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After Reading The Last World Health Organization Report Revealing That Over 16
Million People From Around The World Die Every Year As A Result Of Not Eating
Enough, If Any, Fresh Fruits And Vegetables In Their Diet Coupled With The High
Pollution And Contamination In The Environment, I Decided To Start Sensitizing My
Fellow Ugandans And Other Africans, Friends And Families And Any One Who Is Willing
To Take Action And Personal Responsibility For Their Own Health Both The Young And
The Old, The Rich And The Poor, The Men And The Women, The Sick or The Seemingly
Healthy (The Sub-Health Group**).

When I Suffered From A Serious Ailment That Was Disturbing To Me And Life
Threatening I Used This Same Healthy Juice Protocol To Reverse My Devastating And
Debilitating Condition And Was Amazed At The Results Of The Positive Changes That
Took Place In The Health Of My Body And So I’m More Than Excited To Share With You
This Wonderful And Amazing Health Juice Protocol As A Tool To Help You Restore
Health In Your Own Life, Your Family And Your Friends.

And So With Everyone That I Shared This Remedy With For The Last 8 Years To Date
Has Experienced Similar Or Even Better Results Than Mine. I Also Have To Confess That
The Healthy Juice Protocol Did Not Work For Some People That I Shared It With And I
Was Very Disappointed Because They Didn’t Either Use It At All Or They Only Tried It
Out One Day Or Two Day Or At Best Three Days Before They Gave It Up Completely And
Even Had The Guts To Tell Me That It Doesn’t Work For Them. Well Health Is A Choice
You Have To Make And No One Will Force You To Do The Right Thing Because It Is
Your Life After All.

When You Starting Using This Healthy Juice Protocol, I Do Not Know On Which List Will
You Choose To Be. On The List Of Those Who Ignore It Altogether Or Try It For Short
While And Stop Before You See The Results? Or Would You Like To Be On The List Of
Winners That Commit To Be Consistent And Persistent With The Healthy Juice Protocol
Until Results Are Realized? The Ball Is In Your Hands.

**There Are 3 Categories As Far As Health Is Concerned:

The Sick, About 15-20%;
The Unhealthy, About 75-80%(Sub-Health Group);
The Healthy, About 5-10%.

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