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Ranny Soriano EET6- Instrumentation and Control

BET-ET 3A Engr. Ronie Ann R. Labrador, ECT

1. Define pressure
- It is defined to be the amount of force exerted per area. P = F A or P=AF. This
definition also means that the units of pressure are newtons per square meter N/m 2
which are also called pascals or abbreviated as Pa.

2. What are the types of pressure?

Type of pressure
 Absolute Pressure - it is related to this reference pressure.
 Atmospheric pressure – it is subject to weather-dependent fluctuations.
 Differential pressure – it is the difference between two pressures.
 Overpressure – it also know as gauge pressure.

3. Explain the relationship between pressure and force.

- pressure is the force applied perpendicular to an object per unit of area which the force
is equal to the pressure that is inversely proportional to the area.

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