Romeo y Julieta

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Name: Enmanuel Fernandez

Teacher: Ruben Isaac

Date: 11/17/2017

Romeo and Juliet

In this project I will talk about the love and passion of the tragic history of Romeo and

Juliet. I will also make known your emotions, good things and bad things. As history is

focused in this same way, I will focus myself to give the clearest ideas. And apart from all

this I will give my personal opinion about what I think about the story. I hope that it is liked

by the reader and that everything i writes is understandable.

The history begins by talking about Romeo misfortune for unrequited love, and also the

hatred between the two families, the Montagues and the Capulets. Romeo friends find out

in a casual way of a costume party at the Capulets house, and they force Romeo to attend.

There, he meets Julieta, of whom he does not know his name or even what family he

belongs to, and falls madly in love with her. That same night they both learn about each

other identity, but in any case they do not renounce their love and decide to get married.

And in this way begins the story of Romeo and Juliet.

The story continues with a knot in which a dispute between a cousin of Juliet and a friend

of Romeo is created. Romeo tells Juliet through her Mistress the date of the link and the

next day the wedding takes place secretly. After this there is a dispute between Tybalt and

Mercutio, in which Mercutio dies. Romeo to avenge Mercutio kills Tybalt, so he is exiled

from the city. Then in this way finish dead a Capulet and a Montague.

The night that Romeo is banished goes to Juliet's house and consummates the marriage,

then leaves for Mantua, where he will wait for news of the priest to be able to return. The

Juliet father fixes his daughter Paris wedding within a few days without her consent. Then

Juliet, to escape the betrayal of her husband, together with the priest, devises a plan in

which she takes a liquid that will leave her asleep as if she were dead until Romeo can join

her. The priest sends a letter to Romeo to know about the trick, but the letter does not reach

its destination, the boy buys a poison and goes to the tomb of Juliet upon learning of his

death. Once there he takes the poison and when Julieta wakes up he sees it there dead, and

not being able to bear the pain he commits suicide with a dagger.
To finish with my project I will conclude with my personal opinion. I like it a lot, I love the

verses, the poetry they use, the love they both feel, the pain, the tragedy, I have always

liked those stories of impossible loves. It is a beautiful story, full of hope and love, I think it

is a story that must be read obligatorily, because it is very cultured and you can expand

more knowledge, feelings and wordplay, understand the feeling of the characters what they

want express through his poetry and his prose. Besides that the story goes beyond the

impossible love of Romeo and Juliet, the value of friendship, death, there are many factors

that must be understood in history. I hope that the analysis was a success for the reader and

that it was understandable thanks for reading.


Student: Enmanuel Fernandez

Teacher: Ruben Isaac

Theme: Sweet Sorrow

School: Colegio los pininos

Date: 11/17/2017

Director: Nicelia Zuleta de Mir

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