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Social Demand Approach

Aghenta (1987) opined that this approach looks on education, as service demanded by people just like
any other social services.


 To estimate the proportion of students completing school education and are likely to enter into
higher education.
 To estimate how many of these successful school leaving students would actually apply for
admission to colleges.
 To determine how many of the applicants should be given admission to higher education.
 To determine the length and duration of the study.

This approach is more prevalent in those societies which favor traditional cultural values, where
decisions are taken on the basis of public opinions (in a fragile polity and sometimes in a democracy)
and in societies where the social environment is generally pessimistic in nature.

The social demand approach regards education as a birth right and so, plans that it be made available to
all those who demand for it. One of the assumptions of the approach is that the demand for education
will continue to be greater than its supply.

Manpower Planning Approach

In this method, the general demand for and the capacity of supply of human resources in different
streams of and at different levels of the educational sector are estimated. The approach asserts that the
system of education produces the right quality of human resources with desirable knowledge, attitudes
and skills in the right numbers and thus, education is directly linked with economic development.

The Manpower Requirements Approach recognizes only areas of shortage of manpower in the economy
and plans to train and provide such required skilled manpower. It believers feel that in order to achieve
increased productivity more skilled manpower must be provided.

 Too much focus on plan preparation and not enough on plan implementation.
 Plans were being prepared in a top- down, technocratic way
 Not enough consideration was given to the changing environment.

A management tool to help an organization improve its performance by ensuring that the members of
the organization are working towards the same goals and by continuously adjusting the direction of the
organization to the changing environment on the basis of results

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