Tips Protocolo de Negocios Cultura Europea

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Good evening I am going to talk about some tips and protocols that must be taken into account

when doing business in Malta.

Business protocol Republic of Malta


Social behaviors Trade negotiations in Malta are:

 English or Maltese itself is spoken in Maltese business circles and Maltese executives
generally adopt a conservative attitude when it comes to doing business. It is advisable to
schedule appointments well enough weeks in advance of 3 to 4 weeks.

 The business environment is usually formal. The handshake is enough. The person's last
name is used, preceded by Mr. (SR), Mrs. (SRAA.) or Ms. (SRITAA.).

 The Maltese are skilled negotiatIONS..


 Punctuality is very important so it is recommended to arrive in advance. The Maltese are

very respectful of schedules.

 The way of dressing should be formal and elegant. Men wear dark suits and ties, while
women wear elegant dresses or a formal tailored suit.

 The best season to visit Malta for business is from October to May.

 It is important to maintain discretion and respect at all times


 Personal relationship is important to doing business: Maltese like to build long-term

relationships with their business colleagues. The Maltese are hospitable people, although
reserved in their dealings with strangers.

 When negotiating with a Maltese, the contractual clauses should be carefully reviewed.

 The Maltese are respectful and when someone is speaking they try not to interrupt


 In general, the Maltese have a conservative approach to business. the meetings are
planned and it is very difficult to get out of the way; that is why each meeting sets an
 There will be a bit of chatting before we get into business. The statements must be
supported by objective data and in the meetings the majority participates and gives their

 The negotiation process is relatively slow because they must know their counterpart well.
 Organizations are hierarchical and decisions are made by the CEO or the president


GIFTS (GIFS) A small gift is suggested( SUYEST) to be opened in public.

Gender (YENDER) Issues: The participation of women in political life has been increasing so there is
no problem in leading the delegations.


Malta is a small market. For this reason, it is important to evaluate the market, and be clear about
the export strategy to other countries, if the possibilities of your product or service in Malta will be
successful to expand your business model to this country, It is recommended that the
presentations of offers go accompanied by support material to better understand what is being

Malta is a good business opportunity country because it is forced to import all the goods and
products it consumes. The hotel and tourism sector is the greatest potential for companies.

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