Seminar 6 I. Comment Upon The Way and Effectiveness of Metaphor Translation in The Following Examples

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Seminar 6

I. Comment upon the way* and effectiveness of metaphor translation in the

following examples:

1. I do not know to what inscrutable Nirvana you aim. Do you know yourself?
Perhaps it is Truth and Freedom that you seek, and for a moment you thought
that you might find release in Love. - The metonymy is practically not difficult
to translate, since in terms of structure and content, the ways of its expression
coincide in both languages.

2. It is as though in this far country his spirit, that had wandered disembodied,
seeking a tenement, at last was able to clothe itself in flesh. - The functional
transformation of the metonymy is applied in the conditions of the mismatch
of the stylistic status of the metonymic unit in the original and the translating

3. She knew that the chains she forged only aroused his instinct of destruction.
- Complete transformation of the original metonymy, restoration of naming,
used in conditions of significant divergence of cultural traditions

4. But the place where Strickland lived had the beauty of the Garden of Eden.-
The semantic transformation of the original metonymy occurs due to the
absence of expression for the original individual feature in the translating

5. It was a night so beautiful that your soul seemed hardly able to bear the
prison of the body. The original metonymy is practically not difficult to
translate, since in terms of structure and content, the ways of its expression
coincide in both languages.

6. The demon which possessed him was exorcised at last, and with the
completion of the work, for which all his life had been a painful preparation,
rest descended on his remote and tortured soul. - Structural transformation of
the original metonymy is applied in conditions of mismatch of grammatical
norms, when the original context in which the metonymy is used cannot be
grammatically fully recreated in the target language.

7. Beauty is something wonderful and strange that the artist fashions out of the
chaos of the world in the torment of his soul. And when he has made it, it is not
given to all to know it. - Structural transformation of the original metonymy is
applied in conditions of mismatch of grammatical norms, when the original
context in which the metonymy is used cannot be grammatically fully recreated
in the target language.

8. The satyr in him suddenly took possession, and he was powerless in the grip
of an instinct
which had all the strength of the primitive forces of nature. - Structural
transformation of the original metonymy is applied in conditions of mismatch
of grammatical norms, when the original context in which the metonymy is
used cannot be grammatically fully recreated in the target language.

II. Find the Ukrainian equivalents for the following English idioms of
comparison. Analyze the way of translation.

As black as ink - Чорний як сажа - Substitution with the analog

As deaf as a post - Глухий як пень - Substitution with the analog
As cold as charity – Безсердечний - Antonymous translation takes place
when the translator uses a negative construction to translate an affirmative
As warm as a toast - Дуже теплий і комфортний - calque translation
As obstinate as a mule - Впертий як осел - Substitution with the simile
As old as hills - Дуже старий - Сalque translation
As red as a beetroot - Червоний як буряк - Literal translation
As proud as a peacock - Гордий як пава - Substitution with the analog
As safe as the houses - Бути в безпеці - calque translation
Thin as a rail - Тонкий як шпала - Literal translation
As blind as a bat - Сліпий як кріт - Substitution with the analog
As sound as a bell - В здоровому глузді - Substitution with the analog
Hungry as a hunter - Голодний як вовк - Substitution with the analog
As drunk as a lord – П’яний в стельку - Substitution with the analog
As pale as a ghost - Блідий як смерть - Substitution with the analog
As sure as egg is egg – Як два плюс два - Substitution with the analog
As neat as a new pin - Як нова копійка - Substitution with the analog
As large as life - У всій красі - Substitution with the analog
As cool as a cucumber – Незворушний - calque translation

III. Translate metonymies in the following sentences, comment on the

way* of translation you choose.
1. There are bosoms on which so many tears have been shed that I cannot bedew
them with mine (W.S.Maugham). - The semantic transformation of the original
metonymy occurs due to the absence of expression for the original individual
feature in the translating language.

Є груди, на які пролито вже стільки сліз, що я б не наважився зволожувати їх

ще своїми.
2. I longed to possess a Sisley and a Degas, and I worshipped Manet
(W.S.Maugham). - The semantic transformation of the original metonymy occurs
due to the absence of expression for the original individual feature in the
translating language.

Я мріяв придбати творіння Сіслея і Дега і приходив в захват від Мане.

3. A tray of cocktails floated at us through the twilight (F.S.Fitzgerald). - The

original metonymy is practically not difficult to translate, since in terms of
structure and content, the ways of its expression coincide in both languages.

Піднос з коктейлями приплив до нас із сутінок.

4. All night the saxophones wailed the hopeless comment of the “Beale street
Blues” while a hundred pairs of golden and silver slippers shuffled the shining dust
(F.S.Fitzgerald). - In this example, the original metonymy is practically not
difficult to translate, since in terms of structure and content, the ways of its
expression coincide in both languages.

Всю ніч саксофони безнадійно скаржилися на неї, виводячи мелодію «Білл

Стріт блюзу», а сто пар позолочених і срібних туфель підмітали блискучий

5. By seven o’clock the orchestra has arrived, no thin five-piece affair, but a whole
pitful of oboes and trombones and saxophones and viols and cornets and piccolos,
and low and high drums. <...> already the halls and salons are gaudy with
primary colors, and hair shorn in strange new ways, and shawls beyond the dreams
of Castile. The bar is in full swing and floating round of cocktails permeate the
garden outside, until the air is alive with chatter and laughter, and casual innuendo
and introductions forgotten on the spot, and enthusiastic meetings between women
who never knew other’s names. (F.S. Fitzgerald). - The semantic transformation of
the original metonymy occurs due to the absence of expression for the original
individual feature in the translating language.

До сьомої години прибув оркестр, причому не якась там жалюгідна група з

п'яти інструментів, а ціла оркестрова яма з гобоя, тромбонів і саксофонів,
віола, корнетів і малих флейт, а також низьких і високих барабанів… алеї, і
холи, салони і веранди вже рясніють основними кольорами, зачісками різних
нових і химерних форм, шалями, про які в Кастилії навіть не мріяли. Бар
працює на повну потужність, і коктейлі, які пливуть колами з дому в сад і
назад, напувають його все більше і більше, поки повітря не наповнюється
жвавими розмовами і сміхом, легковажними інсинуаціями і зав'язуванням
знайомств, про які негайно забувають, а також захопленими зустрічами між
жінками, які не знають навіть імені один одного.

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