Peace or War With India?

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Peace or war with India?

In my opinion we need peace with India. Although India’s hostile agenda towards Pakistan is horrific and
both the nations have fought 3 war. But the war is not the appropriate option it only brings destruction
of mankind and create more hostility towards each other.

1- Stability of peace in region

Both india and Pakistan are nuclear powers and a war between them would not only cause destruction
to both of them but it would also destory the peace in the Asian region. India's foreign policy towards all
its neighboring countires is not satisfactory as we can see in recent scenarios between India and china as
they both are on the blink of war. So if there is any war between pakistan and india it will be hazardous
to all the countries in Asia. In order to maintain regional stability and peace both the nations should
bring their issues on table rather than on battlefields.

2- Economic crises

Although wars are fought to protect sovereignty and uphold the honor of a nation but practically it can
take a country’s stable economy back to its dwindled form. During a war too much fuel is needed for
tanks and airjets. There is much more need of artillery on war front. The destruction of infrastructure
and main buildings leads to disaster. In an article published in New York times it is predicted that if there
is any war between India and Pakistan both countries economies would collapse and they would get 100
years behind. Such economic crisis would give birth to hunger, poverty and many other health crisis.

3- Vulnerability

If there happend any war then both the countries would become so vulnerable to other countries of the
world. Specially the super powers. Any super power can overcome us through military intervention. It
wouldn’t be that much easy for them but chances are there. as we can see that in case of Afghanistan
both Russia and America are failed. Although it is a small country without nukes they have survived all
the wars but they are far behind other nations.

4- post war crimes and problems:

First of all if India and Pakistan go for a conflict with their full might there wouldn’t be any winner. And
after war the situation in both the countries would become more miserable. As both the countries are
already suffering from poverty, hunger and unemployment, after the war the situation would become
more miserable and dangerous. The poverty and hunger rate would increase. Those who supports war
they must keep in view that if war brings any solution in India pakistan it would have bring that in the
last three wars. As in 1965 pakistan's fought with full zeal and zest and they overdone India but the bone
of ccontention is still there i.e. kashmir issue.and after that in 1971 pakistan loss to India because of less
number of resources and budget. Because pakistan vested most of its resources in 1965 war.

5- India-pakistan war can leads to world war 3:

India Pakistan war can leads to world war. As already india is in conflict with China because of
controversy over land (laddakh) which india has occupied and has changed the status of that area by
negating article 370 of its constitution. America and Iran also have problematic relations specially after
the killing of suleman khameni by American army in baghdad. India's relation with Nepal are also
problematic. Now if india and Pakistan gets into a war then it will become easy for other nations to fulfill
their agendas.


Ever since the establishment of Pakistan, kashmir is a bone of contention between both the
countries.They have fought 3 wars but of no results. There wouldn’t be any peace until the kashmir issue
remain unresolved. Kashmir issue can be solved on table according to the will of united nations. But
internationaly no country is supporting pakistan except China in kashmir issue. Pakistan is powerful
country and has many powerful allies it can over done india in days in case of war but as i have
mentioned earlier the horrible consequences of war which can affect the roots of country and make us
vulnerable. Pakistan first priority is peace with India and other neighboring countries but if there is any
hostile aggression from Indian side it would be retaliated with its full might and zeal. Pakistan's spend
more money on defenfe budget and have fully prepared for any hostile military intervention. In Feb
2019 india tried to invade pakistan through balakot and consequences are still in front of whole world.
Pakistan is a peace loving nation and it is evident from the fact that it returned indian army officer
Abhinandan as peace will gesture. Though pakistan seek peace and stabiliy in region but it has ability
and power to answer any aggression with full might.

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