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Instructor’s Name: Fortunato Morales

Student’s Name: Sergio Enrique Márquez Mujica

Date: 30/10/2020

Termina las oraciones con el pronombre o adjetivo posesivo


1. Paul and Jeannie are going to visit ________ friends tomorrow.

A. you
B. their
C. theirs
D. none

2. Pedro usually goes to England for ________ holidays.

A. his
B. him
C. her
D. hers

3. Sheila is buying a present for ________ mother.

A. her
B. she
C. it
D. hers

4. We are living in ________ new home.

A. ours
B. our
C. its
D. none

5. "Is this your car?" - "No, it's ________."

A. my
B. mine
C. her
D. hers

6. "Is this your computer?" - "Yes, it's ________."

A. my
B. mine
C. her
D. hers

7. I'm reading my book and you're reading ________.

A. my
B. mine
C. your
D. yours

8. Our dog has its own place here.

A. his
B. her
C. its
D. All are possible

9. The praying mantis eats ________ partner after sex.

A. his
B. her
C. its
D. All are possible

10. Bert and Ernie, ________ parents are here!

A. your
B. yours
C. ours
D. All are possible

1. I usually  going    (go) to school.

2. They visiting (visit) us often.

3. You playing (play) basketball once a week.

4. Tom working (work) every day.

5. He always telling (tell) us funny stories.

6. She never helping (help) me with that!

7. Martha and Kevin swimming (swim) twice a week.

8. In this club people usually dancing (dance) a lot.

9. Linda takes care (take care) of her sister.

10. John rarely leaving (leave) the country.

11. We living (live) in the city most of the year.

12. Lorie travelling (travel) to Paris every Sunday.

13. I baking (bake) cookies twice a month.

14. You always teaching (teach) me new things.

15. She helping (help) the kids of the neighborhood.

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