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28 cen, test cope 01207010 MAY/JUNE 2019 FORM TP 2019047 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE® EXAMINATION BIOLOGY Paper 01 — General Proficiency 1 hour 15 minutes 04 JUNE 2019 ( READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1 This test consists of 60 items. You will have { hour and 15 minutes to answer them, 2. Imaddition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet, 3. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. 4, On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space haying the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. ‘Sample Item Which of the following diseases is due to a dietary deficiency? Sample Answer (A) Malaria ABO (B) Diabetes ©0©0®@ © Iniluenza (D) — Anacmia “The correct answer to this item is “Anaemia”, so (D) has been shaded. 5. Ifyou want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. 6. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. Ifyou cannot answer an item, go on to the next one, ‘You may return to that item later. 7. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 2018 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. 01207010/MI/CSEC 2019 1, Which of the following features is used to classify a group of organisms as Class Insecta? (A) Size (B) Shape (©) Colour (D) Segments 2, Which of the following options correctly defines a niche and a habitat? Niche Habitat (A) | The role that an organism plays in the | The place where an organism lives habitat in which it fives (B) |The place where an organism lives [The role that an organism plays in the hrabitat in which it lives (©) [A community of living organisms |The abiotic and biotic factors of the which shares the environment ecosystem, (D) |The biotic fuctors ofthe ecosystem |The abiotic factors of the ecosystem ‘where an organism lives where an organism lives 3. Which of the following relationships may 4. present harm to one of the organisms involved? L Commensalisen IL Parasitism I Predation (A) Land ILonly (B) Land If only (©) Mend Itt only () 1, Wand iL 01207010/MJ/CSEC 2019 Which of the following organisms are MOST important (A) Bactoria (B) Vultures (©) Omnivores () — Earthworms Item 5 refers to the following food chain which shows the feeding relationship ina freshwater lake. Algae — larvae + cel + pike ‘Which of the organisms is the secondary consumer in the food chain shown above? (A) Bel (B) Pike (© Algac ©) Larvae GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE a Item 6 refers to the following diagram which shows energy flow through an ecosystem. Heat Inorganic nutrient pool 01207010/MIICSEC 2019 [Decomposers Heat 6. 1¢ energy flow is NOT 100% efficient because energy is (A) linear, moving from one organism to the next (B) circular, moving in and out of organisms (©) recycled from plants to the atmosphere (D) lost through respiration and excretion 7. Which of the following statements about g,—_-Replanting trees on a bate hillside is an recycling manufactured materials are teue? ‘example of 1 Less energy is used in the (A) restoration and, preservation manufacturing of new products (B)__reafforestation and restoration by using the raw materials from © conservation and afforestation reeycled products. (D) preservation and conservation 1, Some manufactured products can be recycled. ML Recycling of some non- 9, Human activities would have the LEAST biodegradable materials prevents immediate impact on landfill sites from filling up too quickly and for a long time. (A) the formation of fossil fuels (B) coral bleaching (A) Land Ionly (C) overpopulation (B) Land Itt only (D) eutrophication (©) Mand Monly (D) Mand I GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE 10, The GREATEST threat to the survival of 12, When compared to a cheek cell, a muscle coral reef is cell contains more (A) __ increased dissolved oxygen levels (A) vacuoles (B) increased ocean temperatures (B) ribosomes (C) decreased greenhouse gases (©) mitochondria (D) decreased nitrogen levels (P) chromosomes tem 11 refers to the following graph of tem 13 refers to the following diagram of population growth. cell. 5 5 e i z 13. Which of the labelled structures is responsible for controlling cellular activities? LL, Phase 4 of the graph of population growth @ 1 is MOST likely due to ® t © m (A) competition from invasive species © Ww (B) adequate food and space (©) ahigh natural birth rate (D) disease resistance 8 B GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012070 0/M/CSEC 2019 14. 15, 16. 5. ‘Which of the following comparisons of the cell wall and cell membrane is INCORRECT? ‘Cell Wall ‘Cell Membrane (A) [Found in both plant and animal cells_| Found in animal cells only (B) [Freely permeable Differentially permeable (©) [Contains cellulose ‘Does not contain cellulose (D) {Found in plant cells only Found in both plant and animal cells 4 Item _15 refers to the following apparatus set up as shown below. |_____ potato Petri ish What can be done to cause the level of solution in the petri dish to rise after 20 minutes? (A) Add 5 g of sugar to the distilled water in both the petri dish and potato. (B) Add 5 g of salt to the distilled water in the petri dish only. (C) Add 5 g of salt to the distilled water in the potato only. (D) Add 5 g of sugar to either the petri dish or potato. Item 16 refers to the following table which shows the results of food tests performed on three food samples, X, Y and Z. Food Sample ‘Test and Observation x ‘Violet colour with sodium hydroxide and copper sulphate =< Blue/black precipitate with iodine aa Zz Orange precipitate when heated with Benedict's reagent after hydrolysis 3 The samples X, Y, and Z, respectively MOST likely contain (a) (B) © ©) x y Zz non-reducing sugar_| starch protein protein reducing sugar starch starch protein reducing sugar protein starch non-reducing sugar a GO ON'TO THE NEXT PAGE Item 17 refers to the following diagram which shows a xylem vessel. act pace — Cell wall containing gain — Gap where twa cells meet joo 17. ‘The major feature that is responsible for the rigid structure of the xylem vessel is the (A) ligain B) cell wail (C) space in the cells (D) gap where two cells meet Item 18 refers to the following diagram which represents 2 metabolic process carried out in plants. ‘Chiorophytt in Food 18. The food produced is fat ®) glucose © protein (@) — amino acid 0120701 0/MIICSEC 2019 19, Item 19 refers to the following diagram. Ratoot Photosynthesis} 0.03% CO, ‘Light intensity Which of the following statements BEST accounts for the shape of the graph? (A) As photosynthesis rates increase, there is a decrease in carbon dioxide levels. (B) As fight intensity increases, the tate of photosynthesis also increases, until a stationary phase exists, when denaturation of the enzymes oceurs. (© As light intensity increases, there isan increase in photosynthesis, until there is no further increase in the rate due to some other limiting factor. (D) As carbon dioxide levels gradually increase, there is a similar inctease in the rate of photosynthesis, until a plateau phase exists where no further increase in carbon dioxide results in any further increase in photosynthesis. A.50-year old male is advised by his doctor topay special attention to the amount of salt in his diet. He probably has a high chance of developing (A) obesity (B) diabetes (©) hypertension (D) cardiovascular disease GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE -7- Item 21 refers to the following diagram of a tooth. 22, 24. Which option correctly identifies the structures labelled I, I, LIL and 1V? 1 1 ut Vv (A) [Bnamet [Dentine [Puip | Capillaries (B) [Bnamel [Crown [Root [Nerve (©) [Crown [Enamel [Dentine [Pulp (D) [Dentine [Enamet [Nerve | Capillaries OlDmo Ines a N19 Item_22 refers to the following diagram of the respiratory system Which of the labelled parts represents a ribeage? 1 6 Oo w Oo Ww GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. Item 23 refers to the following diagram. 23. 24, The respiratory structure shown above is that of (A) inalveolus (B) trachea (©) abronchiole () — agill filament Which of the following is an effect of nicotine found in cigarette smoke? (A) Increased heart rate (B) Increased beating of cilia (©) Reduced oxygen transport by the blood (D) Increased mucus produetion in the cells lining the respiratory passage 0120701 0/MNCSEC 2019 25. 26. 21, ‘The events listed below are involved in the clotting of blood. 1. Fibrinogen is converted to fibrin Il. Blood ceils are trapped. UL Platelets are activated. TV. Damage to blood vessels. Which of the following is the correet sequence of activities? (A) 1,1, 11, 1V (B) WIM L (©) OLIV. () WVU LI In heart bypass surgery, an artery is advantageous over a vein to bypass the blockage because (A) arteries have thicker, more muscular walls than veins (B) veins allow blood to flow in one direction (C) arteries carry blood away from the heart (D) veins carry only deoxygenated blood Which of the following options BEST ween, identify some of the transport substances in animals? 1, Amino acids TI, Hormones MI. Glucose (A) Tand ILonly (B) Land IIT only (©) Wand ut only (P) Mandi a GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 28. In the transport of solutes in the phloem, 29. Artificial immunity can best be described the source is defined as any area of the plant as immunity where (A) acquired from the body’s natural (A) water is taken out of the phloem defense against disease (B) water is loaded into the phloem (B) produced by deliberate exposure to (C) sucrose is loaded into the phloem pathogen (D) sucrose is taken out of the phloem {C) that has been passed on from mother to child in the uterus (D) that has been passed on from a mother’s colostrum Item 30 refers to the following diagram of a mammalian kidney nephron. 1 30. Which option correctly identifies the functions of the parts labelled I, I and III? I " 1 (A) | Ultzfitration Water conservation Selective reabsorption (B) | Ultratittration Selective reabsorption Water conservation (D) | Selective reabsorption | Ultrafiltration Water conservation | | | (©) | Water conservation | Ultrafiltration Urine production GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0120701 0/MICSEC 2019 31, 32, 33. Ue The BEST description of the role of excretion in living organisms is to (A) produce urine (B) produce feces (C)___getrid of toxic waste (PD) getrid of excess water Persons who suffer from kidney disease are MOST likely to have (A) a decreased concentration of glucose in the blood (B) an increased concentration of protein in the blood (©) a decreased concentration of urea in the blood (D) _aniincreased concentration of urea in the blood Which of the following correctly describes ‘movement in plants? (A) Irreversible, whole or part ‘movement (B) Reversible, whole or part movement (C) Irreversible, growth or part ‘movement (PD) Reversible, growth or part ‘movement 01207010/MY/CSEC 2019 34, 38. In humans, the skeletal system performs a variety of functions including (A) blood cell formation (B) hormone formation (C) immune response (D) mastication Locomotion is an evolutionary adaptation performed by animals, What advantages does this mechanism have over the type of movement that oceurs in plants? L The ability to move to favourable conditions IL Increases chances of predator attacks TI. The ability to find food (A) Land only (B) Tand II only (© Wend tonly (@) I, Wand It GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, -ie Item 36 refers to the following diagrams illustrating an experiment, uve :— Foll eap Brien Tip removed | shoot ++ Shoot 1 KSvient Brien ‘Transparent cap 4 shoot + Shoot, mo Iv 36. After a few days the TALLEST shoot would MOST likely be @ @) © () 1 fit Ml IV 37. Which of the following BEST describes the terms ‘stimulus’ and ‘response’? (Ay @) © o Stimulus Response A deliberate provocation of an organism ‘The movement of an organism An organism’s exposure to sunlight ‘The growth of an organism away from light ‘A wave of excitement in an organism Locomotions of an organism, A detectable change in an organism’s ‘environment ‘An organism's reactions to a stimulus 01207010/MJ/CSEC 2019 GO ON T0 THE NEX' PAGE | Item 38 refers to the following diagram, Biceps muscle Skin of hand 38. The numbered structures are T 1 1 (A) [sensory neurone [motorneurone | relay neurone (B) [sensory neurone [relay neurone | motor neurone (©) [motorneurone [sensory neurone | relay neurone (>) [motorneurone [relayneurone | sensory neurone tem 39 refers to the following diagram of a section of human skin. Cornified layer Dermis 39. Which structure is NOT involved in temperature regulation? “ao ® wo © Il o wv GO ON TO THE NE 01207010/MI/CSEC 2019 ax PAGE, 40. 41. 42, -13- The smell of a hamburger being cooked causes Joan to salivate. Which of the followings the effector which brings about her response? (A) Smell of food (B) Salivary gland (©) Cellin the nose (D) Secretion of saliva The following statements describe the processes taking place within a seed during, germination. I. Embryo uses food to develop radicle and plumule. II. Enzymes break down proteins into amino acids. IIL Soluble products move into the embryo. Which of the following correctly identifies the sequence of events during the germination of the seed? (A) [>>I @®) [sms © sis @) U--M—1 Production of new organisms from one parent only is known as (A) sexual reproduction (B) asexual reproduction (©) mitosis (D) meiosis Which of the following forms of birth control is MOST likely 100% effective? (A) Condom (B) Diaphragm (C) Tubal ligation @) Birth control pill 44, 48. Itein.44 refers to the following diagrams of flowers from two different types of plants. I 1 Which of the following statements is true for both flowers? (A) Both are wind pollinated. (B) Petals are absent from both I and im (©) Bothare pollinated by a humming bird. (D) Lis pollinated by the wind; It is pollinated by a humming bird. Which of the following is the correct sequence for seed formation after fertilization? (A) Ovule—+zygote—> embryo — seed (B) — Ovulerembryo > seed + zygote (C)_ Embryo ovile— zygote seed (PD) Bmbryo—> zygote > ovule— seed GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE a -14- Item 46 refers to the following diagrams of specialized cells. 46. Which of the following structures is common to both cells? A ®) © o Citium, ‘Nucleus Cell wall Acrosome [tem 47 refers to the following diagram which shows the life eycle of a vector. reennN ps, Ney 47. At which stage is this vector easily controlled by the use of aerosol insecticides? (a) (B) © @) I 1 OL IV GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 01207010/MYCSEC 2019 -15- 48, Which of the following diseases matches 51 its category? , Category of Disease fincas () [Cholera Physiological (B) [Pellagca Hereditary, (© [AtDs Tnfeetious (D) [Atherosclerosis | Pathogenic 49. Which of the following are used in the management of diabetes? L I, I. (A) @) © @) Diet Bxercise Medication Land ff only 52. Tand If only [and Ill only I, Mand tit 50, An animal which transmits a disease- causing organism but is not adversely affected by it is called a (A) @) © ) host se vector parasite pathogen 54, Ona certain Caribbean island where sugar cane is grown, a fungus is accidentally introduced into the island and it destroys the entire crop of sugar cane. Which of the following BEST describes what happened? (A) The plants were old and therefore more susceptible to the fungus. (B) The plants were not of a hardy enough variety to withstand the fungus. (©) The plants were planted too close together so the fungus spread easily. (D) There was no genetic variation ‘among the plants so none could survive the attack. If a diploid organism has two different alleles for the same gene, itis described as being (A) heterozygous (B) homozygous (©) dominant (D) recessive Which of the following statements about meiosis is NOT true? (A) _Itallows for genetic variation, (B) It results in the production of gametes, (C) It doubles the amount of chromosomes in gametes (D)_ Iteauses haploid cells to form from diploid cells, ‘Tarzan and Jane are heterozygous for blood groups A and B respectively. Which of the following shows all of the possible results of their genetic cross? (A) 100% AB (B) 50% A: 50% AB (C) 25% AB: 50% B: 25% 0 (D) 25% A: 25% B: 25% AB: 25% O GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 55, 56. -16- a visible characteristics of living things? (A) Gene (B) Genotype © Phenotype (D) Chromosome Item 56 refers to the following diagram which represents @ cross between two plants, heterozygous for a particular characteristic. Male Female r I Which of the following completes the diagram at I, Wand 111? Teaeecee rece @M oro Ro (6) aerRieeereteeRe © . ow Rk @) RO Rr 012070 L0/MI/CSEC 2019 of the following terms refers to $7. ‘One example ofa sex-linked disease is, (A) cancer (B) hypertension (©) colour blindness () Down syndrome A species consists of members that (A) occupy the same habitat (B) reproduce by asexual means (©) interbreed undernaturalconditions (D) _ interbreed to produce infertile offspring GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -17- 59. Which of the following would be involved in the production of insulin by genetic engineering? J. ‘Transfer of the human insulin gene to a bacterium I, A vector to transfer the insulin gene IIT. Production of insulin by the bacterium (A) Tonly (8) Land Honly (©) Mand Il only () 1, Hand Hl 3 60. Which of the following descriptions is true about natural and artificial selection? Natural Selection Artificial Selection (A) | Occurs in domestie populations ‘Occurs in natural populations (B)_ | Involves genetic modification Largely controlled by the environment (©) | Produces great biological diversity | Produces very different organisms from natural populations (D)_| Isa faster process Isa slower process END OF TEST é IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 01207010/M/CSEC 2019

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