordingly. This is a book about inner
power and how we might be exploring a new Global Social Contract - with each other and with
the planet.

Imagining what Rousseau might have written today, my opening sentence reads:

“We are all born connected yet everywhere we are disconnected.”

We are born free and we are born connected. But because we are all disconnected, we
are still in chains. These chains are invisible because they are inside us. Just because we cannot
see them, does not mean they do not exist.

Changing our social structures has still not set us free. Until we are able to throw off our
inner chains, we are still both the jailer and the prisoner in our own separate little mental and
emotional prisons. And what is more, we do not know that we are disconnected and that we
are in chains. Freedom Within 10

Recognizing our Own Inner Prison

I have written this book to help you discover your own Freedom Within by changing
yourself. I will show you what it means to be disconnected, and conversely what it means to be
connected. I will show you how to recognize your own disconnection and how this is considered
normal because we are all disconnected.

I will also show you how, because we are all disconnected, we are essentially stuck in
this state. We are stuck because we do not realize that there is another whole different
dimension to being. It is very similar to looking at the moon. We can only see one side. We can
never see the other side of the moon.

This stuckness is like a prison without walls. We cannot see that we are stuck, and if we
could, we cannot see a way out. This book is a simple guide on how to walk out from our own
jail and be free.

The Benefits and Price of Disconnection

I will start by helping you to understand how being disconnected is what distinguishes
humans from other animals, and how this has allowed us to become the dominant species on
the planet. From your own perspective, this enables you to survive and thrive in a society
where disconnection is normal. For whatever you have achieved in your life, you can thank your

However, your success comes at a price. I will show you how your disconnection weighs
you down and how your energy is blocked. Being blocked, you inevitably attract into your life
the things that resonate with your blocks. Most likely they are things that you do not want. You
may also be asking yourself: why can I never be truly happy? Why can I never experience true
joy and abundance? Why am I unable to step fully into my own power? Why am I unable to be
the God/Goddess that I really could be?

Being disconnected, we nevertheless manage to cope. Some of us cope better than

others. You may be one of those. Or you may be finding that it is getting harder and harder to
cope. In that case, you may want to ask yourself: if being disconnected is the root cause for
many of my problems, then what would it take for me to be reconnected? Being reconnected,
would that help me to solve my problems?

How Do I Re-connect?

We were born connected, so we have known about connection for ever. One form of
connection is being fully in the flow. We can see that in our top sports people. Having reached
the peak of their game, they are effortless winners. But to get there, as the peak suggests, they
had to climb a mountain. They needed years and years of practice. They had to struggle to get
to the top. Freedom Within 11

We have also seen this in spirituality and personal transformation. Traditionally we have
viewed this as an arduous soul journey. This also entails years of practice, along with dark
nights of the soul, and the fear of never arriving. Sometimes, it is as if we set ourselves up for
continuous journeying and never arriving. All the great religions have spiritual paths that lead to
connection. We have called this Enlightenment, Self-Realization, Divine Grace. There are many
names but those that arrive are far and few between.

In a disconnected world, it only seems reasonable that there is no value in connection

unless this has been achieved through great effort, perseverance, commitment, drive, courage,
pain and suffering. In a disconnected world, nothing has value unless it is rare, hard to find,
difficult to get.

Re-connecting is Really Easy

I will show you that this is one of the great myths of disconnection. I myself struggled for
over 35 years to discover connection. When I eventually found it I realized that if I had known
what I know now, I could have found it in a fraction of the time. Moreover, I could have found it
with ease. All that struggle, which incidentally I enjoyed, could have been avoided. I am talking
about being able to achieve in a few months what traditionally has taken one or more life

I will show you that becoming fully connected is easy, simple, painless and effective. I
will show you how this is the path of true happiness - the path of Love, Joy, Health and
Abundance. It is the way of standing in one's inner power. It is the discovery that when we are
healed, the world heals. What we change on the inside is reflected in the world.

How we feel, think and believe is how we are and how the world appears to us. When
we are disconnected and blocked, then we see the world accordingly. The outer world reflects
our inner blocks.

Changing the World by Changing Ourselves

When we are able to respond harmoniously with whatever is happening in our lives -
without trying to change others or the world, the world changes by itself. We change our world
by changing ourselves. The world reflects our inner harmony.

Freedom Within is literally a state of Enlightenment. It is where we are able to release

and let go the emotional blocks and wounding that we have been holding onto most of our lives
and which are preventing us from fully realizing who we are.

We could also describe it as the Way of Harmony. It is the path of least resistance. It is
the journey of Acceptance, Forgiveness, Compassion, Unconditional Love and Gratitude. It is
the practice of continually moving out of resistance into flow. Freedom Within 12

When we are connected we become One with the Universal Life Force. In becoming
One, we are essentially going beyond what can be thought. I will show our how our ability to
think is one of the primary causes for our being disconnected.

Famously in the Chinese classic, the Tao Te Ching, opened with the sentence: “The name
that can be named is not the enduring and unchanging name.” So being connected is a feeling
that cannot be described using words. Nevertheless, traditionally we have used words such as
Chi, Ki, Prana or Infinite Love.

We can think of this as being the highest energetic frequency in our universe. I will show
you later how we can use the words and the associated thoughts as a kind of ladder to take us
to what I call Crossing the Rainbow Bridge. When we reach the Bridge we can throw away the
ladder. Once we have crossed the Bridge, we are what cannot be named.

It is Really Easy to Clear Our Blocks

What is really exciting is that once we understand how to be fully connected, it is then
really easy to clear our blocks. Our blocks are old pain or emotional wounds that we have been
holding onto most of our lives.

What I will show you is how I turned the whole traditional quest for self-realization on
its head. In the traditional model, we take up a spiritual practice, such as meditation, yoga,
prayer or even some martial arts. We practice for years, gradually wearing down the lifelong
conditioning that is preventing us from getting to our core wounds. If we are lucky, we may
finally reach them and heal them. It takes forever, literally thousands of hours of hard work and

When we have removed our blocks and we are totally aligned and connected with this
energy, we can experience being fully alive. Being fully alive, we become this ineffable energy,
this Infinite Love. We are Infinite Love. Imagine yourself as a unique individual drop of water
that merges with the ocean and becomes the ocean. I AM the Ocean. I AM Infinite Love.

A Quick Sense of Where You Are Now

In the next chapter I show you how to recognize and experience your own level of
disconnection. But before that, let me help you have a sense of where you are right now.

Let us assume that you are trying to live your life as harmoniously as possible. How
harmoniously do you respond to whatever is happening in your life, regardless of how joyous or
painful; regardless of whether you are up or down? Of course, it is easy to be harmonious when
everything is going well. But how harmonious are you when things are going badly? Imagine my
great grandfather in the concentration camp. Freedom Within 13

Imagine a scale of 0 to 100, where 0 is total disharmony, and 100 is total harmony? If
you think of your life and how you are responding generally to whatever is happening, where
would you see yourself on this scale? Are you at or near to 100? Or are you some way off?
What number to you give yourself?

Wherever you see yourself, unless you are at 100, there will be a gap. How big is the gap
between where you are now and 100? The lower you are on this scale, the more disconnected.
The higher you are, the closer you are to being fully connected.

Now I invite you to ask yourself, would you like to experience your life at or close to 100
on this scale? If the answer is yes, then this book is for you.

Our Journey Together

Now that you have a sense of where you are, I take you through several stages,
including: identifying how we are disconnected; learning how to re-connect; letting go our life
time blocks; re-valuating our habits, patterns of behaviour, conditioning and addictions;
learning how to avoid falling back into destructive patterns; learning how to get out of the pit if
we fall back in; and finally, learning how to shift between disconnection and connection in
order to live in harmony and in the flow. To put it simply, learning how to get unstuck and how
to stay unstuck.

If the above sounds complicated, you can think of this journey as five basic steps:
connecting, surrendering, letting go, integrating, and practice. You will see that the process is
simple, quick, effective, painless and safe. You will find that it is totally transformational and

The Quantum Shift

My aim in this book is for you to experience a quantum shift in consciousness through
re-connecting and letting go your blocks. Having experienced for yourself how easy it is to get
unstuck and be in the flow, I invite you, in turn, to help trigger a quantum shift in the world. The
shift entails getting out of our collective stuckness in disconnection through reconnecting, and
then re-discovering how to be in total harmony with each other and the planet.

I invite you to read through this book quickly, and then find a partner to help you both
discover Freedom Within in your lives.

I am inviting you to change your life and in so doing to change the world. Freedom Within 14

Why a Quantum Shift is Possible

The following is a short summary of what I have discovered, and why I am now
confident that a quantum shift is easily achievable. It is easily achievable if this is something
that we want.

The following are the main points. These will be elaborated in subsequent chapters.

Our Starting Point

Our current human condition is to be disconnected. Most of us are now chronically

disconnected. We see ourselves as being separate from the world. We do this in order to
control the world and to compete effectively with each other and other life forms for scarce

The primary reason that we are disconnected arises from our ability to think with words
and images. Our thinking disconnects us.

What holds us in disconnection is that from an early age, instead of experiencing,

digesting and letting go our painful experiences and conditioning, we hold onto them, creating
body/mind blocks.

Being blocked in this way, at the deepest level we are driven by Fear.

At some point in our lives, we may experience an awakening. We may then embark on a
journey of transformation. Our primary goal then is re-discovering what it means to become re-

Becoming Connected Is Not Enough

The journey from disconnection to connection is a well-trodden path. It has been the
basis of many spiritual practices for thousands of years. Within the overall population, spiritual
aspirants are far and few between. The journey that they take is long and arduous.

This is a journey that I chose to take 35 years ago. The practice was the Japanese martial
art, Aikido. This literally means: The Way of Harmony through Universal Life Force. My Japanese
teacher told me that Aikido is a path to self-realization. I had never heard the concept. But it
sounded like something that I needed to do.

The real awakening for me was when I realized that on the journey that I had chosen, I
had literally started at the wrong place. There is a famous Irish saying: "If you want to get to
where you want to go, I wouldn't be starting from here." Freedom Within 15

With traditional transformational practices, we might see ourselves very much like an
onion. Over the years we have experienced a certain amount of pain and wounding. Around
that wounding we have protected ourselves by developing layer upon layer of conditioning,
similar to the layers of an onion. In our practice we are progressively removing the outer layers
of this conditioning and gradually working towards the centre in order to release and heal the
original core wounding.

What I discovered after more than 10,000 hours of practice was that I had managed to
remove some of the outer layers, but the original core wounding was still there. I was still as
energetically blocked as I had been when I first started. In that respect I was still as
disconnected as when I first started.

One of my greatest aha moments was realizing that when I arrived for my Aikido
practice, I was disconnected. Then for two hours on the mat I would be connected. My teacher
described as integrated body/mind. Then the moment I stepped off the mat, I was once more
disconnected - in separate body/mind. The same thing happened when I practiced meditation
or yoga.

I also discovered that being connected was not enough on its own to heal the core
wounding. Maybe, if I were to practice more assiduously for longer each day, maybe eventually
I would wear away those outer layers to the point where my inner wounding was finally healed.

So the discovery was that being disconnected, we hold onto our original core wounding
as an essential requirement for being disconnected. Holding onto our core wounding activates
the underlying fear that then drives us to want to be in control. Being disconnected is what
makes us human. Everyone around us is disconnected, so socially it makes sense for us to be
like everyone else.

In traditional transformational practices it is recognized that to heal our core wounding

and thereby to release our fear, we need to become connected. In all these practices the
underlying belief is that only through a lifetime of assiduous and continual practice do we ever
get to the point of being able to release and let go.

So if I ever wanted to let go my inner blocks, I had a choice: either intensify my practice,
or find another way. I decided that I needed to find another way.

Getting Connected is Easy

In my practice I imagined that I was slowly learning how to become more and more
connected. In the training there were so-called "Ki Tests", which were designed to test one's
progress in becoming more connected. The longer I practiced, the more I believed that it must
take a very long time to learn how to be really connected. All the literature described how the
masters had spent a lifetime of practice, undergoing any number of trials, in order finally to be
able to reach the desired state - to be able to pass the ultimate Ki Test. Freedom Within 16

I finally had the courage and the insight to ask the question: what would it take to be
able to get into a fully embodied state of connection instantly, and more importantly, what
would it take to be able to teach someone very quickly how to be able to do the same? In other
words, what would it take for anyone to be able to learn in an instant how to pass the ultimate
Ki Test?

Unless you ask the question, the answer will not appear. But once you ask the question,
by some miracle the answer will come. What I discovered is that it is possible to show a total
beginner what it takes in a matter of minutes to be as fully connected as a master. Of course, a
master is better able to sustain the connection. The master has also been able to fully integrate
being connected into his life. But nevertheless, being fully connected, if only for a moment, is

This Is the Real Magic

What I discovered was that when we are fully connected, and when we have the
intention to release and let go our blocks and to heal our core wounding, what previously may
have taken a lifetime of practice to achieve, can actually be done in minutes. It is actually as
easy as clearing a drain pipe that has become blocked with leaves.

Of course, when you read this, I am aware that I am stretching the limits of your
credibility. How is it possible that we have been developing and practicing a range of
transformational practices for centuries and have never discovered that the path can be quick
and easy? How can anything have any value if anyone can do it? Surely there is no gain without
pain. The most precious of gems is the one that is the most difficult to find. The one in a billion.
The rarest of the rare.

All this may be true and I feel it acutely myself. I spent 35 years of hard and regular
practice. It was not easy. It required perseverance, discipline, commitment, courage, patience
and endurance. In other words, many admirable qualities. When my friends and family were
socializing and wanting me to participate, I would say, sorry, my practice comes first. Especially
when I became the teacher.

So what I discovered here was that rather than spending for ever working on the outer
layers of the onion, what if we went directly to the centre, to the core wounds, and then heal
these first? What if we started with Enlightenment, and then worked out from there? Of
course, we still have to deal with the outer layers. But if we first clear the blocks, how much
easier will it be to release and let go what no longer works for us in our lives?

Surrendering and Letting Go

We start with being disconnected. A primary feature of being disconnected is that we

hold onto our original blocks and wounding. This holds us in disconnection and enables us to Freedom Within 17

survive and thrive in our world. It enables us to be in control. But the price we pay is that we
are driven by fear and we can never be truly happy. We cannot easily experience Love, Joy,
Health and Abundance.

However, it is really easy for us to be fully connected. When we are fully connected, it is
really easy to release and let go our blocks. When we do this, we instantly feel a sense of
enlightenment. It is as if we have let go a big sack of rocks that we have been carrying on our
backs for ever.

But coming back to the analogy of the onion, we have cleared the centre but the outer
layers are still there. The only thing that has happened now is that the resistance to removing
the layers has been neutralized. In other words, we are now consciously able to see how these
layers of conditioning have been formed, and how in our every day life we are still repeating
the behaviours and patterns that created the layers in the first place.

So we still require a practice to determine which of the layers we now want to let go
and how to be - moment by moment - in a way that sustains the liberation that we have
experienced through letting go. So for example, if we had an unmet need for being loved as a
result of never being properly loved as a child, we could then see clearly how we were
continually attracting situations in our life where we would continue to feel unloved. Having
neutralized the original core wound, we now have the freedom of choice as to whether to
repeat the unhelpful behaviour or to change the pattern.

So who we are, what we do, how we think, how we feel, what we believe - all these
have been determined by our early blocks, our early wounding. This is how Bruce Lipton
expresses it:

“The major problem is that people are aware of their conscious beliefs and behaviours,
but not of subconscious beliefs and behaviours. Most people don’t even acknowledge that their
subconscious mind is at play, when the fact is that the subconscious mind is a million times more
powerful than the conscious mind and that we operate 95 to 99 percent of our lives from
subconscious programs.

“Your subconscious beliefs are working either for you or against you, but the truth is that
you are not controlling your life, because your subconscious mind supersedes all conscious
control. So when you are trying to heal from a conscious level—citing affirmations and telling
yourself you’re healthy—there may be an invisible subconscious program that’s sabotaging

So, in effect, we have become prisoners of our own subconscious mind. The problems
we have created for ourselves all arise as a result of our being disconnected. We now have a
very elegant and easy way to free ourselves by first healing the wounds that are causing our
problems. We do this by becoming connected. Once connected, it is then really easy to let.
Once we have let go, it is then really easy to become whole again. We have hugely expanded Freedom Within 18

our potential for choice. Experiencing Freedom Within, we are now really in control of our lives
and how we experience it.

I can hear you saying to yourself: I am already totally in control of my own life. In my
case, since the age of leaving school, I felt that I made all my major decisions consciously and
with free will. I chose my partner. I chose my work. I chose my lifestyle. I chose where I lived.
You probably feel the same.

It was only much later in life did it come to me as a shock that what I thought was a high
level of control in my life was largely an illusion. This was when I discovered that while being
consciously aware of my decisions, these were, as Bruce Lipton says, being determined by my
subconscious. In reality I had very little control. So, for instance, the decision about whom to
marry was largely determined in my subconscious and in my partner’s subconscious. What
attracted us to each other had less to do with our individual qualities and social standing,
(which we each could have found in multiple other possible partners), but with a shared
subconscious profiling. What we shared was a similar response to the emotional, spiritual and
mental wounding in our lives. In other words, we were attracted to each other because we
shared the same pain. We vibrated on the same energetic frequency. We were also responding
to our deeper unmet needs, which at some level we imagined would be met through marrying
each other. We will explore this later in more depth.

In the next chapters I show you the practical steps on how to experience your own
disconnection; how from there to be fully re-connected; how to identify your blocks, surrender
and let go; how to integrate this release into every aspect of your life; and finally some very
simple practices on how to move harmoniously between disconnection and connection in order
to fully experience Love, Joy, Health and Abundance. Freedom Within 19


Until I started practising Aikido at the age of 37, it never occurred to me that I might be
disconnected. The concept was meaningless. By now you might be wondering whether you are
disconnected, and if so, what does it mean? If you asked yourself where you are on the
Harmony Scale, you may have a sense of your level of disconnection by the size of the gap.

Perhaps a more important question is what does it feel like? Does being disconnected
feel any different to being connected?

The easiest way to understand it is to be able to feel it in your own body. In this chapter,
I show you how you can feel what it is to be disconnected. I also go into more detail about how
we get to be disconnected, why we prefer to stay disconnected, the benefits of being
disconnected, and then the disadvantages.

One of the key objectives of this book is to help you to understand how to consciously
enjoy the benefits, without having to pay the very high price that comes with being

To help you with this explanation, you will need a willing partner to help you feel your
own and your partner's disconnection.

The Wobble Test

There is a famous saying by an unknown Zen master: "When you sit, sit; when you
stand, stand; but whatever you do, don't wobble."

Zen masters are famous for making statements which are confusing and can only be
understand in a moment of enlightenment. Let me explain what this means and how it relates
to being disconnected.

Essentially, the Zen master is saying that if, when we are either sitting or standing, we
wobble, then that means that we are disconnected. When we do not wobble, the converse is
true - we are connected.

We can easily test whether we are connected or disconnected by simply asking a

partner to help us with the test. I suggest you first try this out on your partner, and then ask
your partner to do the same test with you. If you can find a partner who has had previous
experience with energy testing - Applied Kinesiology, for instance - that would be ideal, but not
essential. Freedom Within 20

Using the Wobble Test

Standing almost side by side and facing the same direction, ask your partner to just
stand how they would normally.

Then explain that, with their permission, you are going to first push them backwards
from the front, and then forwards from the back. All your partner needs to do is to try not to
wobble. Your partner can resist with as much strength as is needed not to wobble. The main
requirement is that they stay rooted to the spot and try not to move the body.

It is important when you test that you are standing at your partner's side and using the
arm nearest to your partner. If you are facing your partner, it can feel very threatening.

Before you push, you will bring your hand up to the middle of your partner's
breastbone. Then touch very lightly with your fingertips. Having made the connection, you can
then apply as much pressure as is needed to make your partner wobble. When you are testing,
try not to make jerky movements.

If your partner is very strong when pushing from one direction, then change to pushing
from the opposite direction. If your partner wobbles from both directions or just from one,
then this indicates that your partner is disconnected.

I have done this test with hundreds of different partners and only in one case did the
partner not wobble when doing this test for the first time. So it is normal to wobble, because it
is normal to be disconnected. Freedom Within 21

Once you have established that your partner wobbled, and is therefore disconnected, I
usually then ask my partner what was happening in their body when I pushed. More often than
not, my partner has absolutely no idea. They might say something like: "I was trying to resist" or
"I was trying not to wobble".

I then try the test again and ask them to feel into their body and see what is happening.
Again, I can see that they are thinking, but they don't really know what to say. They are also not
aware that they are thinking about how to answer rather than just feeling into their body.

I then might ask them: "What was happening to your breathing?" They usually reply:
"Oh yes, my breathing stopped" or "It got very short". Till then there had been no awareness
that they had been breathing and that as a result of my pushing them, something had changed.

I then ask them to bring their attention to where I am pushing, which is the focus area of
the problem. Are they responding by connecting with the point of contact, expanding and being
open, or are they contracting, resisting and closing. They invariably answer the latter. If instead
of just pushing them I was coming at them with a knife, the response would be to contract into
the defensive crouched posture of a boxer.

So gradually they realize that typically, when they are responding to a problem, they
either stop breathing or their breath shortens and quickens, they are in their heads thinking
about how to deal with it, and their body is contracting around the area, where they are
experiencing the resistance in their body.

Fight or Flight

The above is a simplistic explanation of what your partner might be experiencing. Of

course, what we are triggering in a mildly threatening way is the Fight or Flight response. This is
a natural response designed to deal with feeling fear for our lives. When the response is
triggered, there are physiological changes in our bodies, as well as an emotional response.

With respect to our Wobble Test, it is much more likely to be triggered by more complex
and subtle concerns. For instance, I am being asked to pass a test. Am I good enough to pass it?
What happens if I cannot pass it? Am I being judged? If so , how do I feel about that?. When I
am being touched on my breast bone, what feelings might that evoke? Do I feel threatened?

What is significant about this test is the understanding that in our normal state we are
disconnected. Then, when we experience some resistance in our lives, we are almost totally
unaware of what is happening in our bodies.

In a slightly more threatening situation, we will be unaware that our breathing shortens
and quickens to get more oxygen into our lungs; our circulation increases blood supply to our
brain, muscles and limbs to deliver more oxygen; our heart beats quicker and harder, and our Freedom Within 22

coronary arteries dilate; our blood pressure rises; our liver releases extra sugar for energy; our
muscles tense for action; our adrenal glands release adrenalin to fuel the response.

At the same time while some activity is increasing in the body, some is decreasing: our
digestion slows down or stops; our mouth goes dry; our kidney, large intestine and bladder
slow down; and our immune responses decrease.

The Fight or Flight response is a primitive reaction to danger, which originally was
designed to ensure our survival in moments of life-threatening danger. Originally we would
have been connected most of the time. (I will explain this in more detail shortly).

But now we start from the point of being disconnected. We are also triggering the Fight
or Flight response from this state of disconnection, and in multiple situations where survival
from extreme danger is not an issue. This response is being triggered from something as simple
as being subjected to the Wobble Test, where we experience some resistance in our bodies.

Testing for Blocks

Before going a bit deeper into the causes of our disconnection, it is useful to help your
partner experience the effects of their disconnection in their bodies. This consists of helping
them to see where in their bodies they are holding contracted energy.

There are multiple ways of testing. Here are three that I use to both test and then
validate. The first test is derived from Qigong, an ancient Chinese health care system that
integrates physical postures, breathing techniques and focused attention. Qigong literally
means working with the Universal Life Force.

The second test is derived from muscle testing, also known as Applied Kinesiology. This
is a technique used in alternative medicine and energy healing to diagnose illness or to choose
treatment by testing muscles for strength or weakness.

The third test derives from Mongolian Overtone chanting. This is a form of chanting on
one note where the overtones or harmonics are selectively amplified by changing the shape of
the resonant cavities of the mouth, larynx and pharynx. These notes are always present in any
note, but while they colour the note and give it its quality they are usually inaudible. My
interest is not so much in the beautiful harmonics that are created, but the discovery that each
energy centre resonates with a particular single note. When the note is chanted, if the
corresponding energy centre is blocked, using the Wobble test, your partner will test weak. If
the centre is totally open, your partner will test strong.

All of the above were designed for different purposes. I have learnt from them and then
modified them accordingly to facilitate our process of testing for blocked energy. Freedom Within 23

Needless to say, the validity and the effectiveness of the above techniques, whether in
the original form, or in my adapted form, are all considered questionable by the conventional
scientific community. Pseudo scientific is the usual put-down.

Energetic Plumbing

Our purpose in testing is to help our partner to directly experience in their bodies the
connection between holding onto old emotional wounding and blocked energy and being
disconnected. If our partner tests as being disconnected using the Wobble Test, then we are
assuming that our partner is energetically blocked in one or more areas of the body.

While we are dealing with old pain and emotional wounding, what we are doing here is
not conventional psychotherapy. Around every wound and with every painful experience, there
is a story. However interesting the story, knowing and repeating the story does not necessarily
help in healing the old wounds and clearing the blocks.

What we are looking for and seeing is just blocked energy. We are looking through the
eyes of a plumber. If the drain pipe outside our house were blocked, it might be interesting to
know that the blockage was caused by a combination of various types of leaves and the twigs of
an old birds nest. But from a plumber's perspective the main concern is working out how to
unblock the drain. The constituents of the block are largely uninteresting. It would only be
useful to know more about them if it had some bearing on the method of clearing the block, or
from preventing a future block. If the block came from the leaves of a certain tree, then we
could consider a specific course of action. Clearing the drains on a more regular basis might be
such a solution.

So I invite you to think of what we are doing here as engaging in energetic plumbing. We
are looking at a complex energy system with a network of interconnected pipes, tanks and
drains. It is complex because the energy can be physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual. All
these energies are interconnected. In a reasonably healthy person, throughout most of the
system the energy is flowing freely. If the individual is disconnected, then in some parts the
energy is blocked. However , because the whole system is interconnected, when some areas
are blocked, these blockages affect the whole system. If your partner is blocked in the heart
centre, then this blockage, in one way or another, will be affecting various aspects of your
partner's life. If that is limiting your partner in any way, then clearing the blocks becomes an
obvious choice.

Qigong Hugging The Tree

This test is very simple and can be done in a few minutes. It is good practice always to
ask your partner's permission before doing any further tests. In any kind of energy work there is
always the possibility that some deeper emotional response might be triggered accidentally.
We want to avoid this if possible. Freedom Within 24

This time you and your partner are both standing and facing each other. Invite your
partner to bring their stretched out arms up to the level of their heart, palms facing each other.
Then ask your partner to round their arms as if they were hugging the trunk of a tree. Another
way to think of it is that they are holding onto a large basket of cherries at chest height. The
finger tips are now pointing towards each other and about nine inches apart. The palms are
now facing the heart centre.

You now explain to your partner that when you give the signal you will place your hands
on the back of each of your partner's wrists and then push your partner's fingers towards each
other. You partner is to resist as hard as possible to prevent you bringing their fingers together.
You then place your hands on your partner's wrists, invite your partner to resist, and then push.
Having pushed, you can then also test by trying to pull the wrists apart. Freedom Within 25

You will find that there are essentially two possible conditions: either your partner's
wrists will not move, or their fingers will start moving towards each other. In other words, in
this position, your partner is testing either strong or weak.

If they test strong, this is an indication that they are totally open in that centre. If they
test weak, then it shows that their energy is blocked. It suggests that they have experienced
some emotional pain, which was suppressed and is still being held in this area. The area is
contracted instead of being open and expanded.

The first test was on the heart centre. There are many places in the body where energy
can be blocked. However there are seven main areas. Most of our blocks are likely to be in one
or more of these. Traditionally these areas have been described as the seven "chakras", or
energy centres.

Having tested the heart centre, we make a note of whether it was strong or weak and
then move up to the throat centre. Ask your partner to keep the same circular position of the
arms and then to move them up so that the palms of the hands are facing the throat area. Then
do the same test again, and note the result. Freedom Within 26

From the throat centre we move to the brow centre (otherwise known as the Third Eye).
Now the palms are facing the point just above the eyes. Having repeated the test, we then
move up to the crown centre, with the arms raised above the head and the palms facing down
towards the top of the head.

Having now tested the four upper centres, we then do the same test with the three
lower centres. First the abdomen, then the lower belly, then the pelvis.

Here is a short video entitled Testing the Main Energy Centres Prior to Clearing Blocks
that puts it all together:

More often than not, you will find that your partner is weak in one or more centres and
strong in the rest. The blocked energy is in the centres that have tested weak.

Very occasionally, we may have a partner where all the centres are testing strong. In this
case there are two possibilities: either all their centres are totally clear; or all their centres are
totally blocked, even though they appear to be presenting as clear.

How do you tell which is which? It is likely to be the former condition if your partner has
already done a lot of work on themselves. They are well balanced, generally harmonious, and
they are not presenting any obvious issues. Freedom Within 27

If you get a sense that your partner is holding onto some deep traumatic wounding and
that this still has not been processed, then testing strong could be an indication of extreme
defensiveness. In this case, what you are testing as being strong is not their openness and
expansion, but their heavy armour plating. This is sometimes described as a wall. Your partner
has been badly hurt in the past. There is now a defensive wall around the areas of pain. In this
situation, your partner is likely to be terrified to re-connect with these old wounds. Out of fear
of being swamped by an emotional tsunami, it is unlikely that your partner will give you
permission to help to release it. The feeling for your partner is that they are trying to keep
down the lid on a volcano that could erupt and overwhelm them at any moment. We discuss
this further below.

Muscle Testing

The above condition is rare. In most cases you will find that your partner presents with
one or more weak areas. Using another simple test, we can get a rough idea how blocked these
areas are. This is using muscle-testing, also known as Applied Kinesiology.

Let us assume that the main area of weakness was the heart centre. Now ask your
partner, still standing, to extend their strongest arm (usually their right arm) to shoulder height
and out to their side. In this test there are only two conditions: true or false. True is when the
arm tests strong; false is when the arm tests weak.

Not everyone is susceptible to this type of testing, so we first need to test whether your
partner is open to being tested in this way. So with their permission you first test how strong
the arm is when you ask your partner to resist and you push down from above. The technique is
for you to place your fingers on the wrist of your partner's extended arm, and then once
connected, apply progressive downward pressure. Again we need to avoid any jerky

Having tested the general strength of your partner's arm, you then ask your partner to
say something that is obviously true, for instance their name. For instance, I am Michael. That
being true, when pushing down on the arm, it should test strong. Now ask you partner to say
something obviously untrue. For instance, I am Archibald. In this case, it should test weak.

You can then try that with another simple test. Assuming your partner is a man, the
statement "I am a man" will test strong. "I am a woman" will test weak.

If your partner is testing correctly for all these conditions, you can then test the level of
contraction in your partner's heart centre. Before doing this, I usually test one of the centres
that is obviously clear. So I might as my partner to say:

"My throat centre is 100 percent clear." Freedom Within 28

If this tests strong, then it confirms the earlier Qigong test. We can then compare the
strength of the throat centre with the perceived weakness in the heart centre. You can ask your
partner to say:

"My heart centre is over 50 percent clear."

If this tests strong, then the next statement would be:

"My heart centre is over 60 percent clear."

You keep going up a notch until the arm tests weak.

If the response is weak with the initial statement of over 50 percent clear, then you
keep going down from 40 percent until your partner tests strong.

This test will help your partner to understand how contracted that centre has become.
In conventional psychotherapy we could then explore all the reasons for this block. What was
the nature of the original wounding? When did it happen? What were the circumstances? How
has this attracted further instances of similar wounding throughout your partner's life.

Our wounding is inevitably rich in story. It is our story. It is what makes us interesting
and unique. We love to have an opportunity to tell our story, or not to tell it, if we are full of
guilt and shame. At this stage of the process, deep analysis is unnecessary. It could however
become useful once we have cleared our blocks and we have started the process of integration.

Mongolian Overtone Chanting

Having experienced Mongolian Overtone chanting and the focus on working with single
notes, I discovered that these individual notes mapped onto specific energy centres (chakras).

There are five specific vowel sounds and two hums, a low one and a higher one. These
correspond as follows:

Crown centre mmmmmmmmm (Higher hum)

Third Eye Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee (as in eat)
Throat centre Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy (as in hay)
Heart centre Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh (as in the letter 'r')
Solar plexus centre Ommmmmmmmm (as in or)
Lower belly centre Ummmmmmmmm (as in Ooh)
Pelvic centre mmmmmmmmmm (Lower hum)

So coming back to the example where we found that our partner's heart centre tested
weak. I can ask my partner while still standing to chant with a full breath the sound:
Ahhhhhhhhhh. I then test with the wobble test. Most likely my partner will test weak. Freedom Within 29

After we have cleared and strengthened the centre, we can try this test again. If your
partner tests strong this time, then it will further validate that the centre is now clear.

Is this chanting useful for clearing the blocked centres? Yes, it could be. However, as you
will see below, there are now very quick, safe and effective ways for clearing the centre once
you have established that it is blocked. There is no need to spend a life time in a Mongolian

In this chapter we have shown how we can experience in our bodies what it means to
be disconnected. We have then looked at how we can test where in our bodies we have been
holding onto old pain and emotional wounding and how these blocks are reinforcing our
disconnection. In the next chapter we look at some of the causes of disconnection. Freedom Within 30

The Root Causes of Disconnection

How is it that we are disconnected? How is it that we understand so little about our own

There are four primary root causes for our disconnection:

• our ability to think and communicate with words

• our tendency to hold onto our early wounding as shown above
• the fear, guilt, shame and similar emotions that arise as a result of holding onto our
woundedness; and
• the vicious circle of thinking, feeling and believing.

All of the above interact together to keep us stuck and embedded in disconnection.

Our Thoughts

We humans are all born connected. As soon as we start breathing we are breathing in
our lower bellies. Not only does this connect us. It also activates our immune systems. When
we start crawling, we are also breathing into our lower bellies. But once we starting standing
and walking, we have become disconnected. We have become like our parents.

Animals are also born connected but they stay connected. Why are we so different?

The fundamental cause of our disconnection is our ability to think. Unlike other animals,
humans have the skill to think thoughts with words in a shared language and then able to
communicate our thoughts in words through speech. Humans have sophisticated language.
Animals have very rudimentary forms of communication. They can feel empathy, they can
sense, they can feel. But can they think the thoughts: I am hungry, I need to eat, I need to find
some food?

We can use the Wobble Test to see how this works. I have shown my partner what it is
to be disconnected. I then show my partner how to be connected. They now test strong. They
are immovable. I then ask my partner to think about something. Invariably when I test they
wobble. It requires some considerable training to be able to think and not wobble. In certain
cases, such as solving a mental arithmetic problem or trying to recall an event, it is impossible
not to wobble.

When we are thinking, we are creating an invisible barrier between ourselves and
energetic reality. If I look at the sky and think or say that it is blue, the word blue somehow gets
in the way of my direct experience of the sky. When I am connected, I am connected because
everything is connected. Therefore instead of seeing everything as being separate, I experience
everything as being One. I experience the sky, I am the sky. When I am disconnected, I and the Freedom Within 31

sky are separate. The concept of the blueness of the sky separates me even further, as do all
linguistic abstractions.

The theory of the origin of thought and of language is interesting. It is a field of study in
which there is absolutely no certainty. Just a number of conflicting and contradictory theories.
In the nineteenth century, the birth of language was such a fraught topic that scientists were
actively discouraged from pursuing it. Any theories were considered to be pseudo science.

The theories range from language being a gift from God, a gift from aliens from outer
space, a slow evolutionary process, or a quantum shift such as a sudden mutation in our DNA.
Whatever enabled us to think and talk, a plausible theory is that the process started exclusively
with Homo Sapiens somewhere between 50,000 and 100,000 years ago. This might explain how
we have become the dominant species on the planet. Language gave us an advantage in terms
of communication, organization and technology. But at the same time, we paid a price. It
disconnected us energetically from our environment. It also disconnected us from each other as
thousands of different languages evolved.

Over the ages we have celebrated thinking as our greatest gift. Descartes famously
wrote: "I think, therefore I am." What he might have meant was: "I think, therefore I am a
member of the dominant species on the planet." That may be true. At the same time it might
be equally correct to say: "I think, therefore I am energetically disconnected."

In the King James version of the Bible, the first verse of St John's gospel reads: "In the
beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." More
accurately, this might have read: "In the beginning we were all connected as One. Then we
received the gift of the Word. Then we became disconnected from ourselves, from each other,
from the planet, from the universe, and from God".

This sense of our disconnection is also expressed in the story of Adam and Eve's
expulsion from the Garden of Eden. Our downfall resulted from Eve eating the fruit from the
tree of the knowledge of good and evil. In other words, we lost our innocence once we were
able to think. From that moment we were no longer able to create a paradise on earth, but
condemned to a world full of suffering and injustice.

It is not my intention to make any moral judgements. Our ability to think and
communicate is perhaps our greatest gift. It is the basis for the marvels of civilization. However
at the same time as being our greatest blessing, it may also be our greatest curse by
contributing to our disconnection. As we are seeing, our disconnection is also the root cause of
our suffering. In the worst case, it may eventually lead to our collective self-destruction. This
book is about how to celebrate our gift of thinking by learning how to free ourselves from the
prison of disconnection, how to liberate ourselves through re-connecting, how to avoid the
suffering we experience through being stuck in disconnection, and how to continue to thrive in
a more harmonious relationship with each other and the world. Freedom Within 32

Holding Onto Our Wounds

We live in a world where we experience a range of different feelings in the moment as

these arise from whatever we are doing in the moment. These feelings can be both pleasant or
unpleasant. They can change, moment by moment. We can experience moments of resistance
and moments of flow.

We also experience a similar range of feelings that can be related either to things that
have happened in the past, such as remembering an unpleasant situation, or to things that may
happen in the future, such as next week I have to visit the dentist.

Both the feelings in the moment, and the feelings about the past or the future, are
largely determined by how we have experienced these in the past. In most cases we
experienced a feeling and then let it go. But in others, the feelings were so unpleasant, that
rather than feel them and let them go, we resisted them and found a way of overcoming the
pain by suppressing the feelings. We succeeded in removing the hurt by pushing the feelings
and the memories of the feelings into our subconscious.

As we found with the Wobble Test, when we are experiencing some resistance in our
body, we respond by contracting around the point of resistance. So, for instance, if we
experience lack of love, or grief for the loss of a loved one, these feeling might be concentrated
in the area of our heart. In this case, we contract around the feelings in our heart area and then
to avoid feeling the discomfort and pain we pushed the feelings down into our subconscious.
From an energetic perspective, the energy flowing through the heart area was then blocked.
Instead of being open, the heart became closed.

We might do the same in other areas of our body. If we experience fear of insecurity
and lack, the energy might become blocked in the pelvic area. If we experience feelings of guilt,
or we experience sexual abuse, we may become blocked in the lower belly. If we experience
feelings of shame, or powerlessness, we may become blocked in the solar plexus. Of from the
same incident, we may become blocked in several of our centres.

This process of blocking our energy through the resistance and suppression of painful
feelings tends to take place in our earlier years, typically before the age of five. At this young
age we lack any understanding on how best to deal with these emotions. Rather than
experiencing the pain, digesting it and then letting it go, we hold onto it by suppressing it.

We may have neutralized the pain, but energetically the memory of that pain is still
active. So why do we do it?

The simple answer is that this serves to hold us in disconnection. It is valuable to be

disconnected because this is our core strategy for survival, dominance and control. Being
disconnected, we are able to outperform every other species of animal on this planet. Our Freedom Within 33

perceived need is that we have to be competitive, not only with other species but especially
with each other.

Being disconnected, we see ourselves as separate entities. Holding onto our wounding
and our pain reminds us that we constantly need to overcome our fear of rejection and
abandonment; our fear of pain, of sickness, of not having enough. We need to experience life
as a struggle in order to continually maintain our competitive edge. Were we to lose our edge,
we would be losing the battle to survive and thrive. We deeply believe that there is no gain
without pain. Nothing has value unless we have had to struggle to obtain it.

This wounding that we hold onto is like the proverbial grit in the oyster. Imagine a grain
of sand irritating the soft flesh of the oyster. Unable to expel this irritant, the oyster protects
itself by creating a pearl. Out of millions of pearls that get created in this way, a few are
perfectly formed and immensely beautiful. It is the same with humans. We all experience the
irritation of the grit. For some of us our purpose then is to turn our pain into the most beautiful
pearl possible - to create great deeds or to produce great works of art. The greatest works of
art are those that communicate our deepest pain.

A few of us are able to expel the grit to avoid the irritation. But the vast majority of us
can only overcome the irritation by continually attracting more irritation. Let us say we are
driven to find success. Each time we achieve something, we think, at last I have overcome the
irritation. Only to find that the irritation is still there and the only thing that will satisfy it is
more success. We are then on a treadmill that was created by the original wounding. We have
an itch that never goes away.

This suppression of early pain and emotional wounding is a key characteristic of being
disconnected. What if we had stayed connected during our early formative years? What if our
parents had taught us to stay connected instead of teaching us to be connected? Of course, we
cannot avoid experiences of pain. But we can learn how to experience pain, allow it to heal and
then let it go. We do not have to cling to it for ever.

At the same time, one might ask: what about our experiences of joy? Of course, we
experience our moments of joy just as we feel moments of pain. So why do we not capture
these moments in our cellular memory in the same way that we have done with our pain? If we
had been connected, might we not now be holding onto joy and love rather than being driven
by pain and fear?

Driven by Fear

We have a number of different painful emotions. One of the strongest emotions is fear.
From an evolutionary perspective this emotion has been essential to ensure our survival. Fear
enables us to sense danger and then to act on it. We need the fear to activate our Fight or
Flight response. Freedom Within 34

But when we are disconnected, and when we have suppressed earlier painful
experiences and emotions, fear can underlie all our thoughts and actions. Our main fears could
be our fear of lack and scarcity, our fear of experiencing further pain, our fear of ill-health and
death, and our fear of having to live a life of continuous struggle. We work because without
money we have no security, no quality of life. We are afraid that we will not earn and save
enough to support ourselves in our retirement. We are afraid that if we do not marry and have
children, we will be helpless, unsupported and unloved in our old age.

For most of us, most of the time, this fear is latent and hidden. It is similar to the grit in
the oyster. It is lurking in the background, but the irritant is nevertheless driving all our actions.
If the irritant is excessive, our underlying fear can turn into a phobia. We may develop a fear of
spiders, or snakes, or heights, or crowds. There is no limit to the number of possible situations
to fear.

At the same time, we may compound our fears by experiencing feelings of guilt or
shame. We may be obsessed by feelings of grief and loss. We may feel depression, anxiety,
apathy and hopelessness. We may feel physical pain.

Energetically, these are all low vibrational energies that arise from some form of
resistance. When the flow of energy is blocked and cannot flow with ease, then resistance
builds up and we experience that as some form of discomfort. This feeling of discomfort is felt
in some part of our body in the form of contracted energy. In other words, disconnection.

Thoughts, Feelings and Beliefs

When we are disconnected, we tend to see everything as separate. The world ultimately
is made up of individual atoms and subatomic particles. These are all separate entities.

When we look at ourselves through the eyes of disconnection we see our physical body
made up from all its individual parts. We see our emotions as being something separate from
our bodies and our mental activities as being separate from our emotions and our bodies. We
see our spirit as being separate from our bodies, emotions and mind. We see God as being
separate from ourselves and the universe. We know that in some way they are all
interconnected, yet we treat them as separate. We value above all things our objectivity. This is
how the world is in all its separate parts. We are able to stand back and view the world as if we
were not a part of it.

When we are disconnected, the way we think, feel and believe tends to reinforce our
disconnection. We find ourselves falling into a series of traps from which escape can be very

For instance, imagine that one of your core wounds is fear of abandonment. You might
have experienced abandonment at an early age, let us say one of your parents leaving the
family home. This early childhood pain is now contracted in your heart area. You hold some Freedom Within 35

beliefs that love is not reliable. It is not safe. It is dependent on something outside yourself.
When you lose the object of your love, you experience loss, abandonment and pain. Having
experienced your first major heartache, you find yourself experiencing the same pattern of
events as subsequent relationships have broken down. Each time you sensed an impending
breakdown in the relationship, in order to avoid the possibility of further pain, you were
tempted to abandon your partner before your partner abandoned you. You began to realize
that you were attracting partners into your life who had also experienced abandonment. Their
pain and your pain were the same. You both came into the relationship with the same
underlying belief that love would be painful and that sooner or later you would be abandoned.

Now you are in a relationship where the possibility of abandonment has triggered
feelings of fear and anxiety. You can feel this in your heart. Meanwhile, your thoughts are
racing. The more you think about the situation, the more you feel in your heart. The more you
feel, the more you think. Each time you connect with your thoughts and your feelings, you also
connect with your old unconscious beliefs: I always end up being abandoned. I can never stick
in a stable relationship. I will never find a reliable partner. And of course, each time you connect
with the belief, that triggers more thoughts, which in turn further activate the painful feelings
in your heart.

This cycle from thoughts to feelings to beliefs goes round and round until some event
confirms the underlying beliefs. Then, after a while, the pain subsides as the energy is pushed
back down and for a time the energy of the original wound is neutral.

But the fact that you do not feel anything, does not mean that the wound has lost its
power. Now the energy is latent, waiting until the next time that it is triggered. It emits a
certain frequency and it is continually scanning the universe to find a matching frequency. In
other words, it is on the lookout for a situation which will once more activate the wound. This
cycle of thought, feeling and beliefs is continually reinforcing our sense of disconnection and
our underlying fear. It is as if we are caught in a trap of our own making.

Of course this pattern is not just created through fear of abandonment. It can arise from
any of our fears and as I explain below, from any of our unmet needs.

A Zen Buddhist nun once explained this process to me through a story. Imagine that you
are now walking through a forest. The forest is a danger zone. There are wild animals, enemies,
poisonous creatures, any number of possible hazards. As you are walking along the path, trying
to be aware of the dangers, you suddenly fall headlong into a pit. You had not noticed how the
path was strewn with branches and leaves, and now you had fallen into a huge trap designed
for catching elephants. With great difficulty you manage to clamber out of the pit and you
continue on your way. After travelling some distance, you suddenly find yourself falling into
another one. This time, after struggling to get back onto the path, you say to yourself: I really
need to be more aware. I somehow need to sense where these traps are and try not to fall in. Freedom Within 36

So you continue on your way. Next time, you are more aware, but still not quite aware
enough. You saw the trap, but not in time to avoid falling into it. But you were making progress.
This happened a few more times, but finally you were so aware that you could see the trap
from sufficient distance to be able to say to yourself: Aha, another trap on the path. This time, I
will just walk around it.

When we are disconnected, we are largely unaware when we enter a danger zone (the
forest). We are unaware that we might be suddenly triggered by even the slightest thing. And
when we are triggered, it is too late. We have fallen back into the trap. We are in that vicious
circle of thoughts, feelings and beliefs. We need to struggle out by somehow pushing down the
feelings and contracting our energy once more around the original wound. Freedom Within 37

How We Disconnect Is How We Are

Our blocks, which have been created and sustained through our disconnection,
determine who we are, what we do, what we become, how we think, how we feel and what we
believe. Most of us may be disconnected, but for each of us, how we become disconnected is
different. Each of us is unique in our own disconnection. Our uniqueness is what makes us who
we are, what makes us special. It is our own precious identity. It is so much who we are that we
are prepared to defend it at all costs, even when it is causing our own harm.

In our precious uniqueness and identity, we have unconsciously created our own prison.
We may think that we have free will and freedom of choice, but in fact we are virtual prisoners
of our own blocks. We are prisoners of our own uniqueness, our own precious identity. Without
knowing it, we live in a prison without bars. We could walk out any time, but an invisible force
is restraining us. As long as we are holding onto our wounds and stuck in our disconnectedness,
there is no escape. Without even being aware, we are continually running on our own self-
created treadmill, unwilling and unable to step off.

My Disconnection and My Unmet Need

There are any number of possible treadmills, but let me share one of my own. We may
be running on one or more treadmills. Each one is characterized and driven by a single
unconscious unmet need. The unmet need is a deep need that we are continually chasing and
which we can never satisfy. In some situations we may sabotage ourselves in order not to meet
it. In others, even if we meet it, we will then immediately find another way in which it cannot
be met.

In my own case my primary unmet need was the need to be accepted. My suppressed
wound was the fear of rejection. The contracted energy was in my heart centre.

For me, being accepted meant first (unconsciously) determining a specific group in
which I wanted to be accepted and then doing everything I could to be accepted, even if that
meant denying certain things about myself that would not be acceptable to that group. Once I
had been accepted by a particular target group, I would then (unconsciously) create another
target group and the pattern would be repeated. My unmet need could never be met.

As far back as I can remember, I saw myself as an outsider. I desperately wanted to be

an insider. I wanted to be in the club of my choice, not out of it.

I was born in Kenya in 1944, just before the end of the Second World War. Kenya was
then a British colony. My parents were both refugees. My father was German. My mother was
Austrian. Both had fled from Hitler. Besides being German/Austrian, both my parents' families
were what was known as being "assimilated Jews". Their parents or grandparents had
renounced their Jewish faith and had become Christians - Lutherans in the case of my father, Freedom Within 38

Catholics in my mother's family. As far as Hitler was concerned, an assimilated Jew was the
same as any other Jew.

So here I was growing up in a British colony, just after the War, where the Germans had
committed untold atrocities and had lost; and where millions of Jews had been herded like
cattle into concentration camps and been slaughtered like animals. My mother's grandfather
and my father's uncle were among those that died in this way. In my young eyes it was not a
heroic way to die, although, in the circumstances, my great grandfather and my great uncle
may have been heroes in their own way.

My unmet need was to be like my English playmates and to be accepted by them as one
of them. Imagine five year old boys in the playground just after the War. What games would
they be playing? Inevitably there would be a War theme. We, the British, would be the
commanders of toy tanks knocking the stuffing out of the German tanks. We British were
always the winners. The Germans were inevitably the losers. I did not want to be a loser. I did
not want to be a German. I certainly did not want to be Jewish. I wanted to be English. I wanted
to be like my little friends. I wanted to be one of them at whatever cost.

So my number one challenge was how to suppress everything about me that was
German and Jewish. This was far from easy. My mother, proud to be Austrian and Jewish, was
not willing to play the same game. I felt deeply betrayed whenever she opened her mouth. She
always had a slight Austrian accent. She was proud of it, to boot! She thought it made her more
interesting and attractive. Maybe it did to her friends, but for me it was instant death. I cringed
every time she opened her mouth in front of my friends. I could fool myself, but I could not fool
others. I would never be like them. But because of my unmet need, I also could not just be

So my wound was the fear of rejection, of not being accepted as one of the group.
Instead of allowing the wound to heal, it festered and I did my best to suppress it. Without
realizing what I was doing, by suppressing it, I inevitably started attracting situations in my life
where I would continue to experience rejection. So at six years old, I hatched a great plan. I am
wounded in my heart. I have suppressed the wound. I have pushed all the things that I do not
like about myself into my shadow. I am now split between two persons: the Michael that I
present to the world, and the Michael that I do not want the world to see.

I experience this split through the wound in my heart. I am wounded because I am not
complete. I am not whole. I am lacking a part of me that I need. What is this part that I am
lacking? It is Englishness. Being the same as my childhood chums.

So to heal my heart and to become whole again, all I need to do is to fall in love with a
girl that represents everything that I am not - quintessential Englishness. My love for this girl
will compensate for what I lack. It will fill the void of my lack of Englishness. The charms of the
girl has nothing to do with who she is, her other qualities as a human being. Just her
Englishness! Freedom Within 39

As it so happened, in my first class at my primary school, the girl sitting next to me in a
joint desk exactly matched the profile. Englishness down to her boots. Her name is Prudence. I
fall madly in love with her. After a while, I pluck up courage and ask her to marry me. To my
total surprise, she says Yes. Prudence by name, but not in deed!

Of course, this was not part of my plan. The whole idea about an unmet need is that it
never gets met. So I immediately lost interest. Requited love was not part of the plan. Poor
Prudence. I am sorry.

In year two I fall in love with another girl. She matches the profile, but this time I do not
tell her. I cannot take the risk that she might actually reciprocate. So I am happy to love at a
distance. Each night as I am falling asleep, I think about my love, I feel the pain, I feel the
pleasure. There is no risk that the need will be met or requited. I am delighted. I have found a
strategy that works. I have found a way to validate a belief about myself that I am an outsider
and there is no club that will ever accept me as a member. In this way I have created my own
cross and I am happy to keep myself firmly nailed on it without any possibility of redemption. I
am blissfully happy in my pain.

As you would expect, this pattern continues year after year. When I am eight, by best
friend, who was a year older than me, gangs up with some of the older boys. In those days,
even though we lived in a suburb of Nairobi, there were many areas that were still totally wild.
One day this gang of older boys decided to have a bit of fun. So they came up with a story and
enticed me and another younger boy to follow them down to the river. Apparently a zebra had
strayed into that area. As we approached the river (and there was no zebra), the larger boys
suddenly turned on us and started throwing stones. We ran for our lives. Rejection again.

Meanwhile, each year as I move up another class, a different girl becomes the object of
my love. I never tell them. At the age of eleven I fall in love again. This time things went
differently. Her name was Barbara. She liked me. It was in the holidays and in those days the
school provided a kind of holiday camp. For a few weeks we were very close. We really enjoyed
each other's company. I could not wait to see her each day. On the last day of the holidays,
when I arrived at school, Barbara was huddled with her older sister of fourteen, and her sister's
boyfriend. As I approached, I saw that they were looking at me with disapproval. What had I
done now?

I soon discovered that Barbara has told her sister that I had wanted to have sexual
relations with her. I was only eleven. I had no recollection of having made any such proposal. In
hindsight I suspect that Barbara was just bragging to her sister. Her sister and her boyfriend
may have been struggling with their own repressed sexual desires. Whatever it was, it played
beautifully into my belief about myself. I deserved to be rejected.

A few months later, my best friend at school came back from the holidays and told me
that we could no longer be friends. His father had told him that I was Jewish and he was not Freedom Within 40

allowed to be friends with a Jew. So much for my trying to pretend that I was neither German
nor Jewish.

Each of these little incidents just served to validate my own beliefs about myself, to
deepen my disconnection, and to strengthen the invisible bars around my self-created prison.
At the same time, the pain of these wounds also served to give me strength and purpose. I was
quite bright, so I focused my energy on doing well in school.

At the age of thirteen, my parents decided to send me to a private school in England,

otherwise known as a Public School. This meant being away from home for ten months in the
year. In their wisdom, they sent me to Rugby School, one of the leading Public Schools. The
Public School system had been designed to produce empire builders and captains of industry.
They were strongly faith-based, mostly focusing on a particular Christian denomination - Church
of England or Catholic. At that time, Rugby was one of the few Public Schools that allowed
different faiths, including Jews.

Rugby was well-known for the book Tom Brown's School Days written by Thomas
Hughes. This was about the nineteenth century headmaster, Dr. Thomas Arnold, a famous
educationalist. It is a story of boys' brutality to each other and how strength of character
prevails. In one incident, Flashman, the school bully, tortures the younger Tom Brown by
roasting his backside against the fire.

Nothing equips one better for going to an English Public School than having blocked
energy centres. The upper class Englishman is renowned for his stiff upper lip - steady under
fire. So the more blocked the better. Never show your feelings. A total sign of weakness. I also
discovered that the more aristocratic, the more blocked. The more blocked we are, the better
we are at controlling our emotions. The less we are able to feel empathy and compassion for
others, the better we are at controlling and managing others. So I could not have been in a
better place to reinforce the blocks that I had already created, and then to create a few more.

My nemesis came at the age of eighteen. I fell madly in love with a French girl,
Françoise. At that time I felt that I was sufficiently "English" not to have the need to be
accepted. I was just as repressed as all my English friends. I needed to find another way to be
rejected. Françoise was the perfect answer. She was the daughter of a poet and a French
intellectual. In my efforts to get into Cambridge I had decided that I now wanted to be an
intellectual. Up till then I had had no such aspirations. I was just one of the lads.

With Françoise I had met my ideal match. She was an accomplished heart-breaker. She
came across and being totally confident in whom she was. She knew how to stand in her own
power. This time I really managed to break my heart - not just in half, but in a thousand pieces.
It was the most painful experience of my life. At that point, to overcome the pain, I shut down
my heart completely. I systematically walled it into a concrete bunker ten feet thick. It was now
impenetrable. My heart would never be broken again. I would never fall in love again. I would Freedom Within 41

never feel with my heart again. I was cured of falling in love. I was cured of wanting to be
accepted. Or so I thought at the time.

And all this because at five years old I wanted to be as English as the English! Needless
to say I continued to chase my unmet need. I will spare you the whole chain. The pattern was
the same. However I would like to just share my credentials for being a fully unconnected
member of the human race.

After Rugby, I went up to Trinity College, Cambridge. If Rugby had laid a very solid
foundation for my disconnectedness, Trinity was the icing on the cake. Of all places, this was
the citadel of modern day disconnectedness.

The college was founded by Henry Vlll in 1546. With Bertrand Russell and Ludwig
Wittgenstein as recent alumni, it was not surprising that I decided to take a degree in
Philosophy. Cambridge philosophy at that time had turned in on itself and was lost in a struggle
to discover the meaning of meaning. Nothing is more meaningless. I could not have found
anything more disconnecting to study than this. In my heart-broken unhappy state at that time,
it did not occur to me to ask why someone like Wittgenstein could be so highly regarded, and
yet also so unhappy. What is the use of a philosophy that creates more unhappiness in the
philosopher and never leads to joy!

Other notable alumni included six British prime ministers (all Tory or Whig/Liberal),
physicists Isaac Newton, James Clerk Maxwell, Ernest Rutherford and Niels Bohr, the poet Lord
Byron, and Soviet spies Kim Philby, Guy Burgess, and Anthony Blunt.

Equally famous was Francis Bacon, who first attended in 1573 at the age of twelve.
Bacon was best known for his Aristotelian ideas, arguing for an empirical, inductive approach,
known as the scientific method, which is the foundation of modern scientific inquiry. To
understand nature, the observer needed to be separate from nature. Bacon's many critics have
claimed that he advocated the torture of nature in order to force her to reveal her secrets.
Perhaps more so than any of the above, Bacon can be credited with being one of the fathers of
modern science, where objectivity is glorified above everything else.

Objectivity is considered one of the prime virtues of our modern age. It conveys a sense
of impartiality, absence of bias or prejudice, fairness, equitableness, even-handedness, justice,
open-mindedness, disinterest, disinterestedness, detachment, dispassion, and neutrality. We
praise the ideals of journalistic accuracy and objectivity. We want our doctors and teachers to
be detached. We value objectivity in our own view of the world. We praise the virtues of
objectivity. We can depend and rely on objective statements and judgements.

Whereas with subjective statements and judgements, these are shaped by personal
opinions and feelings instead of outside influences. I might see something differently to you.
My truth therefore might be different to yours. In this respect a subjective judgement has less
value. than one that is objective. It is unreliable and unverifiable. It cannot be peer-reviewed. Freedom Within 42

What we are describing here is how we see our own disconnectedness. We value our
ability to separate ourselves from the world, and therefore able to judge it objectively. When
we are energetically connected with the world, our judgements are our own, and therefore of
no use to anyone else.

In scientific terms, anything that can be independently observed and verified by others,
objectively, is scientific. Anything that falls outside these parameters is either invalid,
impossible, or pseudo science.

It could be argued that this principle of objectivity, which was pioneered by Bacon and
others in the 16th Century in Europe, has now led us to a point where we have become totally
dependent on this single view of reality. Every institution in society is founded on this
worldview. Education, health, social services, politics, the legal system, the media. Since the
beginning of language we started on a long journey of becoming progressively more
disconnected. With the emergence of the modern scientific method five hundred years ago, we
are becoming chronically disconnected.

Chronic Disconnection

It is not my intention to be critical of the scientific method. It has contributed to most of

the benefits that we see today, especially those that provide material comforts and abundant
food supplies for an ever growing global population.

In accepting these benefits in our current state of disconnection we have often been
oblivious to the destructive side affects of our inventions, especially with respect to the
environment. While most of our new technologies are beneficial, some, such as chemical
pesticides, are potentially harmful. Some, such as nuclear weapons, are potentially

My concern is with the latter. We have created technologies that enable us to destroy
ourselves and most of life on the planet. While we have made massive advances in technology,
in terms of consciousness we have hardly made any progress. Collectively, we have been more
or less at the same level of consciousness for thousands of years.

We have been disconnected for tens of thousands of years. We have been "civilized" for
a mere five thousand years. As we become more civilized, have we become less disconnected?
It would seem not to be the case. It would appear that our degree of disconnection is inversely
proportional to our degree of civilization. The more civilized we are, the more disconnected we
have become. For instance, we might think that with the emergence of the Internet and the
iPhone we would have become less disconnected. The contrary appears to be the case. The
suffering we experience from being disconnected has increased, rather than diminished. Freedom Within 43

At the same time, the more disconnected we become, the more we become
energetically blocked. The more blocked we are, the lower our level of consciousness. The
lower our level of consciousness the more vulnerable we become in terms of health and well-
being. At the same time, the lower our level of consciousness, the greater the existential threat
should we ever find ourselves in another global conflict.

In the last three chapters we have looked at disconnection, how our ability to think is
the primary root cause, and how our disconnection is the primary cause of most of our

I have also outlined how since the development of the scientific method five hundred
years ago, while we have benefited from many of the technological inventions, our level of
disconnection has increased to the point where we have become stuck in this single view of the
world. We are barely making any progress in terms of expanding our level of consciousness. We
may in fact, at a collective level, be regressing. We are now chronically disconnected and this
may pose an existential threat.

In the next chapters I show what it takes to re-discover what it is to be connected, how
we can experience an expansion of consciousness, how we avoid the current existential threat,
and how we can create a life for ourselves based on love and joy rather than suffering and
struggle. Freedom Within 44


We are all born connected, but everywhere we are disconnected. So what does it mean
to be connected? How does it feel?

In this chapter I will show you how easy it is for you to be connected. You will then be
able to experience the difference between being connected and being disconnected. Once we
are fully connected, I will show you how easy it is to clear our lifetime blocks.

As with helping you to experience what it means to be disconnected, you will need a
willing partner to help you with each of the steps towards becoming fully connected.

Four Steps to Connection

If you have a partner, then you both need to be standing as with the Wobble Test
above. It helps if both of you remove your shoes.

First ask her to make sure her knees are unlocked and that her neck and shoulders are

Then ask her to bring her weight very slightly forward so that she can feel most of her
weight on the balls of her feet, rather than on her heels. Then from that position, ask her to go
up and down by raising and lowering her heels. Standing by her side, try to help her to be
perfectly aligned with gravity and perpendicular to the floor. If she sways backwards and
forwards help her to be straight both when rising and falling. When she is fully aligned, your
partner may feel that she is leaning slightly forward. However, she is now in a good posture.
What we tend to do normally is to have more weight on our heels. This sets us slightly back. It
also blocks the flow of energy coming up from the ground through the feet and legs.

Now your partner is energetically aligned with gravity and the flow of energy from both
below and above. Her knees are unlocked. You can ask her to scan her other joints (hips,
shoulders, elbows, wrists) to ensure that these are all relaxed. When any of our joints are
locked, the flow of energy is blocked. Similarly when we are tensing any of our muscles. In this
model tension in any form is weakness. We might be strong in one direction, but in every other
direction we are weak.

Now apply the Wobble Test and see where you partner is. It is likely that she will still
wobble. So this is our starting point.

Connecting the Breathing

From here, invite your partner to connect with her breathing. Ask her to breathe a few
normal breaths. Then ask her to count the seconds of each inhale and each exhale. Let us say
that she is counting five seconds in and five seconds out. This is normal. Anything less than this Freedom Within 45

is shallow agitated breathing. As we deepen our breathing, we can gradually extend the
duration. We are relaxed when the duration of each in and out breath is greater than ten

Then ask your partner to feel into her body and to tell you where in her body she is
breathing. Is she breathing into her upper chest, or into her lower chest, or into her abdomen,
or even lower? Most likely she will be breathing into her chest. Of course, we can only breathe
into our lungs. But we can deepen our breathing by connecting more fully with our diaphragm.

Breathing into the Heart Centre

Many people believe that our heart is the main centre of our being. If your partner has
this belief, then you might ask her to breath more consciously into her heart area (her lungs).

When she is doing this with awareness, then apply the Wobble Test. She will most likely
wobble. You could then ask her to think loving thoughts. Most likely she will still wobble.

The point here is that while the heart is a very important centre, just connecting directly
with the heart is not enough to take us out of disconnection into connection.

The Heartmath Institute in California has researched the connection between the heart
and the brain, recommending heart-focused breathing. This is about directing attention to the
heart area and breathing consciously.

HeartMath recommends that you breathe in about five to six seconds and breathe out
five to six seconds. The breathing needs to be smooth, unforced and comfortable. With practice
this is a great way to learn how to be relaxed. However, as we can see it is not enough to
become connected.

Breathing into the Solar Plexus Centre

There is another school of thought that recommends breathing into the Solar Plexus
centre. This is variously described as abdominal breathing, diaphragmatic breathing, belly
breathing or deep breathing. This is breathing that is done by contracting the diaphragm, a
muscle located horizontally between the thoracic cavity and the abdominal cavity. Air enters
the lungs and the belly expands during this type of breathing.

You can now invite your partner to place their two hands on their abdomen. This is just
below the rib cage, and above the belly button. Then ask your partner to breathe into her
hands. Her belly should expand as she breathes in, and contract as she breathes out. With her
permission, you can help her by placing one of your hands over her hands, and one behind her
back at the same level. You are helping her to reach the maximum expansion and contraction of
her belly. Freedom Within 46

You may find that your partner breathes the other way round. Her belly contracts when
she breathes in, and expands when she breathes out. This is a good example of how little we
know about our own breathing. In our disconnected state, breathing is just taken for granted.
By breathing incorrectly we reinforce our disconnection.

When you are comfortable that your partner is breathing correctly into her belly, then
apply the Wobble Test. Again you are likely to find that she wobbles. So when we breathe into
the heart centre or our Solar Plexus centre, while our breathing is deepening and we are
becoming more relaxed, we are still disconnected.

I am constantly amazed by how many people believe that breathing into the belly is
actually connecting us. I have met a number of experienced teachers of mindfulness and
meditation, for instance. who advise their students to breathe into their belly. Whenever I have
had the chance to test any of these teachers, invariably they have wobbled.

When I ask myself why they are so close, and yet so far, the only possible answer is that
we are so heavily embedded in disconnection that we are unable to see what is staring us
directly in the face.

This is not to say that all meditation teachers fall into the same trap. The Zen Buddhist
master exhorts his students, as they are sitting in the Lotus position, to breathe into their heels.
What does he mean?

Breathing into the Lower Belly Centre

So now we still have one more step. This is a tiny step, a couple of inches, but it could be
a mile. We have known about it forever, but conveniently most of us have forgotten. This time,
invite your partner to lower her hands slightly so that now her thumbs will be just below her
navel. As with the abdominal breathing, her lower belly needs to expand with an in-breath, and
to contract with the out-breath. Again you can help your partner by putting one hand over hers,
and the other behind her back. Freedom Within 47

For some people, breathing into the lower belly can be difficult. We were born
breathing into our lower belly, but now we struggle to remember how to do it. The lower belly
has become a foreign country. We no longer know how to get there. In our Western concept of
beauty, the lower belly needs to be flat. So many of us have been holding our lower belly in.
That creates tension in the lower belly, blocking the flow of energy. The tightness makes it
difficult to expand and contract. We may also be holding some earlier trauma in this area,
which further increases the tension.

Once your partner has had a little time to practice breathing into her lower belly and
you are comfortable that she is breathing correctly, you can then apply the Wobble Test. First
ask your partner to lower her arms, to allow her arms and shoulders to be totally relaxed, to
keep on breathing into her lower belly, and just to stand there doing nothing. This time, when
you test, you are inviting her to relax and to let go any thoughts of trying to pass a test. There is
no need to fight or resist.

This time, instead of wobbling, she should be totally immovable. Whether you push her
from the front or from behind, she should test strong in both directions. If this is working
correctly, your partner will probably feel that you are hardly applying any pressure. She may
even accuse you of cheating. When she was disconnected and resisting, it felt as if you were
pushing really hard. She had to struggle to resist. Now she is doing nothing and it feels as if you
are hardly doing anything at all. This is the first taste of the difference between being in
struggle and being in ease. The irony is that when we are disconnected, everything has to be a
struggle. When we are connected, everything can be accomplished with ease.

If, however, your partner has difficulties in connecting with her lower belly, then she will
still wobble. It may be that she needs to do more practice in re-connecting with her lower belly,
or it may have something to do with the way you are testing. Freedom Within 48

How to Test

When we first started testing, we may both have been disconnected. You test your
partner. She wobbles. She is disconnected. But most likely you are also disconnected.

When we start testing for connection, there is a subtle shift in our relationship. When
one of us becomes energetically connected in the test, we both become energetically
connected. In becoming connected we have become One. When we are One, when I try
pushing my partner, it is as if I am pushing myself. I cannot push myself. At the same time,
being connected as One, we are also connected as One with the Universe. When I try pushing
my partner, it is as if I am pushing the Universe. I cannot, which is one way of explaining why it
tests strong.

So as your partner is moving towards connection, in this case breathing into her lower
belly, it helps if you become aware of your own sense of connection. One way to think of this is
how you are both being connected by a circuit of energy. You can think of a connection from
the centre of your lower belly, up through your body, then through your testing arm, then
through the point on your partner's body where your fingers are touching (her breast bone),
and then down from there to the centre of your partner's lower belly. So both you and your
partner are connected as One through the centre of your lower belly.

You can connect this loop with your breathing. As you breathe in, you connect with the
centre of your lower belly. For the duration of the in-breath, feel the energy flowing up through
your body and your arm. With your out-breath, feel the energy flowing down through your
partner to the centre of her lower belly.

When you are connecting in this way, you are helping your partner to get connected.
This is a form of entrainment where both you and your partner are coming into mutual
harmony. You are both becoming energetically congruent.

How to Practise

If either you or your partner are having difficulty in breathing into your lower belly
centre, there are several ways to practise opening up your lower belly.

If you remember, we were born connected. So we started life breathing into our lower
belly. After a few months we started learning how to crawl. If you go on all fours and try
crawling on the floor as if you are a baby, you will find that you automatically breathe into your
lower belly. It is almost impossible to breathe in any other way.

Having experienced the feeling of breathing into your lower belly, another practice is to
lie on your back, bring your knees up with the soles of your feet still planted on the floor, place
your hands over your lower belly, and then practise breathing. After a while you will find it Freedom Within 49

quite easy. This is something that you can practise in bed. You can try it five minutes before you
go to sleep and five minutes when you wake up.

When you are practising breathing into your lower belly, you will find that it requires
some level of concentration. You may find that as you are breathing in this way, you have
become disconnected from any other thoughts. Try and become aware how when you are
connected, your thoughts tend to disappear.

The Lower Belly Centre

Once we have experienced breathing into our Lower Belly centre and how that connects
us, this then becomes something that can be done in a moment. Just breathe into your lower
belly and you are connected. But before we get too excited, I usually describe this first step as
being similar to when we go into a dark room and switch on the light. It is just the first little
step in becoming fully connected.

But before explaining how to really be fully connected, I need to say a few words about
the significance and importance of our Lower Belly centre.

I sometimes describe it as the Holy Grail. The Holy Grail of legend was a cup or chalice
that had special powers and was designed to provide happiness, eternal youth and food in
infinite abundance. It featured in many stories in the Middle Ages about knights making a
journey and quest to find it. It was also considered a holy relic used by Christ at the last supper.
The significance at the time was that the Grail was something outside of us that had to be
found. To find it we needed to look outside ourselves. Of course, we never found it.

When we look at Eastern thinking, we find that the Lower Belly centre is in fact the Holy
Grail. It is the Holy Grail within us, not outside. In traditional Chinese thought this centre is
known as the Lower Dantian. It is a container (a cup) that is the source of Chi, or Life Force
Energy. This centre is an important focal point for meditative and exercise techniques such as
qigong, martial arts such as t'ai chi ch'uan, and in traditional Chinese medicine.

Taoist and Buddhist teachers often instruct their students to centre the mind in the
lower belly. There are images of the Buddha with a great diamond located on the lower belly.
Connecting to this centre with the breathing helps to control thoughts and emotions. It is also
considered to be a jumping off point for eventually achieving higher states of consciousness or

In Taoist thought this centre is also considered as a vessel or container. In the practice of
alchemy of the soul, a practitioner is able to bring low vibrational energy such as pain or fear,
and then transform this through meditation into the higher energies of love and bliss.

In Indian yoga, there is a similar concept with the chakras. These are energy centres
where, to be healthy, energy (prana) is required to flow. If the centre is blocked, when prana Freedom Within 50

cannot flow, then there is a danger of disruption to our health and well-being. With the Taoist
concept, energy is deliberately collected, stored and refined in the lower belly centre. In Indian
yoga the goal is for the centre to be energetically flowing.

The Lower Belly centre is also highly regarded in Japan and known as the hara. An
individual with "good hara" is one who is considered to be well-balanced and in harmony with
life. Connection with the breathing and the hara is the basis for most of the Japanese martial
arts. My understanding of connection through the hara comes from my practice of Aikido.

The Torus Energy Pattern and Flow

When we are disconnected we look at everything as being separate. We can break

everything down into its component parts. Everything has a name.

When we are connected, we are looking at a unified energy field. Everything is

connected as One. When we look at ourselves, we can each think of ourselves as a unique
energy field within the greater energy field. This is like thinking of ourselves as a drop of water
in the larger ocean.

The poet Rumi expresses this idea beautifully:

You are not a drop in the ocean.

You are the entire ocean in a drop.

So now we have connected our breathing with our Lower Belly centre, the next steps
are to connect our whole field within itself, and then to connect our unique individual field with
the whole. We first connect the with the drop and then the drop with the ocean.

What does the energy field look like? How does the energy flow? In what directions
does it flow? What is that energy? What does it look like? How does it taste? How does it
smell? What does it sound like? How does it feel?

So many questions, let us first look at the torus pattern of energy. This is a core pattern
in nature that recurs in everything. It is essentially a doughnut shaped vortex that you can see
everywhere – in atoms, cells, seeds, flowers, trees, animals, humans, hurricanes, planets, suns,
galaxies and even the cosmos as a whole.

It is an energetic form that expands and contracts in every direction, expanding and
contracting concurrently in opposite directions on every plane. Freedom Within 51

The energy starts from a single point of compressed energy known as the singularity.
This is located at the centre of the torus. If we just take one plane, the vertical plane, imagine a
spiral of energy rising from this central point up a narrow channel. This is the centre of the
doughnut. As it rises to the top of this vertical plane, the energy then breaks up into an almost
infinite number of rays of energy which then cascade down round the edges of the field rather
like water in a fountain. These rays then flow round the edge of the field down to the base,
then fold back and contract into a narrow spiral of energy that re-connects with the original
central point, the singularity.

The process starts with an expansion of energy and concludes with a contraction of
energy. At the point of the singularity it has become so contracted that it then has to expand
again to continue the process.

Because the energy is expanding and contracting, if it were just going in one direction,
the field would expand like a balloon, and then deflate on the contraction. In other words, the
field would collapse. In order to avoid this, on every plane there is a similar pattern of energy
moving in exactly the opposite direction. So with respect to the vertical plane, at the point of
the singularity it is expanding simultaneously both up and down. In this way the contraction is
counteracted by the expansion and vice versa.

Scientist and philosopher, Arthur Young, explained that a torus is the only energy
pattern or dynamic that can sustain itself and is made out of the same substance as its
surroundings – like a tornado, a smoke ring in the air, or a whirlpool in water. Freedom Within 52

Marshall Lefferts provides the insight that the torus shows us how energy moves in its
most balanced dynamic flow process. The important thing to understand about the torus is that
it represents a process, not just a particular form.

Another big insight is that everything in the universe, from the smallest to the largest, is
torus process and torus form. Once we described the universe as turtles all the way up. Now it
is torus all the way up. Everything is connected at the point of the singularity, the compressed
energy at the centre of the torus field.

This concept is very useful when we apply it to ourselves. When we are aligned with the
torus energy flow, then we are in harmony with the energy of the universe. We are in harmony
with life.

Vertical Torus Breathing

Having learned how to be connected by breathing into our lower belly, the next step is
learning how to become aligned with our whole energy field. We are still working with our
partner. Both you and your partner are standing. It helps if you have your shoes off.

Ask your partner to imagine herself as an energy being. Her field of energy extends one
to two metres all around her body, including above and below. Freedom Within 53

Then ask your partner to try and imagine this field as a torus pattern of energy, with its
centre at the centre of her lower belly. With her attention focused on her centre, then ask your
partner to place her hands back to back and to draw in her hands so that they are lightly
touching her lower belly.

Then ask your partner to start her next in-breath by connecting her breathing
with the centre of her lower belly. As she breathes in, ask her to draw her hands up the
centre of the body, as close to the body as possible without actually touching.

Still breathing in, when the hands reach the top of the head, stretch the arms
upwards and allow them to come apart at an angle, with the palms facing upward. This
is an expanding and opening position. Freedom Within 54

Then with the out-breath, turn the palms down and keeping the arms stretched
out, bring them down all the way and then draw the backs of the hands back together
again, resting once more at the centre of the lower belly. This a contracting and closing
position. Freedom Within 55

We started at the centre of the lower belly and we ended there. With the in-
breath we expanded and opened, with the out-breath we contracted and closed. We
have now aligned with the directional flow of our torus energy field.

Then invite your partner to do the movement five times, slowly, with long, deep
breaths, but relaxed and never forcing. It helps if your partner keeps her eyes closed. At
the end of the five cycles, ask your partner just to stay still and not to move. Then apply
the Wobble test. It should test strong.

In the video below, you can see how the whole process comes together.

This is a very simple movement. Why is it so effective in enabling us to be



Your partner is now activating and experiencing Energetic Congruence. All the
energy systems in your partner's energy field are being connected in alignment. This
includes the torus energy pattern, the breathing, the meridians, the chakras and the

These last three are traditional Chinese and Indian concepts. There is a practical
logic in bringing them all together. Let us start with the meridians. These are a network
of channels which conduct Chi energy. Chi energy is sometimes described as Universal
Life Force. It is an energy that can be experienced, but not easily measured. These
channels flow through the body and can be mapped. Meridians typically connect with
an organ in the body, say the kidney and bladder. There are precise points along the
path, which are used in acupuncture and shiatsu. Freedom Within 56
There are twelve main meridian channels, six of which are described as yin and
the other six described as yang. The yin and yang meridians are used in pairs. So for
example the yin Kidney meridian is paired with the yang Bladder meridian. The former
flows up the inside of the leg; the latter flows down the back of the leg. In Chinese
philosophy, yin and yang are cycling energies, similar to day and night. One moves into
the other in cycles. This describes how opposite, contrary and polarized forces are
actually complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and
how they give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another. Many tangible
dualities (such as light and dark, negative and positive, expanding and contracting) are
thought of as physical manifestations of the duality symbolized by yin and yang. There is
both a duality AND a Oneness in duality.

Besides the twelve yin and yang meridians, there are two other important
meridians - the Conception Vessel and the Governor Vessel. What is significant is that all
these meridians flow in a certain direction. When we align ourselves correctly with the
direction of the meridians, we are connected and will test strong. If we go against the
direction, we test weak.

When we are standing in the vertical position, the yin meridians all flow
upwards, from below to above. The yang meridians all flow downwards. There are three
yin meridians that flow up the insides of the legs, and three that flow up the insides of
the arms. The Conception Vessel flows up the front of the centre of the body, and the
Governor Vessel flows up the spine to the top of the head.

Then there are three yang meridians that flow down the outsides of the arms
and three that flow down the outsides of the legs. One of these, the Stomach Meridian,
flows all the way down the body in two channels starting from just under the centre of
each eye, then travelling down the front of the body on each side of the Conception
Vessel (which is going up), and then down the front of the legs down to the toes.

When we are doing the Vertical Torus Breathing, with the in-breath, we are
connecting with the all the yin meridians and the Conception Vessel. With the out-
breath, we are connecting with all the yang meridians. The reason why we hold our
hands back to back is so that as the arms ascend up our front we are travelling up the
Conception Vessel and avoiding conflicting with the Stomach Meridian, which is flowing

There is a simple test to experience how this works. Ask your partner to stand
and then apply the Wobble test. You want to start from a position where they are
disconnected. If they are still connected, try distracting them with some discussion and
then test again. Now that they are disconnected, ask them to close their eyes. Then,
using your arm closest to your partner, bring your hand up to the point below the eye
nearest to you. Keep the palm down and then stroke all the way down the Stomach Freedom Within 57

Meridian until you reach your partner's feet. Stroking means imagining that there is a
flow of energy running down from under your partner's eye and you are sweeping this
energy down the channel. Try to avoid actually touching your partner, but keep as close
to the body as you can.

Then test. Most likely you will find that your partner is now connected. If this is
the case, then ask your partner to close their eyes again. This time bring your other
hand down to your partner's foot closest to you, and with your palm up, scoop the
energy all the way up the Stomach Meridian. Test again, and you will find that your
partner Wobbles. By going against the direction of the meridian, your partner is now

This is a very useful technique for energy practitioners. For instance, if you are
working on a partner who is lying down. You can then bring them fully into a connected
state just by scooping along the correct direction of a meridian. If they are lying on their
back, then it works well with Stomach Meridian. If they are lying on their front, then you
can scoop up the Governor Vessel, from the base of the spine to the top of the head.
When both you and your partner are fully connected, you are creating the ideal
conditions to enable your partner to release and let go their blocks.

Interrelating Polarities

This concept of yin and yang and interrelating polarities is central to the theme
of this book. Our disconnection is one pole of two interconnecting polarities. The other
pole, of course, is connection. When we are continually stuck in one polarity, we are
only seeing the world in one dimension. We end up having problems. Just as with yin
and yang, and night and day, we need to be able to cycle harmoniously between the
two. In other words, we need to be able to cycle rhythmically between disconnection
and connection.

In the exercise that we have just done, I have shown how by aligning with the
torus pattern and our breathing (expansion and contraction) and flowing harmoniously
between yin and yang, we are bringing ourselves into energetic congruence. In other
words, the energy in our personal field is now aligned and flowing. We are connected.

With respect to yin and yang and interrelating polarities, there is another very
significant group of polarities. These can be summarized as follows:

Yin and Yang Below and Above

Negative and Positive Earth and Heaven
Mother and Father Water and Fire
Female and Male Goddess and God Freedom Within 58

In doing the Vertical Torus Breathing exercise, one pair is especially relevant -
Below and Above, or Earth and Heaven. When we are standing, we are standing on the
Earth. The Earth is itself a massive energy field. We know what it looks like in terms of
magnetic energy. We talk about the North and the South Poles. Traditionally, the Earth
has been associated with the feminine principle, the Great Mother.

At the other pole we have Heaven, the sky, sun, the universe. These have
traditionally been thought of as male energy. So we are standing between two very
powerful energy fields, rather like the negative and positive poles of two magnets.

There is another set of polarities, which are particularly relevant:

Expanding and Contracting

Radiating and Attracting
Giving and Receiving

When we are conscious of how to keep the above in balance, for instance, being
open to receiving as much love as we are giving, we will inevitably find harmony in our

Once we have cleared our energy blocks and have learned how to activate the
powerful energy that flows between these two great polarities, we are then able to truly
experience Love, Joy, Health and Abundance.

The Chakras

Besides connecting with the meridians, when we connect with the torus energy pattern,
we are also connecting our seven chakras. Freedom Within 59

These seven chakras are the primary energy centres in our energy bodies. There
are more, but these seven are sufficient for our purposes. Like the meridians the
chakras are channels of energetic flow. Again, as with the meridians, blocked energy in
any of our seven chakras can often lead to illness or dysfunctional behaviour. So it is
helpful to understand what each chakra represents and what we can do to keep this
energy flowing freely.

The Sanskrit word chakra literally translates as wheel or disk. The energetic flow
is a form of circular rotation. Traditionally the chakras were viewed as spinning wheels.
If the chakra stopped spinning, then it would be blocked. I prefer to see the chakras as
torus energy patterns. Each chakra has a central point in the form of compressed energy
- the singularity. From this point energy can flow across multiple axes and on each axis
in both directions concurrently. The most important axes are the vertical and horizontal
lines. With our Vertical Torus Breathing our focus is on the vertical axis.

As we breathe in and our hands are coming up, we can imagine that the energy
is connecting with the singularity at the centre of each of the chakras. It is as if we are
drawing a thread through a set of pearls and connecting them all up as one necklace.
With our out-breath we are tracing the outer edges of the torus pattern of each of the

When we were testing our partner for any blocked energy, we were testing each
of these seven chakras. Now we are finding that even when some of our centres are
blocked, it is still possible for us to be connected, even if only for a few moments. This is
a really important point. Even if our energy is partially blocked, it is still possible for us to
be fully connected. We do not have to be a spiritual master to be connected. Later I will
show you how, when you are connected, even for a moment, it then becomes really
easy to clear the blocks that were created through being disconnected.

The Aura

The aura is a concept used in parapsychology and spiritual practice, sometimes

described as a field of subtle, luminous radiation surrounding a person. I like to think of it as our
field of presence. It is an energy that we radiate out to the world and in a sense defines who we
are. Other people can get a feel about who we are by sensing our aura.

In the simplest terms I like to think of it as the energy radiating out from our physical
bodies up to the edge of our toroidal field. When we are doing our Vertical Torus Breathing, we
are touching this edge when our arms come down with our out-breath. We could describe this
energy as radiating on several frequencies: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. It
represents a kind of holographic representation of who we are energetically.

Connecting with the aura, we have now completed the connection with all our various
energy systems, by aligning ourselves with the torus energy pattern on the vertical axis. I have Freedom Within 60

described one simple way for us to be connected. Just on the vertical axis, there are three other
variations. Any one of these is sufficient to be connected.

Climbing The Ladder to the Rainbow Bridge

Now that we are energetically aligned, the next step is to start to become the energy.
We are experiencing a flow of energy. Are we separate from that energy, or are we One with it.
Are we the energy? When we are fully connected we experience ourselves as being that
energy. We have become the drop in the ocean and the ocean in the drop.

Perhaps we could get there in one bound. This next step is designed to help us on our
way. Now we create a short phrase or sentence that serves to orient us for the final step. This
step is like a ladder that we need to take us up to the top. The ladder is a form of words, a
mantra. As we know now, thoughts and words create disconnection. So if we want to be fully
connected, we need to be able to let go the thoughts and words and just be what it is that we
want to be - on the other side of the thoughts and words.

What is the energy with which we are now connecting? Traditionally it has names such
as Chi, Ki, or Prana. It is sometimes translated as Universal Life Force, sometimes even as Love. I
like to think of it as the highest vibrational energy in the universe. The energy that informs all
life and matter, that creates the universe, moment by moment, and which holds it all together.

At this point I would ask my partner to try and find a name that works for them. If they
are religious, then something like Jesus, Mary, Buddha or even God. If they are non-religious, it
could be Peace, or Harmony, or Bliss. What works for me are the words: Infinite Love. The word
"Love" on its own carries all sorts of baggage. "Infinite Love" overcomes that to some extent.

I then like to add the words: "I AM". So the mantra becomes:

"I AM Infinite Love" or

"I AM the Infinite Love of Source"

Once your partner has chosen her own form of words, then invite her to combine this
with her Vertical Torus Breathing exercise. Shutting her eyes, as she breathes in and her hands
come up, she says the mantra to herself. As her arms come down, she says it again. She can
then do a few cycles of the exercise. A few as three are usually sufficient. When you test, you
are likely to feel that she is now even stronger (if that is possible) then the earlier test.

Crossing the Rainbow Bridge

This is the final step taking us to where we want to go. We are now ready to throw away
the ladder (the thoughts and words) and to just be this very high vibrational energy. To be it,
you need to sense it and feel it with all your being. One way to get there is by connecting with
your five senses. Let us start with seeing. Freedom Within 61

Ask you partner to visualize a tiny speck of very bright light shining at the centre of her
lower belly. Just breathe in and out a few times connecting with this light. Then when your
partner is ready ask her, with the beginning of the next in-breath, to visualize this light
expanding up a narrow spiralling channel through the centre of her Solar Plexus chakra,
through the centre of her Heart chakra, through the centre of her Throat chakra, through her
Third Eye and her Crown. Still with the same in-breath, ask her to visualize this light extending
up from the top of her head by a couple of feet and then breaking up into an infinite number of
rays of light that are cascading down around her body, like water coming from a fountain.

Then, with the out-breath, visualizing these rays of light cascading down all around her
body to below her feet, then inverting and coming back up her body through the insides of her
legs. Then finally contracting into a narrow, spiralling channel and reconnecting with the point
at the centre of her lower belly.

The image below gives you a sense of what it might look like, even though your partner
may be standing.

If it helps, your partner can still use her arms as with the Vertical Torus Breathing, or just
stand still and visualize the whole process. This is quite a difficult visualization, so it can take
some practice. You can ask your partner, as she is doing this, what is the colour of the light?
Does it have a single colour, say gold or silver; or does it have all the colours of the rainbow. We
do not all see the same thing, so try and allow your partner to connect with what she is seeing,
rather than trying to direct her in any way. Freedom Within 62

Now you can ask you partner to try and feel how this energy tastes. Continuing to
connect with the torus energy, what sensation does your partner have on her tongue. Then,
what is the smell of this energy. You could ask your partner to imagine that she is arriving at the
Pearly Gates. What does that smell like? And then, what can she hear? What are the sounds of
this energy. And if she were to touch it, how would it feel?

Then, finally, in your partner's whole energy field, how does it feel? In other words, just
feel the feeling of this highest vibrational energy and BE this energy. "I AM the Infinite Love of
Source", without saying or thinking it.

By this point, when you test your partner, you will be amazed how strong she feels.

Capturing the Feeling

This last exercise was an exercise in visualization. It was also testing a possible limiting
belief that we cannot really imagine the most beautiful taste in the world, the most beautiful
smell, the most beautiful sound, the most beautiful feeling. We may have doubts about
ourselves, we do not deserve it, we are not good enough, we do not have the innate capacity.

Another way to feel the feeling is through hugging. By chance I discovered that pretty
well any time that we hug each other and hold the hug for a minimum of thirty seconds, we will
shift directly from being disconnected to being connected. It is the fastest way of getting
connected and feeling the feeling that I know.

So now, if your partner is willing, I invite you each to put your arms around each other
and just surrender and let go. Try and hold it for at least five long breaths and/or thirty seconds.
As you are experiencing the hug, pay particular attention to the feelings that are activated
through hugging. Normally, when we hug in this way, besides becoming energetically
connected, we experience a surge of love. Rather than trying to name it or analyse, just try and
feel it. Ask your partner to feel it and then try to remember it.

A Short Cut to Being Connected and Feeling the Feeling

I have now described four separate steps to becoming fully connected. We are fully
connected when we just are the feeling of being connected. That feeling can range from a
feeling of neutrality, not feeling anything at all, but still being connected, to feelings of Love, Joy
and Bliss. When we have experienced both being connected and the wonderful feeling of well-
being and love that comes from hugging and being hugged by another person, it is useful to be
able to re-connect to this feeling and state of being at any moment. This is a short cut.

Bring your partner back into connection in any of the ways outlined above. Test to
ensure that she is connected. Then ask her to say her mantra out loud. Freedom Within 63

Then ask her to say: "Whenever I say my mantra, either to myself or out loud, I am
immediately connected. I am feeling the feeling I felt when I hugged and was hugged."

Then test her again to ensure that she still tests strong. If she tests weak, then the
statement does not resonate and will not work. Try to find a statement that resonates and test

If it tested strong, then you can double check to ensure that it works. First take her out
of connection. You could sweep the energy up her Stomach Meridian. Test to ensure that she
wobbles. Then ask her to say her mantra. Now, if she tests strong, whenever she says the
mantra she will be connected and will feel the feelings of hugging.

Connecting is Easy

Thirty five years ago when I started awakening and then practising Aikido, I discovered
that I was disconnected. My experience of life was through separate body/mind. I then
discovered that there was another way to experience life - being connected through integrated
body/mind. I found it really difficult to connect. I spent years and years trying to learn how to
connect. Finally, I thought I was getting somewhere, but then found that I was connecting, but I
still had not cleared my blocks.

What I trust I have shown you is that connecting is really easy. It does not take a life
time to learn. You can literally learn how to connect in minutes. Just by hugging, you can learn
to connect in seconds. It is no big deal.

I have shown you how to be fully connected at the highest level through four steps, and
I have given you a short cut to become instantly connected at any time. Before we started this
process, I asked you to give a quick subjective evaluation as to where you are currently with
respect to being able to respond harmoniously to whatever is happening in your life. This was
intended to help you see the extent of the gap. In theory, once your are able to let go your
blocks, the gap will get smaller. Your life will become more harmonious.

But before showing you how to release and let go your life time blocks and early core
wounding, I want to share another more complex model for being able to see where you are
now in terms of consciousness, and your potential for further expansion. Freedom Within 64

Dr David Hawkins - Map of Consciousness

We accept that a map is not the territory but only an attempt to define its shapes,
contours and boundaries. There is one map that we find particularly useful as a tool both for
orientation and testing: this is Dr David Hawkins' Map of Consciousness.

Dr Hawkins was a renowned medical doctor, psychiatrist, consciousness researcher,

spiritual lecturer, and mystic. In the following sections we provide a brief outline with some
simple techniques to enable you to determine where you are now and where you might aspire
to be in terms of your own personal development.

Dr Hawkins developed a “map” of the levels of human consciousness (also called the
Scale of Consciousness) that uses a muscle-testing technique to try to find some way of
measuring what cannot otherwise be measured - namely, consciousness. It is a way to tap into
the individual and collective subconscious by testing statements that are either true or false.
The technique appears to be most effective and accurate the more connected the user. In the
conventional medical world it is dismissed as pseudo-science. I find it very useful and effective,
but always take it with a pinch of salt. The map is not the territory.

The map is explained in Dr Hawkins' groundbreaking book, Power vs. Force: The
Anatomy of Consciousness, first published in 1995. The book was the outcome of twenty years
of research. It was first published in Dr Hawkins’ doctorate dissertation entitled Qualitative and
Quantitative Analysis and Calibrations of the Level of Human Consciousness.

One of the primary motivations was to find a way to measure collective consciousness.
He was concerned that collectively in terms of consciousness, humanity had hardly progressed
at all, and more importantly, it was at such a low level that if ever humanity faced another
major global crisis, such as a world war, humanity would be in danger of self-destructing. Freedom Within 65

We profoundly agree with Dr Hawkins with respect to this concern. Understanding his
Map is a way of helping us to understand both the threat and the opportunities.

Levels of Consciousness

Briefly, each level of consciousness (LOC) coincides with determinable human

behaviours and perceptions about life and the spiritual dimensions. Each level represents a
corresponding attractor field of varying strength that exists beyond our three-dimensional
reality. There’s a critical point within each LOC from which its field gravitates (or entrains).

The numbers on the scale represent logarithmic calibrations (measurable vibratory

frequencies on a scale which increases to the tenth power) of the levels of human
consciousness and its corresponding level of reality. The numbers themselves are arbitrary; the
significance lies in the relationship of one number (or level) to another. The scale is from 1 to
1000, where 1000 represents Buddha or Christ Consciousness. The other seventeen attractors
on the scale are calibrated against this field with the help of muscle-testing derived from
Applied Kinesiology.

The First Great Barrier

Dr Hawkins points out that the two greatest spiritual growth barriers seem to be at
levels 200 and 500. Two hundred, the level of Courage, represents a profound shift from lower
level vibrations, which are destructive and harmful to life-affirming, positive lifestyles.
Everything below 200 makes one go weak using the muscle-testing technique. Freedom Within 66

The level of Fear which promotes Anxiety is at 100 and the level of Anger which
promotes Hate is at 150.

Currently, approximately eighty percent of the world’s population calibrate below this
significant 200 level. The destructive potential of this majority drags down all of mankind were
it not for the counterbalancing effect of the twenty percent at the higher levels. Think of Nazi
Germany in the 1930s where so many people at the higher level either fled or ended up in
concentration camps.

It has taken humanity an age to get to this point. In our progress, we have made
massive advances in science and technology. However, regarding our expansion of
consciousness, progress has been much slower. We are energetically disconnected and still
driven by Fear!

Some of the major crimes against humanity, such as the Holocaust, the genocides in
Bosnia and Rwanda, the civil wars in the Middle East, could all be said to have derived from

Click this link for the Detailed Map of Consciousness.

The Second Great Barrier

The level of 500 is Love. Love in this context is a way of being in the world - not
emotionality as most of us perceive it. According to Dr. Hawkins, the reason the level of Love is
so difficult to achieve is because our ego is deeply rooted in the physical domain as opposed to Freedom Within 67

the spiritual domain, which emerges at 500. This is another way of saying that below the level
of 500 we are all disconnected.

The 400s represent the level of reason, guided by the linear, mechanistic world of form
(our modern society that includes advancements in medicine, science, government, etc).
Interestingly, the top echelon of intellectual genius, including Einstein, Freud, Newton,
Aristotle, etc., all calibrated around 499.

The 500s represent a very difficult hurdle as merely one percent of the world’s
population calibrates at 500 and Above. This level denotes a shift from the linear, provable
domain (classic physics or Newtonian physics), in other words, the disconnected dimension, to
the nonlinear, formless, spiritual realm, the connected dimension.

When we are above 500 at Love and Above, we are able to see ourselves as Energy
Beings, transcending our separate, objective and dualistic view of the world, and experiencing
deeply our sense of Oneness with the universe.

Level of Consciousness 600

This is the level of Peace. Dr Hawkins writes: “This energy field is associated with the
experience designated by such terms as transcendence, self-realization, and God-
consciousness. It is extremely rare, attained by only 1 in 10 million people. When this state is
reached, the distinction between subject and object disappears, and there is no specific focal
point of perception.” Freedom Within 68

This is the state we achieve when we are fully centred, “consciously embodied”, and
when our energy field, free of attachments and disruptions caused by earlier conditioning and
influences, connects with the energetic flow of the universe.

In his inimitable mystical language, Dr Hawkins describes perception at this level as

“occurring in slow motion, suspended in time and space – nothing is stationary, and all is alive
and radiant. Although this world is the same as the one seen by others, it has become
continuously flowing, evolving in an exquisitely coordinated evolutionary dance in which
significance and source are overwhelming. This awesome revelation takes place nonrationally,
so that there is an infinite silence in the mind, which has stopped conceptualizing.”

Dr Hawkins is describing the state we achieve when we shift from a consciousness of

separation to Oneness.

That which is witnessing and that which is witnessed take on the same identity; the
observer dissolves into the landscape and becomes equally the observed. Everything is
connected to everything else by a Presence whose power is infinite, exquisitely gentle, yet rock-

Dr Hawkins goes on to say: “Not uncommonly, individuals at this level remove

themselves from the world, as the state of bliss that ensues precludes ordinary activity. Some
become spiritual teachers; others work anonymously for the betterment of mankind. A few
become great geniuses in their respective fields and make major contributions to society.”

Our current argument is that in these dramatically changing times, those of us that
aspire to attain the level of 600 and above are working for “the betterment of mankind” when
we are actively and consciously helping as many others as possible to attain a similar level. We
explain why below.

For Most People, Lifetime Change is Minimal

Under normal conditions, a person’s LOC remains somewhat steady through their
lifetime. Emotions come and go like the passing wind, but a person’s measurable LOC is
governed by specific energy fields in the nonlinear domain, which generally does not waver.
Over the course of a lifetime, the average person’s LOC will change approximately five points
(this is not a statistical derivation, but an average discovered through Dr. Hawkins’ muscle-
testing research). However, it is possible for an individual (such as a spiritual aspirant) to have
their LOC jump (or drop) hundreds of points in a single lifetime.

In our view, with the techniques and practices that are now available to us, with the
correct intention, commitment and support, it is now possible to experience a quantum shift in
a few hours, and to integrate within a few months. Freedom Within 69

A Few People Can Make a Difference

Because the scale of consciousness is logarithmic, each incremental point represents a

giant leap in power.

As such, one person calibrated at 700 counterbalances the negativity of 70 million

people below 200.

This single insight is the key inspirational influence in the development of Freedom
Within. When I expand my consciousness to over 700 (Enlightenment on the scale), I can make
a quantum difference through conscious leverage. When I collaborate with others with the
same intention, and we connect in a single global network in a spirit of service to consciously
evolve, together we are able to evolve and create a "more beautiful world".

What this means is that although a small minority of the world’s population calibrates
above 500 on the scale, the collective power of this minority has the “weight to counterbalance
the negativity” of the majority. So, “a single avatar at a consciousness level of 1000 can, in fact,
totally counterbalance the negativity of all mankind.”

Dr Hawkins concludes that “were it not for these counterbalances, mankind would self-
destruct out of the sheer mass of its unopposed negativity. The difference in power between a
loving thought…and a fearful thought…is so enormous as to be beyond the capacity of the
human imagination to easily comprehend…Even a few loving thoughts during the course of the
day more than counterbalance all our negative thoughts.”

Note that Dr Hawkins uses the word "counterbalance". An individual at 700 may
counterbalance many millions, but this is not actually "raising" their level of consciousness. Our
interest is in addressing the question:

"What does it take to both counterbalance AND raise the consciousness of millions?"

1000 and Above

From Dr Hawkins' perspective, the highest level of consciousness (1000) equates to

Buddha and Christ consciousness. There is nothing higher than this. However, what we have
been experiencing recently in our workshops and related work is that it is now possible to
transcend this level. This has happened with a significant number of individuals with increasing
frequency. I do not claim understand how this could be happening. Is there a flaw in the
testing? Is muscle-testing meaningless at the higher levels? Are the energetic frequencies of the
planet changing? For the moment, we are just observing and trying not to judge.

The level of 1000 is very significant in terms of global transformation. Two and a half
thousand years ago one Buddha triggered a shift of consciousness in the East. Two thousand
years ago, one Christ triggered a shift in the West. Neither of these were quantum shifts. They Freedom Within 70

evolved over hundreds of years. The global population in those times was in the low hundred
millions. Today, we are looking at a global population in excess of seven billion. This suggests
that the energetic trigger for a global transformation needs to be considerably more powerful.

We are looking at the possibility that a global transformation is required to address an

existential threat and that this time we do not have the luxury of hundreds of years. We may
have very little time. So there is need for a quantum shift, one that can happen almost instantly
and which does not need to evolve over a long period.

Is it possible that our ability to rise above the 1000 level provides the opportunity to
trigger such a shift?

Do we just need a few people at 1000 and Above to create sufficient momentum?

How many are a few?

What other conditions need to prevail in order for these individuals to both
counterbalance and raise the consciousness of millions?


So, where do you calibrate on the Hawkins scale?

If you do not have a partner, the process for testing oneself is simple. If you have not
done it before it may take some practice and the development of confidence in your own
intuition. It requires a degree of trust and letting go your doubts and scepticism. Dr Hawkins
suggested that as a subject you need to calibrate over the 200 level to understand this process. Freedom Within 71

When testing the level of consciousness, we need to test the truth or falsehood of
various statements related to the numeric calibrations on the Hawkins Scale. When we make
the statement and test the strength of a muscle, if the muscle is strong, then the statement is
true, if weak, then false.

Form a loop with the thumb and index fingers together on the left hand.

With the right hand, bring the thumb and the index fingers together and interlock
between the left hand’s finger loop.

Ask a question with a Yes response. Then pull the fingers on the right hand against the
point at which the two fingers on the left hand meet. Both sets of rings should stay together.
This is strong.

Ask a question with a No response. Then apply pressure against the fingers on the left
hand with the right hand’s fingers. With a no response, the right hand fingers should slip
through the left hand finger’s loop. This is weak.

It is necessary to apply the same amount of pressure when asking all your questions and
to keep practising. For more examples see

The Hawkins Numeric Scale

Ideally you need to use the original scale as published in Power vs Force. Click this link
for the Detailed Map of Consciousness to acquire it direct from the publishers. Freedom Within 72

Alternatively you can work with the image below:

When testing you need to try and get your ego out of the way. It also helps to drink a
glass of water to ensure that you are not dehydrated. Start by testing the following statements
to ensure that the muscle-testing is working:

"My name is [your actual name]"

"My name is [a false name]"

The first should test strong. The second weak. If this is working then try the following:

"I am a [woman/man - your actual sex]"

"I am a [woman/man - the opposite sex]"

Again, the first should test strong. The second weak. If both these tests are working,
then you are comfortable with muscle-testing and you can go onto the next stage. If not, then
you can try intuitively seeing where you are on the scale. In any case, try to have a sense of
where you are.

Now test the following statement:

“On the above log scale of 1 to 1000, where 100 is the level of Fear and 500 is the level
of Love, my current level of consciousness calibrates at over (say) 350.” Freedom Within 73

If this tests strong, then keep raising the number, first in larger increments, then smaller
increments until it tests weak. The last number that tested strong is your current level. Write
down the score for future reference.

If it tests weak, then keep lowering the number until it tests strong.

Muscle-testing with a Partner

When you are working with a partner, you can ask your partner to extend her arm so
that it is raised horizontally at her side. It works better if your partner uses her strong arm.

Then with your fingers of one hand resting lightly on your partner's wrist, ask your
partner to resist and then apply downward pressure. This is just to test how strong the arm is in
a neutral position. Then follow the procedure as above for self-testing.

Finally, these two books by Dr Hawkins are classics and highly recommended reading:

Power vs. Force and Letting Go: The Pathway Of Surrender Freedom Within 74

Clearing Our Blocks and Expanding Consciousness

With the Hawkins Map of Consciousness, we now have a tool for understanding where
we are individually on our journey, and we can also reach a better understanding of where we
are collectively.

With muscle-testing we have a technique that essentially strengthens our intuition. I am

now going to show you how to use this to test a number of statements. The results of this test
will help you to validate where you calibrated on the Hawkins scale. Following this, I will then
show you how to clear your blocks and also how to test strong with any of the following in case
you were testing weak. We will then do a number of tests to ensure that the process has been
working correctly.

From Acceptance to Unconditional Love to Gratitude

All along I have been saying that most of us are disconnected (ninety nine percent) and
that a function of being disconnected is our holding onto old pain and emotional wounds.

On the Hawkins scale, eighty percent of us calibrate below 200. This indicates a high
degree of disconnection. The wounding relates to low vibrational energies such as Shame, Guilt,
Grief, Fear, and Anger.

In our process of becoming less disconnected, a big awakening comes when are able to
accept the world for what it is without getting upset in any way. On the Hawkins scale, the level
of Acceptance calibrates at 350. You could say this is the first major landmark in personal
transformation. If you were embarking on a climb of Mount Everest, it would be the equivalent
of flying into the little town of Lukla. You are now well up the mountain. Now the real trekking

Being able to accept ourselves for who we are without blame or judgement provides a
wonderful release and sense of liberation. Further liberation follows as we are able to forgive
ourselves and others; to feel compassion for ourselves and others; to love ourselves and others
unconditionally; and to experience a deep sense of gratitude for being alive.

On the Hawkins scale, Love is 500. When we reach 500 on this scale, we are well on the
way to experiencing connection. This is the equivalent of getting to Base Camp on Everest.
From there, it is connection all the way up.

The following tests will give some indication of where you are. If you test strong on all of
the following, including Unconditional Love, then it is likely that you calibrated over 500 when
you tested on the Hawkins scale. If you test weak on any of them, then you are likely to have
calibrated somewhere below 500. Freedom Within 75

Let us assume that you are now working with your partner. You are both standing. Ask
your partner to extend her strongest arm to the horizontal position at her side. If you are
unsure about how to do this test, see this short YouTube video by Madison King:

Now ask your partner to repeat the following statements one by one. After each
statement you can test and make a note of the result.

"I totally accept myself for who I am without blame of judgement."

"I totally forgive myself for any harm I may have done to myself or to others."

"I totally forgive others for any harm they may have done to me."

"I have total compassion for my own pain and suffering."

"I have total compassion for the pain and suffering of others."

"I love myself unconditionally."

"I love others unconditionally, including those who may have harmed me."

"I have total gratitude for being alive and for everything that I have in life."

Being able to test strong on all of the above is a great achievement. So if you test weak
on any of the above, that is just fine. For the moment, just accept it. It just provides an
indication of where you might need to do some further work.

At one time, I tested weak on all of these. One in particular was around forgiveness. I
was angry with my father. When I was able to just accept him for who he was, I was then able Freedom Within 76

to forgive him. When I forgave him, I was able to feel his pain, I had compassion. When I had
compassion, I was able to start loving my father unconditionally. When I was able to do all of
these, I was able to feel a deep sense of gratitude, just for being alive. It took me more than half
a life time to get there, but once there, the feeling of liberation was immense. It was only then
that I really started living, that I began to feel Freedom Within.

Identifying our Primary Unmet Need

I shared with you earlier my primary unmet need. My unmet need was to be like my
English playmates and to be accepted by them as one of them. My need was to be accepted.
My fear was to be rejected, betrayed or abandoned.

It is often very difficult to recognise our unmet need. It might be obvious to others. But
we may be blind to it. It is often deeply buried in our subconscious. Most times when I ask
someone to identify their unmet need, they look at me blankly. They do not have a clue. If you
already know yours, then please share with your partner, and vice versa. If you are still
struggling to identify what if could be, click below for an extended list. You may find yours

Clearing Your Blocks

We are now ready for you to help your partner to clear her blocks. You could do this
yourself without a partner. The only drawback is that without a partner it is difficult to
experience immediate biofeedback. Your partner is able to help you to feel the difference
between how you were when you were blocked and how you are once you have cleared. Freedom Within 77

In conventional psychotherapy, this process can take for ever. It is usually very time
consuming. It may also be painful as you re-connect with early traumatic experiences and as
you relive them in order to let them go.

In the process I am going to show you, there is none of that. The clearing is very quick,
effective, painless and safe. The reason why it is so quick is because both you and your partner
are now both totally connected in the manner we have described above. Conventional
psychotherapy does not use this concept of connection other than where it might be used by
primitive people with "under-developed" consciousness. For instance, the anthropologist Lévy-
Bruhl described this as "participation mystique, using the term to denote a peculiar kind of
psychological connection with objects, which consists in the fact that the subject cannot clearly
distinguish himself from the object but is bound to it by a direct relationship which amounts to
partial identity.

Carl Jung used it in reference to Identity being "a characteristic of the primitive
mentality and the real foundation of participation mystique, which is nothing but a relic of the
original non-differentiation of subject and object, and hence of the primordial unconscious
state. It is also a characteristic of the mental state of early infancy, and, finally, of the
unconscious of the civilized adult."

In other words, connection is something either child-like or primitive. What Jung and
others like him did not understand was the healing power of this particular way of being and
how it is essential to our health and well-being.

Again in this process, both you and your partner are standing. Then start by making sure
that both you and your partner are connected as One. You can ask her to say her connecting
statement, for instance, "I AM Infinite Love" and then test. You might need to ask her to do a
few rounds of Vertical Torus Breathing. Or you can help by scooping the energy down her
Stomach Meridian.

Being certain that you and your partner are both connected, the first thing is to test
whether your partner is ready to release and to let go whatever is blocking her in her various
energy centres and then, if she is ready, to test whether it is safe.

For all the following tests, we are using the muscle-testing technique where your
partner extends her arm horizontally and you push down to test its strength.

Readiness Test

To do this, you ask your partner to say out loud the following statement, phrase by
phrase, naming each of the relevant blocked centres: Freedom Within 78

"I am totally ready to release and let go anything, all time, space, dimensions and
reality,....that is preventing me from releasing and letting go....whatever is blocking me in my
......, ......., and ........ centres."

If this tests strong, then you can move to the next statement.

Safety Test

It is really important to test whether it is safe for your partner to let go. Where an
individual has experienced some serious early trauma, there may be a deep fear about re-
connecting with the turbulent emotions that were felt at the time.

I know this feeling from my own experience, even though I never experienced any
serious trauma. In my early days of awakening I was attracted to Zen Buddhism. I decided to go
on a seven day retreat. This entailed spending most of the day sitting cross-legged in

After two days I felt that I was getting the hang of it and decided that it was time to
have a look at some of my deeper issues and fears. The feeling I had was that all these issues
were deeply buried in a volcano. All I needed to do was to gently lift the lid over the top of the
volcano and look in. So, very gingerly I visualized myself lifting the lid. I then decided to take a
little peek. As I looked over the edge, I had this vision of being in a Nazi concentration camp
with all the horror that that entailed. I had such a fright that I slammed down the lid, jumped
off my cushion, and ran. I was terrified that the volcano would erupt and I would be swamped
and overwhelmed by the molten lava.

So, let me remind you. What we are doing here is just simple energy plumbing. There
may be blockages in some of the pipes, and we are looking at a simple method for easing the
blockage. What we do not need is for the whole plumbing system to back up and swamp us
with old waste.

So ask your partner to repeat the following and then test.

"It is totally safe for me to release and let go anything, all time, space, dimensions
and reality,....that is preventing me from releasing and letting go....whatever is blocking me in
my ......, ......., and ........ centres."

If this tests strong, then we are ready to proceed with clearing the blocks.

If your partner tests weak, then my advice is to stop the process. Your partner may not
be ready or may need more expert support. Freedom Within 79

Clearing Statements

When I first started doing this I used a visualization technique. This was derived from
the Taoist "Alchemy of the Soul". It entailed connecting with the point at the centre of the
lower belly with the breathing and the visualization. Then bringing the energy down through
the pelvic centre and then from the base of the spine all the way to the top of the head. Then
with the out-breath, visualizing the energy flowing down through the centre of all my energy
centres, down through the floor, through the ground and into the centre of the Earth. The
energy that I am feeling is the highest vibrational energy (Infinite Love), coming from both
below and above, and then flushing through all the energy centres and clearing away all the
blocked energy. The centre of the Earth is the equivalent of a cosmic cesspit.

This was very effective, but it took more time. I then discovered, to my surprise, that
simple clearing statements were just as effective and took a fraction of the time.

If I can remind you, my own awakening journey started with traditional Eastern
practices, such as Aikido, yoga and meditation. Not only was this the "road less travelled", but
also the "road more difficult". Nothing was worthwhile unless it entailed a struggle. In the last
few years, I have been progressively learning to let go my "no pain, no gain" philosophy and
finding that we can actually do more when we work with ease. I say this as you might be
challenged in believing that life time blocks can be cleared in just a few minutes.

Helping Your Partner to Clear Her Blocks

So, for the next tests you are going to continue using the muscle-testing on your partner
with her arm stretched out.

You already know which centres are blocked from your earlier testing. The thinking is
that the blocked energy is low vibrational energy and that by connecting this with the highest
vibrational energy in the universe (Infinite Love, or whatever your partner feels comfortable
with), it is then easy to flush out the blocked energy.

First ask your partner to say her connecting statement. Test that this is strong. If weak,
then make sure you are both fully connected using the earlier procedures.

Then, one centre at a time, the process is as follows: Holding your partner's testing arm,
with your other hand resting lightly on the shoulder of that arm, ask your partner to repeat the
following clearing statement, phrase by phrase:

"I release and let go all time, space, dimensions,. and reality,....that is
preventing me from releasing and letting go....whatever is blocking my [........] centre." Freedom Within 80

Then test on her arm. It should test strong. Then ask your partner to stand very still and
feel the high vibrational energy flowing through her from two directions - coming up from the
ground, and coming down from above.

You can assist the process for your partner in one of two ways: one way, if your partner
is comfortable with this, is to hug your partner very gently, while at the same time visualizing
that you and your partner are One. Then connected as One, feel and visualize the high
vibrational energy flowing through both of you. If your partner is uncomfortable about being
hugged, you can just stand at her side, make some contact with your hand and your body, and
feel the energy in that way.

You only need to hold this for about a minute. To test whether the block is fully cleared,
you can then muscle-test your partner by asking her to repeat the statement:

"My [..........] centre is now one hundred percent clear."

If this tests strong, you can double check by doing the Hugging the Tree test. Now your
partner's wrists and arms should be immovable.

You can further verify whether she is clear in this centre by asking her to chant the
relevant vowel sound. So say you were working on the heart, you can ask your partner to chant:
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. You can then test her using the Wobble test. She should test

If she tests weak on any of the above, just repeat the process.

Then repeat the above with the next blocked centre until you have cleared all of them.

You can then muscle-test the following:

"All my seven main energy centres are now one hundred percent clear."

That's it! It's as easy as that!

Re-testing on the Hawkins Scale

So, now you have cleared all your main blocks. What does this mean? One answer might
be to test again on the Hawkins scale. You may be surprised.

If you experience a significant change, this might well open the way to strengthening
any weakness you and your partner may have experienced when testing for Acceptance,
Forgiveness, Compassion, Unconditional Love and Gratitude. Freedom Within 81

Let us say for example that your partner tested strong on Acceptance, Forgiveness and
Compassion, but weak on Unconditional Love. In this case on the Hawkins scale she may
initially have calibrated at something like 490, just below the 500 level. Now that you have
cleared her blocks, you have effectively neutralized any resistance to making changes to her
habits, her conditioning, her behaviour patterns and any addictions. She might think of her
inability to love herself unconditionally as a kind of addiction. For instance, an addiction to the
belief about herself that she does not deserve unconditional love.

So now you could try to strengthen your partner with respect to her weakness around
Unconditional Love.

By now, you are getting the hang of the process. The first step is to ensure that you and
your partner are both fully connected. You are going to test her using muscle-testing.

Then ask your partner to repeat after you the following clearing statement, phrase by

"I release and let go anything, all time, space, dimensions, and reality,....that is
preventing me from releasing and letting go,....whatever is preventing me....from loving myself

Test the arm to ensure that this is strong. Then either hug your partner or hold her at
the side, feeling the high vibrational energy flowing through you as One.

Then test the statement:

"I love myself unconditionally".

If this tests strong, then test your partner again on the Hawkins scale. This time she
should calibrate over 500.

Letting Go Your Unmet Need

Once you are able to identify your unmet need, the question then arises, do you still
need it? I had to ask myself, do I really need to be accepted? What do I care if someone rejects
me? If I am able to forgive, to feel compassion and to love unconditionally, what does it matter
if I am betrayed or abandoned?

So I woke up one morning and told myself that I no longer needed to be accepted. I
have written this book. Am I attached to the need that people will read it and accept my points
of view? The answer is, No. Am I attached to people accepting the premise and conclusions of
this book? Again, the answer is, No. Freedom Within 82

So once you have recognised your unmet need, just by recognising it and asking yourself
whether you still need it, may be enough for you to let it go. If you are not sure, then you can
just use the simple clearing statement. For instance:

"I release and let go anything, in all time, space, dimensions, and reality, that is
preventing me from releasing and letting go my unmet need to be [accepted], [loved],
[recognised], [acknowledged].

Getting Triggered and Healing Crises

Very occasionally when we do this work we find that we are still getting triggered by
certain things. Or we may experience a series of "healing crises", which are more severe
instances of being triggered.

In the case of a healing crisis, the event could be very scary. A bubble of emotions
suddenly erupts and the feeling could be one of panic and terror. We feel frightened and
overwhelmed. So, what to do if this happens?

The first thing is to recognise that this is a healing crisis, and to put your attention on the
healing, rather than the crisis. It is healing because old suppressed emotions are now coming up
to the surface and you have an opportunity to let them go, for once and for all. The danger is
that you might resist them and use a great deal of energy trying to push them back down again.
So rather than trying to resist and suppress the feelings, the best strategy is to surrender,
release and let go.

When these strong feelings erupt, we go into the Fight or Flight response. Our breathing
shortens, we tense up to resist, and we become excessively disconnected. So this is the process.
It also applies to any situation where we are being triggered and experiencing some strong

The first step is to get connected.

Then you can use a subjective measurement to gauge the intensity of the feelings. For
example, 10 would be very intense, and 0 would be neutral. The objective is to get from the
highest intensity back down to neutral.

Now consciously focus on feeling the feelings. That means letting go any associated
thoughts or beliefs. Easier said than done, but if you concentrate on breathing into your lower
belly and just keep focusing on the feelings, then it becomes more difficult to think about
anything else.

It is really important to feel where in your body you are feeling these feelings. Are they
in the heart centre, or the abdomen, or the lower belly? Wherever they are, feel into that area. Freedom Within 83

Once you are feeling the feelings, try and intensify the feelings. The feelings may be
unpleasant but at this point the more you can feel the feelings the sooner they will go.

Now, let us say that the feelings are mostly in your abdominal area, your Solar Plexus
centre. Try to visualize this centre as a container. The feelings are filling up the container, but
there is nowhere for them to go. No visualize that at the bottom of the container there is a
plug, similar to the one you have in your bath or shower. The plug connects to a pipe which
connects in turn to a central drain pipe. All you need to do is to take out the plug, so that all
these feelings can just drain away.

You can now visualize yourself putting your hand into the container, feeling down into
the base, finding the plug and pulling it out.

The feelings will immediately start to drain. To help them on their way, you can now
connect with the highest vibrational energy (Infinite Love). As mentioned already above, you
can visualize this starting with your in-breath at the centre of your lower belly. The energy then
flows down to your pelvic area and then all the way up your spine to the top of your head. As
you breathe up, you imagine the energy that has come up from below, connecting with similar
energy flowing down from above you, and together flowing through the centre of all your
energy centres. And it keeps flowing all the way down to the centre of the Earth.

You breathe in with Infinite Love. You breathe out with Infinite Love. You feel the painful
energy breaking up and draining away, deep down into the cosmic septic tank. Within as little
as ten minutes you will find that all these overwhelming feelings will have gone. In terms of
intensity, you will be down to zero, or very close. If you are not quite at zero, just continue with
the breathing and the visualization and very soon that painful energy will all have been cleared.
Again, it really is that simple! Freedom Within 84

Practice, Practice, Practice

With traditional spiritual practices, practice, as the name implies, is the key to the
process. If meditation is the practice, then it is required that one set aside a certain time every
day in order to gradually experience the transformation and expansion of consciousness. The
same applies to yoga and the various martial arts. Practice is the key to personal growth.

With most transformational practices, we go to a teacher to learn how to practice. Then

we practice on our own. Then the question is: how do we bring our practice into our daily life?

I have practised Aikido for over thirty five years. That is a big investment in time. I would
not have missed it. I loved every moment. Aikido is a non-competitive martial art. It is about
attack and defence. So to be non-competitive sounds like a contradiction. There must be a
winner and a loser. But no, in Aikido the objective is to resolve a conflict harmoniously. There is
no winner and no loser.

The practice is essentially about transforming disconnection into connection. The

attacker may be disconnected. The defender is required to override the instinctive Fight of
Flight response and to be connected. Through being connected, the defender helps the attacker
to become connected. The conflict is resolved through both parties being connected as One.

So, yes, the purpose of the practice is one's own transformation. But this is achieved
through assisting the transformation of others. I am transformed when you are transformed.
This is a very important part of the practice. When we are connected, we are One. When we
are One, we support each other, regardless of our differences.
The question now is how to apply this principle in daily life? Whatever the answer, how
does this help to answer the bigger question: what does it take to trigger a quantum shift in
individual and collective consciousness? A quantum shift implies achieving the total
transformation for everyone virtually at the speed of light.

I have shown you that it is quick and easy to clear your life time blocks and early core
wounding. I am not claiming that this is instant transformation. It is not. But it is instant
removal of the resistance that we have to changing the habits and conditioning that arose as a
result of our having these blocks. We are now able to be aware about what in our lives needs
changing. We may be suffering from some illness. Our relationships keep failing. We never have
enough money. We are unable to reach our full potential. Whatever it is, the resistance to
changing what we need to change has gone.

While I love traditional practice, what I am proposing is something much simpler, easier
and quicker. Something that produces much faster results. If we want to help trigger a quantum
shift in collective consciousness, that is, for everyone, then we do not have the luxury to spend
a life time on our own individual transformation. We need to get our own transformation under
our belt as quickly as possible so that we can focus our attention on helping others to
experience theirs. Freedom Within 85

Resistance is Pain, Flow is Bliss

So, what is the practice? We could describe it simply as the process of yin and yang,
where yin flows into yang and yang flows into yin. In this case, we are talking about flowing
from disconnection into connection and from connection into disconnection.

The basic principle is the understanding that resistance is pain and flow is bliss. When
we are disconnected, we are always experiencing some form of resistance. There is always an
element of irritation in our lives. There is always something in our environment that is upsetting
us. This irritation is a form of resistance. Part of the resistance arises out of our feeling that we
are unable to change what is happening in the world. This is frustrating. However, I might not
be able to change the world, but I am able to change how I feel about the world. I am able to
resolve the resistance within myself. How do I do that?

By connecting and then going through the process outlined above for dealing with
feelings of resistance. I can always bring myself into harmony, no matter how much chaos there
is in the world. I cannot control the world, but I can control myself. By some inexplicable magic,
when I am in harmony, my world is in harmony. Imagine if we were all able to connect
harmoniously with the world how it would look.

At the beginning continually cycling through disconnection to connection appears to be

a somewhat cumbersome process. We have to keep reminding ourselves to be aware. The
practice is about understanding how to be aware, how to be mindful, and how to respond -
moment by moment. Then gradually learning how to do this instinctively without thinking
about it.

In our fast moving world we experience some form of resistance many times throughout
the day. We wake up and worry that we are going to be late. We rush to work and worry that
we will miss our train. We get to work and worry that we will not meet a deadline. Our boss
irritates us. Our fellow workers get on our nerves. On and on and on, resistance piling on
resistance. So we need to be able to resolve the resistance instantly in order to be prepared for
the next. Otherwise, the level of stress builds up till eventually there is a crisis. At that point,
recovery becomes more difficult.

So this essentially is the practice - to be able to flow effortlessly from yin to yang to yang
to yin, moment by moment. Instead of being chronically stuck in disconnection, now we are
never stuck. We are always flowing.

If one has a traditional practice, there is no reason to stop. But once we have
understood how to immediately clear our blocks, how to accept, forgive, feel compassion and
unconditional love, and express gratitude and how to let go the need that can never be met,
there is nothing stopping us from being continuously in harmony. With practice, we are walking
on an ever finer path between disconnection and connection. Freedom Within 86

Living on the Edge of Disconnection

The premise of this book is that most of us are disconnected and we are stuck in being
disconnected. We are disconnected through our ability to think. When we are disconnected, we
hold onto our old blocks and wounding and are essentially driven by Fear. The main benefit for
being disconnected is the illusion that we are better able to be in control. We believe we can
control ourselves, our lives, other people, and the world through being disconnected This is
highly successful andvcproven strategy. We have been doing this for ever and it works. Look
what we have achieved. We are now the dominant species. We are the masters of the universe.
We are able to create technologies with unlimited potential. There is no problem that we
cannot fix. We can end poverty. We can end hunger. We can heal disease. We can end
suffering. We can end war. Hang on, can we really?

What I am proposing is that we learn to live at ease in both dimensions of being - both
disconnection and connection - by being able to flow effortlessly between the two, without
ever being stuck. In nature we also see two polarities - order and chaos. Everything in nature
wants to be in order but is positioned right on the edge of chaos. This is a perfect balance and
leads ultimately to the greatest harmony and order in the world. So if we wish to find harmony
in our lives and our relationships, rather than being stuck in disconnection, we can position
ourselves primarily in connection and living on the edge of disconnection. Then we are getting
the best of both worlds. We are truly experiencing Love, Joy, Health and Abundance. Freedom Within 87

The Evolutionary Turning Point

I cannot predict the future but I have a strong sense that humanity is currently standing
at a major evolutionary turning point. I would go so far is to say that our current evolutionary
imperative is: Shift or bust! We are currently facing a combination of existential threats and the
greatest opportunity to create a more beautiful world. Our solution is to avoid the threat by
embracing the opportunity

Mostly as a result of our chronic disconnection we are now facing a number of

converging global crises. These are economic, environmental, political, and social. There are
also increasing threats to our health. In the worst case scenario there is the threat of World
War lll.

The Threat of Economic Depression

The most imminent threat is to the global economy. One main indicator is the increasing
growth of global debt in relation to growth in GDP. Since the USA went off the gold standard in
1971 there is no longer any direct relationship between savings and the amount that banks can
lend. You can see from the graphs below how the gap has widened progressively over the last
forty five years.

Global debt is currently at $230 trillion, some 313 percent of global GDP. This graph
illustrates the growing gap. Freedom Within 88

In the USA the combination of government, business, mortgage, and consumer debt has
reached $60 trillion from $2.2 trillion forty years ago. This compares to current US GDP of $17

Meanwhile, central bank interest rates have never been so low. The Bank of England has
been keeping records for some 350 years. Before this current crisis the lowest rates recorded
were 2 percent. First for two years starting in 1893. Then for eighteen years from 1932 to 1950.
In the USA, Overnight Broker Lending Rates fell to below 2 percent in 1934 and did not recover
until 1954. During this period the world (and especially the USA) suffered a severe economic
depression. This was followed by World War ll in 1939.

In 2008 the Bank of England rate fell again to 2 percent. Then in March 2009 it plunged
to its lowest ever at 0.50 percent. It has been glued there ever since. With the prospect of the
UK leaving the European Union, as of writing, there is talk of further reductions. Freedom Within 89

During the same period the US Federal Reserve Funds rate dropped as low as the range
0.00 - 0.25 percent. In December 2015 it was raised to 0.25 - 0.50 percent, which is where it
continues to sit.

Average central bank rates over a long period are 5 percent. So these very low rates are
very far from the norm.

What's the point of all this? What we are seeing here is a major financial disruption. As
it plays itself out, many financial analysts are predicting an economic depression that will make
the 1930's depression look like a picnic! If they are right, what could this mean?

In 1930, the global population was 2.07 billion. Today it is 7.4 billion. In terms of
consciousness, we are still more or less at the same level today as we were in 1930. The only
difference is that we have gone from just below 200 to just over 200 on the Hawkins scale. That
might be some small improvement, but we are still chronically disconnected and ultimately still
driven by Fear. In the 1930s the Depression was followed by World War ll. So if we follow the
same pattern, this makes World War lll increasingly likely.

In terms of collective consciousness, Dr Hawkins started preparing for his book Power vs
Force in 1975. Using muscle-testing he estimated that over the last few hundred years,
collective consciousness calibrated at 190. By the time he had finished, collective consciousness
was calibrating at 207. He found this jump of seventeen points very encouraging, particularly
because we had crossed the threshold of 200, the level of Courage.

I started tracking this metric in 2012. This was a time of optimism with talk of the Birth
of the New Era. Collective consciousness calibrated at 235. I was excited. We were definitely
moving in the right direction. This represented a shift of 45 points over as many years. However
as I continued to track this, the numbers started to fall. Since the beginning of this year, the
number has fallen from 228 to 204. That is below the level that Dr Hawkins was testing in 1995.

Of course, you should take all these numbers with a huge pinch of salt. How I test and
how Dr Hawkins tested could be totally different. There is no way of doing an objective
measurement. However, if I just take this as my own reality, I can make my own judgements as
to whether to trust these numbers or not. What I am seeing however is that the world is
becoming more stressed. As the stress levels increase, so collective consciousness tends to drop
down the scale, notwithstanding the millions of individuals who are doing excellent work in
raising their own consciousness.

So now we can ask ourselves: are the threat levels likely to increase over the short and
medium term? If so, could collective consciousness be pushed back below 200? And if so, is
there anything that can be done about it? Freedom Within 90

Other Threats

Interestingly, most mainstream economists do not perceive a global financial collapse

leading to economic depression as anywhere on their radar. The forecasts that I have been
looking at come mainly from financial journalists who advise their readers on upcoming trends
and how this affects their investment portfolios.

These are the top ten risks perceived by the mainstream Global Economic Forum (GEF)
for 2016. You will see that large scale involuntary migration and extreme weather events top
the bill.

In outlining the global risks of the highest concern in the short and medium term, the
GEF sees large-scale involuntary migration and state collapse as the greatest short term risks,
and water crises and failure of climate-change mitigation and adaptation as the highest
medium term risks. A similar event to the financial collapse in 2007/8 does not appear as a
threat. Presumably the GEF has total confidence in central banks to do whatever it takes. Freedom Within 91

Responding to Increasing Levels of Stress

How do we react to threats when we are at or below the level of 200 on the Hawkins
scale? Because we are disconnected, we tend to become increasingly polarized. We can now
see this increased polarization in practically every country of the world. Most obviously is the
polarization within political parties. In the USA both the Democrats and the Republicans are
becoming increasingly fragmented. In the UK, political parties are also split. Since the EU
Referendum, the whole country has become split. There is evidence of similar splits wherever
you look.
One of the reasons for increased polarization is a rise in the level of Fear and Anger. As
we become more fearful and angry, we feel a greater degree or alienation and separation. We
project our anger onto others who are not like us. Hence the anger towards immigrants and
"foreigners". The mounting danger is that as the fear and anger mount, when we are
disconnected, the ultimate response is the use of force.

If we reached a critical level of global stress, the use of force could be suicidal. The
development of technology (especially in warfare) far exceeds our development in
consciousness. So in this situation, the biggest threat comes not from outside but from within
ourselves. At a relatively low level of collective consciousness, how will be behave if we have
our backs against the wall?

Humanity now needs to take a radical change of direction both in order to survive and in
order to thrive by living together in harmony. The change needs to come from our changing Freedom Within 92
ourselves from within. We cannot rely on technology to solve the problems that we have
created through being disconnected.

Most importantly, the change needs to come now. We do not have the luxury of several
hundred years to slowly evolve to a higher level of consciousness. We just do not have the time.
We would be lucky if we had as much as ten years.

As we have seen above, our movement up or down the Hawkins scale has been in very
small increments, and over relatively long periods. We are still around the 200 level, where we
are essentially disconnected and driven by Fear. We remain disconnected and driven by Fear
until we reach the level of Love at 500. This entails a massive leap of 300 points. Remember,
this is a log scale. So it represents, not a linear increase, but an exponential quantum jump.

This is a massive change that needs to happen NOW! Hence THE QUANTUM SHIFT in
both individual and collective consciousness. Freedom Within 93

Triggering the Quantum Shift

Let me be clear. What I am saying is that at our current level of consciousness, our
chances of surviving a major global crisis are now very slim. With our current technology, we
are more likely to destroy ourselves and most of life on the planet than survive. World War lll is
absolutely NOT an option.

Our path to surviving and thriving is to consciously trigger a quantum shift in individual
and collective consciousness that enables ALL humans to raise their level of consciousness to
Love and Above. That is, to over 500 on the Hawkins scale.

The Magnitude of the Challenge

The challenge and the scope of this project are considerable. It has taken us one
hundred thousand years to get to the level of 200 on the Hawkins scale. I am now proposing
that in a few years we need to raise the level of consciousness for the whole of humanity to
Love and Above. At our current level we are chronically disconnected, driven by Fear, and stuck.
We do not recognize our disconnection. We do not accept our stuckness. We are hardly aware
that there might be a totally different dimension of being, which we could experience if we
chose to do so.

In terms of numbers, we are saying that 99 percent of humanity is below the level of
500. That is 7.3 billion individuals. Of those possibly as many as 30 percent (over 2 billion) are
considerably more disconnected and stuck than the rest. These are the individuals that are
currently the most stressed and with the most difficult lives. It makes no sense for a majority to
make the shift. In this case, it is all or nothing. If a significant number of individuals currently
below the 200 level refuse to shift, then we are still experiencing a dangerous polarization.

Why the Mission Impossible Is Possible

The last time we may have experienced a quantum shift was when we suddenly learned
to think and speak. This assumes that the shift was triggered by a DNA mutation. If not, then
the last time we experienced a quantum shift was when we shifted from our hominid ancestors
to the Homo genus, possibly some two and a half million years ago.

We have never experienced a conscious collective quantum shift. It requires a great leap
of the imagination to think that such a thing could even be possible.

Let me say now that I believe that if we wanted it and chose to put our minds to it, we
could do it. I have no doubt. I have some of the answers on how it might be possible, but there
are still gaps in my understanding. I invite others to help provide the solutions. The following is
what I now know is possible: Freedom Within 94

We know from Dr Hawkins (and others) that individuals at a very high level of
consciousness counterbalance millions at a much lower level within the energy field of our
collective consciousness.

We know that it is now possible to reach the highest levels of consciousness without
requiring a life time of training and practice. The highest levels include reaching 1000 and
Above on the Hawkins scale.

We know that it probably only requires a few committed individuals at the highest levels
of consciousness (1000 and Above) to trigger the shift. I believe that this is somewhere around
200 individuals.

We know that when a group of individuals support each other to raise their levels of
consciousness and support each other in their practice to flow between being disconnected and
connected, they are able to experience Love, Joy, Health and Abundance in their lives. This
means that in practising with others, we are helping others to clear their blocks and to
completely change their lives. This means healing their anxiety, healing their depression,
healing their chronic illnesses, healing their relationships, healing their attitude to work and
money. The list is endless.

Once a critical number of individuals have reached the highest levels, others are able to
follow more easily. When others recognise the need, and when they want to make the
quantum shift, then it is easily achievable. The path is clear.

Furthermore, because we are all connected in the same energy field, there is the
potential power of “energetic resonance”. Through this energetic resonance, once they accept
the need and are ready, individuals can spontaneously experience their own quantum shift (The
Hundred Monkeys Effect).

At some point there is also the power of mainstream communications.

What I Do Not Know

I have mentioned the power of "energetic resonance". This is derived from the biologist
and author Rupert Sheldrake, who came up with the hypothesis of "morphic resonance". He
describes this as follows:

Morphic resonance is a process whereby self-organising systems inherit a memory from

previous similar systems. In its most general formulation, morphic resonance means that the so-
called laws of nature are more like habits. The hypothesis of morphic resonance also leads to a
radically new interpretation of memory storage in the brain and of biological inheritance.
Memory need not be stored in material traces inside brains, which are more like TV receivers
than video recorders, tuning into influences from the past. And biological inheritance need not Freedom Within 95

all be coded in the genes, or in epigenetic modifications of the genes; much of it depends on
morphic resonance from previous members of the species. Thus each individual inherits a
collective memory from past members of the species, and also contributes to the collective
memory, affecting other members of the species in the future.

Sheldrake is talking about the concept of an inherited collective memory. So essentially,

any creature within a species can draw up this collective memory. The content is not stored
physically within their body, but within a share energy field.

In the human field we see examples of this when someone invents something in one
part of the world and almost instantly someone totally separate in another part of the world
discovers the same answer.

The most famous example was when Newton, Leibniz and Laplace simultaneously
discovered calculus in the 17th Century. See this List of Multiple Discoveries.

In our case we are looking at the power of energetic transmission within the human
collective field within a short space of time. Perhaps less than a few years. So this is not
inherited memory.

One of the problems with the theory is that we have had highly spiritual and evolved
individuals for thousands of years. But in spite of these, the level of collective consciousness has
hardly changed. With the examples of the simultaneous scientific discoveries, other scientists
were working on the same problem. So an essential element has to be that the subject of
possible change has to perceive the need and want to change.

Now the problem comes with addressing those that might be the least interested in
changing, but who nevertheless could be the major beneficiaries. Let us take as an example a
young man or woman who is tempted to join an organisation like ISIS. By joining they may
become a suicide bomber, killing many people, including themselves.

So the $64,000 question is: why would a prospective member of ISIS want to experience
a quantum shift in consciousness. Besides the possibility of being able to experience Love, Joy,
Health and Abundance, how would this actually translate into how they might lead their lives?

I shall leave you hanging on this question. If you have the answer, please feel free to
contact me through Freedom Within 96

Summary of Benefits

When we learn to re-connect, to clear our blocks and to integrate the process into all
areas of our life, we are then able to fully experience Love, Joy, Health and Abundance.

We are able to flow comfortably between disconnection and connection, without

getting stuck.

The benefits apply especially in the areas of physical and mental health and in

The collective benefit for humanity is to be able to experience harmonious relationships

with each other and the planet.

One of the biggest benefits is the end of our resorting to war and force in order to settle
our differences.

We are able to create a more beautiful world through Love and connection.

Thank You! Freedom Within 97

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