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CE 312

Lecture 7:
Design of Pavement
Pavement Design

- is the process of
determining the
thickness and strength
of a pavement laid on
a soil foundation for
the purpose of
providing an even
non-skid, stable and
desirable surface,
permitting efficient,
rapid and safe flow of
traffic in accordance
with specified loads
Factors relating to Pavement Design

• Roadbed Soils

A pavement structure is a layered

system designed to distribute
concentrated traffic loads to the

The preparation of the sub-grade

usually includes grading &
compaction of the roadbed soils

The performance of a pavement structure is directly related to the physical

properties and condition of the roadbed soils
Factors relating to Pavement Design

• Base and Sub-base courses

When coarse, open-graded subbase and base courses are used, it may be
necessary to provide a means for preventing the intrusion of the underlying
fine-graded roadbed soils.

Preventive measures usually consist of providing a layer of suitable

material such as sand seal layer to act a barrier between the roadbed soils
and the easily affected sub-base or base course.

A minimum thickness of 100mm is usually considered as adequate for this

Factors relating to Pavement Design
• Serviceability Index
The serviceability of a pavement is defined as the ability to serve high speed,
high volume automobile and truck traffic
A scale with a range of 0 through 5 was established. For present
serviceability ratings, with a value of (5) as the highest index of
serviceability and zero (0) as the lowest.
An index of 2.5 is suggested as a guide for design of major highways and
2.0 for highways with lesser traffic volumes. In using this factor the
designer must consider the location of the road, its economic value and the
construction period.
The following considerations are suggested for most of the roads in the
• 1.5 - For roads with uncertain value ( ex. ,low traffic gravel road)
• 5 - For roads with some economic value where traffic is increasing
• 2.5 - For first class highways with traffic speeds up to 80 km/h or over
Factors relating to Pavement Design

• Traffic

Normal highway traffic is a mixture of vehicles with different axle load. For
purposes of structural design, the varying axle loads are converted to a
common denominator and to express traffic as the sum of the converted axle
Basic Considerations Recommended in the design of Pavement
• New and Reconstructed Roads
The thickness of gravel layers in a gravel road must be sufficient to distribute
the heaviest loads so that stresses imposed on the sub-grade will be reduced .
Recommended Thickness of Gravel Layers to be Placed on the Subgrade of a Road
( in both directions) THICKNESS OF GRAVEL

A1, A2, A3 Soils

Or if CBR > 7 150 mm

A4, A5, A6, A7, Soils 200 mm

< 200
Or if CBR is between 3 & 7

A1, A2, A3 Soils 200 mm

Or if CBR > 7

A4, A5, A6, A7, Soils 250 mm
Or if CBR is between 3 & 7

* If drainage is bad ( water table less than 600mm below subgrade formation) use
additonal 50 mm gravel
* If CBR of soil is less than 3%, add 50mm of gravel to recommended minimum
Basic Considerations Recommended in the design of Pavement

• Failure of Existing Pavement

In the design of new or reconstructed pavements it is relevant to take into

account the causes of failure of old pavements.

Failures have been principally due to a combination of inadequate structural

pavement strength, poor construction, poor drainage and insufficient
Steps in Designing New Road Pavements

There are three main steps to be followed in designing a new road


• To asses the loading by estimating the amount of traffic that will use the
road over the selected design life.
• To assess the sub-grade support by measuring the strength of the sub-grade
soils over which the road is to be built.
• To design the structure by selecting the most economical combination of
pavement materials and layer-thickness that will provide satisfactory service
over the design life of the pavement .
Design of Flexible Pavement

A flexible pavement structure may consist of three layers, designated as

sub-base course, base course and surface course.
The design procedures includes the determination of the total thickness of
the pavement structure, as well as the thickness of the individual component
of surface, base and sub-base courses
Wheel load
A2 =
A1 = ¶ r 2
Pavement Surface A1
By Ratio & Proportion:
Base Course t
A1 = A2
Sub- base Course A2
r2 (r + t)2
¶ r2 =
ƒ = bearing stress of sub grade
r2 (r + t)2

Cone Pressure Distribution t = 0.564 (W/ƒ)1/2 - r

Design of Flexible Pavement
• Subbase course – is the portion of the flexible pavement structure between
the subgrade and the base course . It usually consists of a compacted layer
of granular material. The subbase is often omitted if roadbed soils are of
high quality.
• If Subgrade or roadbed soil is free draining and has a CBR over 15% then
No Sub-base is required
Thickness of Sub-base required for Cement Concrete Pavement

Sub- Grade Under 2% 2 - 4% 4 - 6% 6 - 15% over

CBR 15%

Sub-base 280 mm 180 mm 130mm 100mm 100 mm

Design of Flexible Pavement

Major function of Sub Base courses:

• To prevent the intrusion of fine-grained roadbed soils into base coarse.

Relatively dense-graded materials must be specified if the sub-base is
intended to serve this purpose.
• To help in preventing the accumulation of free water within or below the
pavement structure.
• To provide a working platform for construction equipment
Design of Flexible Pavement

Ex. # 1: A 53.5 kN wheel load has a maximum tire pressure of 0.62 MPa. This
pressure is to be uniformly distributed over the area of tire contact on the roadway.
Assuming the subgrade pressure is not to exceed 0.14 MPa, determine the required
thickness of flexible pavement structure, according to the principle of the cone
pressure distribution.
Given :
Wheel load
W = 53.50 kN Wheel load

r þ = 0.62 MPa Tire pressure

ƒ = 0.14 MPa Bearing stress of sub-grade

Solution :
Pavement t
t = 0.564 (W/ƒ)1/2 - r

Sub-grade W
A = A = ¶.r2 = 86,290 mm2
ƒ = bearing stress of sub grade r = 165.73 mm
53.50 kN
A =
0.62 MPa
Cone Pressure Distribution
A = 86,290 mm2
Design of Flexible Pavement

Ex. # 1: A 53.5 kN wheel load has a maximum tire pressure of 0.62 MPa. This pressure
is to be uniformly distributed over the area of tire contact on the roadway.
Assuming the subgrade pressure is not to exceed 0.14 MPa, determine the required
thickness of flexible pavement structure, according to the principle of the cone
pressure distribution.

Wheel load

Solution :

r t = 0.564 (W/ƒ)1/2 - r

r = 165.73 mm
Pavement t t = 0.564 (53,500/ 0.14)1/2 - 165.73

Sub-grade t = 182.92 mm ( thickness of Pavement )

ƒ = bearing stress of sub grade

Cone Pressure Distribution

Design of Flexible Pavement
Ex. # 2: A flexible pavement carries a static wheel load of 53.5 kN. The circular contact
area of the tire is 85,806 mm2 and the transmitted load is distributed across a
wide area of the subgrade at an angle of 45 degrees. The subgrade bearing value is 0.14
MPa, while that of the base is 0.41 MPa. Design the thickness of pavement and that
of the base.

Wheel load Given :

W = 53.50 kN Wheel load

A = 85,806 mm2 Circular contact area of the tire

ƒs = 0.14 MPa Bearing stress of sub-grade

A ƒb = 0. 41 MPa Bearing stress of base

Pavement t1

Base t2 Solution :

t = 0.564 (W/ƒ)1/2 - r

ƒ = bearing stress of sub grade A = ¶.r2 = 85,806 mm2

Cone Pressure Distribution r = 165 mm

t = 0.564 (53,500/ 0.14)1/2 - 165.00

t = 184 mm
Design of Flexible Pavement
Ex. # 2: A flexible pavement carries a static wheel load of 53.5 kN. The circular contact
area of the tire is 85,806 mm2 and the transmitted load is distributed across a
wide area of the subgrade at an angle of 45 degrees. The subgrade bearing value is 0.14
MPa, while that of the base is 0.41 MPa. Design the thickness of pavement and that
of the base.

Wheel load Solution :

t = t1 + t2 = 184 mm

Thickness of Pavement:
t1 = 0.564 (W/ƒ)1/2 - r
Pavement t1
t1 = 0.564 (53,500/ 0.41)1/2 - 165
Base t2
t1 = 39 mm

Thickness of Base:
ƒ = bearing stress of sub grade
t = t1 + t2 = 184 mm
Cone Pressure Distribution
t2 = 184 – 39

t2 = 145 mm
Design of Rigid Pavement

A rigid pavement structure may consist of two layers, designated as the pavement slab
and the sub-base course.
The design procedure includes the determination of the thickness of the portland
cement concrete pavement slab, and the design of joints and of the steel reinforcement.

• Without dowels or tie bars

The critical section is at the edge of a slab, it will

crack approximately 45 degrees with the edges.

6M 6M
f = 2
f =
bd bd2

M = W.x 6(Wx)
f =
(2x) t2
b = 2x
x d = t t = (3W/ f) 1/2
x t = thickness of pavement
45° f = allowable tensile stress of concrete

f = Wheel load
Design of Rigid Pavement

A rigid pavement structure may consist of two layers, designated as the pavement slab
and the sub-base course.
The design procedure includes the determination of the thickness of the portland
cement concrete pavement slab, and the design of joints and of the steel reinforcement.

• With dowels or tie bars

Purpose of dowel is to transmit the stress due

to the load from the adjacent pavement. a. At the edge of pavement:

6M 6M
f = 2
f =
bd bd2

M = (W/2).x 6(Wx /2)

f =
(2x) t2
b = 2x
x d = t t = (3W/ 2f) 1/2
x t = thickness of pavement
45° f = allowable tensile stress of concrete

f = Wheel load
Design of Rigid Pavement

A rigid pavement structure may consist of two layers, designated as the pavement slab
and the sub-base course.
The design procedure includes the determination of the thickness of the portland
cement concrete pavement slab, and the design of joints and of the steel reinforcement.

• With dowels or tie bars

Purpose of dowel is to transmit the stress due

to the load from the adjacent pavement. a. At the center of pavement:

6M 6M
f = 2
f =
bd bd2

M = (W/4).x 6(Wx/ 4)
x f =
W/2 (2x) t2
x b = 2x
x d = t t = (3W/ 4f) 1/2
t = thickness of pavement

f = allowable tensile stress of concrete

f = Wheel load
Design of Rigid Pavement

Two major over- all assumption have been made in the development of the design
procedures as follows:

• That the adequacy of the design will be established by soils and materials
surveys and laboratory studies

• That the design strength assumed for the sub-grade and pavement structure
will be achieved through proper construction methods.
Materials Properties and Specifications:

• Sub-base – the sub-base of a rigid pavement structure consists of one or

more compacted layers of granular or stabilized material placed between
the sub-grade and the rigid slab for the following purposes:
• To provide uniform, stable and permanent support
• To prevent pumping of fine-grained soils at joints, cracks and edges of
rigid slab.
• To provide a working platform for construction equipment
Design of Rigid Pavement

Materials Properties and Specifications:

• Pavement slab – the basic materials in the pavement slab are

portland cement concrete, reinforcing steel and joint sealing
materials. Quality control in the project in the project to see that the
materials conform to agency specifications will minimize distress
resulting from distortion or disintegration.
• Conrete Properties
A flexural strength of not less than 3.8 MPa (550 psi) when tested by
the third-point method or 4.5 MPa (650 psi) when tested by the
mid-point method at fourteen (14) days in accordance with AASHTO
T97 and T177,
The average flexural strength for the concrete on the AASHTO
Road Rest was about 690 psi at 28 days
Design of Rigid Pavement
Joints and Load transfer

Tie bars – are designed to hold the faces of adjacent

slabs in firm contact. The bars are designed to
withstand the maximum tensile forces required to
overcome the sub-grade drag. They are not designed
to act as load-transfer devices
Design of Rigid Pavement
Joints and Load transfer

Load Transfer Devices or Dowels :

-Should properly distribute the load
stresses without over-stressing the
concrete at its contact with the device
-Should offer little restraint to movement
of the joint at any time
Design of Rigid Pavement
Joints and Load transfer

Longitudinal & Transverse joints

-are used to prevent the formation of

irregular cracks.
Design of Rigid Pavement
Ex. # 1: A rigid pavement is to be used to carry a wheel load of 53.5 kN,
design the thickness of the pavement. The allowable tensile stress of
concrete is 1.38 MPa. Sufficient dowels are used across the joints

Given :

W = 53.50 kN Wheel load

ƒ = 1.38 MPa Allowable tensile stress of concrete

a. At the edge of pavement:

6M 6M
f = 2
f =
bd bd2

M = (W/2).x 6(Wx /2)

f =
(2x) t2
x b = 2x
x d = t t = (3W/ 2f) 1/2
45° t
45° t = [ (3x53,500)/ (2x1.38) ] 1/2

t = 241 mm
Design of Rigid Pavement
Ex. # 1: A rigid pavement is to be used to carry a wheel load of 53.5 kN,
design the thickness of the pavement. The allowable tensile stress of
concrete is 1.38 MPa. Sufficient dowels are used across the joints

Given :

W = 53.50 kN Wheel load

ƒ = 1.38 MPa Allowable tensile stress of concrete

a. At the center of pavement:

6M 6M
f = 2
f =
bd bd2
W/2 M = (W/4).x 6(Wx /4)
x f =
45° (2x) t2
x b = 2x
45° d = t t = (3W/ 4f) 1/2

t = [ (3x53,500)/ (4x1.38) ] 1/2

t = 171 mm
Design of Rigid Pavement
Ex. # 2: Detemine the thickness of a rigid pavement of the proposed road to
carry a max. wheel load of 60 kN. Neglect effect of dowels. fc = 20 MPa.
Allowable tensile stress of concrete pavement is 0.66 fc.

Given :

W = 60.00 kN Wheel load

ƒ = 0.66fc Allowable tensile stress of concrete

6M 6M
f = 2
f =
bd bd2

M = (W).x 6(Wx)
f =
(2x) t2
x b = 2x
x d = t
45° t = (3W/ f) 1/2
45° t = [ (3x60,000)/ (0.60x20) ] 1/2

t = 387.30 mm
Design of Rigid Pavement
Ex. # 3: A concrete pavement 8m wide and 150 mm thick is to be provided with a center
longitudinal joint using 12mm dia. Bars. The unit weight of concrete is 2,400 kg/m 3. Coefficient
of friction of the slab on the grade is 2.0. Assuming an allowable working stress in tension for
steel bars at 138 MPA, determine the spacing of the longitudinal bars in mm.
Weight of concrete slab;

W = 0.15(4)(S)(2400)(9.81)

W = 14,156.40 S

T = f s As

T = 138 x ¶ (12)2 /4

T = 15,600 N

N = W = 14,156.40 S
F = µN = 2(14,156.40S)
4.00 m
F = 28,252.80S
0.15m = t F=N
15,600 = 28,252.80 S

F N S = 552 mm

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