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Developmental Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Carley Bullock Date: 04/13/2020

Group Size: 15-20 Allotted Time: 50min Grade Level: 4

Subject or Topic: Science- Adaptations- Life-Cycle

Common Core/PA Standard(s):

Standard - 3.1.4.C2

Describe plant and animal adaptations that are important to survival.

Learning Targets/Objectives:
The fourth grade students will identify animal life-cycle adaptations by drawing and labeling
the different stages of a frog/butterfly life-cycle.

The fourth grade students will identify animal adaptations and how they help the animal to
survive by selecting an animal, identifying its adaptation, the type of adaptation, and how the
adaptation helps the animal to survive.
Assessment Approaches: Evidence:
1. Butterfly Life- Cycle diagram 1.Students will fill in the life-cycle diagram of
2. Frog Life- Cycle diagram the butterfly.
3. Thumbs up/down 2. The students will identify the various
stages of the frog life- cycle diagram and
describe how they survive in each stage.
3. When asked if understanding is in place,
the students will put their heads down and
show the teacher a thumbs up or thumbs

Assessment Scale:
3- Proficient- Student labeled the stages, identified how the animals survives in the stages,
and drew the stages.
2-Accurate- Student labeled some of the stages, identified how the animals survives in some
of the stages, and drew some of the stages.
1- Needs Improvement- Student did not label stages, did not identify how the animal survives
in the stages, and did not draw the stages.
Subject Matter/Content: Animal Adaptations
● The students will know:
○ How to read
○ How to write
○ What an organism is
○ Various types of animals
○ What an adaptation is
Key Vocabulary:
● Adaptations- An adaptation is a special skill or physical change which helps an animal
to survive and do everything it needs to do in an environment.
● Survival- the continuation of life
● Life-Cycle Adaptation- Process an animal goes through to help it survive.
● Life- Cycle- the series of stages that an animal passes through between the time it is
born until adulthood.

● Adaptations- the changes an animal makes in order to survive in the environment
● Life- Cycle- the stages an animal goes through during its life (changes from birth to
● Life-Cycle adaptation- some animals reproduce only once where others produce more
than once. Energy that is used for growth cannot be used to reproduce therefore
they must be done in different stages.
● Physical and Behavioral adaptations- some type of structural modification made to a
part of the body that helps the animal to survive in the environment. are actions
animals take to survive in their environments.
Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
5-10 minutes
● (slide 1)“Good morning everyone! Today we will be learning about the life- cycle
adaptation. We ended last class by watching a short video on the adaptations of life-
cycles! We are going to rewatch the video to refresh our brains on what the video
talked about!”
● Play the video.
● “Now, who can tell me what the adaptation of a life-cycle is?”
● Have students share ideas.
● (slide 2)“Great ideas, the life-cycle adaptation is the process an animal goes through
to help it survive from birth to adulthood!”
● “I am going to pass out a quick diagram for us to fill out during the lesson!”
● Pass out the diagram.

Development/Teaching Approaches
I do:
35-40 minutes
● “Now, in the video it explained the life-cycle of both the frog and the butterfly. For
today, we are going to focus on the butterfly and the frog and how they change to
help them survive from birth to adulthood to help us better understand the life-cycle
● (slide 3) “First we need to understand what a life- cycle is, a life cycle is the series of
stages that an animal passes through between the time it is born until adulthood.”
● (slide 4) “Now, on top of our diagrams there is a space where we can write the
definition of the life-cycle adaptation, copy it down. The life-cycle adaptation is the
process an animal goes through to help it survive.”
● (slide 5) “Now, let’s go through the life- cycle of a butterfly together.”
We Do:
● (slide 6) “The first stage is the egg. The egg protects the caterpillar while it forms.
This helps the caterpillar to survive until it can move on its own. So, on your diagram
label the first stage as “egg”and draw the egg.”
● (slide 7) “The second stage is the larva or caterpillar stage. In this stage the caterpillar
move around and eat before the next stage. Write down larva or caterpillar and draw
● (slide 8) “The third stage is the pupa. In this stage the butterfly protects itself in a
cocoon as it transforms into a butterfly. Write pupa and draw it”
● (slide 9) “The last stage is the adult butterfly. The butterfly hatches and can live the
rest of its full adult life with its wings being the new adaptation. So copy down the
adult butterfly and draw it.”
● “Who can name the stages of the butterfly life-cycle?”
● Have students answer.
● “Now, who can tell me what the life-cycle adaptation is?”
● Have students share out.

You Do:
● Pass out the life-cycle of the frog diagrams to the students.
● “Now, we focused on the butterfly during the explanation, now you will explore the
life-cycle adaptations of the frog.”
● “To do this, you will work with your science group and fill out this diagram as you go
through different stations!”
● “There will be five different stations with each stage of the frog's life-cycle.”
● “Your group will need to observe the physical stage of the frog and then read the
short card description describing the stage of the cycle.”
● “From there, you will then go to your diagram and write down the name of the stage
in the correct spot, describe the stage in one sentence, describe what adaptation
during the stage helps keep the animal alive, and draw it.”
● “I will keep these directions on the board for you to refer to as you explore! I will be
walking around if there are any questions.”
● Give students time to go through the stations and complete the diagram. Then have
them sit back down in their seats.
● “Now, let’s go over the stages to see if you were able to put them in the correct
● “Stage 1 is the eggs! In this stage the eggs protect the frog with a moist jelly coating.”
● “Stage 2 is the tadpole! In this stage the egg has hatched and the tadpole is able to
survive by moving around using its tail.”
● “Stage 3 is still the tadpole, however the tadpole grew two legs to help it move
around and stay alive.”
● “Stage 4 is the metamorph. In this stage the tail becomes shorter and the frog has all
four legs. He is almost an adult frog, he can move around and capture food easier to
● “Stage 5 is the adult frog. The frog has lost its tail and can live on land. Its gills have
turned fully into lungs. He can now survive on land.”
● “Now, are there any questions?”
● Have students ask questions.
● “Check in, heads down. now thumbs up if you are okay and understand everything so
far. Down if you will have some questions or confusion.”
● Have students do thumbs up/down and take note of the different answers to plan for
future lessons.
● “Great job everyone, now I will collect your diagrams!”

Closure/Summarizing Strategies:
5-10 minutes
● “Now, here is a quick exit ticket to complete. All you need to do is place the names of
the butterfly stages in the correct locations in the diagram!”
● Have students complete the exit ticket and collect it.
● “Now, before we end, I am going to read a quick book about the life-cycle of a
butterfly! It is called Butterfly Life- Cycle by Jeff Bauer.”
● Read the book. (ch2 and 3)
● “Who can recall the stages of the cycle?”
● Have students answer.
● “Great job today everyone! Remember, tomorrow is your test so review your notes
and we will do a quick Kahoot before the test!”

Follow all IEPs
If the student has fine motor difficulties then I will have an online version of the diagrams
available where there will be text boxes and the student can either type or use talk text
If the student has a learning disability and has difficulty with tasks, I will have a diagram with
either the stages or the picture prefilled to reduce stress.

Butterfly Life Cycle book
Butterfly Life-Cycle- attached
Frog Life- Cycle- attached
Frog stages figures (attached)
Cards with frog stages (attached)
Something to write with
Rubric- attached
Exit Ticket-
Life- Cycle Adaptation information:

Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

What to do if students score low.

Remediation Plan (if applicable)

Personal Reflection Questions

How was my pacing?

How did I take effective assessment during the lesson?
Were the students engaged?
What would I change in the lesson?
Were the students excited?
Additional reflection/thoughts

Frog Adaptation Rubric:

3 2 1
Student labeled Student labeled Student labeled Student labeled
the stages of all stages of the some stages of no stages of the
the cycle cycle. the cycle. cycle.
Student Student Student Student did not
explained how explained how explained how explain how the
the frog the frog the frog frog survived in
survives in each survives in each survived in the stages.
stage stage. some stages.
Student drew Student drew all Student drew Student did not
stages of the of the stages of some stages of draw stages of
cycle the cycle. the cycle. the cycle.

Life-Cycle Adaptation:

Frog Life-Cycle Stages (Figures and Cards)

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