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Classic’s Return

his module introduces three new Martial
Archetype options for fighters, inspired on
existing character options you may recognize
from previous editions of Dungeons &
Dragons. They are not hollow copies of the
classics they are inspired on, however. While
these archetypes try to capture the flavor and
feel of the original character concepts, they present new
mechanics, all carefully adapted for the fifth edition.
While an effort of analysis and playtesting have been made
to keep these rules fun, easy to master and balanced, keep in
mind that your DM may find some tweaks and adjustments
necessary either to adapt the class to his or her own
campaign world or to avoid possible unintended scenarios
and unexpected uses of the mechanics.
The three Martial Archetypes this module introduces are
the Arcane Archer, a warrior that combines her archery
prowess with mastery of magic; the Knight Protector, the
leader of the battlefield that shield her comrades and raises
their morale; and the Reaping Mauler, a skilled brawler that
fights barehanded and unarmored.

Martial Archetype
As a fighter, at 3rd level you have to choose a martial
Arcane Archer Spellcasting
archetype that emulates your style of fighting. You can choose
from the following Martial Archetype options, in addition to Arcane — — — —
the options presented in the Basic Rules and Player’s Archer Cantrips Spells 1st* 2nd* 3rd* 4th*
Handbook. Level Known Known — — — —
3rd 2 3 2 — — —
Arcane Archer 4th 2 4 3 — — —
The Arcane Archer combines its archery prowess with 5th 2 4 3 — — —
mastery of magic. She is a third-rank caster, such as the
Eldritch Knight, and can learn evocation and transmutation 6th 2 4 3 — — —
wizard spells of up to 4th level. 7th 2 5 4 2 — —
8th 2 6 4 2 — —
When you reach 3rd level, you gain the ability of casting 9th 2 6 4 2 — —
spells. See chapter 10 of the Basic Rules or the Player’s 10th 3 7 4 3 — —
Handbook for the general rules of spellcasting and chapter
11 for the wizard spell list. 11th 3 8 4 3 — —
Cantrips. You learn two cantrips of your choice from the 12th 3 8 4 3 — —
wizard spell list. You learn an additional cantrip of your
choice from this list at 10th level. 13th 3 9 4 3 2 —
Spell Slots. The Arcane Archer Spellcasting table shows 14th 3 10 4 3 2 —
how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level 15th 3 10 4 3 2 —
and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a
slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell 16th 3 11 4 3 3 —
slots when you finish a long rest. For example, if you know 17th 3 11 4 3 3 —
the 1st-level spell burning hands and have a 1st-level and a
2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast shield using either 18th 3 11 4 3 3 4
slot. 19th 3 12 4 3 3 4
Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher. You know three 20th 3 13 4 3 3 4
1st-level wizard spells of your choice, two of which you must
choose from the evocation and transmutation spells on the
* The four last columns of this table depict how many
wizard spell list. The Spells Known column of the Arcane
spell slots you have per slot level.
Archer Spellcasting

table shows when you learn more wizard spells of 1st level or
higher. Each of these spells must be an evocation or
transmutation spell of your choice, and must be of a level for Frequently Asked Questions: Arcane
which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 7th Archer
level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd Can I cast a spell on a point I can’t see with Channel
level. The spells you learn at 8th, 14th, and 20th level can Spell because of the arrow’s arc overcomes
come from any school of magic. Whenever you gain a level in obstacles?
this class, you can replace one of the wizard spells you know The spell is cast on the point the arrow lands.
with another spell of your choice from the wizard spell list. This allows you to cast a spell on a point you can’t
The new spell must be of a level for which you have spell see, like behind a wall or inside a building
slots, and it must be an evocation or transmutation spell, (shooting through the window, for instance).
unless you’re replacing the spell you gained at 8th, 14th, or However, in some circumstances the DM may
20th level. decide you are not able to target an specific point
through an angle you can’t see.
Spellcasting Ability. Intelligence is your spellcasting
How much targets a spell with area of cone hits
ability for your wizard spells, since you learn your spells with Channel Spell?
through study and memorization. You use your Intelligence If your DM uses the Targets in Area of Effect
whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In table of the Dungeon Master’s Guide (page 249) to
addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the determine how many targets a spell hits, the
saving throw DC for a wizard spell you cast and when making Channel Spell feature doesn’t change the number
an attack roll with one. of targets a spell with area of cone affects.
However, if there are flying creatures on the
battlefield, the DM may consider adding 1d4-2 to
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your the number of creatures the spell affects, since the
Intelligence modifier.
cone is projected from above.
If you use miniatures in play, resolving the spell
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your should be straightforward.
Intelligence modifier. Can I use spells that require material components
with a cost associated to it with Channel Spell and
Spellcasting Focus. You can use an arrow as a Imbue Arrow features?
spellcasting focus for your wizard spells. Since you need both hands to make an attack
with a bow, you can't provide material components
Channel Spell when you use Channel Spell or Imbue Arrow
Starting at 3rd level, whenever you cast a spell that affects an features. You can, however, ignore material
area of cone, cylinder or sphere, you can channel the casting components that doesn't have a cost associated to
via an arrow shot. If you are wielding a bow, choose an them, since you can use the very own arrow you
unoccupied point within the weapon’s range. You shot an shot as a spellcasting focus for your spells.
arrow that lands at the chosen point and the spell is cast
centered on that point. If the spell has an area of cone, the
spell triggers in midair a moment before it reaches the
ground, with the cone projected downwards, effectively If the spell forces the target to make a saving throw as part
covering a circle of radius equal to half the spell’s range, of its effect, the target does so with disadvantage. If the spell
centered on the point you chose. requires you to make one or more spell attacks, the first one
automatically hits.
Magic Arrows
At 7h level, you learn how to imbue magic to arrows you shot. Guided Shot
Whenever you make a weapon attack with a bow, increase Starting at 15th level, you can combine your bow and arrow
your proficiency bonus by half, rounded down, before mastery with magic to create unique advantages. Whenever
applying it to the attack roll. you make a ranged weapon attack with a bow and you miss,
The attack counts as magical for the purpose of you can use your reaction and expand a spell slot to change
overcoming resistance, even if you are using mundane the arrow's trajectory and repeat the attack roll. You gain a
weapon and ammunition. bonus to this attack roll equal to twice the expanded spell
slot's level, and you ignore half cover and three-quarters cover
Imbue Arrow on this attack.
At 10th level, you learn to imbue actual spells to arrows you
shot. Whenever you cast a wizard spell that has only a single Spirit Surge
target, you can imbue it to an arrow instead. When you cast a Starting at 18th level, you also recover one expanded 1st level
spell this way, as part of the same action used to cast the spell slot when you use your Second Wind feature.
spell, make a ranged weapon attack with a bow. On a hit, the
target is affected by the spell in addition to the weapon's
damage and any possible additional effects. On a miss, the
spell fails taking no effect.

Watchful Stance
Knight Protector Starting at 10th level, whenever you take the Attack action,
Courage and enterprise in obedience to the order. Defense of you can choose to forgo one of your attacks to enter a
any mission unto death. Respect for all peers and equals; defensive stance until the start of your next turn. You can also
courtesy to all lesser. Combat is glory; battle is the true test of enter this stance when you take the Dodge action during your
self-worth; war is the flowering of the chivalric ideal. Personal turn. While you are in this defensive stance, your AC
glory above all in battle. Death before dishonor. increases by 1 and you can make attacks of opportunity
The Knight Protector is the path the leaders of the without expending your reaction.
battlefield follow. They live by the chivalry and leads their
comrades to victory. Iron Will
At 15th level, you gain proficiency with Wisdom saving
Warning Call throws.
Starting at 3rd level, you can use your reaction to call a
warning to alert an ally no more than 30 feet away from you Retribution Urge
from danger when they take damage, giving them a head on Starting at 18th level, whenever an ally of yours is reduced to
protecting themselves. When you do so, if your ally can see or 0 hit points, you can choose to have an extra turn
hear you, reduce the damage it takes by 1d10 + your immediately after the current turn. You can only take the
Charisma modifier. If you reduce the damage to 0, the ally Attack or Dash action during this extra turn.
gains temporary hit points equal to the reduction leftover. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long
You can use this feature twice, and you regain both uses rest before you can use it again.
when you finish a short or long rest.

Shining Beacon
Starting at 7th level, you are an example of courage and will
power for your allies to follow, and your presence on the
battlefield raises their morale. You can add your Charisma
modifier (minimum 1) as a bonus to any saving throw an ally
of yours makes if he or she is within 30 feet from you and can
see or hear you.

Joint Lock
Frequently Asked Questions: Knight Starting at 7th level, whenever you grapple a creature of the
Protector same Size as you or smaller, you can choose to cause that
How does Warding Call behaves against resistance creature to become restrained until the grapple ends. If you
and vulnerability? do so, until the grapple ends, creatures other than the
Damage modifiers caused by effects such as creature you are grappling make attack rolls with advantage
Warding Call always apply to the damage before against you.
resistance and vulnerability. (see Damage You need both hands free to use this feature and you can’t
Resistance and Vulnerability in the Player’s use them for other activities for as long as the grapple lasts.
Handbook, page 197; or the Basic Rules, page 75)
What if I already have proficiency with Wisdom
saving throws when I reach 15th level? Unarmored Grappler
As the rule is written, you gain no benefit. If your Starting at 10th level, you can move faster while you are not
DM allows, you can choose to gain proficiency with wearing armor that restricts your movement. While you are
another saving throw of your choice as a variant wearing light or no armor, you have a +10 bonus to speed and
rule. you double your proficiency bonus on Strength (Athletics)
When can I use Retribution Urge? checks you make to grapple a creature, provided that you can
You must declare you are using Retribution Urge add your proficiency bonus to the check.
immediately when your ally falls to 0 hit points, but
you can take your extra turn only after the turn on Sleeper Lock
which it was reduced to 0 hit points ends; you Starting at 15th level, you can use an action to try to knock
can't interrupt other creatures’ turn. unconscious a restrained creature you are grappling. When
For the purpose of this feature, a creature is you do so, the creature must succeed on a Constitution
considered your ally only if both of you regard each saving throw or take bludgeoning damage equal to 3d8 + your
other as an ally.
Strength modifier and become stunned until the end of its
Is Shining Beacon an improved version of the
paladin's Aura of Protection? next turn. The DC of this save is 8 + your Strength modifier +
In contrast to the paladin's auras, Shining Beacon your proficiency bonus. If the creature fails the save by 10 or
works only for the Knight Protector's allies, but not more, it instead become unconscious for 1 minute. The
for him or her itself. creature repeats the saving throw at the end of each of its
turns, waking up on a successful save.
Ooze, plant, elemental, construct and undead creatures are
immune to this feature.

Explosive Strikes
Reaping Mauler Starting at 18th level, you can make a rapid sequence of
Reaping Maulers are gruesome barehanded wrestlers of the punches and kicks when you attack. Whenever you roll
fighting pits, which wear light armor to maximize their agility maximum damage for an unarmed strike, you can reroll your
and fights grappling their opponents, disabling their unarmed strike’s damage die and add it to the total damage.
weapons, twisting their limbs, breaking their ribs and killing You can repeat this process indefinitely until you fail to roll
them with its own hands. maximum damage.
See Grappling in the Player's Handbook, page 195; or the
Basic Rules, page 74 for rules on grappling.

Adept Wrestling
Starting at 3rd level, your unarmed strikes deal 1d4
bludgeoning damage, and whenever you make an unarmed
strike while you are wearing light or no armor, if you have
both hands free, you can use a bonus action either to make
another unarmed strike against the same target or to try to
grapple that target.

Starting at 3rd level, whenever you are targeted by a melee
weapon attack while you are using light or no armor, you can
try to grapple the attacker as a reaction, provided that it is
within your reach. If you succeed, the attack automatically

Credits & Licensing
This module was written, edited and designed by Leonardo
Raele, and formatted using The Homebrewery as design
The artwork presented in this module are discriminated in
the list below, each of which is licensed under Creative
Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works
3.0 License, and owned by their respective authors.
The Warmongers, by laclillac.
Voidharrow Fighting Ranger, by Peter Tikos.
traveler barbarian colour Wip, by Brolo.
Arcane Archer, Knight Protector and Reaping Mauler, as Barbarian Spellcasters
well as it's associated game mechanics, are Open Game
Content distributed under the terms of the Open Game To Smash and Burn Them
License v1.0a, as described by the license.
A copy of each license referred here should have been Meet the Barbarian Spellcasters, an expansion for 5th
shipped with this product. Edition Dungeons & Dragons, introducing 3 new Primal Path
options for barbarians, compatible with any high fantasy
campaign setting, like the Forgotten Realms, featuring
Help to Improve this barbarians capable of casting divine or arcane spells.
In this module you will find the following Primal Path
Module options for the barbarian class.
Please take 5 minutes to answer the Classic's Return Survey.
Path of Shamanism — Barbarians learn to cast divine
Your feedback helps to make this supplement improve.
spells through their attunement to nature and crude
If you bought this module at the Dungeon Master's Guild,
you will automatically receive any possible new versions
Path of Draconic Runes — Barbarians learn the ancient
released. Check out your Library.
ways to cast arcane spells using draconic words of power.
Path of Rage Magic — Barbarians learn how to dive into
Get More D&D Content a trance of primal fury, awakening their inner magic and
entering a spell frenzy.
If you like this module, please consider buying it, you can pay
how much you want and find fair. Also, you will probably like Version History
my other Dungeons & Dragons modules, which you can
easily find at Dungeon Master's Guild. Version 1.0.1
If you have any comments or questions, feel free to contact Corrected the "Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher"
me at You can also review and section of the Arcane Archer, which were duplicated.
discuss this module here. Updated the credits and disclaimer section to add the
OGL notice.
The Archomentals Corrected some typos through the document.
Added page numbers, which were missing.
Princes of Elemental Evil and Good as Version 1.0.2
Otherworldly Patrons More typos corrected.
Added a cover.
Draw on the might of the most powerful beings of the
elemental planes—The Archomentals—on this expansion for Copyright Notice
5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons, introducing 4 new
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast,
Otherworldly Patron options for warlocks, with 10 detailed
Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Players Handbook,
patrons bibliographed under 12 Forgotten Realms canon
Monster Manual, Dungeon Masters Guide, D&D Adventurers
works; as well as new invocations, pact boons and elemental-
League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and
themed spells for bards, druids, rangers, sorcerers and
their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast
in the USA and other countries. All characters and their
The lore and the Archomentals, as well as the character
distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast.
options presented in this module are compatible with any
This material is protected under the copyright laws of the
campaign setting that follows the D&D Cosmology presented
United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized
in the Player's Handbook, including Forgotten Realms and
use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited
many more.
without the express written permission of Wizards of the

©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA
98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-
Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro
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