Our Town February 7, 1930

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Narberth, Pa.

, Friday, February 7, 1930 Price, Three Cents

Volume 6, No. 18
. -

Child Health Centre Entertainment Planned To Give Musical Revue at Baseball Meeting
Is Running Smoothly For Trade Board Meeting Woman's Club of B.-C. Scheduled Wednesday,
Special entertainm'l.'llt-a new de- :\ concert in costnme, depicting a
Election of Officers and Other
Twelve Babies Now Enrolled In parture in its meetings-is heing tour by dirigible through nine coun-
planned for the meeting of the Nar- tries, will be given at the \Voman's Business to Come Before
Centre Opened on berth Board of Trade to be held ~f on-
day e\'ening in Elm Hall. ),Iusic will Club of Bala-Cynwyd by the Commu- Narberth Club.
January 15.
be furnished by courtesy of \\'alter nity Choral of Bala-Cynwyd on ),Ion-
~OARD MEETS MONTHLY Case, of the ?\'arherlh Electric Shop, day and Tuesday evening's. ALL INTERESTED INVITED
and it is expected Bill Lawrence. an Several soloists and dancers will par-
As a result of local initiative to- old ])umont minstrel, who coached S1. ticipate in the performance, and danc- \Vhether ~arberth's baseball team
),Iargaret's minstrels in Xarberth, willi. . . will play independent ball again this
'""ether witll mat"rial ~
_ all(1 "01-
'Ie I presen.
t ] '\.e f res i t s WI'11 lIng
linen Ie - will follow in the audttorlUm at the season and who its manager and other
unteer sen·ice. the Narberth Child served. close of the performances. officers will be will be decided at the
Health Centre is wl'll launched and Among topics to be discussed at the Mrs. J. E. Bacon, chairman of the club's annual husiness meeting, to hl'
rnnning as smoothlv as though it were meeting, it is expected a community choral. is assisted by the following held 8 1'. ),f. next \Vednesday in the
',Years ;ather than four weeks old. advertising camp;iign will be given committee: )'Irs. R. Bruce Ramsey, American Legion room of the Xar-
. . Ie
C I. I
entre , \V Hch was formall\'_

All Narberth .
bUSllless people arc .m- ,
),-[ rs. J. E. D. Graves, ),1 rs. \Villiam K. berth Community Building.
),ltller, ),( rs. Leigh. P. Hoff, ),1 rs. Perce
Otlicers who mayor may not be re-
opened in the cOlllmunity rool1l of Elm \'iled to attend the meeting. DeLong and )'Irs. Charles S. Shinn. l'Iected arc 'Genc Davis, manager:
Hall, on January 15. is open ('''Cry Harry Hollar, assistant manager and
\Vednesday from 2 to J o'clock for husiness manager: E. C. Griswold,
chilrlrcn of pre-school age. At the
Centre is a Baby Specialist and nurse,
Maroon Breaks Norristown Hoodoo, president: \Villiam Durbin, vice presi-
dent: Charles Harnden, secretary-
together' with trained workers, who Winning Before 1200 Fans 55 to 35 treasurer: Robert Compton, assistant
carry out the policies of other recog- treasurer, and \Villiam N cwbourg,
°nized Health Centres throughont the
Lower ~I erion High Schol walked I four 11Iemory sen'es us aright, the property man.
),1 'lin Line area.
off the Aoor last Friday night with the ~[aroon five of Lower ~I erion has All memhers of the communjt~' in-
,On the opening day just t\\"o habies 11I0st satisfying victory of the season worked a like number of years to wed terested in its ball tl'am arc ;nvitl~d
wl.'re prcsented: the number now en- tucked away in the score hook. 1\or- Lady Victory in a gallic with 1\ orris- to attend the meeting. (See editorial.)
rolled is twelve. Should some \Vednes- ristown High School was the van- town on the Jnnior High Aoor in Ard- Announcement was made this week
day prove to be clear and warm that quished opponent, and just how van- more. But patience has at last been that uniforms have just been ordered
number is likely to be doub1l'd. Of quished they were is a matter that rewarded, and the manner in which for the team, for the first time in four
the t wc1ve children enrolled six are anyone of the twelve Ot- fifteen hun- they won last week was a delight to years. The suits-eighteen of them-
under one year of age. dred fans present can testify. The the thousand or more ~I 'lin Line root- arc to be of the same material as that
The Centre is maintainl'd chieAy by final tabulation of the scorekeeper read ers, of the Univcrsity of l'ennsylvani" nine.
,.ml'ans of an appropriation from Coun- 55 for Lower ~I erion and 35 for thl The fact that Anderson's boys did They are described as gray trimmed
;cil, with assistance from the ~l ain Line IHue and White of Norristown, the trick without the aid of Alfred with blue, with solid bltle stockings.
Branch of the Rl'd Cross, \\"hile the Babe RiChards, a wee mite from the Bonuiwell, the highly-touted son of and gray cap with hltle pl'ak.
\\'omen's Connnunity Club supply the county seat. was the one-man team .I udge Eugene C. BOllniwell, is an in-
many incidentals, and the \'olnnteer that Coach Fishburn brought along to dication of the true strength of the
,workers. The manag-elllent of the tame the :\Iaroon five with, and though Maroon five. That Bonniwell would Expect Capacity House
. Centre is under the care of the Com- the little fellow did his best by rolling ha\'e strengthened the tea11l in one or at tSpanish Moon' Night
nllmity Health and Civic Asso~iation up 21 points. it was not sufficient to two departments is true, hut it is
of Ardmore, compete with the five-man offensive doubtful if his j>resence in the lineup A capacity house is expected when
The :\arberth Board of ),Ianagers of Coach Bill Anderson, would have helped the team to a more the curtain rises on "Spanish ),10011,"
hold a ml:eting on the first Tuesday of They lh> say that Jacob worked complete victory. the peppy lI1usical show which the
each month at 7:15 1'.),1. Thl' B~ard S('\'l'n years to win Rachel for his wife .I uniors of the Ardmore \Voman's
consists of a member from the Arcl- Club are presenting at Lower ),1 erion
1110re Centre and five members from .I unior High School tonight and to-
Narberth, of which Dr. George A. Plea Made to Save Criminal of Today morrow night.
Sloan is chairman. The show has been in preparation
Dnring January ),1 rs. II arry C. the Hawks and Owls Youth, Chaplain Says for three weeks past and apparently
Banks, Jr., and ),Irs. Kelson C. Row- contains so lI1any good things from
ley served as volunteer aides. To hl'lp Rev. Linn Bowman, Chaplain of the entertain11lent standpoint that it
Local Publisher Tells of Other has occasioned more interest than any-
ml'l'l some "incidentals" the \\'eHare
Committee of the club will give a card Wild Life in Serious Eastern Penitentiary, Is thing of the kind for some time. Song
party on February 20 in tIll' cluh room Rotary Speaker. numbers include "Heart Girls," "Hot
Danger. Tomale," "Ladies of Lisbon," "The
at 2 o'clock. This gi\'l's an oppor-
tunity to all woml'n to help in keeping
A plea for the pl'eservation of A picture of the type of criminal en- Toreadors," "The Matadors," "Spanish
the wl'll babies well. :Maids, "Smiles", chorus. etc. Such
hawks, owls and· other \ler~l'cuted countered in prisons of today was local favorites as ~I rs. Ralph Andrews,
forms of wild life wa~ made Tuesday given Monday night by the Re\', Linn
),1 iss Diana Pugh, ),1 rs. Albert Fey,
A Real Valentine at the meetin~ of the \Vomen's C01l1' Bowman, chaplain of the Eastern I'en- ),[ rs. F. E. ),[ aguire, ),[ iss 11 ary Dold,
The Essex Kandy Kounter, munity Cluh of Narherth. The speaker itentiary. The talk was part of the
).iiss Ann Culbertson and Robert H.
X arherth, was honored hy a visit was Philip A. Livingston, publisher of program of the Bala-Cynwyd-Narberth ),Iaitland, Jack Speirs, Edward F.
from a little girl Tuesday after- the ),1 'lin Line's three news-maga- Rotary Club,
noon, who askl'd if she 1I1ight huy zines, and an active naturalist. The modern criminal, Dr, Bowman Burt, Thomas Stapleton and Harold
a heart-shaped hox filled with The program was under direction of pointed out, is a young 11Ian. Forty Rees arc included in the cast. Therl'
is an abundance of fancy dancing, gor-
chocolates for fifty cents. the Consl'rvation Committee, of which years ago the average age of the con- geous costumes, elaborate stage sets
his mother, )'Irs. ),Iary ),1. Livingston. vict was 46. Today the average of
...... es, indeed," she was told. and brilliant lighting effects.
"Filk'd with chocolates-for fiftv is chairm;m. :''1'0 attempt a speech on the 700,000 1I1en in State prisons is but
the hroall subject of conservation 26. [n the Eastern Penitentiary 500
cents:" she asked to make sure.' Receiving Congratulations
\\'Ill'n her hopl's were con- would he akin to trying to deliver a of the 2300 in1l1ate~ arc under 22: 250
talk Oil the history of the world in fifo under 21. A boy of 15 was recently ),1 r. and )'lrs. Frederick \\'. Aiken,
firmed, and her box of candy was
teen minutes," thc speakcr said c01l1mitted for life. Jr, of Bala, arc 1ll';!1~ congratulated
wrapped up. she paid for it-with
),Iodern interest in conservation, he The modern criminal is uneducated, upon the birth of a daughter, Con-
fifty pellnies. stance Aiken, on the second of Febru-
"It's for mother," she confi(kd. said, is largely due to the efforts of Dr. Bowman said, but in very few ary. ),1 rs. Aiken will be remembered
Theodore Roosevelt. (;overnment de cases is there actual mental deficiency.
"I've heen saving the nlOne\' since as :Miss Constance Diamond, of Nar-
Christmas," . CONTINUl~D ON PAGE 12 berth,
Page Two OUR TOWN Feb,".,y 7, 1930

Methodist Episcopdl Church Imeeting of the \Vestminster Circle Drab and Dreary
Rev. Samuel MacAdams. Minister,
Iwill be held at the home of Mrs. O. H. Seven days of cloudy or partly
Graves, at 4 Cleveland Avenue. The
Church Notes Sunday, February 9:
assisting hostesses will be Mrs. C. A. cloudy weathcr is reported by the
9 :45 A. M.-Sunday School. Main Line Weather Observer for the
Farmer and Mrs. J. K. Laughlin.
11 :00 A. ~r.-Morning worship and
sermon, "The \Vhy of Pente· week cnding Monday, February 3.
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church cost." All Saints Church Temperatures varied from a low
Rev. Cletus A. Senft, Pasl,'r, 6:45 P. l\L-Devotional meeting 01 Wynnewood, Pa. twelve on Friday to a high forty-six
Sunday, February 9: Epworth Leaguc. 8 :OO-Holy Communion. on Monday. Indications later this
9:45 A. M.-Bible School. 7 :45 P. M.-Evening worship and week pointed to rising temperatures.
11:00 A. l\oI.-The service. Theme: sermon, "The Greatest Parable.' 9 :45-Church School.
"\Vhat Arc Necessities?" Tuesday. February II: 11 :OO-Morning prayer and sermon.
6 :45 P. J\.L-Senior Luther League 8:00 P. l\L-Meeting of the Ladies' Anthem: '''God Is \Vith Us," The editorial page in this week's
All young people are inVited. Aid Society at the church. "Our Town"-have you read it?
Kastalsky. (A Cappella).
7:45 P. M.-The vesper service 8:00 P. M.-Mceting of the Stand
Theme, "Sainthood." Musk by ard Bearers at the hOllle of Mis> 7 :30 P. M.-Evening prayer and scr-
the Young People's Choir. Kathryn Heydler. 105 l\[erior: ilion.
\Vednesday, 8 P. M.-Annual com· Avenue. Time to Start
lIlunity Anti-Saloon meeting in our Wednesday, yebruary 12:.. , Ardmore Downs Narberth THINKING NOWl
church. The showing of the picture, 4:00 P. M.-Meetmg of the .(mg ~
"Deliverance," will assure an inter· Heralds. I In Lutheran Court "Tussle
esting evening.
Thursday, 12:30 P. J\.1.-Covered
7 :30 P. M.-Preparatory
mcmbers I ---
about that delicious calee or box
of candy for St. Valentine's Day.
8:00 P. M.-Union meeting in thl St. Paul's Lutherans, of Ardmore, The wisest thought is to malee
dish luncheon at the -homc of 1\1 rs
~1 etius, 408 Anthwyn Road.
Thursday, 8 P. M.-Luther League
Lutheran Church. l\1otion pic downed the Narberth ~~utheran~ in. a
ture on prohibition. Thi~ will baske!ball.game I~st Fnday evenmg m
your purchase at White's Sweet
Shop-where everything--eandy,
business meeting at the, howe of be our annual community re' a Mam Lme Selllor Le;lgue game, 32 calee, pie' and even 14 flavors of
Vivian Gray, 406 Dudley Ave. ligious service in the interest of to 25. Sh~ppard and W.allace starred delicious ice cream-is home
the Anti-Saloon League. for the wmners and Fisher for the made.
losers. Mackey, Pearce and Klein also
Baptist Church of the E"angel
Robert E. Kl"ghton, Ministcl. The Presbyterian Church
gave a good account of themsclves for
the Ardmore team.
Sunday, Fcbruary 9:
9.45 A. 1\f.-Church School.
Rc\·. John Van Ness, M. A" Minister.
Meetings for Sundav, I'ebruary 9:
.Next Friday the Ardmore Luthcrans
WIll play thc Ardmore Y. M. C. A.
10:00 A. 1\L-Men's Class taught h) 9:45 A. M.-Bible School. Recruitslat the Wynnewood Road School. The Pastry, Candy, Nuts
the pastor. Studying the Gos· for the Communicants' Class, public is invited to these games, which 14 Fla'l'ors lu Cream
pel of Mark. which will be organized on Feb-, begm at 8 P. M. 219 HAVERFORD AVE.
II :00 A. M.-Morning- worship. The ruary 16, are being sought. -------
scrmon will be preached by the 11 :00 A. M.-Morning worship. In Read the advertisements. They may
Rev. Rav H. Abrams. 1\Ir the series of Pentecostal ser- tell of just the commodity or service Phone Narberth 4005
Abrams i;rings us the message mons Mr. Van Ness will speak you need. MMMM~M==M~=MM==t
on the theme, "The Church and on "The Holy Spirit's Part in
the International Situation.' Our Prayer Life."
This is the service recognizing 11 :00 A. M.-The Junior Church, con-
Interracial Sunday. Thc speak ducted by Mrs. A. S. Digby.
cr has made the intern'lt:onal 4:00 P. M.-Joint meeting of the
problem his field for special Deacons, Trustees and Elders.
studv and has contributrd to 7:00 P. M.-The three Endeavor So-
several of our best magazines ar· ciety meetings. E.sther Kercher
ticles on the subject. will lead the Senior meeting.
7:30 P. M.-Evening worship. Ser· 7:45 P. M.-Evening worship. Ser-
man: "The Price of a Soul." mon theme: Elijah and the
This is a request sermon fron. Contest on Mt. Carmel.
1929 and will be prescnted for Next Wednesday evening this
the fourth time. church joins in the Union meeting in
\Vednesday, February 12, 8 P. !II.- the Lutheran Church held in the inter-
Community service in the Lutheran ests of the Anti-Saloon League.
Church under the direction of the La\\ Next Thursday evening the monthly
Enforcement League.
Sec the notice of the Lutheral:
Church for dctails.
For Permanent
First Church of Christ, Scientist Satisfaction
Athens and Linwood Aves., Ardmore.
Sunday services: BUY A
11 :00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M.
11 :00 A. M.-Sunday School.
Wednesday evening testimonial
lIIeeting, 8 o'clock.
Reading Room, 19 \Vest Lancaster'
Built Home • ~ ~ ROSES 4RE RED
Avenue. Open daily, 10:30 A. 1\1. to WM. D. {5/ H. T. SMEDLEY,
\Vednesday evening, 9:15 to 9:45.
7loUlel'a FROM YOU
Jeddo..Highland Forget Valentine's
Day? Why of course
you wouldn't! But
c/lnthracite what to send her?
Why not a gift of
DEPENDABILITY flowers? There's an
'idea! But don·t de-
Buy a ton of coal today. Use this, and buy another. Are
the two tons alike? Not unless they come from the same lay ... Order today!
mine and are prepared according to the same standard.
They may vary in freeness of burning, sizing, cleanliness,
ash content and in many other ways.
I _.~~-

Jeddo-Highland has always come from mines in a small,

restricted area. Its producers have always prepared Jeddo- I John.., Albrecht:
Highland by the most modern and thorough processes
known. I :JVtlrseries
Order Jeddo-Highland by name today-next month-ten ,I
years from now-you know that you can expect coal of (PROPRIETORS THE PRIMROSE FLOWER
unvarying high standard in each ton you receive. SHOP, ARDMORE)
MOlltgomery Pikt: at
Main Line Distributors NARBERTH 4020 and 4021
Ralph S. Dunne
NARBERTH 2430-2431

OUR TOWN Page Three
February 7, 1930
Albert •• 0 •••••• , •• 148 159 15] I
Emblem and Territory of New Community Association Hause ........ , ... ]88 ]56

Totals .......... 721i 872 778

Riddle ........•..... 158 15!I 17~
Laughlin 178 ....... 149 13-.

... I
l:oodrich , ....... o. lr.lI 130 14-.
Hause ............
156 189 178
Haws • "0 •••••••••

I~olletle 18S 17-.
Handicap ......... 61 54 54

Totals .......... 8r.2 .869 8il

Donahue lli5 210 HI
Meehan ........... 147 I
••••• 0 ••••

135 13~
Tobin ............. 14:1 145 171 ,
Lacey ...... , ...... 210 lSI ISO
Blind ............. 15S 155 152

.......... 823

........... 147
I :1I 1
151 137
Boyd ••


Sheller . 0 ' •• , • • • • • •
0 ••••

158 Valentine's
Blind • • • • • • • • • • ' 0 . 137 122 143

6116 769 76:1 Day
122 150
Sellard • • • • • • 0 , • • • • 173
C. L. Jenkins
I~. J. .Jenkins . .....
...... 147
Purring 154 135 216
is the ordained occasion
' •• 0 •••••••

Reger ••• 0 157

•• 0 •••••
156 181
Handicap •• ' . 0 •• o. 16 16 16
for floral expression of
Totals 771l 7:Jfi 851
•• 0 •••

• •••
devotion to
118 123 161
l\liCHCIl •••••• 0, • • • •

145 12M 155 ~~HER"-

.. , ...... 140
•• 0 •••• • ••

Anderson 16!1 173

Diclde ............ 1118 12:1 1!II It is the day for Lovers'
Totals .......... 511 ri4 :~ 6S0 Greetings to
Davis ............. 1:19 16!1 179 Mother, Wife,
Stringfield ........ 142 160 147
\Vard ............. 173 11!1 1511
Daughter, Sister,
Rees ., ............ 114 100 159 ,
-I Grandmother,
Totals .......... 568 548 672 !

The auo\'e drawing shows the official cmblcm of thc newly

organized Penn VaIley Association, and a map of the territory it
Mothers' Council Members I and to
embraces. Roughly it wiIl include the section on the outskirts of Invited to City Luncheon: uHIM"-
Wynnewood, Narbcrth, Merion and Cynwyd, whose residents feel Members of the Narberth ?\[others' I
the need of a more unified community. Council are invited to attend a lunch- Father, Husband,
eon to be given in the Stratford Room
Lions . 7 5 9 of the Bellevue-Stratford on Tuesday, Son, Brother,
Pilots Win Three; Boosters . 6 6 ~
8 ~
February 25, at 12:30 P. M., at which Grandfather
Are Tied For Lead Camels 4
4 8 ~ Mrs. Alice Mitchell Miller, of Chicago,
Meteors Grandson
Pep Boys. 2 10 2 will speak.
The Pilots, after losing three game~ BATTI,ERS Mrs. :Miller is the author of "Chil-
the previous week, came back strong Nieholsun
. 195
. 160
1:14 dren and Uovies," which is the first SWEETHEARTS
and defeated the Colts three games W. D. Smedley 16. authentic and scientific study made of
la~L '·llUay cvcning and are back iE Ot1c~'
. 184
. HlI
the influcnce of movies on children as ALL!
first placc, ticd with the Battlers. The 1-1. 1'. ::il1ledll'y . 170
200 bowlers were Otlcy, "Battlers; Handicap . 22 15 1~ told by children themselves. ~
},[ cmbers who are planning to attend
212; Donahue, "Colts," 210, and Lacey Totals 8S0 816 884 We offer floral
"Colts," 210. are requested to scnd their check for
Standing of the Teams,
\V. L.
Pts HUIIlJlhrie,", 12!1 IS4 152
$2.00 promptly to l\[ rs. C. H. W 001- VALENTINE
\Veiss 179 149 mington, 23 Narbrook Park. and reser-
Battlers 9 3 12 ,",ol1ettl' 14S
1H2 139 va tions will be made.
Pilots 9 3 121 Murray 122
in all varieties-corsages,
artistic cut flower arrange-
ments, flowering plants-

l:learanc:e ! all moderately priced.


"PREP" SLoes we suggest you order
NOW for delivery on
At its original price- the "Prep" DAY
was the outstanding boy's shoe
anywhere in the United
value of the year. What an oppor·
States, Canada and for-
tunity for saving if you buy now!
eign countries.
Flower' Shop
Mrs. Norman Jefferies
SIZES ]] to 6 1308·10 Chestnut St. 1230 Market St. 233 HAVERFORD AVENUE
Tan or Black Bra-grain leather. 1 E, Lancaster Ave., Ardmore NARBERTH
Mail 0' phonf' orders prompJ/, filltd 'i'
Page Four OUR TOWN February 7, 1930


The Stratford-Upon-Avon Festiva,l
OUR -.I. \ ,W .l.~
About three weeks ago a list of SOIllC
fifty-four rathcr unusual words was
"Hot Chocolates," "Dracula" A Co.op~ratil'~ Commu,jily N~ws.Magatin~, fOlmd~d in 1914 by Ih~ Narb~rlh printed in this column. Some COIll-
Thc Stratford-upon-Avon F c~tivaJ Cil'i( Association, and pub/ish~d ~l'~ry Frid"", at Narb~rlh, Pa., b.. th~ melit was heard about the difficulty
~1 -" the average person would have in de-
Company from the Sha k espeare "e· fining them without thc aid of a dic-
morial Theatrc at Stratford, which LIVINGSTON PUBLISHING COMPANY tionary.
played a hrilliantly succcssful season PHILIP ATLEE LIVINGSTON, President and General Manager At the time of their publication thc
ill.. America last ycar, will appcar at ROBERT MOORE CAMERON, Editor offer was made of a IUllcheon to anv
thc Broad Street Thcatre fo~ two THOMAS A. ELWOOD. Associate Editor reader who could define ten of the IiI
,without consulting a lexicon. The
wccks beginning Monday night, March
10, in a scries of Shake~pearean plays

Office-258 Haverford Avenue, Narberth

I Uncle was caught. A neighboring
man of the cloth has thrown down his
During the spring and summcr festi· Telephone-Narberth 2545; if no answer, Ardmore 3100 score of thirteen definitions. He is
vals at Stratford-upon-Avon thc com. I hereby entitled to the luncheon and
will rcceive it in a short time.
pany addcd five plays to its repertory SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Below is thc correspondence pcr-
and those new productions arc re- I taining to this matter:

garded as among the most notable

Entered as second-class matter, October 13, 1914, at the Post Office at I ~f
1\ year
nc e Cy:
achicvcments of thc organization dur- Narberth, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879, I Thanks for thc lunchcon!
I rcad ovcr 'lour list and drawing a
iug- thc half-century or its existcncc. I pa( I toward me, - wrote down twenty-
Thc list of plays acted at Stratford Feb ruary 7, 1930 I five of your words. After each I wrotc
las: summcr and which constitutcs thc my definition. Then I consulted a dic-
rcpertory for thc present tour will he • Itionar y !
prescntcd hcrc in the following se- CongratulatIons Twelve words survivcd! \Vould you
quencc: First week: Monday, 'Much Serving a heart,' dinner to three hundred and eighty-four lleople is be more interested in t!le incff<;ctivc
Ado About Nothing"; Tue~day, 'II r I. J I" I I
Romeo and Julict"; \Vcdnesday mati- no sma accomp IS 1l11ent, lUt t liS IS W mt t le women .cltd ~ho were 1I1 resembled nothing quite so much as"":'"
'. I
. armor of those who perished? fhev
nce, "Julius Caesar"; \Vcdnesday eve- charge of tha~ part of the benefit for tl~e Narberth Fire Company last Damncd Neut~rs, in their middlc way
ning, "The l\lcrry \Vivcs of \Vil1(lsor"; week. l\'Irs. l'.dward S. Haws and her alclt·s desen'e great credit for the of steermg
Thursday, "Hamlet"; Friday, "Twelfth sl1100th manner in which this part of the program ran' off. I. , . ncither Fish,. nor Flcsh, nor
Night"; Saturday matincc, "A Mid- c., • I good Red Hcrrlng, ~ .
summer Night's Drcam"; Saturday .AIl of the women who were connected WIth thIS henefit WIll doubtless I' Thc twelve Crusoes were: Auto-
cvcning, "}'Iachcth." Sccond weck: receIve hearty thanks fn;>m. the Narberth Fire c.:0mpany, but !hey ~~so latr~, c~pill~rity, conglutinati~)J]. educc,
Monday, "The Merry \Vivcs of \Vind- deserve a vote of appreciatIon frol11 the cOl11l11umtv at large. fhe l'1re ~r~,amen, mhumc, neap, qUInary, so-
sor"; Tuesday, "Hamlct"; \Vednesday Company exists to IJrotect life and ]lrO!lertv oi tlie cOl1lmllllitv and by 11(1111Sldll' Itheophany!" thro~Je, vO,lutel (!;
matinee, "Twelfth Night"; \Vcdne~day . . , . . .. .' • ."\n guesse( at uxta lasa,
cvt:ning. "A l\fidsummer Night's helpll1g It to be more effiCIent and better eqttlpped the CItIzens of the though I could not find it in mv
Dream"; Thursday, "King R·.chard, borough are really luoking after their own interests, abridged dictionary. as "with the basc~~
II"; Friday, "l\luch Ado Ahout Noth· \Vhile the Sttlll raised 1w the henefit has not wt heen divul<Yed it i .!joined." Docs t!lat m~k~ thirtecn, or
iug"; Saturday matince, "Romco and . . ' , . ' . ""? S I am I unluckv Without IU)
J ulict"; Saturday cvening. "Thc r,~ crry ntl1~o.red. that It wI,11 go a conslClerable, way towards def raYlIlg the $_500 I And in passing-we mi~ht have our
\Vives of \Vjnd~or." outst,lIldmg on a piece of the company s apparatus, luncheon where wc occaSionally meet.
As was thc case last year, whatever \Ve again congratulate Mrs. Mueller, the generai chairman of the Of course I sh,ould. prcfer the Tray-
profits may accrue from the tour will I fi I I f I I . . ' , more at AtlantIC CltV or the RItz at
go to the fund for rcbuilding and en- lene t, anc eac 1 0 ler wor (ers un the success attamed, the splnt I\l New York. '
dowing thc ncw Memorial Thedtre at which the idea was conceived and the vigor with which it was pursued. Sincerely,
Stratford, thc foundation stone of I ROBERT E. KEIGHTON.
which was laid last July.
The company is under thc direct
IFF arne or ar ertn
N b ' Somewhere Nearby,
January 29, 1930.
managcment of. the Board of G~v· Bciore the robins and violets comes the call uf haseball. Cornelius }'Iy dear Mr. Keighton:
~:nors of thc SI!akeSI?ear.c ~Iemorl~11 McG. Mack and his white-clad Athletics have alreadv commenced 1) re1Ja - You win the luncheon and pass for-
.1 heatre, of whIch mshtutlOn HIS . . . . . . , . evcr into the class of pedants in spitc
~Iajesty the King is thc patron. The r~ttoll for another champlOnslllp season. v Jllanova and other mstltu- of your erudition.
Shakespearc Memorial operatcs under tlOIlS have announced their schedules for the season. The list seems to have intcrcstcd
Royal C~lart~r and is tl~~ only. cndowcd I Narberth's baH club brings diamond plans nearer home, with its many people but no onc clse has had
thcatre III blf:(land. ll!c director of meeting scheduled to be held next \\Tednesdav night at the Community thc audaci~y to pre~ent him~elf as such
the compan\' IS \\T, Bridges Adams, n 'II' Offi '11 1 I I l' I" -1 I" I I ' an authOrity on obscure words.
who. for th~ past ten ycars, has had )e e cct~<, po ICy c Is~ussec anc. IIlcldenta y, a

1II c mg. cers W.I In your profcssion. as in the publish-

ful' chargc, artistically, of thc produc- report madc on the IlIce new ul1Iforms that Will grace the borough's balI Iing business which has brought us to-
tions at Stratford. In interprcting and warriors this season. I gether, the use of words i~ a mattcr
rcvealing thc plays 1\1 r.. Adams pre· I
~ents as nearly as posslblc the full 't If' tl
And the public is invited tu attend the meetin<r or otherwise interest of great importance., ~ o.ah \V ~bstcr
I b' I tl . \VI ? I' . ",. I I I '11
. I I was very partIcular III private hfc as
tcxt, with the scencs in thcir proper I se I~l 11..' C U span lIS year. I
'\ lY·. -l~cause t le c U) WI provlc e well as in his wcll-known volumcs.
sequence. and by cmphasizing the entertatllment for the boroughs populace ~ .... es, but more than that. about his choicc of words. I relllem-
human note he follows what w<Js un· Last ycar the achievements of Narherth's championship ball team Iber hearing his dcsccl!dant, Hcnry
c!oubtedly the. mcthod ;mploY~d ~y brought the town more newspaper publicit,· than two murders. three sui-I I\ltchell \V ebstcr, tcll tIllS story about
Shakespeare 11IInself. 1 erformed III cides an I
thi~ straightforward man ncr, and < C a coul e
II d . t · . -I' -
ozel,l mo 01 cr,lS les . . '. . W lIC 1 IS .as It s lOU d
mountcd in a rich, brilliant fashion, the be . . . . and which means that cvery reSIdent and busllless person came homc unexpectcdly onc day to
I . I' 'I
I I hUll . . .
It scems that Mrs. Noah \Vebster

plays are intcnsely interc~ting- and. en- he~e-who indirectly gains from good, wholesome publicity such as that find her lexi~ogr~'p~ler I~?sband ~issil.I.g­
Joyable to. modern audlcnces. fhe gamed by a good baH team wilI find it verv much worth while to show thc nursc.mal~; ~oah, she Cried, 1
competcnt Shakespearcan actors (if the
contemporaneous British stag-c.
I '
company I~ composed of thc most I interest in the baH club .
an~. surprlscd!"
I No, my dcar. hc rephcd. It IS I
who am surpri~ed: you arc a~tonished."

* * * B S t W k I Like other learncd pcrsons here-

Connil"s "I-! ot Chocolates," aptly . . OY, cou ee . , 'I abcut~, you are ~omewhat confu~ed as
dc~crihed hy ib producers as a sepia, Begl.tltllng today the Boy Scouts of Amenca WIII celebrate the twen- to my idcntity. I am sorry. sir, that
revuc and. hy. rt~vicwe~s as a sizzling ~I.eth antltversa~y of the fuunding of the organization ill the United States. I ha.vc not yct had the pleasure of
'.lOt cO!lIhlnatlon of slllgers. danc~rs, I uo much praise cannot be bcstowed upon the character-building etTects IIIcetmg you .and ha\'c only ~ecn you
Jazz kn.lg~ and quecn3 and ':PIIIICS. I of the leadershi) f 'I I I ,. I .. I f I ' • 1>'1'. ,. I' on onc occasIOn.
open cd ItS cngagement of three \\ecks I '_ • I u me 1 W IU .O\e. l?}S .all( ,0 , t Ie comrac es IIp ~sta l- May I defer the datc of our lunchcon
a~ thc Carrick Theatre on Monday Ihshed among th~ scouts. A natIOn Jums It1 wlshmg the scouts contlt1ued for a week or two and let you hear
u~g.ht. :rhe, ~n~i~c N ~w York .c,ast, Isuccess and partlcul<,trly al~)~lg ~he M~lin I,Jine, where our sco~lt exec~ltiv~s . from ,mc, again. with ,some spccific place
\\hlch held ~\\a) at th.e Hudson Ih~-Iare men of outstandlllg' abJhty III vaned hnes, but who take tllllC to tIlstllI land tlllle mcntlol.lecl.
atre for morc than SIX nlOnth~ WIll th 1 ,t . 'I . f " . I" . . I Cordially vours.
hc scen Ill're. I\forc than one' hun. e .lCS pnnclp es 0 CItIzens IIp IIlto a commg generatIOn, are t le benefits I . UNCI~E CY.
drl·d arc in the company. lof scout work n o . t e w o r t h y . , . I Thc Rev. Rohert E. Keighton,
* * * Scout 'Neek IS an appropnate Amencan occasion for it is these boys 216 Avon Road, Narbcrth, Pa.
'I~I,Hlt melodramatic thrillcr, ··.1?~ac- who carryon our piOlleer life in the camp, the forest. and. in an alIi~d, Au Revoir Yourself.
ula, comes "o to ...
' Street tI he-
b IJ r all,lcl tl le sea. J'-lU t scou t"Ittg IS e«ua II" y sll!tlthcant • all( I 0 f tremendous ~I
lV anv months ago, almost t.wo and
atre for a t \. YOe 's engagemen e-' . '" ... 0 ' I If' I d'
ginning Mondav Fcbruary 10 mati- tIllportance til Its tIlternatlOnal aspects. I'ar from being a military organi- a la years ?go .to be cxact, tIe e I-
.' , 'at'ol I . I f't"
necs to IlC gIven on \Vedncsdays and Z I 1, W lIC 1 some 0 I S cntlcs lave terme It, t le 0\' Scouts founded
-I d' lB' tor of the Ma III Lmcr asked mc to turn
t I· f tl At tl t
Saturda's b S' R I t B I 1-' II' J- 1 I '.' ou a co JlIlll or le paper. la
"D ).... . y Ir '\.0 ler a( en- owe tIl~lIg am and now found tI1 nearl)' ever\, time hc was an advertising man and
racula IS one of the more . '1' d t ' . t f l ' fl " : '
a(!rol Jv
of reccnt
'tl COII.truct d f
vintage, e A0 largc
m\'s section
crv payso f . At I I
CIVI Ize coun n, presen une 0 t le greatest m lIcnces for 1wace
cas t t wo- gel1era~lOl1s . 0
f men tI1 . 1\ .
mcnca ..
have graduated
becamc an editor later. Last week he
from I Sl>rung t I~~ surprise . t Ilat Ill.gger
. all(I
the thearcgoing public certainly love thiS school of outdoor It fe, wholesome recreation and training in civic b~tter b,I!Sllnes1s bhal? call1ed hll:1 11. kto the
t I . . f I' . I . I 1 .' I I db' " ,- cIty. w lIC I cleve Ie (l~ I 'cs a~
o la"e It~ ce mgs mrrlcc l)' stage service. t las prove to c tIllttlensely good tI1structlOn. I . I I H ·k· I ,'f r
reprcscntatlons of thc supernatural IIlUC I as . (0. e as e( me I
that excitcs, thrills and raises the ," " would contllluc t? conduc! the column,
gooscflesh. It was Mr, Stoker's fand- A h.ansas City woman says she was drunk when she was married an~ I assured hllll that If h~ hec~nll'
ful idea that the cruel Count Drc!cula, three weeks ago, and asks a divorce. .How come, when this is a dry cdlto,r of thc ~aturday Evenmg 1 o~t,
not~lIlg. could m~uce me to Icave th~
dcad and buricd for 500 ycars, should country?
return nightly to earth and resume his
cvil activities. He ha~ the attributes
I . . . . .
* * * I MaIn Liller, Our fown, ,!nd the. News.
H~wev;r. he .got me mto thiS, an,d
of a vampire-though he is attractive An clg'hty-store bUlldtllg. IS now beu.lg constructed in New York. now s he s leavmg. me stranded. It s
cpough in person-and sceks his Vic-I ~ ervotls book agents have deCIded t~ pro.VIde themselves with parachutes IUP tn the r.eaders, If ~uch thc.rc bl'., t.o
tuns among young women. til case they are thrown out of the wmdow give me ,til tl~e back~pat~lIlg I, e
. grown to cxpect m thc edltonal office.
February 7, 19jO 6URTOWN Page Five

Lower Merion Boosts Winning Streak to Thirteen Straight.

ttTime Out" On Trail of League Title Maroon Five Makes
By Tommy Mltcklin. It Thirteen in Row
About the prettiest piece of individual
work in the Norristown game Friday
night was contributed by one of Coach La Salle Prep Is 33 to 21 Victim
Anderson's minute men, Hughie \Vynn of Lower Merion on
by name. His last-minute field goal
was a classic and if he can do that sort Tuesday.
of thing regularly, his lack of heig-ht will
not hinder him very much.
* * * Lower Merion followed up their sen-
Friends' Central still shares the lead sational victory over Norristown High
with Germantown Academy in the Inter-
academic League. Both teams have won School by continuing in their winning
three games without a reverse. stride Tuesday aftertloon at LaSalle
* * * Prep with a 33-to-21 score.
Lower Merion leads the Suburban
League A section with 5 wins and 0 The second tealll also stretched their
losses, followed by Norristown with 4
and I, and Upper Darl)\' with 2 and 2. winning streak another game and are
* * * now two ahead of the varsity wilh IS
T/l{' Challlber of CO/lllllerce shol/ld
selld a vole of Ihallks 10 Coach Bill in a row.
Alldasoll's baskelball lealll for kl'ep- The M aroon's thirleenth victory was
illg Ardmore aI/(/ 1.01('1'1' ,1INioll all Thc Lowcr Merion Baskcthall Squad, who havc achieved the
Ihe lIIap afler Caplaill Perk Scali not so clean-cut as some of the others,
a/l(/ Tip Pelt'rs PI/I Ihe/ll Ihl'l'l'.
rcmarkahle rccord of thirtecn straight victories, are undefcatcd this but the boys were playing under floor
* * * season and sit on the top of the Suburhan League. Reading from
There's nothing like a winning team to left to rig-h.t: Coach William Anderson, Hugh V\T ynn . John Penny- conditions that made it difficult for
advertise a place. All the sports writers packcr, KClth Parks. Henry Ganc, Alfred Mandes (Capt.), Alfred them 10 play their usual game. They
are now following the local live, each
saying "I saw them first." D'Amora. Warren Lockwood, (Capt.), Alfred Bonniwell and James showed their real class, however, by
* * * Turner. maintaining a sufficient lead al all
Babe Richards was uncanny in his one-
handed stabs at the basket Friday night. St. Margaret's Basketball Team Is Meeting stages of the game to coast in to a
He tried the same stuff against Bethle- victory.
hem on his home floor last week, and Many of the Best Teams in Philadelphia Area John Hennipacker led the scoring
with a poorer guard than Mandes on him
he didn't drop even a small percentage list for Lower l\f erion with 12 points,
of them. If one of Anderson's boys tried (By G. B, M.) ence of Coach Eddie ~IcNichol from
that kind of shooting, it's dollars to pen- The St. ~I argaret's ChurCH ba,ket- I'enn, who has promised to aid the and, strange to say, those twelve points
nies he would be benched. ball team lost a hard-fought game on locals by refereeing the game. were scored before another member of
* * * Monday night to ~lalvern Pr"p hy Another interestin~ game is 111 store the team broke inlo thescnring col-
Alld righlly so, brolher. it's lealll- the close score of 25-3 I. The better
work Ihal ~(lills ill Ihl' 101l!J 1'111I alld physical condition of the ~Ialvertl bovs for those who wish to see it-on Tues- umn.
sOllie shorl olles. The bab\' Ihal decided the game in their favor, thl: day evening next, when the SI. ~Iar­ Bonniwell went illto the lineup and
shools Ihal way, may boosl /"is OWIl local quintet tiring quickly after garet's team meets a group of Villa-
percelliage, III/I the Il'a/ll sl/ffers. Nol amassing a 17-11 lead at the end of nova College stars. Among those who alternated at guard and center.
discol/lllill[} I?ichards' abilil)' or the first half. Not a little credit for will be in the college line-up will be
sporls/llallship. He's a greal lad alld Malvern's victory should go to J. Johnny Gillespie, Tom Morgan. Jack
Ihe bo)'s admire hilll. Brildley, who accounted for no less Dcnavan and "Hicky" Highfield. Lower Merion Breaks
than 23 of his team's 31 points. No admission is charged to see these
* * * Norristown Hoodoo
The Maroon continued her winning On \Vednesdav the church five was games.
streak to thirteen straight Tuesday. No scheduled to IIlel:t the Penn Fn·shmen. Everyone who likes to see a goot!,
jinx in that one, though the boys had a at the )'aleslra, in a preliminar)' game fast. clean game of haskethall is cor- r:O,'!TIN1JEI> I"HOM TIIl<) FIItST PAOli.
difficult time on La Salle's trick floor. to the Il'agnl' contest of the Penn Var- dially invited to come up to the Nar-
* * * sity. As this paper went to pres,' lit- herth School hoth on Friday eVl'ning Anderson had his high scoring ace in
AI Bunniwell broke into the lineup in tle opposition was expected fran' the and Tuesday evening. uniform. and if the need had arisen
D' Amora's place and then switched to college fi ve. The team is composed of a small wonld have sent him into the game to
center to replace Turner for a while. He This evening, Friday, the St. ~Iar­ group of boys from the local church
dropped in three double deckers and garet's quintet plays the strong 51. and has heen in existence four years. insure victory. but there was no neces-
played his usual smooth floor game. The Mary Magdeline Ciub from South This year a decided increase in IIlter- sity. His idea was to win the game
fans should turn out in guod numbers at Philadelphia-the team that defeated est was shown bv the fellows. New 011 the floor. and let Xorristown win
the Radnor fuss on the night of the the borough boys on their floor two suits were bought by the players it by a protest if they so desired.
twenty-fifth to see this boy loop 'em in. weeks ago by the score of 27-24. To- themselves, and the church. through
* * * night, the Narberth five promise a dif- the co-operation of Fathers Hayes and
\Varren Lockwood, John Penny-
1f we could choose fiz1e bo)'s for \Valsh, purchased new jackets, s.:' that packer ant! Jimmy Turner were the
01/1' bas/atball lealll, WI' would «'alii
ferent storv, for thev helieve ·the. wili
PI'IIII)'packN (/lId Lockwood for for-
ha,·e littl~ difficuli y defeating the in addition to presenting a good game three boys who did most of the scor-
wards, TI/rller for allier alld lllalldes
South Philadelphia boys on the local of baskethall to the spectators, the ing for the Maroon. Captain Mandes
floor-at the Narberth School. team also makes a very attractive and got off to a bad start with his de-
alld ])'0411I01'0 for !JI/ards, wilh BOII-
Ili~l'ell to play allY posilioll as Ihe
An added attraction will be the pres· snappy appearance.
occasioll required, alld Hughie I/'YIlII, Matt Calahan jumps centre for the fensive ability somewhat disturbed by
Hellr\, Galle and Keilh Parb 10 varsity team, while George Torchiana Richards' sensational shooting. After
and Peter Eidenberg take care of the he shifted over to cover Kirts, he
sub. "1'/101 a leam! Basketball Results guard posts. George Burgess and played his usual stellar game. AI
* * *
Then if anythillg happened, we would INTERACADEMIC LEAGUE George Maguire are the forwards, D' Amora played a good game on de-
just take Anderson's second string squad Friday's games: while James McKelvey, Jack O'Keefe
and put them into the lineup. Thuse boys Germantown Academy. 23; Penn and Bob Torchiana, along with Bill fense and helped considerably hy loop-
won their fi fteenth consecutive victory Charter, 21. McNichol, are the substitutes who see ing in three double-deckers.
Tuesday afternoon by holding LaSalle action in every game. Edward Bur- Anderson finished up the ganr"e hy
Chestnut Hill, 31; Montgomery .gess is the handy man, who besides rubbing a little salt in the wound. lIe
Reserve to 3 points for 32 minutes' play. School, 8.
The ,Tunior High five has won five keeping score and time, often reterees
Haverford School, 27; Germ:ln- when necessary. sent in four substitutes who held the
straight in the Junior Suburban League town Friends, 22.
and show promise of winning thl' cham- The team is managed and coached visitors scoreless for the last two min-
Standing of the Teams by Tom Horan, who has had basket- utes and Hughie vVynn topped off the
pionship. W. L. Pet. ball experience at St. Thomas in evening with a beautiful field goal as
It is quite probable that Anderson will Friends' Central.. ,.. 3 0 1.000 \Vilkes-Barre and M I. St. Marv·s in
1I0t send his boys into the Pennsylvania Gtn. Academy 3 0 1.000 the gong rang.
tournament this year, but will save them
for the State championships at Penn
Haverford ....
2 0
2 I
...... .... ... de . . . . . . . . . *'
•••• ... ..... ............... ..
State College later in the month. Chestnut HilL. 1 2 .333
* * *
Leballoll Val/c)' sel/t a shivCl" dml'll
Penn Charter.
the spilles of Villal/ova I'oolers lasl Gtn. Friends, , 0 4 .000 The game of Billiards has been played by our Presidents from
Satllrday Iligllt fly IWlldillg them 1/11' SUBURBAN LEAGUE George vVashington down.
worst defeat llie.\' /la~le sl/ffered 011 Friday's game:
IiiI' bas~'l'Ibal/ COl/I'I ill Ihree \'ears Upper Darby, 27; Chester, 20. Billiards has been endorsed and played by Archbishop Hughes.
7'he score was 45 10 27. . . Lower Merion. 55; Norristown, 35.
Judge Ben B. Lindsey, Henry \Vard Beecher and other I'rOlllinent
* * *
The first division of the Interacademic
Abington, 28; Haverford, 23.
Standing of the Teams people.
standings show three Main Line institu- W. 1.. 1'ct.
tions represented. \Vith Friend's Central Lower Merion 5 0 1.000 NARBERTH BILLIARD PARLORS
leading the pack. Episcopal and Haver- Norristown ." . 4 I .800
ford, are in third and fourth places re- Upper Darby .. , , . 2 2 .500 NARBERTH THEATRE BUILDING
spectively. Montgomery School with too Abington .. , , . I 3 .250 2 RegulatioIJ Billiard Tables 5 Pocket Billiard Tables
much inexperienced material, hOI; not won
a league game thus far.
Haverford ..
Chester ,.
...... I
.200 ,., .. .... .......... .
Page Six OUR; TOWN February 7, 1930'
I ' .,

, Colleges," Next Step in Educational Life, in 5 Years IIserved-

in Montgomery "And when the shadows fall, upon m)
Villanova's President Predicts Advent of ttRadio Rel>ublican leader eyes,
Countv for manv years. He has \Vhen, groping forward, I l.annot
as Norristo;vn Postmaster since see,
1922. The memory of your voicc lends nc\\
The next step in American educa, hope
tional life will be "radio colleges"
Ardmore Banks to IN MEMORIAM And strengthcns me."
In loving memory of my fricnd,
within five years, according to Rev Limit Evening Hours Mrs. Frank H. Hill, who crossed tht
Dr. James H. Griffin, president of Vil· great divide February 3, 1927. I
Buy in Narberth.

lanova College, who is making a study

Three Banks Announce Adop- , .
of the efficacy of educational broad·
casts. tion of Former Three o'Clock All Sorts of Jobbing and Alteration Work
Quickly and Reasonably Done
Dr. Griffin is now seeking informa· Sch edu Ie.
tion on this subject from Ray Lyman
Wilbur, Secretary of the Interior, who
Walter P. Miesen
is also keenly interested in the prog· II'

ress of adult education by radio. Carpenter & Builder

"Listeners no longer dial away from .After a survey made bv
' the Ardmore II
. 100 N Naroert
, 1.:._ h A
venue Phone.: Day-Narberth J973·M.
E . N b h 38 8·R
every radio talk," said Dr. Griffin TItle and Trust Company and the Merton I venmg- ar ert 2 •
"They have learned that special broad· Title and Trust Company indicating thatl~~
casts, such as the one from the Amer· only a small number of depositors availed
ican Philosophical Society in which themselves of the facilities of evening
Dr. Elihu Thomson, the famous in-
ventor, and Dr. Harlow Shapley, Har·
banking hours, those two institutions and
the Counties Titlc and Trust Company
During February
vard astronomer, took part, are enter·
taining as well as informative.
"Broadca~ting is entering a new cy·
have announced that all Ardmore Banks
will adopt a uniform business day. Thus
hanking in Ardmore will commence at 8
150/0 Discount
c1e. It has passed the novelty stage.
and it is placing behind it the days
o'clock in the morning and close at 3 in
the afternoon except on Fridays, when

on All
when listeners demanded only enter- all hanks will be open from 7 to 9 in the
tainment." evening. The Saturday hours will be BEDDING "'"
The Villanova president does not re· from 8 A. M. till noon.
gard education over the air as a com- Provisions will be made for husiness
petitor of the college, hut as an ad· and othcr dl'(lllsitors to make evening de-
junct. He believes broadcasts may posits. Thl' Safe Dcposit departments
help solve the problems of continuing will he opcn until 4 P. M. every day and
the training of the graduate aha he <luring the evening hours on Fridays. On
leaves college. Saturdays they will coincide with other
"The success of educational broad· The rest of your days depend upon the rest of your ni~hts.
hanking hours.
casting depends upon making the pro-
gram interesting to the last minute.
This uniform schedule will be put into 1909 CHESTNUT STREET,_I
effect on the 17th of February. PHILADELPHIA
through dramatization," said Dr. Grif·
fin. "The person before the micro·
phone must realize he cannot depend New County Commissioner
upon his appearance and gesturcs to Assumes Duties This Week
hold the attention of thc listeners."
Dr. Griffin believes that educationalH. Stan!e\' Drake, ~ orristown Post-
broadcasts derive their strcngth from master, wh"o was appointed County I
the fact that the listeners are in a Commissioner by Judge J. Ambler I
receptive mood. Hence the lel:turel \Villiams to fill the vacancy created by
does not ha\'e to overcome mental the death of President Samuel D'
indifference or resistance in the stu·Crawford. assumed his duties this
dent. week.
Mr. Drake. who is a son-in-law of
Not all the news is told in the news
columns of this paper-read the adver" the Hon. Charles Johnson, Secretary
;isements,~lsO' of Revenue at Harrisburg, has been a I


February 14 's THE day to remember

your mother, wife or sweetheart
Do it right by sending her a box of WHITMAN'S
in Heart-shaped Boxes or usual size.
Sincerely to participate in your Dennison's Party Favors.
plans and problems; to lend our Large assortment of sentimental and comic Valentines
suitable for everyone.
advice and aid; to take part in
any project that will augment the
community's prosperity - this is

rnA VIS)
our constant banking endeavor.
, The Oldest Store in Narberth
Narberth National Bank
Open 8 A. M. Daily Friday Evenings, 7 to 9
CSifA'iftfl\iiifdtrAiifMftI\iifNfft7\iifMiikik7\iii'lYiiMiiif\i1f1\iii7\iiWii7)ill1\'ttWii'kiJifuiWfi1\iift; I


Pebrutlt'y 7, l!Jj() OUR TOWN Page Seven

Police Pension Fund 11

Makes Large Gain .
Assets Increase by $20,000 Dur-
ing 1929; Now Total
An increase of $20,651.20 in the as-
sets of the Police Pension Association ALL-GOLD PEACHES [ SLABTREE.RIPENED
of Lower Merion Township during the
Distinctive Quality A Real Dried.Fruit Bargain
,( year 1929 was noted in the financial.
\ statement of the association presented I Large can, 25c 2 Ibs·,39C
at the annual meeting on Monday
afternoon. Haxton's GARDEN PEAS, No. I Tins can, IOc
The total assets of the Pension As-
sociation, now six years old, amount Kellogg's CORN FLAKES 2 pkgs., I9c
to $92,298.81. Contributions during
1929 amounted to $17,069.23. Mem-
bership dues for the year from the
P. & G. CHIPSO large pkg., 2Ic
police force added $1814 to the year's
receipts. Schlorer's, Easton's or Blue Ribbon MAYONNAISE jar, I9c
Pensions paid during the year
amounted to $1776. Only one man Myrtle Brand Fancy PINK SALMON tall can, I7c
from the force is on the pension list ._----- -
at present though two widows of for-
mer members are being cared for.
Pillsbury PANCAKE FLOUR 2 pkgs., 25c
AU officers of the association were
reelected at the meeting on Monday. Turkey Brand SYRUP can, IOc
Richard J. Hamilton is president, Mor-
ris L. Clothier and Superintendent
Charles P. Smith, vice presidents; and
Boris or Eclipse CRUSHED CORN 2 cans, 25c
Evan L. James, secretary and treas-
urer. Campbell's or Ritter's PORK and BEANS 3 cans, 25c
Directors of the Pension Associa- ~-- ------ --- __. _ - - ------- ----~.- .

tion are Dr. Albert C. Barnes, of Mer- Chicken-of-the-Sea TUNA FISH can, 23c
ion; Earl Haines, of Merion; Harold - - -
Pierce, of Haverford; Sergeant Wentz, I Heinz KETCHUP bottle, 15c; large, 23c
Officers Pollock and Carlin. Trustees
Clothier, Haines and Hamilton are eX-I
officio directors. Lux, Lifebuoy or Palmolive TOILET SOAP 3 cakes, 20c


Organized By Main Line Y I Fine Fla"or, Tender, and Clear Liquor
A model aeroplane club for boys I Red Ripe Extra' Cut
froll1 twelve to twenty-one years of
age has just been organized by the TOMATOES SIFTED PEAS REFUGEE BEANS
Main Line Christian Association in
Ardmore. The club, which meets reg· 2 cans, 25 c can, 18c; 2 cans, 35 c 2 cans, 25 c
ularly on Wednesday at 3:30 P. M., is
sponsored by the Playgrounds' Asso· I TIMELY HINTS
ciation of Philadelphia and the Aero
Club of Pennsylvania.
The boys begin with the most ele·
Schimmel's Fancy APPLE BUTTER ·........ . 2 cans, 25c
mentary principles of aviation and JUMBO PEANUTS, Fresh Roasted ·........ . lb., 15c
gradually develop a further knowledgl'. · 4 cans, 25c
of this interesting and important sub·
ject. Several sessions have already BOSANT COFFEE . . lb., 35c; 3 lbs., $1.00
been held and a large enrollment is an· Select EVAPORATED MILK ............... 3 tall cans, 25c
ticipated. There will be a free dem-
onstration conducted by Victor R Haxton SOUR KROUT ... .., " can, 15c
Fretz, Director of the Philadelphia Babbitt's CLEANSER . . .. . 3 cans, 12c
Model Aeroplane Association, on Fri·
day, February 14, at 7 P. M. at the Canada Dry GINGER ALE . ..... bottle, 18c; case, 12 bottles, $2.15
Y. M. C. A., 116 West Lancaster Ave-
nue. Every boy is invited to attend
this free demonstration but need not FRESH MEATS
wait to join the club until that time
Applications for membership may be Legs Genuine Spring Lamb, 45c lb. Shoulders Genuine Spring lAmb, 35c lb.
made at once. Fresh-Killed Chickens, Country Sausage and Scrapple
Once a month competitive tests are 1
held in Philadelphia between the nu· Quaker Sweet
merous clubs already organized. Prizes
Harting's I Norway Mackerel
are awarded to the winners of the Strawberry Preserves Cream Butter Large White Fat Fish
monthly events. Necessary materials
are sold at cost to the members of the 32-oz. jar, 39c lb., 55 c each,30c
club. Awards are given to those who
complete the prescribed work. A SNUG HARBOR FARM FRESH EGGS dozen,59 c
grease monkey button is the first
award, the next award is for those

designated as pilots and the third Main Line shopping center for those who like to pur..
award is given to those who will be chase the best food at moderate prices.
known as aces. The members of the
club are obliged to cut their own ma-
Haverford Avenue, Narberth PHONE NARBERTH 4050
terials to the required specifications We Deliver From City Line to Bryn Mawr
visionassembk them under the
of a leader. supe~II~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-._ ...._.. _._--,-,--_.. ~----_. _.-.- -
OUR TOWN Februtlt'Y 7, 1930
Page Eight

B. M. Hospital Faces
$100,000 Deficit in 1930
Choral Chairman Plea Made to Save
the Hawks an
herons and terns, whose numbers in-
d Owl creased rapidly when laws were passed
S 1prohibiting the slaughter of wild birds
PARTICULAR PEOPLE are purchasing t
Cost of Operation Increased
CONTINUED PROM '1'BB PIBST PAO.' for millinery purposes,
A parallel was drawn in the case of
partments, universities and museums fur-bearing animals. "\Vith the in-
are all actively studying the economic creasing value of furs," Mr. Livingston
$350 a Day By New Demands phases of the problem. The senti said, "trappers are going farther and I BIDE-A-WEE GIFT SHOP I
mental and recreational side formed farther int~ the wilds, and a number
On Institution
the subject of Tuesday's talk. ?f these w!1c1 ~rcatures arc approach-
Ing extermlllatlOn, Fur coats and or-
t 136 South 15th Street, Philadelphia t
•l L".", D"~ '" i" C,,,,,./ P." .1 ,'" Ci"
Bryn ~[awr Hospital docs not enjoy Bird life, },II'. Livingston said, may naments must he restricted to kinds
the enviable financial position that be grouped under three headings: Song which can be grown in captivity. or in .. ~ I
many residents of the community are bireis which everyone agrees should be prc.tected farms, It is foolish tf' ex-
led to believe it does. It is coml1lon '. . , .' . cuse further slaughter by the fact that
gossip that Bryn 1\1 awl' Hospital
should not have to ask for donations
protected, gamc hlrds, \\ hlch some these rare furs arc a necessity. In
people feel should be protected, and a very few years there will be no more.
the "Pariahs and Outcasts"-the Why not stop now while there are a
, 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ,
01' have drives for thc purposc of rais-
ing funds. This is not true, however, hawks and owls, who seem to have fe~v of the animals le~t to m~,ke our
for it is estimated that at the end of f
far too ew nen( s,
f' I tnps to the woods enJovable?
The speaker describeci thc tortures
1930 the hospital will havc to meet a
deficit for the year of between $80,000 Nearly all of the hawks, owls and of wild animals caught in traps and
and $100,000. eagles, the speaker pointed out, ar< lefl to starve and die of thirst. His This week makes 5 years of newspaper delivery service to Nar-
The budgl·t for 1930 amounts to either innocent or really valuable. A final plea was ,for conserva~ion of the berth homes-service without an interruption. We want to
more than $500,000, or approximately few of the many species are bad, and forest~. the annuals, the WIld flawers
, ,,' and bIrds for the sake of future geneI" thank our patrons for this opportunity to serve them and solicit
$1450 per day, During the past year as a result all hawks arc. cll1cken ations as well as those of the present
the daily cost amounted to $1100, hawks" to the farmer, and every man's da\' who look forward to trips ,r the the patronage of more Narberth homes wishing their dany and
which included only six months in the
ncw building, hand is turned against these heautiful woods. Sunday papers promptly and regularly.
The item of food al1lounted to ap- Photo by Marceau and fearless birds. "Remel!lher." h~ said. "that for every
Mrs, J. E. Bacon, of Merion, _.' conservatIOn soclcty there are ten ALL PHILADELPHIA and NE~ YORK PAPERS
proximately $10,000 during Decemher, l~specml mentIon was made of the hunting c1nhs, and for ever~' :11 ticle
and this is only one of more than 4000 chairman of the Musical Revue to
be given by the Community Choral Duck Hawk, similar to the famed puhlished in favor of the birds there Delivered to Your Home Every Morning
items listed in the inventory of the
hospital, although it is about thc most of Bala-Cynwyd at the Woman's Peregrine Falcon of Europe, and a are ten so-called sportsmen's maga-
Club of Bala-Cynwyd on Monday hiI'd of rare beanty hravery and flying zincs, supported hy the powder. com·
The following figures will bc of and Tuesday, February 10 and 11. . -, , . . panies and preachlllg' the doctnne of
sk!ll. A few nest each year on the killing, Even' effort must hc made
great interest to everyone, but espe- high cliffs of the upper Delaware, but to counteract' the propaganda of kill·
cially to housewives, who think their Post Office Box 127 NARBERTH
food bills arc so large and that their Scouts Plan Big Rally their numhcrs arc steadily diminish· ing if we arc to havc any of the larger
ing. due to the depredations of egg wild life left."
families ha\'e such heart v appetites, and Other Activities
They show the amount o'f food used collectors and winter hunters. --------- 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
during the month ·of Deccmber: During Present Month Efforts ha\'e recently been madc Ruy in Narherth.
One thousand eight hundred and
twenty-six loaves of bread, 8040 rolls, 1\f r. Livingston. saiel, to kill one of
5400 cluarts of milk, 217 quarts of :\ :\1 ain Line District Rally is to be these birds living for the winter on
cream. 257 quarts of iCl~ cream, 493 held in February to consist first, of a one of the high office huilding-s, anel
pounds of fi"h, 972 oysters and clams, district inspection to be reviewd by preying- on the starlings and pigeons
15,3W eggs, 14(ll) pounds of butler, the Scout Exccuti\'e, E. A. Carlson, which live in the city. "One ducl'
5372 )H1UIHIs of meat. 1853 !llllllHls of
poultry, f)100 pounds of potatoes, (,(180 and the Scout Commissioner, Isaac C. hawk is worth a hundred pigcons in
oranges. Sutton. The inspl'ction will he fol- beauty anel interest," he saiel. "and re,
Four thousand articll's arc w;ed in lowed by Scout and camp songs and a memher, you can grow plenty more
the running of a hospital. ranging from fair sprinkling of scouting games. pigeons!"
the finest surgical instruments to There will also be inter-troop contests
power house equipment. ior indi\'idual district championships in The speaker took his audience to the
Legitimate complaint" and criticisms knot-tying, signaling (semaphore and hills and marshes, and ga\'e brief word
arc always welcomed by the ho"pital ~Iorse code), first aid fire hy friction, pictures of some of the more interest·
authorities, for it is onh' bv means of and fire by flint and steel. Two teams ing hawks and owls in their native
them that errors can he'reciifiecl. will be allowed to each tmop partici-
pating. The winners of each event will haunts. He told of the advantages of
he known as district champions allC! protection, and how the hird life had
Main Line Girl Scouts will receive medals to that effect. The responded.
Receive High Awards champions may be challenged when- I n many cases, he pointed out. it is
ever there arc two teams repl'esenting too late, ~nd a numher of interesting
two troops to issue the challenge, and
Two (;irl Scouts from the 1\lain ii the champion loses the contest he forms are gone forever. The brighter
Line, Scout R'be Ll'e Talh', of \\'a\'llt~
and Lieut. Cecilia Can;1el', of' th~
~I erion Troop. \'"l'n~ among the six
who were awarcll-d their <;olden Eaglet
badges with impressive ceremonies at
must pass his medal on to the winner. side wa" shown in the case of the
The rally was agreed upon at a
meeting of the activities cOlllmittee of
the },Iain Line district of the Rov
Scouts of America. held at Ardmlll:('1
'*:6 ....... ,. .. -,., ...... TUNE IN ... on this
the midwinter Court of A wards which ", :\1. C. A .. presided over bv the
wa" held last Saturday afternoon 1)\'
the Philadclphia and ~(;dn Linc Scouts
at the \\'illiam I'cnn High School in
Philadclphia, Scouts from each troop
chairman. :\. C. Conners, Scoutlila"ter
of Ardmore Troop ~ o. I. The follllw-
ing mcmbers \vcre present: ~I r. Ru"Sel
1\1 oil, assistant scout executive; :\1 r.
in I'hiladelphia's eight district", of Xelslln \Vilbur, scoutmaster of Rrvn
which the ~I ain Line is the eighth dis- ~f a WI' Troop ~ o. I, and },! r. J 6hn 'c.
trict, joyously marched to the high Foster, Scoutlllaster of \Vvnnewood
school for their 111erit badge", and to Sigll 011 the Best Meats
Troop :\0. 1 and field executive of
be made First Cla"s and Golden Eaglet the ~Iain Line District.
Scouts, and filled the auditoriu111 to I t was further pR~~ed that there
An impressi\'c flag ceremony opened
should bl' a varietv of hoth indoor
and outdoor activities such as district
What Lies
thc e\'cnt, with cach troop's American trea"ure hunts, district war games, lec-
flag carricd by nnc honored mcmbel', tures and pictures, etc. back of our claim that
:\luch bugling and drnl1lming and The :\1 ain Line district will take part
Scout songs were also features of the in the council activit" to he held at Bradley's are the best
gala cvent. \'all<-y Forge on Fcb'ruary 22 and til
:\11'''. Frederick Ede\'. chairman of take the form (1f the annual \Vashing- MEATS obtainable in the
the :\ational Fil'I;1 Committee ton I'ilgrimage. Philadelphia metropolitan
a~\'at'llec! the (;"Idcn Eagkt hadge": The CHlrt of \-\onor will hl' calkc!
alter a heart-to-heart talk to thl' girls hv \\'illiam K, \-\olman. chairman of district?
on ,,·hat it l11eall" to be a (;olck-n :\iain Linl' district court, for Frida".
Eaglet, its c1ntil'''. its joys and pri\'i. Februan· 14, at which time all mel:it
leg('s, -Just this: 54 years' ex-
badge" ',·ill be rcviewed and award" of
the district ach'ancemcnt hc pt-cs('nted, perience in selecting for

John C, Foster. field executive of the
~I ain Linl" announce", discriminating patrons.

And Note These Prices! KNOW the joy
ANY TIME Shoulder Lamb ... 28c lb.
W ork-Lenz-Whitehead

A bi/ity to Play in A ny Circle
Appointments at Your Home If
Rib Roast, thick end
Round Steak.
Rump Steak
28c lb.
42c lb.
4Sc lb.
of cooliing with gas
43 AVON ROAD Clearbrook 2963-~
~ Narberth .:. Ph. Nar. 3651-R Deliveries T»'ice Daily
City Line to Haverford
~eee~ Hot Oil Shampoo il}: wl'arisome hours now spent in method is \'cry simple •.. just like
T tunin~ in on Ihe radio. l\'lereh' sctthe

IMPORTED FELT HATS II! Given in Your Home wal<~hing Ihe perfornuulCe of a
$1 and $1.50
BRADLEY I ricky o\'cn when )'OU are baking or dial 10 Ilw (~xad lemperalure ~e(llIired
FRENCH FELTS, $2 and $2.50 With Water Wave $1.75 preparin~ Inc~lls l'llll hl~ devoll~d to foqwrfect resulls.and lea\'ethd,i tchen
306 Dudley Ave., Narberth
Phone Narberth 2S62-R
Without Water Wave ... 1.25 MARKET CO. agreeable lasks or 10 pleasanl elljoy-
Olent after )'011 nrc the proud possessor
unlil it is lime 10 serve Illl~ meal.
Can you Ihink of anYlhing Ihul will
~ Call For Appointment bring grealer salisfal'lion 10 lite nlod-
2106·08 Market Street of a gas range wi Ih o\'en hea I ('Ollt rol.
LILLIAN MELLEN (Opposite Erlal/ger Theatre) I»erfeet results ('all he oh!ained l~\'ery l'rn hOllscwifl', Ul'0'. whose linle Ihere
Phone RlTTENHOCSE 7070 thill' •.• on c\'ery o('(~asion. And Ihc arc so nlany delnauds?

Special Offer for a Limited Ti,ne

On an:y gas range having O\'l~n hea I (~on t rol ... und we hu\'e a
nUlnbcr of spll'llllid Inul,es from whi(·1t to dloose ... Wl~ are
nluking a Inosl ultruc'lh'e ofr(~r jllsl now. Come in und see
these attrat'lh'c gus rungc's. t'onlpll·tc in t'H~ry detail. and ('011-

LEHIGH COAL avoid ..ider the easy terms and liberal allowan('e for )'Our old range.

BURNS LONGER delay ,I.·it·.· T,:"",,' I 0 ~t ",ur-

LOW IN ASH What a bore to
"wait your turn"!
O"'y $ 5 DOI#~D .h"~· ,n
14.50 Telephone for ap- n .......' On J""",. 01,1 ""n!/e
NUT 14.50 pointments ••• it
PEA 10.50
saves time, and
For Pl'Ol1Ipt Sen'ice
Ardmore 3500 Wayne 3 Hilltop 233

CYNWYD 700 TELEPHONE Bryn Mawr 327 Boulevard 1600
Page Ten OUR TOwN February 7, 1930
Villanova Schedules ,.\pril 2(,-1\0,"111 College at Villall0va.I 1\lay I(.-Pl·lllling.
Knell Rung For Tea April 2')-/)ukl' at \·il1:lnlwa. i\lay 17-Villanova at 1J0stuu College.
28 Baseball ContestS1\lay I-Villanova at Fllrdham. May 20-1:l t . 51. Mary's ~t Villanova.
Room and Sanitarium \\I"tl
t t · · It . t 't I'·t d "Ia\' ?-Villanova
wcn) -clg 1 con es s 's ~ , . '. - .'
at 5t
.fohn's May 23-C,ettysburg- at VIllanova.
Ma' 24-1'enn A. C. at Villanova.
the \ IIlanova. hasehall team. faces ItS (Brookl).n). .,. 1\Ia~ 27-51. John's (Brookl n) at
Appeals to Board of Adjustment Ulo,t pretentlOu, ,che,lnle m many 1\lav .)-Vllianova at l\. 'I. lJ. \;'11" y
veal',. Twelve of the game, arc listed 1\la\' (,-Lehigh at Villanova. 1 anO\a:
Refused After Public at I~oln~. wh.ile sixteen will be played 1\101)' 7-I~afaye.ite at Vil~~nO\'a. May 31-~:llIanova at Temple.
on torelgn diamoillb. 1\lay lJ-Cathohc U. at \ IIlanO\·:;. J une 6-\~lIanova at Lafa~ette.
Hearing. The ,chedule: 1\1 ay IO-Provideuce at Villanova June 7-v IIlanova at LehIgh.
April 2-Villanova at Catholic U. 1\l;ty 14-Villanova at Providence.
April 3-\'illalll)\'a at Quantico 11101- 1\Iay 15-\'illanova at Harvard.
April 4-Villanova at 1\1t. St. 1\lary',.
............ ..............
Buy in Narberth.
,.,- .. do,. .. ,. d
Applieation of \Vynnewood Lodge, April 5- Villano\'a at (;etlysllllrg. MOORE'S EMPLOYMENT SERVICE
Inc., hach-,( hy a gronp of ,Indors, to April IU-Fordhalll at Villann\·a. 25 Ardmore Arcade Ardmore, Pa.
:\pril 12-Telll1'le at \'illannva. PHONE: Ardmore 3715
conduct a sanitariulII or con\'aleseenl :\pril 17-Villanova at I'enn.
h01lle on 1he property loca ted at April 23-Villanova at :\avy. AT SHORT NOTICE DAY WORKERS FURNISHED
Hagysfonl and Old (;ulph Roads --------------- Ilt·lI"hle 11.>11' ror ,\II 0.>.,....10"" U")' \VorkerN Fur"llIhe,1
\Vynnewood, was refused hy the BXlu-rit-Ut"..d COOkN. 'Vnit~rN :lIul 'Vnltrt'HNeH for nn Soclnl 1~"entN
Board of Adjust1llent of Zoning of tion of the removal of the frame build·
,\ Sill'''''' I/)' (liulrorlllN SUI'I.lletl)
Lower Merion Township at a public ing, u,ed for the baling of waste Pol' PHONE Boulevard 3182
meeting- held on Thursday night al per, on his property on the north side
the Township Building, Ardmore. of Gulph Road, east of Black Rock
Evening Calls
........................ •• ....... ....... up +' .

Over fifty property owners and resi· Road. The property has been used as
dents of the section packed the room

a dump for some tillle and complaints
and applauded loudly whcn the chair·
have been made by neighbors of the
man of thl~ Board, John Lewis Evan,
almost continual fires and smudge
10ld one of the dnctor, on the stand
arising therefrom. The baling and sale
that they 1IIust "shnw this Board wh)
of paper on the property was adjudgerl
you should locate yOlll' sanitarium in
the center of the 11IOSt ex('lusi\'e resi·
dential section of the l7nited States."
a business enterprise by the Hoard.
and since the property is located in a
The \Vynnewood property owncr, business district, in violation of the
who were unanimous in tlwir objec, zoning' ordinance.
tions, were represented I,,· Pierce
Archer, Jr., Philadelphia allo;ney. Pro· Bryn Mawr Alumni
tests also were registered hy the Rev I
(;ib50n Rell, headmaster of the Mont- I
Choose New Officers
g'olllery School; (;eorge E. Bartol. Jr.
1\lrs. 1-:dllnm,1 I:' \Vilso11. llj :\ew
and many others.
Yllrk. wa.s l'll'L'kd I'I'l-sidl-nt of the
Application of Edwin A. Fills, of
nryn :\Iawr :\Inlnnal' :\"ociation at
Linwood Avenue, owner of the prop
the an11nal IIlel'ling FI-iday in the ('01-
crty at 110 Argyle Road, to continue
lege. (>ther onicer, are: Vicc "res·
lhe operation of the Chimney Cornel
i,Il'nt, :\f i" 1\1 ary Hanly. naltinlLlrc;
Tea Room, was also turned down. Mr.
recording ,ccretary. :\11'" Charle, 1\1 y-
Fitts was represented hy Benjamin H
er,. S1. Davids: clll'l'e,p(lJuli11g- seen'-
Ludlow, of Glenn Road, Ardmore, and
tary. 1\lrs. J. Stog-dell Stoke,_ H unt-
the property owners who filed a peti-
ingdon \'alley, and treasurer. 1\1 iss
tion in objection to the tea room, h)
~f argaret E. Portlsstar, I'hila,lelphia.
.\ Innroe Ander~, of Simpson and AI"
1\lembers oj the ahltllnal- a"ociation
gyle Roads, whose law oflices arc ip
were guests nf ~lrs_ IJele11 Taft 1\lan·
Norristown. The tea room is ill a
ning. acting president, at luncheon in
residential zone. \Vhile in itself nol
l-specially objectionable to residents o[ Petllbroke Hall. and of Dr. 1\1. Care~
Tllllmas, president l'nll'ritns. at 1l'a in
the section, their opinion was that it
\\'ould prove an entering wedg-e for the deanery.
business in the neighborhood.

The third application to the Board
likcwise refused, was by Howard
Long-streth, of Bryn Mawr, in olljec

Jobbing Carpenter
Phone; NARBERTH 4129
103 Dudley Avenue

Beautiful Evergreens
Rhododendrons, Hem- PROTECTS POURING LIP

lock and Red Cedar
The Tennessee Evergreen Co. Servicing; All Appliallccs
Wiring, Jobbing. Repairs
P. O. Box 578 SHOP PHONE: ARDMORE 1125
Elizabethton Tennessee Residence: 145 CARSON STREET An extra safeguard, in addition to the

............ .. ... ..................... ~ ~

~ . . t+. ...
regular cap, crowns every bottle of
Gold Medal "A" Milk. This fine
milk has d high cream content and is
,..' the purestt richest milk you can buy.
STOVE $15.00
NUT 14.50
EGG 14.50 Ask our driver, or telephone us.
PEA 10.50
BUCK 7.75

Try a Ton Today-Then Be Your Own Judge

COKE 11.00

"'. J. JI\~LT()~ £i()~ SUPPLEE - WILLS - JONES

Phones: Cynwyd 700 and Greenwood 7484

February 7, 1930 OUR TOWN Page Eleven

saving, etc. The !\fain Line High i =~:::~·e~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-~[!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!ii·j~~_.

Main Liners Drawn Many Participate in
Sports at Y. M. C. A.
School Swimming Leagues for boys
and girls have becn practicing for some
I' George A. Witte I'
For Jury Service Activities arc in full swing at the
timc ill prcparation for thc dual II1cet~
Scvcral mcets have alread\' been held
Paperhanging alld
D t·
Main Line Branch of the Y. 1\L C. A., by thc boys and thc girls will bcgin ecora 1Ilg I'
Civil Court Term at Norristown 116 \V cst Lancaster Avcnuc, Ardmore. thcir meets in March. ESTIMATING
Tuesdays and Fridays arc devoted to It is planned to organizc a class in I Narberth 4135W
Opens the Week of work for women and girls. Bcginning dancing in the ncar future. Arrange- .:......_.~_.. _~--..:..-...-.............~ __-...-...
at 10 o'clock there is a period in the ments arc being madc to engagc a
February 17. gymnasium with courses 111 calisthen- competent instructor of large experi..l' .HOWARD C. ft'RITSCH \
___ ics, volley ball, etc., until 11 o'c1ock, cnce who wil1 take care of this work t [
The names of forty-nine Narberth after which all participating in the
gymnastics enjoy themselves for an
In the beginning social dancing will I Justice of the Peace l
and Lower Merion residents have been hour in thc swimming pool. At 3:30 be taught but if thcre is enough de· ; REAL ESTATE 1
mand for it classes in othcr forms of : 1,[
drawn for jury duty at Norristown therc is a class for girls. Various dancing, such as clogging, eccentric, ( Fire Insurance-Best Companies [
during February and March. types of work are given here, includ-
For the first week of Civil Court be- ing games of all sorts and a half hour
line work, etc., will be organizcd. I'..
Phone 4049·W
215 Haverford Ave.
-...~~.-.._.......... -.--
of dancing. I n the evening from 7 s-
ginning February 17, the following to 9 o'clock oldcr girls and women
Lower Merion citizens have been mcet for all-around athletics, gamcs Satisfaction
drawn:' Norman E. Clegg, Richard C. and sports whilc othcrs arc cnjoying a I
Francis, George Gane, Arnold Kerstel, plungc in the pool. Ladies' coats made to order; furs repaired and altered
Lincoln Godfrey, Theodore L. Harri- Four days arc devoted to activitie!'
for mcn and boys; that is. Monday, is the keynote of our business.. If it's repairing, relining, pressing,
son, Jr., Marian Johnson, !farion Lehr, \Vcdncsday, l'hursday and Saturday. :
or French dry cleaning that you wish done, we do it right.
Anna Victoria Lovekin, Margaret A ,popular boys' class is held on Mon. !
Maxwell, William J. McCormick, Bes- day and Thursday afternoons at 3 :30 1:
sie L. Neal, Francis O'Hara, Pentz o'clock. composed 1I10stly of IJoys of
Pippin Thomas Quilino JoIn J gra~llmar school ag~. 'vV ~dnesday at
!; I cADTaEiloLrsI, ZZI
CCBleanRerOs S. I'
, .' 1 • 5:1.:l the men mect m a fncndly gamc
Stretch, Jr., and LouIse K. Tyson. of volley ball and in thc evcning at I:' II 220 BALA AVENUE PHONE, CYNWYD 928 I
Narberth: Winifred Horner. 7 :30 another group indulgcs in thc
For the second week of Civil Court samc pastimc, ~I~d also baskctbal,l and 102 Forest Avenue Phone, Narberth 2602 I
March 3d: Lower Menon: . Charlcs F. lother
therc issports. hursdays
anothcr .I class at 8and
for mcn, oclock
Sat. .~~~~~~-~~~
:.,. ...~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~.~-~~~.~-~~.~-~~=~~-~~
. _- '';''; _ .--;;" • _ _ • •- .....
Baily, Josephine M. Bur1ingame, Edith urdays at noon husincss mcn mect fOl
S. Clothier, Mildred Emmons, Charles vollcy hall. OLD STONE HOUSES
L. Game, Charles G. Harper, Helen Basketball is of course the most pop· brought baek to their original Colonial appearance has been our
Hober David T. Mitchell Mary M'I utaI' sp?rt al.HI larg.e nun~l~crs arc e.n· specialty. 'Ve Itno\\' how and can show )'(Jl) man)' delightful
.' ' g a g e d In thIS pastlmc. J he assocla- examp)",. of our work in the Phoenix"llIe Section.
:\1cK1l1ney, Robert A. Pendergrass, tion has scvcral tcams cnrolled in thc
James J. Smith, John C. Winters, Hor- Philadelphia M efropnlitan League i\l1d LAKES, DAMS or SWIMMING POOLS
ace \Vanamaker. Narberth: M. P. also in thc ~rain LinC' Church Baskct· can be reasunably constructed whell the propel' machinery is used.
We have e\'ery necessary device for an)' plan you may ha \'c. and
Clan ey, Henry Fleer. hall l:eag?e f,~r ) unior~ and Scniors.. have successfully constructed liJany attraetivc pools during the
. . . SWlIlllnIllg III thc 'I. M. C. A. IS past few years.
For Crll1l1nal Court, week of March popular all the vear-round, The watcr FLAG POLES ERECTED ST ACKS ERECTED
17: Lower Merion: Edna Bicking, is heated to a
uniforlll tcmperature
George W. Bottoms, Marcy C. Brown, a! about cigl~ty degrees. Lessons are C. RAYMOND DAVIS
Margaret Benade, Irwin Fleck, Joseph given to begIllners and .those who al- Contractor and Bui[d~r
. ready know how to S\\'lm arc taught KIMBERTON, PA.
Grow, Margaret Harper, W1l1dley the morc advanced strokes. diving. lifc-
Johnson, Christine Kerr, Kennard G. I _ ......................
Bell Phone: Phoenixville 723-.1
... .........
Keen, Hattie Kline, Adolph Vogel, i
John Wolfe. Narberth: Florence Gif-
ford, Blanche Hongler.

College Elects Directors I! -Schedule of Montgomery Bus Co., Inc.

Owen D. Young, of New YOlk; ). i
Stogdell Stokes and Parkcr S. \Vil-
Iiams, of Villanova, and :\lrs. \Villiam' Montgomery Avenue Lines r_ea.ving. Pennsylvania R. R .. Sfa-j Wynnewood Road Route
G. Hibbard, Chicago, have bccn clect- I Eastbound
twn tn Nm·be1·th 19 nnnutes
ed directors of Bryn ~1awr College.
fhe announcement was madc at the
Leaving Anderson and Mont-
gomery A venues
I l~ter than the above-mentioned
. fnnes.
Leave Montgomery and lIronis
Aveues, Bryn Mawr, for Ardmore,
\Vynnewood, Merion and Sixty-Sec-
annual meeting at the collcge Friday WEEK DAYS Narberth Short Line ond and Lancaster Ave.
by Charlcs J. Rhoads. acting chairman i Starting at 5.40 A. 1\1. Eastbound Route follows: East-hound-
of the board. Then every 20 minutes until 12.00 Leaving Sixty-second and Lancaster
P. M. midnight. Leaving Pennsylvania R. R. Sta- Avenues for Bryn Mawr via
Following a policy initiatcd last Then 12.30 and 1.30 A. M. tion, Narberth \Vynncwrood and Montgomery Ave·
spring the corporation of. Bryn Mawr SUNDAYS nues to Bryn Mawr.
Collegc is now composed of twenty-
five instead of twenty-one mcmbers.
Starting at 5.30 A. M.
Then every half-hour until 9.00 Startin~ et fi.50 A. M. EASTBOUND
:\1 rs. Angus Macdonald Frantz, of A. M. Then 6.30, 7.10, 7.50, 8.30. 9.10, "'I~EI{)'\YS

N ew York, was elccted alulllnac direc- 'i'hen 9.20 A. M. and every 20 min- 9.50, 10.30, 11.10 and 11.50 A. M. Leaving Morris and !I[ontgomery
utes until 12.00 P. M. midnight. Then 12.30 P. 1\1., 1.10, 1.50, 2.30, A "enues, Dryn 1\1 a wr.
tor in Deccmbcr. Then 12.30 and 1.30 A. M. Stal'ting 6.00 A. 1\1.• b.30, 7.00, 7.30,
3.10, 3.50, 4.30, 5.10, 5.50, 6.30,
8.00, 8.:10, 9.00, 10.00, Il.OO, 12.00
I Leaving Pennsylvania R. R. Sta- 7.10, 7.50, 8.30, 9.10, 9.50, 10.30,
P. M.; 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00, 4.30, 5.00,
Building Decreases I tion in No.1'berth 7 minutes later
than the above-mentioned times,
11.10 and 11.50 P. M. 5.:10, 6.00, 6.30, 7.00, 7.30, 8.00, 8,30,
Thirty-seven building pcrmits wcrc.' SUNDAYS !I.00, 10.00, 11.00, 12.00 A. 111.
Leaving 54th Street and City Line
issued by Lower Merion Building In-I £1 minutes later than the above- Leaving 6.30 A. M. and every WESTBOUNJ)
spector C. E. Rahn during thc month mentioned timeS/. \VI~M":I>,~l'S
of January, 1930, for operations total- hour on the half hour there.
Westbound after to n.30 P. M.
Lea\'ing Slxt)··second and Lan-
ing $260,142. This rep res en ts a de- Leaving 62d and Lancaster Avenue
caster A venue.
creasc in twcnty-two permits over Starting 6.30 A. lIL, 7.00, 7.30, 8.00,
January, 1929, and a dccrease in value WEEK DAYS Westbound 8.30. 9.00, 9.30, 10.30, i 1.30, 12.30
Starting at 6.00 A. M. P. 111.; 1.30, 2.30, 3.30. 4.30, 5.00, 5.30,
of $159,521. Permits for sevcn pri- Leaving 54th a~.j City Line 6.00. 6.30, 7.00, 7.30. 8.00. 8.30, 9.00,
vate dwellings were granted during thc Then 6.25 A. M. and every 20 min- 9.30. 10.:10, 11.30 P. lIL, 12.30 A. M.
utes until 11.45 P. M. WEEK DAYS
month, accounting for $224,680 of thc I
total. Permits for no district excceded Then 12.05 A. M., 12.30 A. 1\1., 1.00 Starting at 6.10 A. 1\1. , Eastbound-SUNDAYS
five. and 2.00 A. M. Then 6.50. 7.30, 8.10, 8.50, 9.30,
SUNDAYS 10.10, 10.50 and 11.30 A. M. Leaving Montgomery and Morris
Starting at 6.00 A. M. Avenues, Bryn Mawr.
Then 12.10 P. M., 12.!l0, 1.30, 2.10.

~:b~· .~~~
Then 6.25 A. M., 6.55, 7.25, 7.55, 2.50, 3.30, 4.10, 4.50, 5.30, 6.10, Starting at 6.30 A. M., then

8.25 A. M., 8.55, 9.25, then 9.45 6.50, 7.30, 8.10, 8.50, 9.30, 10.10, every hour on the half hour to


Then every 20 minutes until 11.45
P. M.
10.50 and 11.30 P. M.
And 12.30 A. M.
11.30 P. 1\1.

Phone: Narberth 3652-M Then 12.05 A. M., 12.30, 1.00 and SUNDAYSLeaving Sixty-second and Lan-
2.00 A. M. caster Avenue.
~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~': Leaving 7.00 A. M. and every
Leaving 54th and City Line 5 min- Starting at 7.00 A. M., then

utes lafer than the above-men- hour on the hour there- every hour on the hour to 12.00
tioned times. after, to 12.00 P. M. midnight.

•:. COKE .:. I

Phone Narberth 2430 I.~~~~!!iiii!!!~~~~~!!!!.!~~~~~~~!!!i!!!!!iiiiii!iiiii!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Page Twelve OUR TOWN February 7, l~jO

- - - .

Criminal of Today Is ~rodern hig'h-press~re advertisin.g" religion in .the train~ng" ~f youth. The by the Rev. Frank M. Gray. His talk
was cited as a factor. A demand IS rock and rlh of society IS made up of was regarded as one of the most inter-
Youth, Chaplain Says created for an expensive product, I
men taught thrift in their youth. If esting and informative the club has
CONTINUED FROM THE FIRST PAOli which the youth feels he must have I can get a criminal to save but SOc a heard.
The average education is less than I
in orde: to compete with ot~ers of h~s week: he heads away from ja~I." . A feature of the dinner was a
fourth-grade value, and the young men age. Uneducated and untrained, he IS Crime comes seldom from mdustrlal "broadcast" arranged by \Valter G.
•are found to be Iloorl\'
_ trained for life's. unable to earn the necessary amount communities (excepting crimes of vio- . Case, N ar I)er tl I e I
j ectnca
' I man.
economic battle. of money honestly, and turns to the lence), because the factory worker IS , . .
. .
Dlscardmg ,
almost enltrelv the con- apparen)t1 , ' me tl10 d 0 f
easy-mone) trallle( I'f t Ila b'It. It 'IS 1 hrough the speaker of a Victor RadiO
. I to a 11111'f arm tIn
\'entional theories of hereditv and en- "sticking up" gasoline stations and when the son of the factory man leaves set in the room came songs and spe-
vironment as the causes of ~rime. the pedestrians. the conllllunity and yearns for the dalties interspersed with station an-
speaker pointed to the more general Lack of thrift training was cited as white-collar joh for which he is not I nouncements. It was discovered that
environment factors of modl'rn eco- another factor in the increase of crime. trained. that the danger arises. the "hroadcast" was by means of
nomic standards. Boys unable to "The youth of today is economically Dr. Bowman. whose talk was fol- phonograph records in an adjoining
"make the grade" in earnings turn to untrained," Dr. Bowman said. "I re- lowed by a battery of questions last- room, so cleverly hooked up that most
crimc. gard thrift societies as almost akin to ing morc than an hour. was introduced of the dincrs were dcceh·ed.

February 13th-l0 P. M. Eastern Standard Time
1"'~"'·~s~~~~.?-~·F.W-ONLY IF YOU HAVE VICTOR RADIO IN YOUR HOME can you hear this
'i'~11 { ;;1~:\\~" ',1: Victor hour of glorious entertainment, fully, completely, perfecdy-exacdy as it is
I~i I !,~: d.: ;,~1t; ;'\.:;:;:;. ~I:Z~ ; ; ~):F.i ~' ~-1'~11 perform~~;~Ne;~;~;;iO ;: N;=:r:;;~g~:~;.
i\l~ I~{!Ii.~!~1{~
11\,!1) ) \\~" -
,A :~::t~nE:'~E;'::;:::t:~:~~::::':~::::~5;:;~~;~:~la~~:;
~. I'j, ::;7:'.'-." ....,' ,/

1 ,/', "l-:."'" ':i There wi;l be details, there will be features of this program which can be
~ reproduced, really, completely, exactly as performed in the studio. ONLY BY


The world's finest radio receiver in a
simple, modern, compact cabinet.
We want every present and prospective owner of radio
in this community to know what Victor Radio can give what radio
entertainment really is, when it is reproduced in all the richness, brilliance and vitality
of perfectly reproduced musical tone. Only Victor Radio can give you such a
To prove Vietor Radio and our statements about it, we will place in your home,
for Victor's February 13th broadcast, any of the four Victor Radio models you
select. (Unless our stock of a particular model is exhausted before you call to ask
for your choice.) There will be no charge and no obligation.


-and we can offer it to you because we know that most of the people who are
eagerly accepting our offer will never again be satisfied with inferior radio. They
will not be satisfied with radio that depreciates over night, or is superseded with a
so-called "new model" every few weeks.


VICTOR RADIO and Victor Radio is still far in advance. You have it in your own
ELECTROLA RB·45 hands to prove this statement without obligation, without interruption, without
The complete, modern mUlicll1 in.
strument. Victor RlIdio lind annoyance or "high-pressure salesmanship." Listen to Vietor's broadcast. February
record reproduction through slime 13th, in your own home-and discover what radio entertainment really can be.
matchless amplifying system.
Musically, there is no greater Vic·

~Al2I3~I?Tti ~L~~Tl2I~
A Real Radio Rendezvous
J tif)J)

I 241 Haverford Ave., Narberth

Electrical Appliances and Ser...ici"g
Phone: Narberth 4182
Victor Records .:. Sheet Music .:. Strings for Musical Imtruments
Februtlry 7, 1930 OUR TOWN Page Thirteen


General. Not :ce- toClasstfied Advertisements will be charged only
residents ot the Main Ltne whose names
appear In the telephone directory; to persons maintaining an aecount with
lIlrM. Annc Morgan Hobcrts, the and Mrs. H. G. Reevs, of Windsor us, or to regUlar subscribers to either THE MAIN LINER. OUR TOWN, or
conductor of the Fireside, will be Avenue, is spending this week with her NEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD.
glad to hear about your parties, parents. She will return to Penn State
and any Items of Mocial interest 10 cents a line In each paper; 25 cents a line In all three.
l:lhe lIlay be reach cd dail~' fro III 9
to 5 at Ardmore 3253.
College on Sunday. Rates --Minimum charge, 35c In one paper; 75 cents In all three Av-
Mr. Edwin Speakman, of Hampden erage ot five words to the line. No blacktaced type used.
Avenue, and Mr. Fred Egmore, of
Mrs. Harry L. Fredericks, of York.
Pa., spent a few davs last week with
Elmwood Avenue, members of the
Glee Club of Ha'verford College, spent
Deadl:ne for InseJ·tions-
Classified advertisemcnts will
bc accepted up to WedneSday 5
o'clock tor OUR TOWN or all three papers; Thursday, 1 O'clock, for THE
Mrs. George B. (oleman, of Price last week-end in Atlantic City. The MAIN LINER; Thursday, 5 o'clock tor NEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD.
Avenue. Haverford College Glee Club gave a
concert at the St. Dennis on Friday
Mrs. E. C. Griswold, of Chestnut
Avenue, entertained at bridge last Fri·
evening and a concert at Haddon Hall
on Saturday evening.
Phone Your Ads to ARDMORE 3100
da)' evening. Among the guests were
Mrs. Robert Talley, Mrs. P. L. Steven. Miss Dorothy Clevenger, of \Vood-
son, :Mrs. Thomas McElwee, I\lrs. Eu, side Avenue, and Miss Madeline Bow-
At Your Ser...ice
gene Morrell, Mrs. J. F. Monoghan. man, of North Narberth Avenue, ac-
Miss Mary L. Frehafer and Mrs. Carl companied by Miss Harriet Davenport, PIANO 1'1JNI~R In ~'our OWn tuwn
Letters to Editor
E. Dodds. who has been visiting them, returned costs much less. Send postal. Q;
Uherti, :111 Hampdcn Avcnue. .' ·(to·
Mrs. Carl D. Grace and her daugh, to \Vilson College on Monday. YOUNG woman desires dressmaking,
Praises Muschamp Book
ter, I\Iiss Betty Grace, of \Vindsor and Mr. and ).Irs. Charles \Vafer arc altcrations or mcnding at hcr home To the Editor of "Our Town":
Narberth Avenues, and Mrs. Allan E. now occupying an apartment at 43 or yours. Narb. 2775-W. (3-21) Dear Sir:
Shubert and her son, AlIan E. Shubert, Avon Road. WA1'I~R WAVING done In your home:
Jr., spent the week-end at the Chal, Miss l\largaret Kl~nt, of Essex Ave- satisfaction guarantecd. Rate, 50c Ever since my hoy hood days I
fonte-Haddon Hall, Atlantic City nue, will be hostess to her bridge club Ph. Cyn. 11-M for appointment. (ob2-7) have heen a persistent reader of hiog.
Mr. and Mrs. \Vayne G. Lyle, of on Monday night. YOUH BUSINESS can De advertised to raphy, preferring it to all other iorllls
Germantown, have been spending sev- :Miss Mabel Kirkpatrick, of Essex tion. advantage under the above elasslflca- of literature. \Vithin the past year I
eral weeks with Mrs. Lyle's father. Avenue, will spend the week-end at Narbp.rth Ask about our 10-time rate. Call have read Illore than a half dozen
2545 or Cynwyd 811. (obtO high-class works III that field. Know·
Mr. D. O. Lyle, of 223 Avon Road. Allentown as the guest of Mrs. ~1. MAILING and addressing scrvlce avail- ing my trenchant for this particulal
~Irs. D. O. Lyle has been in Mount \V. Snyder, mother of ~Ir. \Valter able to bus. firms, assocIations, etc. kind of reading. Santa Claus dropped
Holyoke, .Mass., with her daughter. Hunsicker. to whom ~I iss Kirkpatrick Call Nar. 2545 or Cyn. 811 (obtf> into my stocking a copy of ".\udaciom
Miss !\Iina Lyle, who is now recuper- is engaged. ~Iiss Kirkpatrick and I\lr. Audubon." I have read it from covel
ating at Mount Holyoke College In- Hunsicker will attend the dance to- For Sale to cover and alll prepared to rank it
firmary from a recent operation for night at the Un co St. Leger Club. of Fon HALI~-nood hrass doublc bed. with the best biographical studies ]
appendicitis. which Mr. Hunsicker is a membe'. On ">'ill sell reasonahly. Phonc Ardmorc have ever found.
MI'. and Mrs. Do::al"; Stuart Hoff- Saturdav Mrs. Robert \\'. Miers will 227S-\\'. Auduhon was one of the 1Il0St Ill.
man have returned from Miami, Fla., give a tea 111 honor of ~I iss Kirkpat- Fan SA1,1':-1 :ural gcorgette dress. slzc
where they have been spending their rick. 36. and "oral felt hat. $t5. Call Mer. teresting and courageons character;:
220-.1. (llmh 2-7) that America has yet produced. M r
wedding trip on board the yacht Gra- Miss Polly PalmlJuist. of l\arl'rook CUT-OI'-I" saw rig, mounted lin Wheels;, Muschamp has written a volume which
nada 4, as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Park, will give a dinner and bridge on .\ h.I'. ,.ms engine: 24-ln. cire. saw, is in every respect worthy hoth of the
Fred A. Poor, of Chicago. They arc Februarv 22 in honor of the MIsses jl<'lll'd tll '''Ig'ine; reas. Frank Se.. l~·, subject and the author. The uews
now at home at 321 Summit Avenue, Esther and Alice \Vilkins. of Bnston, 8ervi"e ('0 .• 5 Bal" Ave. ('ynw~'d S77. paper and lIlagazine reviews of it have
i \Vayne. 1\1 rs. Hoffman will be re- who will be her guests at that time. (olllh2-7) been verv laudatorv. but none of them
membered as I\Iiss Emma Coolidge Among the guests will be 1\1 iss Dor- "'c"'o"'n=-u.,.-\"',,=--O""O=D:--""\"'V-o-o"'d:-f·o:-r=-s-·'' 'II''e-.":';w;;';;jJih"'·a':n=-, above whatit has' deserved.
I Painter, daughter of 1\lr. and Mrs. othy Russell, Miss Dorothy Vall der-
Howard T. Painter, of \Vayne.
I bec-k, both of Cynwyd; Miss Patience
l\Ir. and Mrs. Painter will leave on \Volhert, of Narberth: Miss Hetty
J.1-'oot. Phone Cynwyd 984. (oh3-14)
Garages F or Rent r
I\ltich of the life oi Audubon If
I stranger, indeed. than fiction. Parent,
who place this book in their libraries
February 8 for Pompano, Fla. Ashman. of Germa!ltown: 1\1 r~. J. Fol- FOIt HgNT-Two garages. :'<arhel'th will find their children taking" kef'n de
Mrs. Clarence H. Woohnington, of wel.1 Scull, Jr.. of Cynwyd; ~1.lss Betty and Havllrfol'd A VenUeS. Phone eve- light in it and gaining" healthful m·
Narbrook Park, attended the P. T. A. Swm~, of B~yn I\lawr: ~llss. Ruth nlngs. Narherth ;IS2S-R. (2-7) spiration from it.
Convention at Lansdale, on Saturday. Hopkms, of :\a:berth; ~Ir. J. 1',?I\\'ell Real Estate tor Rent ! am.vyry proud to know that a :\ar
1\1" 1\1 . W . d I f M Scull, Jr.. of Cynwyd; ~I r. \\ llham
1 ISS . a~le ' entz, r aug Iter 0 , r. Dothard. of Xarberth: M r. ~I orris Lee. ('YX\\'YJJ-;\Iodern furnished hou,,,. Ill'rth cItizen has heen ahll' tll telt Olll
an~ .Mrs. \\ alton M. \\ er,~~"o! \V.a~n~ of Swarthmore: ~Ir. Henry l\elson, of foreon\·enielH'es. Hent fr,'p in "x"hange generation the fascinating" stury of thl
houI',1 of wife and sl,lL "Owner." world's most famous ornilhlliogist and
A\ enue, entered the N urses ~rammg Ardmore: ~I r. Rohert Hichil', of Box !I. B"la-('~·nw~·d. (0I11u2-7) to telt it in such a way that the prod
9 ass at Hahnemann HospItal on Chestnut Hill; 1\1 r. Robert Houseman.
y FO~ ngN1'-Narberth, detached house. uct of his pen will undoubtedly fmt!
1 hursday, JManuar 30. .. f I of West Philadelphia; Mr. Lee Haze)'. SIX rms. and bath, 2 square~ from sta- permanent place among the best I,iog
Mr. and, rs. R . A. Russell •. 0 C 0- of ~.I ount Airv. ~f r. Richard Kromer. tion; P?rft. cond .. DU~hln & Howard, raphies of the ages.
\:er Lan~, Merwood, gave a dmner on of Cvn~vvd ai1<1 1\1 r. Edward \\'ilcox 31 :". :"arherth A\e., Narberth. (to HARRY ~1. C1L\LFA:\T
STunday 111 honor of Mrs. \Valter H. of Lansd·o\~'ne. '
~ash, of Lant~v~'n Lane, w.ho left?n Rooms and Boarding
The ~lisses \Vilkins will also be the LAH.t: I'~ roon1 \\·ith t ,vin hedH, couph·
1) hursday to VISIt her relatlv.es at ~t. "uests of honor at a tea given hv ~I rs. 01' 2 g-irls; 1,ltchen privlJeg-es. 10:12 Why Sidewalks
1 eters.burg, ,~Ia .• where she WIll remam Logan Gill, of Overbrook, 011 the ;\Iontg'omery Ave., :"arh. :l7l"-.!.
a mon t1~. I here were twelve guests afternoon of F ebruarv 2.3. (0Il1h2-7) Dear Sir: To the Editor of aliI' Tllwn:
at hI'the dmer.
All t
'I' ISS I "Iler a
aVtls ,
d It f 'I Jl ')' I'f' S
., rs. ern ,-ell er.• 1'..
~ug Ifer 0 Hoad, gave ;1 dinner on Tuesday eve-
f° . 5" I,
,m ~\ . T\\'O HOOMl:l, cOllllllunicating.
large, one :->Inall; board optional.
one As one of the man\' who, from
"' r. all( "rs. A11ler D aVIS, 0 Jona· A tl 1\1 I Xarhp.l·th 4195-M. (2-7> choice or necessity, daily' usc the side-
Avcnue, was the hostess to her bridge I\Ing. nlOng l.~ guests were • ". am walks of the Borough and ~I erion, may
club on Tucsday evening. ~I rs. \Valter B. (,ooda}1 and the ~I Isses 1J1';~InABLg rfJU!l1 for rent in private I ask whv do we have them: And of
MD' d M' D' '11 Anna and ~Ian' ~lacKeag. f:lIHil\". CPJlll"al ]oeati01l. Phone
. rs. aVIs an ~ ISS ~VIS ~\.". ~Irs. Philip jJitcher of Forrest .\ve- Xarhel'ih ·Il"l-\Y. what usc' have they bl'l'n dlll"ing the
spend the week-end m Readmg VISlt- I ' " T\\"'O pleaxant 1'"00111:-> :UHl g"ood hoard past three weeks when covered with
ing Mrs. Robert Fretz and Mrs. Paul !IUe, gave a unchl'o!1 on. \\ cdnl'sday fOI' g'l'nl1elllen In 1'1'1. falllll~·. Phone snow and ice: The utter disregard
Boyd the daughters of I\t r. and ~Irs. In h?nor of he.r, cousm. ~I!ss Anna L. Xa rlJ<'rt h :165 1-\\'. for the condition of the sidewalks by
.. '
D aVIs. DaVIdson. of loledo. OhIO. who has many property owners seems to the
1 . . . I 'I JJ' I '11 Help Wanted
1\1 rs. Leroy Douglas, of Elm Ter- leen VISIlII!g" le.r. ., rs;, It I' ler WI ~.\ L.J';~~LA~ "'Hnh'd to Holil'it orden" writer the worst he has ever seen ..\nd
race. entertained the memhers of the le~ve f~lr )\cw \ork on J !11Irsda} alld for Juntor and truetor oils, ronfinJ:: he has lived in mal1\' viltages. towns
Executive Board of the Philadelphia wl.1I s.all. f,ron.1 the~e O~l Sat~JnI~IY. ,ro.r ('P11H'l1t and paint. 'rhe ].~. 1\ Hargent and cities where IlCa~'y snow faits oc-
Irving College at luncheon on \Ved- I\llaml,. I 1,1.. 'Illd Sail .\ntonlO, ] ~xas. Bellnin!;" Co., Cleveland, O. cur.
nesdav at her home. SI~c. WIll he away about a 1110nth. INHl;nA~CI'~ :-;aJc:-;nlUll-expd., to :-;ell But why should the cleaning of side-
Miss Ruth Quinn, of Doylestown. I \~elve melllhers ~f .the f~rme: V.o~. cu:--ualty insuranec on l\tain l .. ille. walks depend on the property owners:
Pa., is spending the week with ~I iss !1!lteer Staff of the hbrar}. met la.. t Drawing- a('"ount. \\'rite "M," B..x If the local authorities clean the road-
Evelyn Jefferis, daughter of Mr. and ] hursday tl~ ohserve. the nmth :lnlll- 727:\, Ardnu)fe. (olnh~tf)
ways. wi1\' not the walks: Then a
Mrs. Samuel E. Jefferis of Dudley versary of Its estabhshl11l·nt. Lun.ch Wanted sidewalk 'would be clean its l'ntire
Avenue. ' was served at noon and the ente'. tam- QITll'~'r refilled Ilun.;e, on l'a:-;es Jnu:4 of leng"th and not hit and miss as at pres-
Mrs. H. F. Stevens. of Ha\'edord I11l:nt took the form of a general re- tlnu.', dcsiros furlli:-;hed rOOlll. Pril'c ent.
Avenue, will be the hostess to her UIllOII. " . 1l1ust he fPa,S. "Trite .. ~t,'· Our 'fo\\·n. Even worse than a snnw-coven'd
bridge club next Tuesday. ~I r. and Mrs. A. B. \\ al!lwnght. and Situations Wanted walks is one that holds the rain water
I\t rs. Howard Simpson, of South their ~a\l~hter, ?f. Old (,ull!h !,-oad, HOUHI,:WOItK wanted h~' reliahle 111 pools, and tlll're are many such in
Narberth Avenue, entertained at dinner arc enJoymg a VISIt .at t!le Chaltonte- "'hite \\'UI11HIl, two or three da)'s a this cOll1mtmity. If a sidewalk is worth
followed by a bridge last evening. H:>ddon H~II, ~tl~ntlc. CIty. r week: ex\). Be,t refs. Xo w"shing'. having in the first place. shLlnld it not
Al110ng the guests were Mr. and Mrs. • Mr. Ed~\:m httlpoldl, of the \ alley Phone HIllIoI' "S5-.!. (omu2-7) he properly constructed and kept in
. \VilIiam Stratton Mr. and Mrs. L. ). arge Mlht~ry ~cademy. spent last Dogs, Birds, Pets repair to shed water, and be kept clear
Parker Miller ~nd !\II'. and Mrs. week-end WIth 1~I.s .pare~lts, )'Ir. ~nd FOR SAL8-Boston terrier. pedlg-reed. of snow and icc by the street depart-
George Fleck. Mrs. John J. l'lttlpoldl, of ~Ieflon :l ~'ears old. househroken; reasonahle. Inent?
l\lrs. Warren Tvson, of Haverford Avenue. . •J. (;, 1·'lscher. 12 nulledge Avenue, Hut- :\ NARBERTH RESlDE:\T.
Avenue, entertained her club at lunch- . ,M r. E. C. Gr~swold. Mr. J ess Har~ Icdgc, Pa. Phonc Swarthmorc IOI3-n.
con and bridge on Wedncsday. fls and 1\11'. I. Hord attcnded the 7 (01l2-H)
Fred Fletcher Patten. former :\ ar-
Mrs. C. C. Smith, of Lantwvn Lane, forty-fourth annual banCluet ,ot the HCHNAlJ7.J,:n PllI'PIl~S A few real berth violinist. who is wClI known for
is visiting her parents at Emlenton ~e~chants and Mal1l~facturers Asso- 'nlec ones, reasonahlc; of the best of
Pa. ' clallon on Thursday IIIght at the Belle- im)l. winning hlood Jines. Carl O\I)ler- his solos with the Main Line Orches-
man, Troo\ler, Pa. Norristown H. D. 1. tra, spent the week-end at his home in
Master Jerry and Miss Jane Nash, vue-Stratford. r (ob2-21) Narberth, on leave from the Valley
son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Robert J. Dotha~d! .of V\ ~nne­ Forge Military Academy where he
Robert J. -Nash, entertained ten chil- :-"c.od Road, has been vIsIting fnends Miscellaneous
dren at a sledding party on Friday eve- In New Y~)rk !~lr a couple of da}s. SIl,K LA 1\1 I' shades, estimates gi\'en on holds the hi!{hest scllolastic record.
ning. Mrs. Ahce lapp. of Conway Ave- Phon flomestie and IIll\lorted .goods; refs. As senior captain, in command of
.. D,)r()th~' B,·als. Anlmore 2324. Troop C, Fred finds the work IllCSt in-
l\Iiss Susan Ree\'s, daughter of Mr. CONTJNUJoJD ON LAST PAGE (omh2-7) teresting.
Page Fourteen OUR TOWN February 7, 1930


() J .'-
'. l
. ~. '0

Library Notes
There really should a plaque ~et in
the wall of the Merion Title and Trust
Building, with the inscription "Hert
was born the Narberth Conllllunih
Library, January 31. 1921." For [1
was there that the "Bungalow" ~tood
where the famous eighteen "olullle~
started on their task of multi:llying
themselves into the institution no,.
housed in the COlllmunity Builrling
with an air of always having beel
there. Ev\:n those who worked and
schooled themselves to patience dur
ing the years of slow growth car
hardly realize that only nine yean
have passed since the heginning.
The steady, healthful devc!opmenl
of the libran' has heen due, at leas1
in part, to t'll<' fact that it has beer
trulv a communitv effort, the CO-Oil
eration of lIIany, 110t the gift of a few
Since 1925 the owning and governing
body has been the Narberth Cllmlllu
nit\' Lihran' Association. membershir
in \dlich is ;)pen to anyone on paymenl
of dues of $1 a year, or of $25 for. ~
life membership. It is unfortunate
that membership in the association h
not 1II0re gelleral in the comlllunity
Indeed, in 1929 there were less tha...
ISO members in the association, includ
ing life memhers. although ther" are
many times that nUlllber of regi,.tered
horrowers, The library can continue
to be a fl'al community activity only
if a large proportion of the· I'eople
share the responsibility of its main-
tenance and direction.

Measles Leads Diseases

X ineteen new cases of measles and
fourteen of mumps head the list of
An architect's sketch of the Strawbridg-e and Clothier store now in course of construction at Mont- contagious diseases in the report of
gomery A venue and St. Georges Road, Anlmon:. The steel frame of the four-story huilding- is no\\' 111 Health Officer Marvin E. Reynolds for
the week ending January 31. 1930. One
place and work is heing pushed so that the structure will he ready for occupancy in the spring. case of chicken pox, two of whooping
cough, and three of scarlet fever com-
Haverford College Receives Gift of $150,000 Not all the news is told in the news plete the list. The cases of scarlet
columns of this paper-read the ad vcr· fever arc in Ardmore, Merion and
For Art Museum; Announced at Annual Dinner tisements, also. \Vynnewood.
Announcement of a gift of $150.000 American artists."
for the establishment of an art muse- In the course of the dinner at which
~ hill
nm on the campus was made at the Iltl~e gift was .announced. two. members 1
annual midwinter dinner of the Haver- 01 the alumm body entered IIlto a de-
ford College Alumni Association at the I bate upon t~e. question as to whe.ther
Bellevue-Slratford on Saturday night. or not non-I, :lelHIs should be adnlltted
The donor, Charles ""harton Stork, to membershIp on th~ Board of Man- I
. 1"1'1 I I I . . agel's of Haverford College.
IS a 11 a< e plla poet and dramatist,. II- enry •S . D.'
nil k-er, J 1'., III
. t a k''lIlg tIe
and Haverford alulllnus. He resHles affirmative issue, pointed out that twe
in Chestnut Hill. lout of three members of the Alumni
Mr. Stokes. a member of the Board body. are non-Friends. whereas five ou1
. of SIX of the present undergraduat<:
of. ~Ianagers. who. announced the gift. body arc nOli-Friends, I-h' urged upon
Lincoln's Thrift
said that no defilllte plan for the con- his fellow alumni the thesis that the
strnctioll, the location or the precise college thus is being governed by a
contents of the building has been made' group representing but a mino~it>· of
• ., ' • > .' graduate and undergraduate opllllOn.
as ~ et, but th,lt a comnllttee of \\ hlch Francis R. Tavlar. member of the His most valuable characteristic, made pos-
he is chairman is considering the de- Board of Managers, argued that Hav-
lails al the presellt time. The other eriord never has foisted the beliefs nOI sible his career as a lawyer, later a President.
members of the committee are Parker Ihe creed of the sect by which it was
S \V'll'
. \ II TI . 11'.1 founded upon matriculates in the in-
I lams.• I' 1\11' lOmas an( • 01'- stilution. but at the same time has re- Start now to teach this great attribute to the
ris E. Leeds, all members of the Board tained its standing as dean of the
of Managers. Friends' institutiolls in America since
little ones by establi~hing an Educational
"No attempt will be made to special- its founding ninety-seven years ago. Fund for them with yourself, as Trustee.
ize in the selection of the art to be "There is a definite place for the
collected in the museum," Mr. Stokes sectarian in~titution," he sa,id. ':Jlar.tic· Equipped with a thorough education gained
said later "but I think it likelv that 1~lar1~: so ~lIlce !he sect~nan I\Isl1tu·
, ' .'- tlon IS rapIdly (hsappeanng from th(' with very little effort and sacrifice, their
we w1l1 concentrate on the pallltll1gs of educational system of America."
success is assured
years have passed since the binh of ABRAHAM LINCOLN. We are
still learning many things from his noble life. Following his
example, one thought for 1930 is, "That the way we begin the year
is not nearly so important as the way we continue it, and the way
we end it."
Shull Lumber Company OF • ARDMORE.
Tht Link B-ttween Forert and Home
February 7, 1930 OUR TOWN Page Fifteen

Noted Explorer to IAttendance at Borough Trade, and Lewis G. GrafT, president, Honors For Third Period
, S h IH B H' h COJ1lmereial Exchange. Announced at School
Speak at Bryn Mawr! c 00 as een Ig I In addition, Dr. Tily will ha\'e the

___ •
I '1'1,
the N b I i support of a host of other organiza-
ar crt 1 tions in this citv and of J1Iembers of
The honor roll for the third period
Harry Whitney to Interpret Big I school has averaged o,ver 90 per cent. ,. . ' . . . _, at the l\J arberth School as announced
• lof the enrollment dUring Jalluary, ac- the 1\.ltlOl1al RetaIl Dry Goods :'bso-
Game MOVies at Good· I cording to the report of Principal ciation, in which he was president, and this week by l'rinc:iJal George H, \Vil·
h rt H II I GeorFe H, \Vil;;on at the Ja:llla.~' now a meJ1lber of the ad\'isory coun- son follows:
a a • J1Ieetn,tg of .t!le School Board on l'rI- cil of ex-presidents, First honors: Se\Tllth Grade-
day \I1ght. J here has not been a trace
IS TONIGHT TOMORROW of any contagious disease all1Un~ any
pupils at the school, the principal's Chelnist's Report on
Xorma J-!oiluann, Elizabeth Krauskop
Janet },( CCI:I\', l.ois Shewell, Janl
report showed, . •
Alaskan big game and wild animal It was decided that no new children Milk For January S11Iedley.
'f . .
I I e carrymg on Its al y 1 e IJ1 I ~d'l I'f . 't wouldI be admitted
. I 11 f 1 to the
I I kinderg<Jrten
1 :\rrallgeml'nt Llf milks aceordillg to Sixth (;radc-CaroI:ne Casey, Emily
· I I I' at tIC ml( e t' 0 t Ie sc lOO year C Ul' to .. '. . , . , , f
usua I fas I11011 las }een caug It IJ1 a the large nllIllber now elll·ollee\. S,lIl1t,lr) gr,lde. for the month o. Jan- Edgl·rton. Eunice t :riswold, Louise
thrilling motion picture taken b) Authorizatioll was givell bv the Btlard lIary as sull1ll1t,ted by t hl' chelmst of :-'legee, nelly :'Iurray, Janet Otley,
Harry \Vhitney last sumlJ1er, which for the purchase for a ph;lI1ograph to I tbl' Lower }'lert<~n Boare.! of I1ealth,
) \\'1'11 be eX'!ll'bl'ted alld eX'!llal'llecl by hl'lll be used in physical • education work.. ~allltal':' ()t.';tler Certlfie~
IlL'!' Hutter' (':It •
I'aulille Sahro\'ich, \\'aynl' Deaves,
Carroll Palmer, Ho!lert !'erry, Donald
at 8:3U tonight, and again at 2:30 to·
0 r. T Oly N arned £or
1;..,,,1,, (]lIal'l 1:>' ,\na!>""s
~17. ~Uppl(,l' (\Vall't·1' l;ol'c1ol1) .. :lO.l~ ·1.1 \Togts,
morrow (Saturday) a f ternoon, al 1 :11:. ~,'otl 1',,,\·,,11 (1'""shlll'S\) .. :lt,' -1.1; St'coud htllH'r,; Se\'euth Grade-
Goodhart Hall, Bryn Mawr College. N I C £C P :IIL "':t"'a !lail'>' :111(· ::'s
at10na ost

Mr, \Vhitney was in c1;arge of the i .0 • :1-1. ,\1>1".11 (",'kl1"sl"r) ~O" ·I.t "aucy Hadicek, l.orna :-'IcCartlll'y
:17, .tollO'S Ins~~e~~d. ~~':": . ~i1k.. 211" fo,:l
I'rIH!cnce J 'err~', :-'1 arioll Snyder, Elea·
Whitney Carpenter expedition te'
nor \\'eld, Kalhr.\·n \\'"If. (;oury (\(
Alaska in the summer of 1929, which Cynwyd Man Nominated For Di- :17. l:r"o\",])'a,1 , , 2::" .\.7
was sent ont primarily to secnre speci. :'7. \'all,'y lIill , 2::" ·1.2 Beansell, I~aynlt>IHI I I utllphr:es, Rob·
~Ili. I )uIH'Hn 1;,p ;).7 ert Knapp.
mens of caribou and white mountain rector 0 f B0 d y From :'.1. ~,'"I I 1'""",11 (I','"shllrsl) .. 2"" 4.·t
Sixth (irade-I...:s Enz. }'Iary
sheep, with shrubbery, rocks and gras, D" t . t :12. Asl11>I'i,Ig-" 11;" .1.::
IS ric . I~,~.I,:.', Al,1>oll IP,,1.-I1,'sl"I·) 2::" .,-" :\ulty, Charlolll' \'an Dyke, Bett)
from the place in which they were ,> lIaITil"" Farl" ., 20" 4.·t
Kl'nnedy, Dwight :-'1 ackcll, Hobert
secured in order that they J1light b( :-:2. LlaY1H)llIt, 1·1l· :LS
, Dr. Herbert J, Tily, of Cynwyd,l so . I'""shllrsl .. , , .. 2::" :J.~ :-'loxon, JOl' !'erry, Th..mas Schock
arranged in habitat groups 111 the president of Strawbridge <'\: Clothier Pasteurized Milk James Snye!cl', I 'aul Tapp, Cyril
Academy of N atnral Sciences of Phila· , . _. BII 1"'I' Fa 1
· and one ot the outstandl11g fIgures In tlallra",,','<! \'oighl.
d eIp,I1Ia. . s > O' ~ ,_.:' I S '3 t IlC Ii,le I ( Iut' I,'ctal'1 (Istn
I' ') Hltton,.
, Ilas 1)CCI~ ~17, Ah},ott ... , •..... ·L:!rl ~::(' ·1.7 School Honors-Carnlilll' Casey
\\ h.lte .' heep, 111 ose., be,lr", ,lId, e I nonll.nated tor a place as e!lrect"r 01 :17. ~""It l'mn'lI ..... ·1.·1
22" ::'7 .laue! Otky,
, .1 :IlL 1\ I'd. I1oIlH' llaiJ'.\".~L~.') 1::('
I Ions 111 Sl IIlouette agal11st tle I s k'y, anu the Chamber nf Conllllerce oi the :14. "'a"'a !lairy .. , .. ::.2,. 17" ::'7 !
close-up portraits, fill the pictures, }'1 r United States from this district. :11. Wa "'a !lair)' ::'2:; 21<' .,-=============..
4 "I
\\" '111'tI ney I SI1.OWS f al I ar. t't'
IS S perc.e I
p t'10.1 1
1.J Dr, Til" will be a candidate to suc-
!IH. Lawtoll
!I/I. :it'ott 1'0\\"('11 ..... :C:!;)
:L:!.') 1:;('
1 :~c'
I~I t!e c 10lCe 0 settl11gs all( m 1I~ ceed Ernest '1', Trigg, who, after sen'- SS. :-;IIJlPI,"· (B. :\1.) ,. ::'2,; I::,' For
Itghtmg effects. ing for twelve ,veal'S on the board of ...;:.. S7 .•\ 101101 I .. , ..... ,. ::'S
,\I'd. HOHlt' Itail~y.::.H
1 fo,'
Mr. \\'hitney is one of 1'ennsyl\'a· the lIational body, has declined again s:;. ~U}Jpl"e (I:' :\1.) " :I.S
nia's best known sportsmen. His ex· to be a candidate for reelection this s:? S", Ahllnll .. , ::'2"
St. Valentine's
:--;t'ott Pllwt·ll ::'s 11;1'
periences began when he accompanied year. },I r. Trigg, who proposed Dr,
Commodore Peary's expedition to tin- Tily as a nominee for the national Day ....
Pole in 1908. The following year with board, is stepping aside because of the
Paul Rainey he returned for big game pressure of business incident to the
and secured the polar bear, "Silver recent merger in which John Lucas &
King," which is in the Bronx Zoo Co.. I nc" of which he is president, par-
\Vith Captain Bob Bartlett he ha~ ticipated.
made many trips since that timc into Dr. Tilv's nOlllination papers have
the far north. He will accompany Cap· been sign~d by Philip I-l. Gadsden, as'
tain Bartlett on the famous "~Iorris· president of Chamber oi l~o11lmerce;
sey" to Eastern (ireenland in June Ernest T, Trigg, l'l'presenting Com-
1930, mercial ~I useum; Emil 1'. Albrecht,
:\lr. \Vhitney is exhibiting these mo· president, The Bourse; J. S. \V. Hol-
tion pictures for the Pennsvlvania ton, president, the }'lariti11le Exchange;
League of Women Voters. 'fhe us{ Philip (iod1cy, pt'l~sidcnt, Board of NEEDN'T GO
of Goodhart Hall has been the gifl
of Bryn Mawr College, Tickets may
be obtained from the Pennsylvania
I" - - - - - - - -
H earls Are Trump
-she will appre~iate your
thoughtfulness, if you make it
League, Pennypacker 9245, or at thl I No need to travel 50uth, you HUMMING BIRD HOSIERY.
door before each showing. know,
Here is the place for wa,mth to It's only $1.50 in service or chif-
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! go, fon, and $1.95 in 45-gauge chif-
L:I\ a11thracile il1r- fon. Guaranteed: "Rip, run or
The Epworth League of the :\ar·
berth :'Iethodist Church will hold a O nishcs just tlll' COIl1- tear, you get a new pair."
home bake on Saturday, February H i ortahk tropical toucl, to
\·oltr 11Onll'. You ha\'e
in the store between Da\'is' anc! Shea's
The sale will start early ano end whel) I the satisfaction of know- PATRICIA
e\'erything is sold, C011le one-come
ing there is nil n1'lre
satis factory f ud ltscd,
L. M. Thompson 125 North Narberth Avenue
Trees and Shrubbery
-but our candy takes the trick BALA-CYNWYD (Theatre Building)
E"ergreen Trees
and Broad-Leaf every time. PHONE: NARBERTH 2898
Phone CYNWYD 280
Flowering Shrubs Permit us to suggest for that St,
i ~}:-~}:-~):Oi)"'lJ-~):::::~):Oi}:-~}OO\)O:n"'jJ::~~
2 to 3 ft., 25 for $S: per 100.. PO
Select clumps, 2 to 3 ft., 10 for $8
25 for $18: 100 for $60
Valentine's Day party:
Ice Cream In fancy molds ...
I~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ . .
Carload lots, 550 e!umlls for $200 (Abbott's)
Seedling, 5 to 18 ins., ]leI' 100, $8;
per 1000. $70 Valentines, Party Favors I --HA ULING--
2 t.o :l ft., 25 for $~; per 100, $:12
Seedling, 5 t.o 18 IllS" ]leI' 100, $8; Salted Nuts, and Reymer's fancy II LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE
per 1000. $7(1
:) to :l ft.., 25 for $~: per 100, $::2 box candies.
Seedling, 5 t.o 18 illS., ller 100, $8: Prompt and Efficient Sen'ice
per 1000, $7(1
first.-c1ass stocl<
packed tn wet moss or soil; baled
root.s, ESSEX KANDY Crating, Packing and Shipping
and burlaplled, (;"'410 with ord(·r.
BOX 536
~~~t=tt='" t .;:;;P:;;p;:;;p=;;;~;;::;p:~;p:;;~;r:;op~1
II"· , I~~~~,---~'-
Page Sixteen OUR TOWN February 7, 1930
- .-- -------.--- ----- ----- - ~------~- ---._-_.

II J~~~~r:;(~:I,~tl:~:t~~~~::~lltl-
on Fcbruan' 10 at 2 p, M" and the

Where to Go
I, The Fireside
homc furni~hing classes in char~e of
'Miss Bcadles on February 13 and 14.
Ii nue, was thc fortune tcllcr tattlcd," is the Egyptian Thcatre'~ at-
at th·: firc- traction this Friday and Saturday. It :\ card party will be given Fcbru·
:\'AHBI'~HTH-Tf)day and tonl01··
1'0W, "Hal'rl tl) (;(-t": ::\ronda,'
Ittlen's· bcncfit last week. She' wa~ is all-talking, and includes in its ttlusi- ar~' 13 hy thc hospitality cOl1llllittce at
the hOlllc of 1\I rs. J. E. Burrcll, 507
I known as :"Iadame Olivc. cal numbers the popular "Chant of the
a nel rl·ue:-:c)ny, (:Iorin ~wa n:-;oi,
In "Thp 'l'I'e:-;))a~HPr"; 'Vednl's- i Mrs. H. B. Spced entcrtaincd at Jungle," A :"Iickey :-'lousc comedy is Valley Road, :-'Ierion. Thc assisting
hostcsses will bc :-'Irs. E. A, Lane,
day :uHl Thursday. ",Mariann(l", Ilut:cheon followcd by hridg-c on I scheduled as an accompanying fcature.
\vitl1 ~larian Ila\'it.'s; Fricla\'
ancl Hatut~rlay. Dlllot'es n ... l ni~) \Vcdncsday aftcrnoon.
am on r t he 'uest~ wcre :-'1 r~. H. C
Includcd '1'1 IT'
. IC
I1Iversa t.a 'tIIg news reVIew,
.~Irs. A. E. Davis and :-'Irs. R. A
:-'1 izner.
in ""~\'allg;('lil1e:'
E(:YPTf..\=-'-Today HIH] tOlll0r- Po g , g • I' \,. 'I WIth Graham ~1 cNamce as announccr-
1'1lW, .foHn (',"awford in "LTIl-
,'enno, >,1 rs. ?Ii ew til_ . \ Ismer, , ,\ rs, 'rcportcr, ' . to I)C a rcgu Jar featurc cac II
taI1H~d"; :\londay and TUcHday. Jack Healy, :-'Irs. \\ hartol~ Carroll. Fridav and Saturdav at Thc Egvptian, MRS. R. A. BAILEY
"Tilt' V'il'I.,dnian" "r('rlne:-;(hl~', :-'lrs. J ('an .\lIcn till's. \Vilham Hart· '. - ' ~I rs. Rachel :\. Hailey, 1110111<'1' of
Thul"sclay. Friday allel f;atur- 'I R "11' .1 accordmg to :-'1 anagcr J oscph Conway.
day, "flill flila." 1ell, ., rs. 0\' \\'1 lams, :-. rs. Robert Ernest :\. Bailey. of (l07 ESSl'X :\ ve-
.\ HI ll\lOHI'; TlI,la~', Collet'" Town, :-'Irs. -Carl (;race, :-'Irs. Fred- A formcr managcr of The Egyptian, nuc, passed away Tiltlr~day. Ja!mary
:\Ioort' in "Footlig-ht:-; and crick Saunders, of :-'Ierion: :-'Ir~. How- Jack Eaton, js thc produccr of the
F'ool~"; tOlllolTO\\" "The Battle
30, at noon and was in her 87th ycar.
ani Dawson, of I'hiladelphia: :-'I:·s. J Grantland Rice Pictorials which arc
of Pari:.:"; .:\I(lIl<1a~·. TlIl':-:dar
\y. Darville',of \\'ynnewood, and :"Irs. shown at thc C\'nwvd Thcatre cvcr\' two She had heen confilH'd to her her! for
alld \\redIH'HdHY, "Silo,,' of and one-half years following a
\ \'onnc McUure. '. '. .,.'
ShowH"; Thul':-:clay and Friday. 'I r' I-I • I-J. 'I· .. ,II f Il"cl1r<I I'\.Oll(!. I other-. week-end, mcludmg thIS I,rtday ~troke of paraly~is. ] 1,,1' h01111' \1'<lS in
"The :\1 a ITiag'f' I ')ayg-I"ou nd": ~,~. ~, .1X-\\ C I 0

Halul"day, "Pailllt·f1 Fac·e:.:." ~rerion, will he the hostess to l1l'r and Salurday. H:l~ting-~, :-'1 ichig-an. and was here vi~­
~(·~\·TLLI·~-Today and tOlllnrn)\\", 'I hridge cluh at luncheon and bridg-e on
".\ .song' of KpI11ul·].\:Y"; :\lnll- itiq.{ her son when ~he was taken ill.
:-'Ionday aft(·rnoon. The g-uests will
<1a~·. TU('Hflay and \\PerIIH·:-:day.
"Hot fur Pari~": Thu'·,da~· and bc :-'Irs. H. T. l1Ies~er, of. \\'a~hington, Miss Kathryn Gleason Weds She wa~ \--e .. y activc in t he work of
and :-'Irs. \\T. A. !lak('r, of Lord,burg. the \\'"nl('n'~ Christian Telll\ll':-ance
F','jday. "Tll ..., Hat'lit-ltcer"; Hat·
unlay, .Jalll't tfaynol' in "Clu"iH-
I ]la, who is vi~iting :-'1 r. Richard Darl- Mr. Clement L. Keeler l'nion and was per~onall~- acquainted
tina." in~ton: of Ba~f(~ R~a(~. The oth,er I , • . ---.. _. with Fr;wCt·s \Villard, Funeral ,en'-
\\'AY:'\I'~-1"IHlay and 1011101To,,", members of the club ,Ire :-'11'" :\lIdre\\, I hc marrtage of 1\1Iss Kathr\"ll (,lea- in's were held at the late n',;;dence
(:{'Ol'g't' Al'li:-::-: in "PiHrae]i"; Iluchana!l, :-'Irs. Jay Bossard, ,~~ is~.1 son, daug-Ittcr of :-'1 r. and :-'lrs: Charlc, here at l{ o'clock Saturday e\·('n,ng".
:\lolHlay and 1~1l1':-:(lay. ;'The Hp- i H ekn Schky, :-'Irs. J. :\Idan 11fTt. (;Ieason, of Ilrand\"\vine Summit, and conducted bv I{C\'. SanlUel :-'1 ae.\llal11~.
lurll of
""I'c1llc sc1ay
allel I
Thul":..;nay. :-'lrs. ~,?rman L. Knipe and :-'Irs. E! :-'11', Clement L. K('elcr, son of ~Ir of :\arherth·:-'1. E. Chnrch. On Sun-
"Thp I)a IH't' of Lifl'''; "'~rirla ,- Holt UJaS(ln. !and :-". r~. William H. Keeler, of :-'Icr- day 1II0rning :-'lr. and :-'irs. Ern,!,;t .\.
:Iud Haturdar. "«;01£1 I>ig-g"l'rH r;r I ion. to"k place last Saturday nlllrning Bailey accompanied the hody to Ha,;t-
ings, :-'1 ichigan, for funeral ~er\'iee~
Broad \\'a~·." IlVirginian ' by Main Line i~1 St. .Co.rnelius's Chapel, !3 randywin, and bnrial. :-'11'';. Ilail,'\' i,; ~un'i\'('rl 1)\·
THEATRES " SUI1lI1lIt. tit the pre~ence o[ the lnlmc-
.\ 11I,;I,I'III--'''''h" Inlinill' Hh",,- I Novelist and ~Rio Rita' diate familie,; of the bride and bride· two ~ons, Erl1(·~t .\. ·Bailey. of :\ar-
hl:!p],," ('hannillg' 10\'e :--tor~ , groom. The Re\·. Leo J. Fahey otli· berth. and Er!ward :-'1. Dailey, of De-
with philo:-:ophical ha(·lq.l,Tounrl
l:Jt(l ..\J)--La:--t two <lay:-: of \\~il­
Come to Cynwyd Theatre eiated. t roi t.
]jam nill"ll,' ill "Hhl'l'loel, The bride wa,; attender! h\' her ~i~­
Ilo]IlIl-':-;," "I }f'HI'ula" 0IJt'n~ itT. :-'liss :-'1 an' (;1ea~on, aIHI·:-'lr. \Vil- H. A. SPERRY
:-'Iain Line ncighbors of Owen \\'is- lial1l H. Keel~r, father of :-'1 r. Keeler,
l··()Hnl·~HT--"ThL' :\ew :\10(1)," a tcr, Bryn :-'1 awl' novelist, will havc an 'erved as be~t Inan. H. :\. SpelTY died Satunlay at the
Illu:-;ical ~IHl\\' whiph ha~ opportunity next :-.r onr!ay and Tues- hontl' of hi~ ~on, R. O. Sp(-rry. 213
l:pon their return from a wedding Fore~t :\\-enue. :\arberth. whl're he
aehie\'ed \\'ell-nH~rit(>d IHJpular-
ily. day to ('njoy ':The \-irg-inian," the !rip in the South. :-'1 r. and :-'Irs. Keeler had !in'd for eleven veal's ~ince the'
c'.-\nnt<·I'-"(·ollllil'·:-; Ilot. ('ho('- SIOl-y of \\'estern outlaws, fricndships, will live at the i\arberth Hall Apart- death of his wife. norn in Dd!'oit in
olatf':--," all-colort'£] r('vUt>, 1101 ,ncnts, E,;sex :\\'cnue, ?\arberth. IIl-B, his cnlistml'nl in the Civil \\'ar
lovc, chivalry, hunHlr and g-un-play,
~tuff if .i·Otll· t:u.;tl-':-: art' cc)eetif'.
which Thcodorc Roo~evelt praised, and was denied because. doctors told him.
KEITH'H-"The Forlu,,!.' 1',,11<,1'''' h(' would not li\'e six l110nths long"er.
a not hpJ' yit,tol' I J('rlH'l't offer, which has becotlte a classic. Thc film. Club Announces Activities Funeral ~ervice~ were held Tuesda\-
l.),fl1< '--",Jou .. "",-·' 1';",1." You which follow,; thl' book'~ plot fairly Three new classes of the J.Vomen's afternoon frol1l Olivcr Bair's funeral
ha \'p f'lp\'PIl Inl')n~ nJlJlortuniti(~l'" closdy, will be shown at The Egyp- Cotltmunity Club of :\arbl'rth wen parlor,;. Philadelphia, w,th the Rcv.
to ~l'C t hp Ilcst war play :-.;int·(:
"\'~hat l ri('e (;lor'Y'!"
tian, Cynwyd, thc first of next wcck. annoulH','d at the l1Ieding- TUI'~day h~ John Van :\e~s, of the :\arhl'rth Pre~­
i)\·tedan Church, in chargc. 1ntcrment
HIII·III·;flT---1'wo ";,,,,(' <!ay~ of Includcli in ils all-talking cast arc (;ary :-'Irs. \\'. ~. :-'lill~, chairman of the \\:as at :\lIenda1e. :-.:. D .. wherc 1\11',
"Jntl-'rnationa] HeYlIP," the Cooper as the Virginian. :-.rarr Brian .\merican Home dcpartmcnt. Thcy Sperry was a pioneer when that State
101h (·clition of "C,('org'(-' \Vhitt"~
"~('all(lal:..;·' flj)cn:-; ;\Ionclay, as his swedheart from :\ew Eng-lalHl,; are the knitting" class in the club room \\"Cl:-o a territory,
"~,,\f.,~I'T-"H.op('·:-; 1'~lld," orig. I Richard :\rlen a,; their lovable bnt
inal 1..011(1011 (':1st in a "differ',
p"I" Ih.. ill"r. weak friend, and \ Valt er J-l u~ton (of
;\I.-\J:'o: 1.1:'0:1'; It''IH' .. lol·~- 1'heall"<>- "( ;entlemen of the I'res,;" and "The
"Arm~ au,1 Ihe ;lla"," Thur~­
Lady Lies" fame) as Tral1lpas, outlaw
<lay. F'chruary 20. \Vonlan'l'"
t'lul> of llala-f,'y"wYd. extraordinary.
I'hiladelphia Ch'i(' Opera Com·
pa"y-Moz"rl'~ "Th" ;\Iag-ie
Schcduled for thc cntire last four
days of next week, is "Rio Rita," ac-
Flul,·..· Thul'",lay, Fphrual'y 1:1 claimcr! as thc bcst talking screen
I'hila<!e]pl;ia '/'t'('hp,tra-Th i, adaptation of a musical play that has
afternoon alld tOtllOITOW eYe, yct been produced. Thc title role is
ning' ~ln7.arl. H('I",lJinA", anll playcd by the versatilc Debc Daniels,!
(':ll'l)l'uter: ()s:-;i)J (,ahrilovih'h
4'011(1 uet or. who surprised the pnblic with hcr sing--
::\lain Line (h·(·ht·:-;tra-Frid:l~',
ing voice. John Doles. stagc star of
I'·p)n'uHI'y I-I, Lowl~r .:\lerioll
.Juniol' Iligh ~l'hflO) AuditOl'i· "Dcsert Song" movie famc, gi\'es a you are invited to inspect the large assort-
Uill. pleasing pcrformancc as her lovcr, who
is suspcctcd of being a bandit. Comcdy, mcnt of gifts and candies, including
is provided lihen.t1I Y by Bert \Vheeler,·
The editorial pagc in this wcck',
"Our Town"-have you rcad it:
l Dorothy Lee anrl Rohert \Voolscy. .
heart-shaped boxes, at
I!II 1111III1111II"1111II"""111111111""II Inl!! I! lI!"m '! l!! 11111111"III"1111111"""111111111 '

The EGYPTIAN Performances-

7 and 9 P. M.
Plenty of Parking
Bala Avenue Near Cynwyd Station Space
This FRIDAY and SATURDAY-Last chance to SEE·HEAR :
JOAN CRAWFORD in ~lUNT AMED" t Right at the Narberth Station

NARBERTH 2838-2839
-beautiful, impressive, touching, humorous out-door talkie, with
Place your order tlOlJ' for Abbott's De Luxe lee Cream
~~RIO "RITA" in fancy molds
-You'll find this musical drama even more tuneful, pleasing and
hilariously, divertingly FUNNY, than anything ever before.
...• .-
.~ .. _~

There is a printer's error in pagination


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