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Past Papers Solutions | A and AS level | CIE Pure Mathematics (P1) | ...


a) An arithmetic progression contains 25 terms and the first term is 15. The sum of
the terms in the progression is 525. Calculate

i. the common difference of the progression

ii. the last term in the progression

iii. the sum of all the positive terms in the progression.

b) A college agrees a sponsorship deal in which grants will be received each year
sports equipment. This grant will be $4000 in 2012 and will increase by 5% each ye

i. the value of the grant in 2022

ii. the total amount the college will receive in the years 2012 to 2022 inclusive.



From the given information, we can compile following data about Arithmetic Progressio

1 dari 7 20/11/2020 00.40

Past Papers Solutions | A and AS level | CIE Pure Mathematics (P1) | ...


Expression for the sum of number of terms in the Arithmetic Progression (A.P) is:

Substituting the given values;


2 dari 7 20/11/2020 00.40

Past Papers Solutions | A and AS level | CIE Pure Mathematics (P1) | ...

Expression for the general term in the Arithmetic Progression (A.P) is:

For the given data;

From a(i) we have;



From the given data we can write the Arithmetic Progression (A.P) as;

Hence the first positive term in the Arithmetic Progression (A.P) is;

We know the last term in the Arithmetic Progression (A.P) from a(ii);

According to the given data there are total 25 terms in the Arithmetic Progression (A.P)
and out of these 6 are not positive (5 negative and one ZERO); therefore total number
positive terms is;

3 dari 7 20/11/2020 00.40

Past Papers Solutions | A and AS level | CIE Pure Mathematics (P1) | ...

Expression for the sum of number of terms in the Arithmetic Progression (A.P) is:

Hence for the positive terms of the Arithmetic Progression (A.P);


From the given information, we can compile following data about second Geome
Progression (G.P);

The amount on 2nd year;

The amount on 3rd year;

4 dari 7 20/11/2020 00.40

Past Papers Solutions | A and AS level | CIE Pure Mathematics (P1) | ...

It is evident that it represents Geometric Progression (G.P);

Expression for Common Ratio ( ) in a Geometric Progression (G.P) is;


To find the amount in 2022 i.e. 11th term

Expression for the general term in the Geometric Progression (G.P) is:

For the given data and ;

5 dari 7 20/11/2020 00.40

Past Papers Solutions | A and AS level | CIE Pure Mathematics (P1) | ...


To find the total amount of grant;

Expression for the sum of number of terms in the Geometric Progression (G.P) when

6 dari 7 20/11/2020 00.40

Past Papers Solutions | A and AS level | CIE Pure Mathematics (P1) | ...

7 dari 7 20/11/2020 00.40

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