CH 6 - PPL

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Melkemariam Genet

1. What is proposal?
2. Components of project proposal
3. Project preparation
4. Project Approval procedure

Planning Process

Step 1 - Identifying problems and opportunities

Step 2 - Inventorying and forecasting conditions
Step 3 - Formulating alternative plans
Step 4 - Evaluating alternative plans
Step 5 - Comparing alternative plans
Step 6 - Selecting a plan

Project Planning Process

1. What is What is proposal?

What is What is proposal?
 A project proposal is the initial framework for establishing the
concept of the project and includes what you want to accomplish, an
explanation of objectives, and plans for achieving them.
 It is common for a project proposal to include a list of activities
or tasks that will be associated with the project, illustrate the
significance of this specific project idea, and explain the origins
of this project.
 The proposal includes sections such as title, start and end dates,
objectives and goals, requirements, and a descriptor of the proposed
 The project proposal functions as the working document between
agency and client before a potential initiation of the project. Thus,
the project proposal is used to define the objectives and
requirements of a project for the external party. For the internal
party, it is a method to analyze the feasibility and profitability of the
Advantages of a clear project proposal
Establishes Project Viability. Fuels Business Growth.
Clear proposals prove the Proposals play an integral part in
viability of a project or program. organizational growth, helping in budget
approval and new client adoption.
Clarifies Expectations.
Exposes the Brand.
Increase clarity regarding
Reaching out to stakeholders and
requirements and project building alliances increases credibility
roadmap. and exposure in the community at large.
Creates Structure. Ensures Future Success.
Structure and organization is Having detailed your project’s methods
established up front, reducing and measurement tools in advance builds
the chance for misalignment. accountability into every step of your
Increases Budget.
Establishes How to Plan for Success.
Successful proposals lead to
Integrating grant writing into day-to-day
approved budgets and financial work turns proposals into useful planning
support for organizational documents and detailed templates for
growth and project replication. project implementation.

2. Components of project

How to Write a Project Proposal
Check the following points when starting a proposal
• Define your audience.
• Determine the problem being solved by your proposal.
• Conduct research on the current state of the issue and
potential solutions.
• Proactively determine the effect that this project will
have on company success.
• Establish a timeline and determine the type and
amount of resources required.
• Begin to outline your proposal document.

Sample Project Proposal Outline
1. Project Information
2. Project Summary
3. Introduction
4. Needs
5. Goals/Objectives
6. Procedures/Scope of Work
7. Timetable
8. Project Costs/ Budget
9. Key Personnel
10. Project Risk Management
11. Evaluation
12. Endorsements
13. Conclusion
14. Conclusion
Sample Project Proposal Outline

Project Information
 This section intends to provide a high-level picture of the
project as well as convey the most critical project details.
 Include the following in this section:
• Name of the Organization
• Project Title
• Project Summary
• Project Timeframe
• Prepared By
• Attached Documentation
• Project Contacts (any individuals involved in the project)
Proposal Outline …….
Project Summary
 The goal of this section is to present the reasons for
doing this project as well as stating all of the
objectives. In this section in particular, it is very
important to write concisely and clearly.
 This section should include information for those
readers who will not read the entire document but
who will need a summary of the proposal. Although
this section appears first in the document, it is
usually written last.
 Some project professionals even suggest writing the
project summary last.
Proposal Outline …….

Project Summary….
The summary should remain on a separate page and not exceed
one page.

The summary should contain the following elements:

• Brief identification and purpose of your organization
• The purpose and anticipated end result of this proposal
• The type and amount of support requested
• The total anticipated budget
• Other information you deem pertinent

Proposal Outline …….

 Introduce your organization here.

 It is best to begin by explaining how and why your
organization was founded. It is also a good idea to
provide a mission statement so that your readers know
who you are and what you do.
 Your introduction can include information such as the
purpose of your organization, a description of its
activities, a description of its target population, and
evidence to show that it is a healthy organization.

Proposal Outline …….
Identify the needs or problems to be addressed. Include
the target population and any statistical information that
you may have. Ideas for information to include here are:
• Length of time needs/problems have existed
• Whether problem has ever been addressed before,
and what the outcome was
• Impact of problem to target population
• Impact of problem to surrounding populations

Proposal Outline …….

State the desired goals and objectives to address

the needs/problems stated above. Also include
key benefits of reaching goals/objectives.
• Specific & measurable goal 1
• Specific & measurable goal 2
• Specific & measurable goal 3

Proposal Outline …….
Procedures/Scope of Work
Provide detailed information about proposed
procedures, if available, and the scope of work. Include
information on activities such as recruiting, training,
testing, and actual work required.

Proposal Outline …….
 Provide detailed information on the expected timetable for the project.
Break the project into phases, and provide a schedule for each phase.
Description of Work Start and End Dates
Phase One
Phase Two
Phase Three

You can also use a Gantt chart for more detailed project timetable:


1. Design and implement training Month 1 Month 2 Month 3
program for project XXXXXXX Program
management Manager (PM)
1.1. Conduct needs assessment XXXXXX Consultant
1.2. Design training modules XXXXXX Consultant
1.3. Conduct training XXXXXX Consultant
2. Improve procedure for project XXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX Program
management Manager
2.1. Conduct management audit XXXXXX Consultant
of current procedures
Proposal Outline …….
Project Costs/ Budget
This section is dedicated to estimating the overall cost of the
proposed project.
This section is broken into three major parts:
• Project Budget This should be a detailed, line-item budget
broken up by different project categories, such as travel, salary,
or supplies. Ensure all overhead or indirect costs are also
included in the budget.
• Budget Narrative This is a brief list of commentaries on the
budget if any further clarification or justification is needed.
• Additional Financial Statements Some projects, depending on
complexity, will require additional financial statements like a
profit and loss statement, a tax return, or funding sources.
Proposal Outline …….

 State the proposed costs and budget of the project.
Also include information on how you intend to manage
the budget.

Description of Work Start and End Dates

Phase One
Phase Two
Phase Three
Total $ 0.00

Proposal Outline …….
Key Personnel
List the key personnel who will be responsible for
completion of the project, as well as other personnel
involved in the project

Client [name]
Sponsor [name]
Project manager [name]
Team [name], [name], [name], [name]

Proposal Outline …….
Project Risk Management
This section is dedicated to managing change during project
execution. Clients know that a proposal rarely covers everything that
is required to achieve the given project, so change management
techniques are required. Establish how you will monitor project
success throughout its entire life cycle to show clients that when and
if change occurs, the project will not go haywire.

This section is broken into two parts:

• Risk Management Plan A detailed plan of action to minimize
the chance of risk or change during the project lifecycle.
• Risk Register A line-item list of risks and potential counter
efforts that will be used to counteract these risks.

Proposal Outline …….
Discuss how progress will be evaluated throughout and at
the end of the project.
❑ Formulate clear indicators for each objective and result
❑ Indicate how and when to conduct monitoring and
evaluation activities to determine project’s progress
and outcome
❑ State which methods will be used to monitor and
evaluate the project
❑ Identify who will carry out the project evaluation.

Proposal Outline …….

 Provide the names and addresses of individuals and

companies who support and endorse the project

Proposal Outline …….
 The conclusion section of a project proposal intends
to be a brief review of all the points already
 This is your last chance to win over your audience, so
ensure that you incorporate the most important
evidence to receive approval.
 This is also the final moment to prove you have
adequately researched all solutions and your
proposed method is the best for business.

Proposal Outline …….
 This section is dedicated to any additional charts, graphs, images, or
reports that were cited in the proposal. Many times, referenced
material will go into the appendix as it does not naturally fall into
the main body copy of the proposal.

 Provide supporting material for your proposal here. It may

• Company history
• Research materials
• Statistics or estimates
• External quotes or tenders
• Detailed cost / benefit spreadsheets
• Other relevant information or correspondence.

3. Project preparation

Project preparation

❑ Conceptual Phase
❑ Project Justification Phase
❑ Preapproval Phase
❑ Approval Phase
❑ Appropriation Phase

Project preparation
Conceptual Phase
• Conceptual planning is the phase of the
project which includes

 Mission and Vision ❑ S.M.A.R.T. Goals: This

 Functional objectives method helps ensure that
and Goals the goals have been
 Operational concepts thoroughly evaluated. It also
 Master planning provides a way to clearly
 Scheduling understand of the goals.
 Financial goals

Project preparation
Project Justification Phase
Steps To Justifying A Project
 Environmental Analysis
 Solution Proposal
 Cost-Benefit Analysis
 Financial Analysis
 Alternatives Analysis
 Risk Analysis
 Impact Analysis
 Reporting
 Validation

4. Project Approval

Project Approval procedure….
Preapproval Phase
 The reality of project work.
 Assumptions presume that what you're planning or
relying on is true, real.
 Assumptions might include any of the following:
o Key project member's availability
o Key project member's performance
o Key project member's skills
o Accuracy of the project schedule dates

Project Approval procedure….

Approval Phase
 First step in this phase is to assess the risk
and determine whether the project will be
under oversight or not.
 Next is the concept review, a briefing with
the project’s leadership and project team.
 Investment plan must be approved by the
investors before a project may move into
 The approved investment plan serves as the
foundation for future oversight.
Project Approval procedure….
Approval Phase
The primary focus of this phase is on the
investment plan including:
 Purpose of the planned investment.
 Justification of project including market
 Funding from investors.
 Project schedule and management.
 Evaluation of project risk and mitigation

Project Approval procedure…..
Appropriation Phase
❑ Top Management is responsible to shareholders to
ensure that the capital invested.
❑ To ensure that money will only be spent on projects
that promise to be profitable.
❑ Essential in the interests of the organization and its
❑ Expected to maximize the return on investment for
that capital.
❑ To control the use of capital expenditure in the best
interests of shareholders and other stakeholders.
❑ To announce key objectives (including project
milestones and cost budgets).
❑ To announce the name of the project manager and
confirm his/her authority to manage the project.
Thank You


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