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228 Chapter 12 Problem Solutions 12.1 A 60-Hz turbogenerator is rated 500 MVA, KV. It is Y-connected and solidly grounded and is operating at rated voltage at no load. It is disconnected from the rest of the system. Its reactances are Xf = X, = X2 = 0.15 and Xo = 0.05 per unit. Find the ratio of the subtransient line current for a single line-to- ground fault to the subtransient line current for a symmetrical three-phase fault. Solution: Single line-to-ground fault ID = Spysyjorsygors = ~22857 per unit 3/L) = —J8.571 per unit Ie Three-phase fault: = ~ 36.667 per unit The ratio is 8.571/6.667 = 1.286/1 12.2 Find the ratio of the subtransient line current for a line-to-line fault to the subtransient current for a symmetrical three-phase fault on the generator of Prob. 12.1 Solution: Line-toline fault a 15 +7015 =I) = 53.333 per unit, 227) = 33337150" per unit aff = 3.333, 210° per unit fy = +h = -8.773 per unit ~99.383 per unit Using the three-phase fault value for J, from Prob. 12.1, the ratio is now 5.773/6.667 = 0.866/1 12.3 Determine the inductive reactance in ohms to be inserted in the neutral con- nection of the generator of Prob. 12.1 to limit the subtransient line current for a single line-to-ground fault to that for a three-phase fault. ——————E 229 Solution: From Prob. 12.1, J, = —j6.667 per unit for a three-phase fault. Let z be the inductive reactance in per unit to be inserted, Then, for a single line-to-ground fault, 3 @) i an (H(0.15 + 0.15 + 0.05 + 3x) For a three-phase fault, I = 1/j0.15 = —76.667 per unit. Equating the values for Ty, we : hay i 2 = (0.35 + 32)(6.667) : = = 0.0833 per unit (22)? Baez = EE = 05680 = = 0.0333 x 0.968 = 0.32262 12.4 With the inductive reactance found in Prob. 12.3 inserted in the neutral of the generator of Prob. 12.1, find the ratios of the subtransient line currents for the following faults to the subtransient line current for a three-phase fault: (a) single line-to-ground fault, (4) line-to-line fault and (c) double line-to- ground fault. Solution: (2) The ratio equals one since reactance was added to achieve this ratio. (0) The ratio is 0.866 (see Prob. 12.2; this is because the fault current in the line-to-line fault is not affected by the reactance on the neutral) (c) For a double line-to-ground fault, Zo = 5(0.05+3 x 0.0333) = 70.15 t Eos wD = 10 = he = ~ 44.44 per unit . iss REERE ~ 7028 19 ~ 040 (218) — jan per ot 319 = 76.67 per unit 4.44 90° + 240° + 2.22 90° + 190° + 2.292 00° = 3.85 45292-1923 —1.114j2.22 = -5.773+ 53.33 = 6.672150" per unit For a three-phase fault, Fors = ~2667 per unit 230 12.5 12.6 12.7 How many ohms of resistance in the neutral connection of the generator of Prob. 12.1 would limit the subtransient line current for a single line-to-ground fault to that for a three-phase fault? Solution: For a three-phase fault: R= 0.0943 per unit 7 _ (27 |-6.667| = BaseZ = So = 0.9089 2.222 = R= 0.0943 x 0.968 = 0.0913 9 4.9383 = TRF ODS A generator rated 100 MVA, 20 KV has X¥ = Xy = Xz = 20% and Xo = 5%. Its neutral is grounded through a reactor of 0.32 2. The generator is operating at rated voltage without load and is disconnected from the system when a single line-to-ground fault occurs at its terminals. Find the subtransient current in the faulted phase. Solution: (20 1 Baez = 2" gon To = 31S) = ~74.347 per unit 2 100,000 X= 22 = 008 per unit Basel = Eas a peru Vix Zo = 30.05 +3. j008 = 70.29 per unit Mal = 4.347 x 2887 = 12,5504 m= a F149 per unit F024 702+ 7029 A 100-MVA 18-kV turbogenerator having XJ = X, = Xp = 20% and Xo = 5% is about to be connected to a power system. The generator has a current- limiting reactor of 0.162 in the neutral. Before the generator is connected to the system, its voltage is adjusted to 16 kV when a double line-to-ground fault develops at terminals 6 and c. Find the initial symmetrical rms current in the ground and in line 6 Note to Instructor: Since Z; = Z, = Zo we see from Prob. 12.4 that lZ/| = lol = [le] and fewer calculations are needed. Of course, the problem may be worked in the usual manner, but here we will take advantage of Prob. 12.4. A good variation is to make Z, = 0.243 9. 231 Solution: Baez = “8 _ a0 Zo = 30.05+3x 30.05 = 70.20 it sez = 24.9 0 = eS i 50.20 per uni 0.162 1 = TS = 005 per unit = 38 = 0.3889 per unit ee = 005 per unit Ey = Fy = 0.8880 per unit At this point we may recognize that Prob. 12.4 has shown that when Z; = Zz = Zy, both Us| and [Jy] for a double line-to-ground fault are equal to [Z4| for a single line-to-ground fault, which is 0.8889 Sr = 444 per unit 100,000 V3 x18 4444 x 3207.5 = 14,2544 Basel = Mol = Uyl 3207.5 A 0 Note that the above calculation is valid only because Z, = Zp = Zo. Ifthis were not the case, 1, must be found by first determining I$”, 1{? and 1{°) 12.8 The reactances of a generator rated 100 MVA, 20 kV, are XJ = X1 = Xz = 20% and Xo = 5%. the generator is connected to a A-Y transformer rated 100 MVA, 20-230 kV, with a reactance of 10%. The neutral of the transformer is solidly grounded. The terminal voltage of the generator is 20 kV when a single line-to- ground fault occurs on the open-circuited, high-voltage side of the transformer. Find the initial symmetrical rms current in all phases of the generator. Solution: jo jo2 or 2 e[ a On the high-voltage side, WaeDa Me 7 31.429 = 1.429/—90° per unit FOSF HOS FOI ~ 232 In the generator, 1S) = 0 and 12 = 2 gaa0° = 1.420120" per unit 12) = 1? 230% = 1.429,-60" per unit [:] a 11 1 ]fo . 2.475 90° 1a? a || 1420,-190 | = | 2.475290" | per unit 1 Caleulating current values we have 2 @ | | 1420/=60" Lo 100,000 Base 1 = 100,000 _ ogg7 v3x 20 Mol = Mol = 2475x2887 = 7145 A Wel = 0A 12.9 A generator supplies a motor through a Y-A transformer. The generator is connected to the Y side of the transformer. A fault occurs between the motor terminals and the transformer. The symmetrical components of the subtransient current in the motor flowing toward the fault are io 0.8 — 52.6 per unit 1) = —32.0 per unit 1) —J3.0. per unit From the transformer toward the fault I = 08-304 per unit vi —jl.0 per unit 1 = 0 per unit Assume XJ = X; = Xz for both the motor and the generator. Describe the type of fault. Find (a) the prefault current, if any, in line a, (b) the subtransient fault current in per unit and (c) the subtransient current in each phase of the generator in per unit. Solution: Gen, yp Motor The fault occurs at point P in the above diagram, The sum of 1{") from the motor and from the transformer gives [” in the fault. So in the fault, IQ) = -0.8~526408-j04 = -33.0 per unit SE 233 Similarly, iG Pp 0-j10+0- 38.0 per unit 330 per unit which means a single line-to-ground fault. The connection of the sequence networks is shown (a) Currents are marked on the network diagram. The division of the current due to the fault between the branches of the positive-sequence network is the same as between the branches of the negative-sequence network since all X; values equal the X2 values in corresponding branches, The prefault current in line a toward the motor is 0.8-j0.4-(-j1.0) = 08+ 506 per unit or [+08 52.6 —(—j2.0)] = 0.8+50.6 per unit (8) Tf = 3(—93.0) = ~39.0 per unit (c) Assume that the generator is on the high-voltage side of the transformer such that san (0.8 — j0.4)e°" = 0.89423.43° per unit 1 (—pL0)e#"" = 1.0/=120° per unit m= 0 4 [| 12.10 Using Fig. 12.18, calculate the bus impedance matrices Z{0), 2} and Zhu, for the network of Example 12.6 11 1ijdfo 0.903 64.3" 1 a? a || osoaesas: | = | 10,—531° | per unit 1a a} | 10,120 1,893 121.6" Solution: From Fig, 12.18, a = ye 40/3 510 yf, = ¥@, Sto 720 | Per unit 234 Hence, 20), = 22 ae al a { 22 30.06 ca = 2h l 10-320] ~ [Joe Joos | Pe un By inspection, co) _ [ 5(0.09+008) 50 01590) ay Fou = |" jo aeRO 30 30.0667 | Per unit 12.11 Solve for the subtransient current in a single line-to-ground fault first on bus () and then on bus @ of the network of Example 12.6. Use the bus impedance matrices of Prob. 12.10. Also find the voltages to neutral at bus @) with the fault at bus ©. Solution: From Eq, (12.12), under single line-to-ground fault conditions at bus ©, vy 1 = 1 = 12 a " D+ aD + 2 +82, Fault at bus ©: vy 2D +20) + Zi) +82, 1.0202 FOIF012+ TIS +O) (op Le Tag fees ~§2.564 per unit Fault current calculation yields I 0) 4 72) Ie + Ips + Te Ita 3.x ~j2.564 = —J7.692 per unit Fault at bus Q: 1 = 1 2 : fe OO DD + B+ A + 32, - 10202 FORT O.08 + 0.0667 +o) ~ ~2A-41} Per unit Fault current calculation yields Jy = 12 41D +12 = 3x 94411 = - 319.288 per unit Voltage at bus @ with fault at bus @ Vi) = 10z08 — 19225) = 1.0 ~ (—72.564)(50.06) = 0.84616 per unit ve) 2-192 = —(—32.584)(30.08) = ~0.15984 per unit 129°) = o per unit vo = 235 Vy ri 1 yf wl = fiea ll y@ Ve re @}| yo rid 0 0,692.02 = 1@a 0.84616 | = | 0.933,-111.8° | per unit le @ 0.15384 0.933 2 111.8° 12.12 Calculate the subtransient currents in all parts of the system of Example 12.6 with prefault current neglected if the fault on the low-voltage side of the trans- former is a line-to-line fault. Use Zi, Z, and Z\® of Prob. 12.10. Solution: With a double line fault (between phases 6 and c) at bus D, 2-2 vy 10 fe = = oon = aoe = Wi it deteee rege ee (014-012) eteeeeer ere 8 he Tye rid 0 o Ip 1a a || ~jats7 | = | -7217 Te ra a} | jas67 727 During this type of fault, no zero-sequence current flows through the system, " per unit ° (4) No current flows in any of the grounding connections. (is) In the low-voltage side of the transformer: 12 =0 10 = =j2.80 per unit 52.50 per unit hb ° o B | = | -iv3 | (-s250) = | -438 | per unit i 3 433 (sit) In the generator and the high-voltage side of the transformer: ‘The Y-A connection introduces a 30° phase lead to positive-sequence currents and a 30° phase lag to negative-sequence currents, Therefore, 1 = 250,260" per unit T2) = 2.50260" per unit 236 20 [i] - [fs] (iv) In the motor section (towards the fault) er unit HO =0 = 51.687 per unit 1 = 31.667 per unit io ° o ty | = | -3v3 | (-j1.667) = | -2.88 | per unit is wa 288 (Each motor supplies 1/4 of these currents) 12.13 Repeat Prob. 12.12 for a double line-to-ground fault. Solution: Under double line-to-ground (phases 6, ¢ and ground) fault conditions, 1020" 3012+ 38H) 38.357 per unit 1 = = 42.976 per unit 1 = 32.381 per unit Currents toward the fault from the three phases are ° 8.0522 153.7° | per unit Ty tia 52.381 I~] = | 1 a a || 35.357 Tre la @ 72.976 8.052226.3° Sequence current flows through various parts of the network as shown below: 237 (2) In the generator grounding connection, no current flows since zero-sequence current in that part of the necwork is zero. (ai) Current in the motor grounding section (toward motors) gif = 9x j2.381 = 77.148 per unit (Each motor handles 1/4 of this current) (iti) In the low-voltage side of the transformer: H=0 1 = —J3.214 per unit i pid 0 mh |= |i @ a || 3.214 per unit Ie la @ 31.786 438829.42, (iv) In the generator and high-voltage side of the transformer: As in Prob. 12.12, 451.786 per unit 12) = 3.214260" per unit 1@ = 1.786 2608 per unit 1 = 0 Ty aid 0 2.789 --26.3° | Ty = 1 @a 3.214, 60° | = | 5.02180" per unit. Te la @ 1.786 2.60" 2.7892 26.3° (v) In the motor section: 10°) = 52.381 per unit 12?) = 51.190 per unit Ie fee 52.381 1.4292 902 m| = [a o o@ || -j2a43 | = | 406221953" | per unit Ie 16 G 71.190 4.062744. (Each motor carries 1/4 of these currents) 12.14 The machines connected to the two high-voltage buses shown in the single- line diagram of Fig. 12.32 are each rated 100 MVA, 20 kV with reactances of XY = X, = Xo = 20% and Xo = 4% Bach three-phase transformer is rated 100 MVA, 343Y/20A KV, with leakage reactance of 8%. On a base of 160 MVA, 345 kV the reactances of the transmission line are X; = Xz = 15% and Xo ~ 50%. Find the 2 x 2 bus impedance matrix for each of the three sequence networks. If no prefault current is flowing in the network, find the subtransient current to ground for a double line-to-ground fault on lines B and C at bus @). Repeat for a fault at bus @. When the fault is at bus @, determine the current in phase 6 of machine 2 if the lines are so named that V"’ leads V2) by 30°. If the phases are named so that J{ leads TY by 30°, what letter (a, 6 of c) would identify the phase of machine 2 which would carry the current found for phase b above? 238 Note to Instructor: Although this very simple two-node problem is solved just as easily by not resorting to the Zs method, the problem is useful to point out the great advantage of Zou. where fault calcula- tions are needed at many nodes beacuse the computer takes the labor out of finding Ziys. With Zpgs, the problem is easily extended to find the voltage of unfaulted buses. Solution: ‘The negative-sequence network shown below is identical to the positive-sequence network with emfs short-circuited. pos O jis © joos p2 02 Oyo eee WP =P = phat gig = ~71024 per une ¥? $10.24 per unit = VP = iy = i867 permit ‘The zero-sequence network is shown as jos | j050 | joos o @ Since the impedance 0.08 connected to bus @) is not connected to any other bus, itis not induded in ¥,9. 19 = ; oa 2 = [02% ger]? _ fox jox0 aia = 2a = [ger fone] = [nite Zou | prone xo) _ [21450 52.00 ]7* 30.08 70.08 } a = [ane Jot) ~ [288 2288] eeroni Zoue equivalent networks are shown below (mutual impedances not indicated) for a double line-to-ground fault on bus @: 239 te te | OJ @ oO OT ® j0.17 j0.173 j0.17: 40.173 50.08: 50.58 4 8O For the fault on bus () (as shown) 1 = 5456 par uit J(070+ RS 1.0 ~ 30.170(—34.456) = 0.2425 per unit 51.426 per unit = 78.031 per unit, Tn = 312) = 3(78.031) = 59.093 per unit Calculations for magnitude of the fault current yields 100, 000 Basel = 20000 _ i673 Vaxus Ma = 1673x9003 = 1521 A For the fault on bus @) 1 Ip = ————____ = ~33.317 per unit F(0170+ RSH) VP = 1.0-J0.170(-3817) = 0.4361 per unit * 2) 204961 9 56 er wy IQ = SPARS = 52565 per unit 0, 70.4361 tO = SSS & 50.7519 per unit 4 90.58 eed « Tn = af = 52.256 per unit ‘The magnitude of the fault current is Un| = 167.3 x 2.256 = 377 A From the transformer at bus @) to the fault at bus @) 28 + 50.15, 1D = =33.a17 x —J028 +9018 e A= IBSITX Spee 7028 7018 ~ ~7-009 per unit ‘ S03 x 3028+ 3015 HP = 725865 xq 028+ IONS 555 per unit * 5028+ 5028+ 7018 240 In generator 2: per unit, = 1.553120" per unit 0 1 a? a]| 2.009/-120° | = 1.8247 167.5° per unit = 120°, Pe 1.553120", Calculating for the fault current value yields 100,000 ase 1 = 100.000 oss 4 a Vax 20 Il = 2867 x 1.824 = 5266 A 12.15 Two generators G; and Gz are connected respectively through transformers 7} and T, to a high-voltage bus which supplies a transmission line. The line is open at the far end at which point F a fault occurs. The prefault voltage at point F is 515 kV. Apparatus ratings and reactances are Gq 1000 MVA, 20kV, X,= 100% XY=X,= X, Go 800 MVA, 22 kV, X,= 120% XY =X, = Xp qT 1000 MVA, 500Y/20A kV, X = 17.5% Ts 800 MVA, 500Y/22Y kV, X = 16.0% Line Xj = 15%, Xo = 40% on a base of 1500 MVA, 500 kV ‘The neutral of G, is grounded through a reactance of 0.04 2. The neutral of Gp is not grounded. Neutrals of all transformers are solidly grounded. Work on a base of 1000 MVA, 500 KV in the transmission line. Neglect prefault current and find subtransient current (a) in phase c of Gy for a three-phase fault at F, (6) in phase B at F for a line-to-line fault on lines B and C, (c) in phase A at F for a line-to-ground fault on line A and (d) in phase c of G: for a line-to-ground fault on line A. Assume V{) leads V2) by 30° in Ty, 4% x . O34 Base KV for if Gen. 1 =20kV 2 rK Gen. 2 = 2: Solution: 241 ‘The base currents are calculated as Line: 1:02.00 155 4 Gen. 1: 1,000,000 = 28,868 A aa Gen. 2: 1,000,000 = 26,243 A Impedances in per unit are Gen. XY = Xp = 010 Gen. XP = Xz = 015 x 12 t 11s x 1000 = 0.10 1500 1000 fo = 040x020 — 6 Xo igo = 0267 Operating voltage = 1.03 per unit j0.10 F jo7s Positive 30.1875 Sequence jo.10 Network G 1.03 | The above network reduces to jo.10 FE -—rin—e —wmn—l 0.267 j0.175 iS Zero-sequence 103 Network (c) Three-phase fault at F >, 409 1 = 2S 53046 pee un a o.asts : In Gen. Y= (73.946 Z eee 120° per unit 1 A = (ate pM em a asec Te = 2.9080 per unit ' 242 In all three phases || = 2.308 x 28.868 = 66,630 A. (0) Linetorline fault at F (2 = Zs) era eis van AD = AIP = Seay = 91.07 per une Ia = (a? ~a) 1) = ~jV3(—-j1.973) = 3.4172180° per unit (gl = 3.417% 1155 = 39047 A (©) Single line-to-ground fault at F 1.03 Y= So = run 1s) = SURES FOR + WATE GOTT ~ ~7:068 per unit 3(1.068) x 1155 = 3700 A u Weal (4) Single line-to-ground fault at F InGen 2: 1) = Jf 1 = 0.275 HO275 + 70.3875 (0.443120° — 90° + 0.443 240° — 90° 0.384 + j0.222 0.384 + 30.222 = 70.444 per unit NE] = 0.444 x 26,243 = 11,6524 1D = ~j1.068 Te 30.443 per unit 12.16 In the network shown in Fig. 10.17, Y-Y connected transformers, each with srounded neutrals, are at the ends of each transmission line not terminating at bus @. The transformers connecting the lines to bus @ are Y-A with the neutral of the Y solidly grounded and the A sides connected to bus @). Alll line reactances shown in Fig. 10.17 between buses include the reactances of the transformers. Zero-sequence values for these lines including transformers are 2.0 times those shown in Fig. 10.17. Both generators are Y-connected. Zero-sequence reactances of the generators connected to buses @ and @ are 0.04 and 0.08 per unit, respectively. The neutral of the generator at bus (D is connected to ground through a reactor of 0.02 per unit; the generator at bus @ has a solidly grounded neutral. Find the bus impedance matrices Z(), 2,2. and Z(°) for the given network and then compute the subtransient current in per unit (a) in a single line-to-ground fault on bus @ and (6) in the faulted phase of line Q)-@. Assume no prefault current is flowing and all prefault voltages at all the buses is 1.020° per unit. Solution: The schematic diagram is shown as fo} The zero-sequence network is shown as From Prob. 10.9, 20 30.1195 50.2465. 30.1006 90.1447 30.1195 0.0692 er unit 30.0692 30.1008 0.1635, 244 By examining the zero-sequence network, . “i135 72550 yo, = | 325 7375 50. | per unit 500 sz 70.0845 50.0563 50 20, = f¥QJ* = | 50.0563 J03012 30 | per unic 30” «30 j0.08 For a fault at bus Q, y, 1 21-1 = ——% fe In = Tee = oe 1020 = ee = - 51.254 per unit FO 2465 + 0.24654 03002) ~ 70274 Per 1 2 8 my = eH +r fe 93.762 per unit, Currents through line D-Q: (28-28) (a 9{0.1195 — 0.2465)(51.254) re er = 70.796 per unit De . aD (0.2 1, = 1, = —40:796 per unit 28-22) (-12) - ey _ (22-22) CHR) jro0s03 0204091254) _ _ _ = a = POSER OSMRIGLTEN) — _0.777 per unt Tine = HY+ 12.402. = -32.369 per unit 12.17 The network of Fig. 9.2 has the line data specified in Table 9.2. The two generators connected to buses @ and @ have XJ = Xi = Xz = 0.25 per unit each. Making the usual simplifying assumptions of Sec. 10.6, determine the sequence matrices Z{”, = Z@), and use them to calculate (a) the subtransient current in per unit in a line-to-line fault on bus @ of the network (b) the fault current contributions from line Q-@ and line @-Q. Assume that lines @-@) and @-@ are connected to bus @ directly (not through transformers) and that all positive- and negative-sequence reactances are identical. Note to Instructor: The text requests for current contributions from line @-@ while it does not exist in Fig. 9.2. The solution below uses line @-O. 245 . Solution: Zeus is shown in the solution for Prob. 10.13 and zi, = 22 = 2am (o) Fora fl a oe @ = = er unit “Tl = Fg 7 Fonwes+ joraes ~ 741) per unit Tye ee 0 o Besse Er] a fi a |] ae | = | var | = | 82008 | per unic Te re @} | Wane 3.908 3(0.1234 — 0.1466)(3.411) _ —#1.570 per unit \g 70.0504 A Tine a 0 1 tine | = | -aV31i2. | = | -2.720 | per unit Tine var 270 1 The | Currents through line @-@: 4 _ 26) (pg we (282-282) 2) __ 510.1266 -0.14680153.419) _ gt per unit Ne w ap 8 er RE a REE Tene a 0 Tans | = | -3V3I2), | = | -3.176 | per uni [#:] - [fa] [8] 12.18 In the system of Fig. 12.9a consider that Machine 2 is a motor drawing a load 2 equivalent to 80 MVA at 0.85 power factor lagging and nominal system voltage . of 345 kV at bus ©. Determine the change in voltage at bus @ when the | transmission line undergoes (a) a one-open-conductor fault and (b) a two-open- conductor fault along its span between buses @ and @. Choose a base of 100 MVA, 345 kV in the transmission line. Consult Examples 12.1 and 12.2 for 2, Bh and 22 Solution: For lire Q-@): Z, = j0l5 per unit Zz = 0.15 per unit Zp = 70.50 per unit 30/100 Tee cos" §0.85 = 0.8, =31,79° per unit 246 From Eqs. (12.28) and (12.32), 4) cae -Z (30.15)? Fay = Fay = Zyl eZ) 22) —z, ~ W016 +0166 — 2x ONT ROIs) = 40.7120 per uni on =z = 0.50)" oe BSA 22 az ~ F0.1999+ 0.1909 —2 < Oo =O.) = 71.0399 per unit, (c) One open conductor fault: From Eq, (12.38), VO = Vf) = yf See sor + sore + Fro From Eq. (12.27), _ av = av = B-Boy 0.1104 ~ 0.1696 I x o.21222 821° = 0,0897,—121.79" per unt © 70 © - 2-2 1 ol a ea ; a = an 1999 50.2122 58.21 = 0.055: 1.79° per unit F Change in a-phase voltage at bus @ is AV, = AVA) 4AVE4 AV = (25.0.0857-4.0.0551)2-191.70° = (8) Two open conductor fault: From Eq, (12.43), 2225 121.79" per unit (3) (72) 4, 0) 2 (ZG + 2) 23 Say By Oy 2 +2 + 2) 5, 30.7120 x (0.7120 + 1.0399) = 08 ,31.70° »¢ 20.7120 x (40.7120 + 51.0399) _ 4 49 * per unit 08 2-81.79" 30.7120 + 70.7120 + 51.0399 0.40502 58.21" per _20)7@) lara gaa Wyte + Ze 770.7120 j07120 | : FOTIRD + 7071204 71.0395 ~ 916462=121.79" per unit 202) R22 +O —30.7120 x 71.0399 TAT 11.0808 6 2404 /-121.70" per uni 0.7120 + 30.7120 + 71.0399 0.2404 121.79" per unit vo = ven = 08/-31,79° x VO = hy = 08,—31,79° x 247 From Eq. (12.27), avg) = UO 101696 9 4050238.21¢ = 01598 ,<121.79* per unit 7 avg) = RUA 201606 50.1646,-121.70" = 00650.58.21° per unit 70.15 Av) = ROL I010 ongox, L7H" = 0521.58. per ui 705 Change in a-phase voltage at bus @) is V5 = AVA-+AV{)4A1)") = (0.1606-0.0650-0,8624) 121.79" = 0.0924 —101.79" per unit Chapter 13 Problem Solutions 13.1 For a generating unit the fuel input in millions of Btu/h is expressed as a function of output P, in megawatts by 0.032P? + 5.8P, +120. Determine (a) the equation for incremental fuel cost in dollars per megawatthour as a function of F, in megawatts based on a fuel cost of $2 per million Btu. (b) the average cost of fuel per megawatthour when P, = 200 MW. (c) the approximate additional fuel cost per hour to raise the output of the unit from 200 MW to 201 MW. Also find this additional cost accurately and compare it with the approximate value. Solution: (2) The input-output curve in dollars per MWh is J = (0092P2 + 58P, +120) x2 = 0.064P? +11.6P, +240 §/MWh The incremental fuel cost is Sf = 01087, +116 5/MWh (B) The average cost of fuel when P, = 200 MW is £ 0.064(202)? + 11.6(200) +240 _ . ] Blas 2 = 888 (c) The approximate incremental cost for an additional 1 MW generation when P, = 200 MWis = 0.128(200) + 11.6 = 3728/h

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