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CIGRÉ 1996 : 15/21/33-12 O




E.F. STEENNIS NUON Technisch Bedrijf
KEMA Nederland B.V. The Netherlands
Transmission & Distribution
The Netherlands


At KEMA, a new high frequency measuring technique To increase the reliability of a high voltage cable
is developed to detect partial discharges in polymer system, special attention should be paid to the
insulated cables and accessories. This technique can accessories. In these accessories, especially on
be used for cable(system)s applied with a concentric interfaces, certain discharges can maintain for very
neutral c.q. a helically structured earth screen of long periods, eventually resulting in a breakdown.
individual (copper) wires as well as for cable(system)s Therefore it is very important to detect these
with a solid metal enclosure. discharges in an early stage.
In addition, a system is developed to determine
capacitively the phase-angle of the three phases 1
seperately. The combination of the high frequency PD
detection technique and the phase-angle measurement 0,8

system results in a system with which it is possible to


make a phase-relationship between discharge pulses 0,6

and the working voltage.


This complete system makes it possible to perform at- 0,2

site PD measurements focused on accessories, without area A area B
any connection to high voltage parts of the system. The 0

measurements are based on newly developed 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1

frequency [MHz]
10 100 1000

techniques, while the PD determination is based on

traditional rules because of the PD-phase-angle Figure 1 Discharge spectrum

Both the field measurements with this complete system

as well as the measurements performed with just the The conventional way of electrical discharge detection
high frequency PD system on 150 kV accessories in at-site (bandwidth < 1 MHz, see figure 1, area A) has
The Netherlands are presented. several disadvantages, one of these is the significant
noise level, and is therefore used rarely.

*) KEMA Nederland B.V., T&D, P.O. Box 9035, NL-6800 ET ARNHEM, The Netherlands
An alternative is the acoustic discharge detection. The frequency band on which the measurement is based,
advantage is clear, no firm electric connection to the the noise level is relatively low. This is of particular
cable or accessory is needed and the measuring system advantage during measurements at-site, as will be
is simple. However, an important disadvantage is that shown.
not all discharges can be detected, especially smaller
discharges or larger discharges acoustically hidden
within the system are difficult to detect.

On the basis of existing knowledge and some new

ideas, KEMA has developed a new measuring
technique. It is called high frequency partial discharge measured signal
original signal single differentiated
measurement; this technique is an alternative for low
frequency partial discharge measurements and acoustic
single integrated
measurements. This way of detection is very suitable pulse magnitude original signal
for short cable lengths (in the laboratory) or accessories
(at-site) and can be used for diagnosing purposes. The
double integrated
new method is based on the high frequency pulse magnitude
characteristics of a discharge pulse. Because the noise
level is relatively low in the upper frequency band, this
method is ideally suited for unshielded measurements,
i.e. at-site measurements, on cable accessories. Figure 3 Various signals from discharge pulses
In addition, a (sub)system is developed to measure the for the interruption and coil technique
actual phase voltage. This makes it possible to relate
the occurence of a discharge with the sine-wave of the
voltage. For high frequency partial discharge detection there are
in principle two different ways to measure the pulses.
Discharges can be measured by means of an
2. PRINCIPLES HF DISCHARGE DETECTION interruption in the earth screen of a cable or by means
of a coil around that cable. Which one of these two
Partial discharges are electromagnetic pulses with should be applied mainly depends on the actual
charges distributed over a limited length of the cable construction of the cable system. In figure 3 the
(meters) as they travel along the cable (kilometers), see various signals obtained and derived are shown, when
figure 2. The semiconductive screens result in severe measuring with a screen interruption or with a coil.
attenuation of the high frequency components of the
discharge pulses travelling along the cable.
It is possible to measure a discharge pulse by
connecting an impedance over an interruption in the
metal earth screen of the cable [1]. Such an impedance
discharge pulse
can be a coaxial measuring cable, as shown in figure 4.
A discharge pulse will give a small voltage drop over
E this impedance. Reflection theory makes this behaviour
easily understandable.
An interruption can be made anywhere in the metal
earth screen of a cable. However, when discharges
discharge pulse travelling through cable from specific accessories have to be measured, such an
interruption should be made nearby the accessory.
Figure 4 Discharge pulse running in cable Sometimes, an interruption is already part of the design
of the accessory.
In order to obtain the best possible response, the
measuring cable should be connected to the screen near
This effect can be considered as an advantage because
the edge of the interruption. At the same time, the
when the discharges are measured near an accessory,
screen on both sides of the interruption should be short-
the pulses highly probable originate from the nearby
circuited for power frequency currents. If the short-
accessory. In other words, the measurement will
circuit lead is connected to the screen on both sides a
practically not be disturbed by discharges from other
few centimetres from the interruption, this short-circuit
sources, like accessories elsewhere. Moreover, in the
will not disturb the partial discharge measurement.
cable will be detected and noise with lower frequencies
will be attenuated.
Another advantage is the possibility to locate very
accurately the discharge in a cable with a coil that can
be moved along the cable. This option can be used in
_ the laboratory for investigation purposes for the cause
of the partial discharge.
+ This coil technique for detecting PD's is patented by


Figure 4 Interruption in metallic earth screen to The basic requirement for the phase-angle detector is,
pick up discharge pulse apart from a simple design, that no connection with
high voltage parts of the system is allowed, because the
already existing high frequency PD detection technique
doesn't need such connection. The obvious solution is
2.2. COIL TECHNIQUE capacitive coupling to the termination and overhead
Partial discharges can be measured using a coil if the For a simple one-phase system, the determination of
cable is applied with a helical shaped metal screen of the phase-angle is not so difficult by means of
individual wires [1, 2]. The discharge pulses are forced capacitive coupling, but with a three-phase system,
to follow that helical screen, which results in a small each sensor is coupled to each phase of the system.
magnetic field outside the cable. Consequently this This results in a signal that needs processing to derive
magnetic field can be detected using a coil around the the right information. In principal, the complex
cable, as is shown in figure 5. The existence of a coupling of each sensor with each phase can be
plastic jacket does not interfere with the magnetic formulated as follows:
field, so the coil can be applied around the plastic (1)
U l α + ∆α β + ∆β γ + ∆γ Fl
U c = ε + ∆ε δ ε - ∆ε • Fc
Ur Fr
γ - ∆γ β - ∆β α - ∆α
with Ul,c,r representing the integrated sensor signal and
Fl,c,r the actual phase voltage of respectively the left,
centre and right termination. [3]
_ Because of the symmetry, both electrically and

geometrically, certain elements of the matrix are equal

i and others can be neglected. This results in a rather

simple equation. The main objective is to derive either
from both left and right sensor, or from the middle
sensor, the right phase-angle information of the middle
Figure 5 Coil around cable with earth screen of phase. The determination of the right phase-sequence
helically wound wires to pick up pd can be derived again from the left and right sensors, or
the middle sensor.
The best solution, with respect to unbalanced situations
The measuring system with the coil has several (geometrical asymmetry as a consequence of
advantages over the first one with an interruption. malpositioning of the sensors and/or due to geometrical
In the first place, with a coil the measurement can be asymmetry in the layout of the terminations) is the
carried out anywhere along the cable simply by solution making use of two sensors near the left and
moving the coil. Moreover, it is not necessary to switch right termination to determine the phase-angle of the
off the high voltage when connecting the measuring middle phase and a sensor near the centre termination
circuit. to determine the right phase-sequence. This solution
Inherently to the coil, the discharge pulse is eliminates possible unbalances by a simple
differentiated, which means that mainly the highest standardized summation of the outer sensor signals.
frequency components of the discharge signal in the
Let's assume that the coupling of the outer sensors to 4. PRACTICAL EXPERIENCES WITH
their respective terminations is the same, but there is DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS ON
an unbalance in coupling to the middle phase: ACCESSORIES
With the newly developed phase-angle detector several
measurements at-site have been done to find out the
influence of the position of the sensors for the
measured signals [3]. These measurements have
Ul α β + ∆β γ Fl resulted in a recommendation about the positioning of
= • the sensors to the terminations. With this
Ur γ β - ∆β α Fc
recommendation, the in-accuracy is negligable small,
Fr even with a powered circuit immediately next to the
circuit where the measurements are performed. Figure
The summation of both signals leads to a signal 9 shows a sensor mounted to the base of a termination.
represented by: Also, some measurements have been done in a
(3) laboratory where a field situation, a three phase
U l +U r = α(F l + F r ) + 2β F c + γ (F l + F r ) system, has been simulated. The middle phase was
connected to a resistive divider, so the capacitively
= (2β - α - γ ) F c determined phase-angle of that phase could be
resulting clearly in the elimination of the assumed compared to the true phase-angle. These measurements
unbalance. Another unbalance which can occur, is an showed that there was no difference in phase-angle
unbalance of each sensor to their respective between the capacitive and resistive method, resulting
terminations. The best way to deal with this unbalance in the conclusion that the phase-angle detector is able
is to standardize the sensor signals. If equation (1) to determine the phase-angle of the three phases very
represents the coupling between the sensors and the accurately.
three phases, the standardized summation of the outer
sensor signals is proportional to:
Ul Ur
+ _
|U l | |U r |
(2β - α - γ ) F c - 2 3( ∆α - ∆β + ∆γ ) F c⊥

with Fc⊥ being a signal perpendicular to Fc.
If the position of the sensors is choosen well, β will be
much smaller than α, resulting in:
(5) 50Hzcurrent
Ul Ur
+ = (2β - α - γ ) F c
|U l | |U r | cablelead
being a signal without the original unbalances.
Depending on the magnitude of β, this will give a
signal either in phase or 180 out of phase with Fc.
Under normal circumstances, 2β is smaller than α and
the right phase sequence can then be determined by
Figure 6 Set-up measurement on termination
means of the substraction of Ul and Ur. If the conditions
are such however, that 2β is larger than α, the
substraction results in the wrong phase sequence. To
KEMA has performed a laboratory experiment by
overcome this problem, the sensor to the middle
measuring partial discharges in a 150 kV cable
termination is used. With three sensors, the right
termination both with the conventional low frequency
phase-angle and sequence can be determined under all
discharge measurement and with the high frequency
discharge measurement over an interruption. As a
consequence of the design, an interruption in the metal
shield right under the termination is directly accessible.
The set-up is shown in figure 6. The experiment
showed a good relationship between the discharge
levels found with both techniques. Table I Results over the years

On behalve of the Dutch utility NUON twice about 100

150 kV terminations have been measured at-site using Location & Phase 1993 1994 1995
just the high frequency PD technique. Recently a third Circuit [pC] [pC] [pC]
measurement-cycle has been done, also using the 1 red 150 160 -
phase-detection (sub)system.
Very essential is the way the obtained signals are 1 blue 70 - 60
identified, i.e. to distinguish disturbances from
2 blue 160 75 150
discharges and unharmful corona from harmful internal
discharges. Several terminations with internal 3 red 670 500 240
discharges have been identified in this way. The noise
level of the measurements varied from location to 3 yellow - - 20
location, between 2 and 320 pC, with a mean level of 4 blue - - 150
40 pC. An example of a discharge found in one of the
terminations is shown in figure 7. 5 red - 112 -

5 yellow - - 10

6 red - - 10

7 red 100 - -

7 yellow 110 - -

7 blue - - 25

8 yellow 380 - -

9 red 40 35 -

9 yellow 50 40 -
Figure 7 Partial discharges of about 50 pC,
measured at a 150 kV termination 9 blue 70 15 -

10 red 70 - -
The results of the second measurement cycle, a year 10 yellow 50 - -
after the first, showed a good similarity with the first
cycle in that hardly any discrepancies concerning the 10 blue 40 - -
qualification of terminations occurred. This second 11 red - 45 ♦
cycle showed no increase in magnitude of pd's and
even for some terminations a slight decrease. 12 red - 35 ♦
Laboratory experiments show that this might well be
caused by the lower temperatures during the second
cycle as compared to the first. For the third
measurement cycle, two years after the first, the
interpretation of the measured signals is simplified by
the use of the phase-detection (sub)system. These
measurements resulted again in only a few differences This leads to the conclusion that with this high
with earlier measurements. Those terminations that frequency pd detection technique, including
showed evidence of discharge during one of the identification of signals, reproducible results can be
measurements, are summarized in table I. A dash obtained. These field measurements clearly show that
implies that no discharges above the noise level have with the high frequency PD detection system, it is
been detected. The locations 11 and 12 have not been possible to diagnose accessories in HV cable systems
remeasured in 1995, hence the ♦. It should be and to keep track of their status. These measurements
mentioned here that some of the differences in have shown that discharges (as assumed) in the
qualification between the first two measurement cycles interface between PE and silicon rubber can maintain
and the most recent one, is a consequence of the use of for some years apparently without resulting in a
the phase-angle detector. Nevertheless, the breakdown. Since the start of the measurements, no
qualification for most of the measured terminations breakdown of a termination has occured. Most of the
didn't change.
terminations have shown to be free of discharges all - The phase-angle detector measures the right
of the three cycles. This has led to the idea to use phase-angle of each termination also without any
this technique for the accessories of a newly connection to high voltage parts.
installed circuit in combination with the - At-site the noise level is generally 40 pC,
commissioning test. Especially if the cable is which is low with respect to that obtained with the
applied with a helical screen of individual copper classical detection (100-s to 1000-s pC) and the
wires, this technique can be applied without the need measurement is focused on accessories.
of making connections with the cable system at all. - For cables with a copper wire screen
The photographs (figures 8 and 9) give an (concentric neutral) discharge detection with a coil
impression of the set-up at-site. is possible anywhere along the cable without any
further measures. When cables have a solid metal
enclosure, discharge detection is possible at
5. CONCLUSIONS interruptions in the metal enclosure, which are
sometimes accessible or can be realized at or near
The experiments in the laboratory and the terminations and joints, or with the aid of a specially
measurements at-site show that high frequency developed measurement accessory.
discharge detection, combined with the phase-angle
detection system, is a step forward in measuring
partial discharges at-site. This combination of REFERENCES
techniques introduces the possibility to measure
accessories at-site and draw conclusions based on [1] E. Pultrum, 'Definitieve meetopstelling
well-known PD-characteristics. This combination of voor hoogfrequent ontladingsdetectie en lokalisatie',
technologies is patented by KEMA. KEMA report 43167-T&D 93-5359, December 30,
The measurements described in this paper have led 1993: 25 pp.
to the idea to use this technique in combination with [2] P.A.A.F. Wouters, P.C.T. van der Laan, E.
a commissioning test. Discharges in the interface Hetzel and E.F. Steennis, 'New on-line partial
between PE and silicon rubber will not necessarily discharge measurement technique for polymer
immediately result in a breakdown. Since the start of insulated cables and accessories', in Proceedings of
the measurements, no terminations have failed. the 8Th ISH International Symposium on High
Voltage Engineering, Yokohama, Japan, August 23-
Especially at-site the advantages are clear: 27, 1993: 4 pp.
- No connection with the high voltage parts [3] P.A.A.F. Wouters, et al., 'Fasehoekdetectie
of the system is required, i.e. no coupling capacitor aan een 50/60 Hz 3-fasen hoogspanningssysteem',
is required. Moreover, the earth screen can still be TU Eindhoven report EHC/RAP/95059, 1995.
completely grounded for power frequency currents.

Figure 8

Figure 9

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