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Pee aes Bite ae oF Elid the Chibi Elphant A bout this pattern: + The doll size is about: 9” (22 em) standing. The doll can't stand on its own, + Despite the choice of yarn size, you should adjust the hook size to avoid the stuffing from coming out between the stitches. In order to make a tight crochet, you may use a hook sije someuhat smaller to what is recommendable for the chosen yarn. + This pattern is spiral crocheted unless itis stated other + Uou can start using a magic ring (so there are no holes in the base) or two chains, crocheting in the second chain the required stitches according to the piece. + Read the whole pattern before starting actually working. + IMPORTANT: this pattern is designed to make decorative dolls, it is not intended to be used as a toy for children under three, as it has small parts that can be swallowed or produce choking. If you want to v it as a toy, you must follow these guidelines: + Always use safety eyes. Chey have a lock to prevent them from being torn off) + Avoid using small parts for decoration, like beads, buttons, ete. + Seur strong seams to prevent parts to be ripped apart. Paget Supplies: + Acrylic DK. yarn in the following colors: light + Tapestry needle and yarn needle, gray, scraps of dark gray. uhite, pastel yellow. + Gray chalk pastel or eye shadow + E.yes (size 14) + Golden pearls, golden seeds + Poly-fill for stuffing, + four passementerie tassels * Crochet hook sige D (6,25 mm) + Golden passementerie decorative ribbon + White felt + A wr’ drop-shaped plastic gemstone. Used techniques and abbreviations: + Slip stitch: sl st + Increase: ine (2 sc in the nest stitch) + Stitch: st + Decrease: dee (2 sc worked off together) * Chain: eh + Back loop only: BLO + Single crochet: se + Double decrease: Ddee (5 se worked off together) + Double crochet: de + Double crochet double increase: de Dine (5 de in the same stitch) + Malf double crochet: hde + Nalf double crochet increase: hde ine (2 hde in the same stitch) + Criple crochet: tr + Malf double crochet double increase: hde Dine (s hde in the same stitch) + fasten of i FO Indications surrounded by parentheses (round brackets) should be repeated as many times as noted right after they are closed. Page 2 Head: Tote: With light gray yarn, crochet the head top dean, StufF while working, so you can arrange it evenky and achieve the correct shape Rad t:2 ch, 6 ¢ in 2nd ch from hook (6 st) Rad 3:7 se, 1 inc, 126.1 ine, w se (42 st) Rid 2:1 inc in each se around (12 st) Rand 20:25 0,1 ne, 16 $0 (45 st) Rad 5 (1s 1 ine) repeat 6 times (i st) Rnd at: 42 se.1 ine (44 st) Rnd 4: (2s. inc) repeat 6 times (24 st) Rnd 22: (5 sc. dec) repeat 4 times (40 st) Rad 5: (5 sc inc) repeat & times (50 st) Rnd 25:1 sc in each st around (40 st) Rad 6: (4 s¢,1 inc) repeat 6 times (36 st) Rid 7: (5 se, 1 inc) repeat 6 times (42 st) This is a good time to place safety eyes Rad & (65 se 1 inc) repeat 5 times (45 st) between rounds sop, in the dent formed by Rnd ¢: 4 se.1 inc, (se, 1 ine) 2 times, 10 se (48 st) the decreases. Place them eight stitches apart, Rad 10: (1 se,1 inc) repeat 4 times (52 st) with a small white oval fet below each eve Rinds us: 1 se in each st around (52 st) Rid 1: (1 se 1 dec) repeat 4 times (48 st) Rnd a4: (5,1 dec) repeat 8 times (32 st) Rind 5:4 se, 1 dec, (80,1 dee) 2 tires, 8, (1561 dec) 5 times, 26 — Rind 25:16 dee (as st) se (42 st) Rnd 26: 8 dec (8 st) Rind 6: 21s, 1 dec, 7 sc, 1 dec, 7 se, 1 dee, 1 se (9 st) Rad 1: 2 sc, 1 dec, 5 8,1 dec, 5 se, dec. 1 sc (36 st) Join with sl st to the nest st. Do not close the Rand s8:6 s¢,1 ine, 5 56, ne, 8,1 ne, 5 56,1 inc, se (40 st) head hole to be able to work the facial espressions using a needle through it, » Ca 1S Tote: Ears ate crocheted as an otal Make tuo poe in ight sea Right Rnd & 6 ch, siork arcund both sides of the foundation chain: + Jnc in and ch from hook, 5 se 4 sein the last ch, 5 se, 1 ine (4 st) Rnd 2 (i hde, 1 de) in the same st, de ine, hide, 2 set de 2 Ide ino, 636 (8 ) Rnd 5: (1s, 1 hdc, 1 de) in the first st, 2 de Dine, de ine, hd 2 se, hde, hde ine 2 ine, 7s (28 st) Rnd 4 (se, he) in the first st, 7 de Din, + de ines hde, 2 sc, (1,1 hde) in the same st; 6 hde Dine, the, 1365 dee, 1 3¢ Gast) Leave a long tail to sous to the bead. Left Rnd & 6 ch, work around both sides of the foundation chain: 1 Jne in 2nd ch from hook. 3 sc, 4-8 in the lat ch, 3s 1 ine (est) Rnd 2:6 s 2 hdc ine, 1 hdc 2s, 1 de, de ine, (1 des hd) inthe same st (8 st) Rnd 5:7 sc, 2 ine, de ine, 1 hae, 2s 1 ue, de inc, 2 de Dine. ( de, hid, 150) in the same st (8 st) Rnd 4:1 50,5 dec, se 1 hde, 6 hdc Dine, (1 hdc) in the same st. 2.8, thde,1 hde ine, 7 de Ding, (1 ae, se) in the ast st (54st) Leave a long tail to sew to the head Tank Tote In light gra evcchet fiom the tip up. Do not stuf Rnd 2 ch, 4s in and ch from hook (4st) Rnd 2 ine, 50 (5st) Rnd 51 ¢,1 inc, 556 (6 st) Rnd 4:2 6.1 ine, 3 se (7 st) Rnd 5:3 0,1 inc. 320 (8 5) Rnd 6 1 dec, 256.1 inc, 5 5¢ (8 st) Rnd 7:1 dec, 6 s¢ (7st) Rnd 8:1 dee. 530 (6 st) Leave a long tail to seu to the head. Eyelids Thote: Make tuo pieces in light gray. Leave «Jong til at the beginning Rad x5 ch (5st) FO Leave « long til to seu to the ewe Page 4 Body: ‘lobe: In light gray, eruchet bottom up Rad 2 ch, 8 sc in and ch from hook (6 st) Rad 2:1 inc in each st around (16 st) Rad 5: (1 sc, ne) repeat 8 times (4 st) Rad 4: (23,1 ine) repeat 8 times (52 st) Rad 5: (7 sc. ine) repeat: 4 times (56 st) Rads 610: sc in each st around (36 st) Rad u: (4 se, 1 dec) repeat 6 times (50 st) Rad 12: 5 sc, 2 dec, 6 sc, 2 dec, 15 sc (26 st) Rad 15 18 se. 1 dec,» se, 1 dec, 20 (a4 st) Rad 14:1 se in each st around (24 st) Rad 1:1 sc. 1 dec, (6 se, 1 dec) 2 times, 5 se (x st) Rad 16 (5 sc, 1 dec) repeat 5 times (8 st) Rad 1: (i se,1 dec) repeat 6 times (12 st) Rnd 18:1 30 in each st around (12st) Leave a long tail to sew to the head. ak peers hte: With light gray, make bao equal pieces bottom sp. Rnd.i:2 ch, 8 se in 2nd ch from hook (8 st) Rnd 2:1 inc in each st around (1 st) In the following round, light gray (LG) and dark gray (DG) ill be alternated Rnd 5 BLO.LG 4 sc, (DG make a 5 hde bobble in the nest stitch, LG 1 se in the nest stitch) repeat 4 times, LG 4 se (i st) Rnd 4:1 30 in each st around (6 st) Rind 5 (2 se, 1 dec) repeat 4 times (1 st) Rnd 6:1 s¢ in each st around (2 st) Rnd 7: 4 se, 1 dec) repeat 2 times (10 st) Rnd 8:1 se in each st around (io st) Rad 9:18, dec, 750 (9 st) Rads to": 1 sc in each st around (9 st) Rnd t2:1 50,1 dee, 6 se (5st) Rnds ty14: 1s in each st around (8 st) Rad x: 2 sc, sl st, eft this round unfinished. Push with the fingers the top of the arm, close the facing sides with 4's¢ Leave a long tail to seu to the body Pages Teet and legs Tote: with ight gray gum starting at the sole Left Rnd 1:2 ch, 8 ¢ in and ch from heok (8 st) Rnd 2:1 ine in each st around (16 st) Rnd 5: (5,1 in) repeat 4. times (20 In the {lowing round, light gray (LG) and dark gray (DG) ui be alternated Rnd 4: BLO, LG 6 se, (DG make a 5 hde bobble in the nest stitch. LG 1 se in the nest stitch) repeat 4 times, LG 6 30 (20st) Rnds 56:1 20 in each st around (20 st) Rnd 7:6 sc, 1 dec) repeat 4 times (6 st) Rnd 8: (6 s¢,1 dec) repeat 2 times (4 st) Rnd 20,1 dec, 586 1 dee, 5 s¢ (ast) Rnds ton sc in each st around (02st) Rnd 1x 2 se, 1 Ddec. 7s (10 st) Rnd 31 in each st around (o st) Rnd ad 1s, Dec, 6 sc (8 st) Rnd a5 10,181 st; left this round unfinished Push with the fingers the top of the arm, ease the facing sides with 4 se Leave a long tail to seu to the body, Right Rods rs in left foot and leg, Rad 12:9 se, Dae (10 st) Rnd 9:1 30 in each st around (to st) Rad 1 dec 6,1 dee (6 st) Rad 3:1 sc, 1s st, push ith the fingers the top of the leg, close the facing sides with 4s. Leave a long yarn fal to sou to the body Teil Tote: make one pace with igh gray warn Rad 1:10 ch, lst in and ch from hook. sl st in the remaining 8 ch (9 st) ‘Tie seme yarn in the end of the tail Leave a long yarn tall to sew to the body. Page 6 Puller Tote crocht bottom up in pastel yoo: Rnd r 2 ch, 8 3¢ in and ch from hook (8st) Rnd 2:1 inc in each st around (16 st) Ried 5 (1 sc, ine) repeat 8 times (a4 st) Rnd 4: (2s 1 ine) repeat & times (52 st) Rnd 5: (5 sinc) repeat 8 times (40 st) Rnd 6 (4 s¢,1 ine) repeat 8 times (48 st) Rnd 7: (5 se 1 inc) repeat 8 times (56 st) Rid & (6 sc.1 ine) repeat: 8 times (64 st) Rad 9. (7 sc ine) repeat & times (72st) Rind 10: (8 se, inc) repeat & times (Bo st) Rnd 130 in each st around (60 st) Rnds 1275: BLO 1 s¢ in each st around (Go st) Rnd #: take both sides of the stitches for the rest of the round, as in a regular round: (8 se, 1 dec) repeat 8 times (72 st) Rad 15: (7 sc,1 dee) repeat 8 times (64 st) Rind 16: (6 sc, 1 dee) repeat 8 times (36 st) Rnd 1: (5 30.1 doc) repeat 8 times (48 st) Rnd iB: (4 sc, 1 dec) repeat 8 times (40 st) Rnd 19: (5 sc, 1 dec) repeat 8 times (52 st) Rad 20: (2 sc, dee) repeat 8 times (24 st) Rind at: (50,1 dee) repeat & times (6 st) Stuf Rad 22: (1 se, dec) repeat 4 times (12 st) Rad 25:6 dec (6 st) Stuff again if necessary, FO. hide the remaining between stitches, Head cover: Thate: make one piece using pastel yeas yarn Rnd x 8s in and ch fcr hook (8 st) Rad 2: (151 ke) in the same st, in the next 5 de (de, « se) in the same st, 1 hae, 5 hde inet ha (5 st) Rnd 5:1 hae ine, 1 hd (ade, de) in the same st i de, 1 te 1 4c) in the same st; (de. hde) in the same st; 1 hd, hde ine 8 x (ast) Rnd 4:1 hde, 1 de ine 1 hd 1s, 1 de, (inde 1 de) in the same st. (-de1 te 1 de) in the same st (de, hde) in the same st, Inde, 61 he. de ine, nde, 3.2.3 se (2 s) Rd 5:1 ac (thd, 1 de) in the same st, (de. 1 1 de) in the same st, (1 de, 1 hde) in the same st, + hd, (de 1 de, 1) in the same a, (5 tr in the same st (1b 1 de, hde) in the same st. hae, iad, 1 de) in the same st, (de. 1 de) inthe same st (de, hde) in the same st, ae, 9 s,s st. (42st) °C eave a long tail to sew to the head. Pasez Tinishing Pes ‘We willl needle sculpt the eyes, so we will define three points of ‘needle insertion: one at the base of the head (point 0), and ‘two points A and B at the edge of the eyes Point A ull be at the center left comer of the right eye, while point B will be at the center right corner of the left eye (see the chart), lls this procedure: 4) Chread a needle with embroidery thread to match the body and go in at 0, with a good knot, come out at point A Gright eve 2) Insert the needle one stitch to the side of and come out at point B (ft eye), Pll just « bit to create indent 370) Continue the sculpting in the same way. following the steps detailed below Tinishing ( continued) + Push with the fingers the top of the trunk, seu both sides that are facing each other together, losing it + Seur the trunk. centered betuween the eyes, over round 18 ith the decreases (curve of the trunk) facing upuards Make a stitch midtrunk to fix it to the face (raphie #9) + With dark gray eyeshadout or chalk pastel paint around the eyes (graphic #2) + With eyeshadow or chalk: pastel pant the eyelids before placing them to prevent staining the felt + With pink eveshadouu paint the cheeks. + Chread a needle using one tail and inser it into the corner of the eye (Geaphic #5) Pass it through the head and take it out atthe nape. Pull until the actual chains reach the comer of the eye and seus up (at the rape). Repeat the procedure with the other end of the eyelid and the other end of the eve (graphic #4). Do the same for the other eye + With black embroidery thread, embroider the edge of the upper part of the cups (graphic 45) + With pear! gray embroidery thread, embroider eyebrouss starting five rounds above the eue end and ending seven stitches behind and three blows (Graphic #6) ae Tinishing ( continued) Page ro + Seau the ears a bit behind the center of the head (graphic #7) + Seu a drop-shaped gem between the eyelids area (graphic #8) + Seu three golden pearls to each side of the fave (graphic a, #0). + Close the hole at the base of the head and stufF if necessary + Satu the body to the head a reund behind the exaet center: Bear in mind ‘that the belly curve should face forwards + Seu the hind lags betuioen bods rounds 67, having in mind that the toe nals (darks gray) face forwards. + Seua the fore logs behuueen bodys rounds saving in min that the fingernails (dark gray) face forwards + Seu golden pearls around the head cover $ as seen in the diagram (graphic #u) ctu pearls and seeds groups + Seu the head cover to the head + Seu the tail to the back of the body. about rounds 6-7, Ti ishi 1g (continued) Pager + Make some stitches through the center of the eushion so to firm a ie (pictures #12 and #3). + With golden lace, divide the cushion in segments, pasing each time the lace through the center: both beleus and above, carefully not to pull the lave (pictures #44: and #3). + Using asa guide the tuo rounds with outer oops sew foreach halo” elder lace stip a small satin taseel (pictures 196) + Seu a passementere lace over the tu rounds with outer loops covering the union of the tassels (pictures #7) + Sew pearls and seeds in each segments (diagram #8 and #9) and ts done! By, jet Spe you eyoy mag hin as Fda Lorena :) Ei hutpsfwww facebook com/elfinthread Please do not distribute ll or ute this pattern for commercial purposes You can sell however: te finished dlls as long 3s wos credit me asthe original designer: Questions? elfinthread@gmail.com © 209 Lorena da Siva Sire Page 15

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