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Importance of marketing mix

1. It helps in a clean mix creation Yes, the advertisement of Jollibee assured as

that the things that are prepared inside the
fast-food chain are clean and safe. The
customer services, the staffs, and the
customer would follow the protocols that are
given during the pandemic. The ad wants to
let us know that they will do everything they
can in order to prevent the spread of the
corona virus and at the same time catering to
our needs.
2. Marketing mix helps in New product 3 kinds of face masks would be Surgical face
mask, N-95 Face mask, and the Cloth Face
3. Marketing mix helps increase the product 3 food delivery express would be Food panda,
Lalamove, and Grab food.
4. It is a guide to improve a business Yes, I last went to the burger king near me.
I’ve observed about the place is that there are
limited seats that are available and limited
people that are allowed inside the
establishment, there would be alcohol in the
entrance, and a temperature check before they
let you in the establishment. The people
would follow social distancing and have face
masks and face shield in their faces. The
packaging of the food will be always sanitized
and made sure that it is always clean.
5.It helps in differentiation I’ve followed social distancing, always have
an ethyl alcohol in my person, and have a face
mask and shield so I can’t easily get what
people are spreading.
6. It helps you in being dynamic Yes and no because the new normal is harder
to do and adapting to the blended learning is
really tough especially if you’re poor. I’ll just
try my best in learning and hope to graduatie

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