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Name: _________Callisaya Quiñajo Emver David________ Class: ____ A1 LMV 8A9 PM ____


From Maleficent Movie
1. Complete the script with the missing words from the box.

welcome assemblage grow bestow awkward princess

sixteenth begging wheel curse

Maleficent: Well, well. What a glittering__assemblage_, King Stefan.

Royalty, nobility, the gentry, and…How quaint. Even the rabble. I must say
I really felt quite distressed at not receiving an invitation.
Stefan: You’re not __welcome__here.
Maleficent: Oh.
Maleficent: Oh, dear. What an __awkward__ situation.
Queen Leila: You’re not offended?
Maleficent: Why, no. And to show I bear no ill will, I too, shall _bestow_ a
gift on the child.
Stefan: No! We don’t want your gift!
Knotgrass: Stay away from the___princess___!
Thistletwit: Yes, stay away!
Maleficent: Hmm. Mmm. Listen well, all of you. The princess shall indeed
_grow__ in grace and beauty, beloved by all who meet her.
Queen Leila: That’s a lovely gift.
Stefan: Don’t do this.
Maleficent: But before the sun sets on her __sixteenth__ birthday, she will
prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning __wheel__ and fall into a sleep
like death! A sleep from which she will never awaken!
Stefan: Maleficent, please don’t do this, I’m begging you.
Maleficent: I like you__begging__. Do it again.
Stefan: I beg you.
Maleficent: Alright. The princess can be woken from her death sleep, but
only by…true love’s kiss. This ___curse___ will last till the end of time! No
power on Earth can change it!

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