Lesson 1 & 2 Study Guide

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Lesson 1 & 2 Study Guide

Basic logistics and paradigms of Magick

DISCLAIMER: This is not an assignment. Only a guide to help you think about the first two
lessons and how to apply them in your work

Q1. What is the absolute truth in Magick?

Q2. What paradigm does sigil magick fall under?

Q3. What paradigm does the chakra system fall under?

Q4. Have you been exposed to any dogma within the current witchcraft community?

Q5. Through what paradigm do YOU perform deity work? If you do not have any deities,
what paradigm do you use for your spellwork?

Q6. Which paradigms do you most fall under with your magickal workings?

Q7. Have you noticed any dogmatic tendencies in your behavior?

Q8. Since you’ve been in the class, has your dogma been challenged? How so?

Q9. What is YOUR absolute truth in magick?

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