Enderbot English Guide v1.0

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Enderbot English Guide v1.

translated and created by SavageMark#6969 from Team Arc

1) Resources and Mana

To start your magnificent adventure on Enderbot, you must do: >i, or >inventory.

Once you have done this, the following will be written in your inventory:

The Mana allows you to mine different Resources by using the >mine command.
The Health Points (HP) serve to fight against Bosses.
The Energy allows you to climb the tower and engage the Boss.

Resources 1: Stone, Perfect Prism (PP), and Antimatter (AM)
The Stone is used for trade and mainly for the cities, aside from basic upgrades.
The Perfect Prism and Antimatter are mainly used for trading, aside from basic upgrades.

Resources 2: Iron, Gold, and Obsidian
These resources are used in the development of the >structure, aside from basic upgrades.

Resources 3: Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby
These resources are used to >enchant objects, aside from being used in basic upgrades.

Resources 4: Cobalt, Mithril, and Adamantite
These resources are not used much outside of crafting so their market value is not
significantly high.

2) The different objects, their functions, and recommended crafting

Below the Resources, you have different Items that you can craft by using the >craft command.

The Pickaxe is used to mine more resources. Max Craft Level: Level 30.
The House regenerates mana faster. Max Craft Level: Level 10.
Without a house, you earn 1 Mana every minute. Every level of house decreases the regen
time by 3 seconds. This means that at max level, you earn 2 Mana per minute.
The Ring increases the amount you mine. Max Craft Level: Level 50.
The Generator is a kind of XP machine. Max Craft Level: Level 100.
Once you craft it, you turn it on via >gen and come back 4 hours and do either >gen or >gen
claim. Each level of the generator gives 750 XP, so excluding Premium and Enchantments,
the most you can get is 75,000 XP.
If you arrive 5 hours after starting your generator, it will shut down for 24 hours. Be timely.
The Sword and Shield are used to fight bosses, increasing your ATK and DEF, respectively.

Concerning the crafting order, it is advisable to start with the pickaxe, then the house, then the
sword and shield, then the ring, and finally the generator. The reason for this order is because
the pickaxe and the house are the least expensive craftsmanship, so they are the easiest. For
example, you cannot start out with the Sword and Shield, since the craft is expensive, and the
boss would be too strong to defeat regardless. The ring and generator, while minimal in costs in
the beginning levels, need 22100 PP and 5900 AM to be maxed, respectively. Crafting them a
few levels isn’t harmful, but it is advisable to not purse high levels of crafts for the ring or
generator until much later.

3) Bosses, Chests, and Runes

To fight a Boss, you have to do >tower and move around the tower by using the appropriate
reactions representing the directions. The green check mark represents you, and you have to
navigate to the skull, which represents the Boss. Once you are on the Boss tile, you can react
with the green check mark, but it is advisable to type the >boss command, as it saves 1 energy.

When you kill a Boss, you earn War Orbs that increase your ATK / DEF to help you move on to
higher level Bosses. When you start out, it is advisable to stay on the floor until you cannot win
any more War Orbs before proceeding to the next floor. Chests of different rarities according
to the Boss will be dropped based on a certain percentage. Each ascending floor increases the
drop rate by 2% until it reaches 40%, where it will switch to a new class of chest. Refer to this
guide to see:
Floor 1: Chest D – 2% Drop Rate
Floor 20: Chest D – 40% Drop Rate
Floor 21: Chest C – 2% Drop Rate
Floor 40: Chest C – 40% Drop Rate
Floor 41: Chest B – 2% Drop Rate
Floor 60: Chest B – 40% Drop Rate
Floor 61: Chest A – 2% Drop Rate
Floor 80: Chest A – 40% Drop Rate
Floor 81: Chest S – 2% Drop Rate
Floor 100: Chest S – 40% Drop Rate
In the chests you will get XP, useful potions for future Raidbosses, and Runes, that will allow
you to enchant your Items.

For beginning players, it is important to know the strength of a Boss in case you try to skip a
floor. I have compiled data of the first 20 Bosses below.
Floor 1: HP: 50, ATK: 10, DEF: 10
Floor 2: HP: 100, ATK: 20, DEF: 20
Floor 3: HP: 250, ATK: 50, DEF: 50
Floor 4: HP: 500, ATK: 100, DEF: 100
Floor 5: HP: 750, ATK: 150, DEF: 150
Floor 6: HP: 1000, ATK: 200, DEF: 200
Floor 7: HP: 1500, ATK: 250, DEF: 275
Floor 8: HP: 2000, ATK: 325, DEF: 300
Floor 9: HP: 2500, ATK: 375, DEF: 350
Floor 10: HP: 3000, ATK: 450, DEF: 400
Floor 11: HP: 3500, ATK: 500, DEF: 450
Floor 12: HP: 4000, ATK: 550, DEF: 500
Floor 13: HP: 4500, ATK: 600, DEF: 600
Floor 14: HP: 5250, ATK: 650, DEF: 650
Floor 15: HP: 6000, ATK: 700, DEF: 700
Floor 16: HP: 6500, ATK: 800, DEF: 750
Floor 17: HP: 7500, ATK: 850, DEF: 800
Floor 18: HP: 8500, ATK: 950, DEF: 850
Floor 19: HP: 9250, ATK: 1025, DEF: 950
Floor 20: HP: 10000, ATK: 1100, DEF: 1000

You can see the top ranking players by ATK and DEF via the >ptop command.

4) The Enchantments

To enchant an Item, you must do the >enchant command. It requires Resources 3 and Runes:
The Mining Runes are used to enchant the pickaxe.
The House Runes are used to enchant the house.
The Runes of the Rings are used to enchant the ring.
The Generative Runes are used to enchant the generator.
The Offensive Runes are used to enchant the sword.
The Defensive Runes are used to enchant the shield.

Enchanting the pickaxe and the ring increases your mining critical, or the resources mined.
Enchanting the generator increases the XP retrieved at >gen claim. Enchanting the Sword and
Shield increases the ATK and DEF. Enchanting the house decreases the energy regen by 1
second by level, and decreases the health regen by 1 second every 2 levels.

5) The Cities

There are 49 maps, each composed of 25 cities, making a total of 1225 cities. Capturing 1 city
results in a 5 second deduction in Mana regen, and capturing 2 cities results in a 10 second
deduction in Mana regen.

Attacking cities requires hundreds of billions of stone, so there’s not much benefit to attacking
a city unless you have a level higher than 60,000.

The attack command is: >city [map] [city] attack/a [number of golems].
An example for an attack on the Northwest city of the East map is: >city E NO a
To attack you need golems that can be converted into stone. Note that you cannot convert all
your stone to golem. The number you can convert is your Auto-Destroyed Stone, which can be
found by doing >achievements, or >ac, listing your achievements. Stone and golems self-
destruct every 2 hours.

The command to convert stone is >catalyst [amount | all], or >cata for short. You can know the
maximum number of stone convertible when doing just the >catalyst command, but remember
if you do convert all your stone, you will not be able to convert that amount for another 24
hours. You can see the top ranking people who can convert the most golem via the command

You can rent cities to players in exchange for resources via the command: >rent [map] [city]
[resource name] [number of resources] [number of days of rental].
For example, if SavageMark wants to rent a city to Ngnarios for 4 days in exchange for
1000 PP on the city IS of the map NORD, the command SavageMark would write is:
>rent N E @Ngnarios pp 1000 4
If you want to cancel the contract, do: >rent [map] [city] cancel.

You can see all the maps with the command: >metamap.

To attack, your golems will start from the central city on the central map, and traveling one city
square takes one hour. If you want to attack specific cities, set your home closer to those areas
so your golems don’t have to travel as far. To do this, use the >sethome [map] [city] command.

If you want to give a city to someone, do: >city [map] [city] give @USER
If you want to color your city, do: >city [map] [city] #color, or >city colorall #color to color all of
your cities. Note that the color must be in a hex code, and must include the hashtag.
If you want to rename or tag your city, or all of your cities, do:
>city [map] [city] name {Name} or >city nameall {Name}
>city [map] [city] tag {Tag} or >city tagall {Tag}
To see a list of your cities, do: >city list.
To see the details of a city do: >city [map] [city] info.

6) The Structure

The structure allows you to invest Resources 2 (Gold, Iron, Obsidian) into a server to earn
bonuses based on its level.
Investing Iron increases the >mine every level.
Investing Gold increases the >hourly (mainly XP) every level.
Investing Obsidian increases the >daily (mainly Energy) every level.

To invest the command is: >struct invest [resource] [number].
ex: >struct invest iron 1000000000
To see what you have invested on different servers: >struct list.
To remove the resources invested in a server, do >struct remove ServerID, where you can find
the ServerID of a structure using >struct list.
You can see the top investors of a server with the command: >struct topinvest.
To see the servers with the most invested resources, type: >structtop.

7) The Drill

The Drill allows you to recover a certain percentage, varying from 5% to 15% (average 10%), of
your stone invested. To invest, use the command >drill upgrade [amount]. The maximum
capacity of the drill is 100 billion stone. You must be level 5000 to use the drill.

8) The Custom Role

Custom roles are roles that server members can have and customize, and can specify obtaining
conditions. The role of reference (or “refrole”) serves to be the baseline, and all roles created
by this system will be placed in the +1 position (above the refrole). The prefix and suffix are
inserted character strings before and after each custom role to distinguish them from the other
roles with the same name. Type >help customrole to see the details on the commands.

9) The Command Rules

The Administration command lets server admins to allow or deny certain commands.
>cr [allow/+ or deny/-] [guild/channel] [command]
>cr showconfig
>cr reset [channel/guild/everything]

To prohibit certain commands, you can designate a category by preceding it with a $ symbol. If
you want to designate all the commands, use the symbol *. As an administrator, you can use
>sudo to override these prohibitions.

>cr deny channel *
>cr deny guild mine
>cr reset everything
>cr reset channel
>cr allow channel $GAME
>cr showconfig

10) Tips for Moving Forward

• While crafting may seem expensive, there’s numerous ways of getting these resources.
The >rep command, obtainable at level 1000, is valuable for starting villages. Many
people will offer resources, usually AM/PP but R2, R3, and R4 as well in exchange for
these reps to increase their village capacity. Joining the Enderbot main server will allow
you to interact with these people.

• Using the treasure command, >tr, is valuable as well. The treasure is an event that
happens every 15 to 20 minutes by shard of the bot. Once the countdown finishes,
reaching 0 seconds, the first one to do >tr will obtain the treasure across the shard,
earning PP, AM, and XP. There are 12 shards in the bot currently, so there are 12
separate timers running.

• As it is a frequently asked question, the damage you output to a Boss will not
necessarily increase if you craft your sword and shield a level. There’s a variety of
factors, and your ATK and DEF need to increase by significant numbers to see a
significant increase in damage. Keep crafting and you’ll get there.

• For trades, make sure you pay attention whether the user is using the bot in English or
French. For example, “or” means “gold” in English, so if you’re making an international
trade, pay attention to resource names. To change the language, use >lang u fr/en.

• For the famous CAPTCHA, do not panic if your math isn’t adding up. The bot uses a
string method, but to make it simple, do the summation/addition process you see, then
copy the numbers you see in the quotes. For example:

8+1 = 9
9 + “121” = 9121
The final numbers you would react with would be: 9121.

• Do not forget to vote every 12 hours for the bot. After a few minutes you win a votebox
that can be opened using >votebox open or >lootbox open. It allows you to earn Mana
and Energy under Common Resources, PP or AM under Rare Resources, and a Vote
Token in Epic Resources.

• The abbreviations may be somewhat confusing in your inventory so they are listed here.
P = Quadrillions = 1e15
T = Trillions = 1e12
G = Billions = 1e9
M = Millions = 1e6
K = Thousands = 1e3
Note that the “e” stands for “10^” which basically means 10 to the power of.
To see your inventory in detail without the abbreviations, do >I -d.

• You can see your XP number, your level, and your ranking at the top without having to
use >inv by doing >rank instead.

• You can buy premium for the bot by contacting EnderSpirit, the creator of the bot. It will
bring you bonuses for mining.

• Trading may seem confusing, but the format is listed below to help you understand:
>trade [resources you are offering] @USER [resources you are requesting]
>trade stone 100 gold 500 @Deus obsidian 1000

• You can show others that you do have a specified number of resources without
displaying your inventory by using >assert [resource] [amount].

• Do not hesitate to do >hourly or >hr every hour. It increases your combo and you gain
more resources and XP. However, if you wait 2 hours then your hourly combo will be

• You can mine all your mana at once with the command >mine all, or a precise number
of mana with the command >mine [amount].

• If you want to be generous and give resources to someone, do >give @USER [resources]

• Pay attention to the power scale of the tower. If you go too far up the bosses will get
significantly more powerful and you will die and lose all your energy. Approach the
tower with caution.

• You can open several chests at once with the command >chest open [rarity] [number]. I
would recommend opening them one at a time to try and invoke a CAPTCHA to appear,
since you do get free energy and XP from them.

• You can find a help page for each command by using >help {command}.
Example: >help mine.
11) Suggestions for a future update on this guide

If you wish for something to be added to this guide, such as details on the village, or average
price rates, or the full boss list for all the floors, feel free to contact me, SavageMark#6969,
Ngnarios #7980 or deus#0001. Note that you need to be in the Enderbot Server to be able to
DM any of us. Team Arc enjoys creating the English Guide for all the players that need it out
there! Have fun mining!

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