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Financial and Market Ratios

Ratios Comparison
Louis Vuitton Hermes
2019 2018 2017 2019 2018 2017
Liquidity Ratios
Cash Ratio 0,25 0,27 0,25 2,17 2,03 2,00
Acid Test Ratio (Quick
Ratio) 0,40 0,47 0,43 2,32 2,19 2,17
Current Ratio 1,17 1,40 1,41 3,01 2,90 3,04
Ef ciency
Days Recievables 23 25 23 17 17 17
Days Payables 117 124 112 83 95 106
Days of Inventory 276 292 269 195 196 197
Debt to Total Assets 0,60 0,54 0,56 0,33 0,35 0,35
Leverage Ratio 1,52 1,19 1,30 0,50 0,54 0,53
Long Term Leverage
Ratio 0,93 0,69 0,80 0,19 0,23 0,24
Total debt to EBITDA 4,09 3,29 3,69 3,48 1,15 1,22
Interest coverage ratio 23,88 34,43 40,24 26,25 26,51 47,94
Pro tability
Return on Common
Equity 18,69% 18,71% 17,66% 23,38% 25,77% 24,49%
Return on Assets 18,69% 18,71% 17,66% 15,47% 16,63% 18,05%
Return on Invested
Capital 13,56% 14,61% 13,31% 24,40% 26,50% 30,50%
Gross Margin 74,63% 70,88% 68,74% 69,91% 70,09% 70,98%
EBITDA Margin 29,45% 25,31% 23,47% 41,07% 42,28% 39,28%
Operating Margin 21,00% 21,10% 19,06% 34,13% 35,95% 35,23%
Pre-Tax Margin 21,00% 21,10% 19,06% 34,02% 35,81% 34,95%
Net Income Margin 13,36% 13,56% 12,58% 22,20% 23,55% 22,00%
Growth and Valuation
One Year Sales Growth 14,61% 9,83% 11,81% 15,37% 7,51% 6,25%
One Year Operating
Income Growth 14,13% 21,74% 15,54% 11,50% 9,14% 11,56%
One Yeat Net Income
Growth 12,86% 18,43% 25,79% 8,92% 14,99% 9,91%
Price Earnings Ratio
(precio por acción* nº
acciones )/ beneficio por
accion 29,06666667 20,4272 22,9775 45,44 35,96 38,14

Louis Vuitton Hermes
Activity Ratio
Assets Turnover 0,36833598 0,417125567 0,39929754 0,48157594 0,4939836013 0,506095419
Accounts Recievable
Turnover (cuanto tardo
en recibir ingresos por
mis ventas) 23,4628284 25,11489344 23,42245989 16,86 17,08702 16,83188568
Inventory Turnover 1,321207261 3,750580697 -1,357733284 -1,876125728 -1,858655044 -1,851484044
Accounts Payable
Turnover 1,2 3,24 3,33 4,78 3,98 3,41
Cash Conversion Cycle
(Days) 182 193 180 129 118 107
Valuation Metrics
Price / earnings ratio - 39.78 38.78 36.93 23.37 21.71 20.62
average high-low
Earnings yield (%) - 2.51 2.58 2.71 4.28 4.61 4.85
average high-low
Price / cash flow ratio - 34.90 28.54 32.18 17.89 15.66 17.17
Price / book value ratio - 9.24 9.96 8.94 4.37 4.06 3.64
average high-low
Market Capitalisation / 10.70 9.35 9.34 5.46 3.84 4.10
shareholders funds
Market capitalisation / 7.12 6.06 6.96 2.17 1.76 1.78
Total assets (Tobin’s Q)

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