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Animal Adaptations Terms:

1. Adaptations: An adaptation is a special skill or physical change which helps an animal to

2. Extinction- the dying out or disappearance of a species from earth.
3. Climate change- the change in conditions such as temperature, rainfall, rising sea levels
over a long period of time.
4. Habitat modification/destruction- when a habitat can no longer support plants, animals,
and other organisms that live in it.
5. Over- exploitation- Taking more from the land and sea than can be replaced (extreme
farming, grazing, fishing, and use of freshwater).
6. Pollution- Unwanted elements such as gas, smoke, and other chemicals are introduced
into the environment which makes it harmful to humans, plants, and animals.
7. Invasive species- living things introduced into an environment and typically causes
damage to the ecosystem.
8. Survival- the continuation of life
9. Behavioral Adaptation- are actions animals take to survive in their environments.
10. Hibernation- is a deep sleep that helps them to save energy and survive the winter
without eating much.
11. Migration- is the act or an instance of moving from one place to another.
12. Brumation- a form of hibernation for cold blooded animals.
13. Physical Adaptations- some type of structural modification made to a part of the body
that helps the animal to survive in the environment.
a. Claws (catching, gripping, climbing, etc.)
b. Fur (waterproof, warmth)
c. Beak (catch food, protection)
d. Wings (fly, soar, protect, balance)
e. Webbed Feet (swim to catch prey or escape)
f. Feathers (warmth, flying, protection)
g. Scales (protection and moisture)
14. Life-Cycle- Adaptation- Process an animal goes through to help it survive.
15. Life- Cycle- the series of stages that an animal passes through between the time it is born
until adulthood.

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