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Models of Magick 2

Basic logistics and paradigms of Magick

DISCLAIMER: The models of magic are ways of describing the workings of practical magic
from varying points of views. They are not to be taken as literal definitions of magic.
(2) It is completely valid to stay within the parameters of your comfortability during your
practice. This series is to show you that it is also valid to drift from your core beliefs and
explore other possibilities. It is also possible to be drawn to all the paradigms in one way or
the other.

“MAGIC is the Highest, most Absolute, and most Divine Knowledge of Natural Philosophy,
advanced in its works and wonderful operations by a right understanding of the inward and
occult virtue of things”

Words of the day:

Exorcism: Technically speaking, an exorcism is the reestablishment of a desired mental-
spiritual state of normality using magical means.

Guiding Question: What makes your magic work and gives it authority?

Lesson Agenda: Discuss the Meta model of magick and give various ways the
models can be utilized in different scenarios.

Meta Model

The meta-model of magic is not a model as such but rather an instruction on

the use of the others. For its only advice to the practitioner is: "Always use the
model most adequate to your aims." This may sound a bit trite but we will see that
it is not quite as self evident amongst practitioners as one might expect. It is rooted
in Chaos magic's assertion "Nothing is true. Everything is permitted", which
ultimately boils down to pragmatic usefulness.
The meta model stands to tell you that:
- Your practice can be Malleable
- You can deconstruct your beliefs, adapt a new one, apply it to a working and
put it aside after.
- One day you might want to try a working/spell/ritual and the instructions are
contradictory to the paradigm you’ve embraced. You can utilize the meta
model paradigm to perform the working and experiment to observe the
- If you have very strong core beliefs, that is valid, and this might not be your

Principally, each of the 3 paradigms of magic that we’ve discussed here can
be applied to any magical sphere of activity whatsoever. I’ve chosen the example
of an exorcism in order to illustrate the various theoretical and practical approaches
according to the corresponding paradigm. Technically speaking, an exorcism is the
reestablishment of a desired mental-spiritual state of normality using magical
means. Although this can be interpreted and handled in many different ways
depending on the magical paradigm applied, common language usage understands
an exorcism to be the expulsion of spirits or demons. Let's have a look at this
phenomena using our 3 models of magic since this will also help us learn to
distinguish between the various ways of thinking.

Exorcism According to the Spirit Model

Case history/diagnosis: The client/patient is a victim of possession. Strange spirits

and/or demons have taken possession and control of him. He's unable to get rid of
them on his own, and often may not even realize the gravity of his situation. The
practitioner evaluates the case, and begins proper treatment.

Therapy: Treatment requires the practitioner to make the spirits/demons leave the
host's body. This could be done with threats, force, or cunning: ( 1) The
practitioner conjures the annoying spirits in the name of a superior authority (e.g.,
the hierarchy of the princes of hell) that he makes, or already has made, an
agreement (or so-called pact) with, threatening them with retaliation if his demands
to leave the client are not met; (2) The practitioner applies controlled force such as
hitting, torturing, or starving the host or the spirits themselves (e.g., astral warfare)
and expels them.

Exorcism According to the Energy Model

Case history/diagnosis: The client/patient is a victim of unbalanced energy.

Foreign energies or excess energies of his own have taken control of him,
destroyed his energetic balance and are now in full control. He's unable to
reestablish this balance on his own, and often may not even realize the cause of his
suffering. The practitioner evaluates the case, and begins proper treatment.

Therapy: The practitioner extracts excess energy from the client and banishes it
(especially in cases of aggressive energies directed at the client by an opponent)
into an energy storage medium. When energy is lacking, he transfers some to the
client. Basically, he harmonizes the client’s balance of energy.

Exorcism According to the Psychological Model

Case history/diagnosis: The client/patient is a victim of a psychological

disturbance. Repressed dark sides of his psyche have taken control of him in the
form of projections, have destroyed his psychological balance and are now in full
control. He's unable to reestablish this balance on his own, and often may be aware
of the causes of his suffering. The practitioner evaluates the case, and begins
proper treatment.

Therapy: The magician treats the client using psychotherapeutic methods with
magical means in order to help him withdraw his magically effective projections
and/or banish them. In doing so, he may apply a symbolic projection storage
medium. In addition, he ensures that the client is now able to express previously
repressed drives and desires in order to prevent a relapse.

Every practitioner has a paradigm. That is, a set of beliefs and theories that
they utilize to perform acts of magic. This paradigm may include spiritual
concepts, materialistic ideas and even ideas of social interactions. All of these
things play a part in the makeup of your paradigm, thus they heavily contribute to
the way you perceive magic. The complexity of a practitioner’s paradigm grows as
they accumulate both occult knowledge and worldly knowledge. However, that
complexity should not be viewed as superior compared to your own. There is a
common theme among practitioners that have acquired “more knowledge” that it
makes them inherently “better” than beginners. I will explore in future lessons the
pure stupidity of this theme.

Post-Lecture Activity
This activity is not mandatory and holds no standing towards your ability to attend my lectures.

Answer the Questions Below if you Wish to Participate.

Q1. Through what paradigm of magick did the practitioner heal the client?

- Case history/diagnostic: The client is experiencing excessive and unnecessary

jealousy in their relationships. The patient may have too much "fire energy" in his
heart chakra, and the practitioner's task consists of restoring that balance of

Therapy: The practitioner aids the patient by laying hands, by using crystals and
precious stones, by magnetism or chakra massage etc. The balance having been
restored, the patient is regarded as having been healed.

Q2. Theoretically, a “deity” can be viewed from every model. Critically think of an
explanation of a “deity” from each model.

Q3. Using paradigm terminology, think about your own current views on magic and
why you have faith in its efficacy. Faith in this context means- the ability to trust
something. If you are questioning, or still unsure of your own personal paradigm, that is
completely valid. If you’ve been practicing for a while and rethinking your paradigm,
that's okay too. This class is here to explore various magical systems or “paradigms” so
that you may synthesize the information into your own personal practice.

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