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Vache’ Blair


Process Paper
How I Chose My Topic:
I chose my topic knowing I wanted my project to be different and on
something I never done before which was violence. My topic is Jacobins
Reign of terror and it’s basically about how people were killed just
because they didn’t agree with what the government believed. I chose
this topic because I like to learn about the past and how evil and cruel
people were compared to how people are now. This topic was the only
topic that caught my eye on the list because the rest of them I either
knew about or had no interest in. Many people probably wouldn’t
choose this topic because of the gore and how uncomfortable it makes
them so I felt that it fit my personality and would stand out from the
other projects. Lastly, this topic was very interesting, informational and
fun to learn as I completed this project.
How I Conducted My Research:
I conducted my research by using the Internet, and watching videos on
YouTube. I used flash cards to write down things I couldn’t remember
and wanted to insert in my project and used my phone to keep track of
what I was doing. Every time I found new pieces of information or new
websites I made sure to write them down before I forgot them. I even
made sure that on the flash cards I put the information in my own
words so I wouldn’t be plagiarizing. For the videos I made sure to save
them under watch later and titled them so I would remember where I
put it. Lastly, I kept everything organized and kept focus to ensure that I
was doing this project correctly.
How I Formatted and Created My Project:
The format for my project was already chosen which was to do a
website, but I chose to section my website into big sections so I
Vache’ Blair

wouldn’t overwhelm the project with too much information. I also used
fewer pictures than I used last time and used three videos instead of
two because they had less time than the other ones. I used more words
in this project because the other project barely had any words because
the information was very repetitive and I didn’t really know what I was
doing. Since this is my second time I had a better understanding of the
project. I also titled each of my pages and placed a next button on them
so when someone or I go to see it they wouldn’t have trouble going
through it.
How My Project Related To The Theme:
My Project relates to the theme because my Project was to be on
Jacobins Reign Of Terror and all my research is on the Jacobins Club and
what happened during the reign of terror. I made sure that when I
researched I specifically used the names so that I wouldn’t get any false
information I also didn’t use Wikipedia because sometimes it would be

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