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Dalloway Summary

Part I, Section One:

Clarissa Dalloway decided to buy the flowers for her party that evening. Lucy had too
much other work. Clarissa thought of the hush that fell over Westminster right before the
ring of Big Ben. It was June and World War I was over. She loved life. Hugh Whitbread
walked toward her and assured her that he would attend the party. Clarissa thought of her
boyfriend before she married, Peter. She could not stop memories from rushing over her.
She knew she had been correct not to marry Peter. Peter would not have given her any
independence, but still her refusal bothered her. Clarissa realized her baseness, always
wanting to do things that would make people like her instead of doing them for their own

Bond Street fascinated her. The same things did not fascinate her daughter, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth was fascinated with callous Miss Kilman. Clarissa hated Miss Kilman. She
entered Mulberry's florist and was greeted by Miss Pym. Miss Pym noticed that Clarissa
looked older. Suddenly, a pistol-like noise came from the street.

Part I, Section Two:

The loud noise had come from a motorcar, likely carrying someone very important. The
street came to a stop and Septimus Warren Smith could not get by. Septimus anticipated
horror. His wife, Lucrezia, hurried him. She knew others noticed his strangeness. The car
was delayed. Clarissa felt touched by magic. A crowd formed at Buckingham's gates. An
airplane took to the sky, making letters out of smoke. The plane's trail mystified its

In Regent's Park, Septimus believed the letters were signaling to him. Rezia hated when
he stared into nothingness. She walked to the fountain to distract herself and felt alone.
The doctor said nothing was wrong with him. When Rezia returned, he jumped up. Maisie
Johnson, a girl from Edinburgh, asked the couple directions to the subway. Maisie was
horrified by the look in the Septimus' eyes. Mrs. Carrie Dempster noticed Maisie and
thought of her younger days. Carrie would do things differently if she had the chance.
Flying over many other English folk, the plane's message writing continued aimlessly.

Part I, Section Three:

Clarissa wondered at what everyone was looking. She felt as a nun returning to her habit.
Richard had been invited to lunch with Lady Bruton. Clarissa felt snubbed. She withdrew
upstairs to the virginal attic room that she had occupied since her illness. She thought
back to her old best friend, Sally Seton. She had known what men feel toward women
with Sally. Sally taught Clarissa about all the things from which she was shielded at
Bourton, her home before marriage.

Clarissa took her dress downstairs to mend. Abruptly, her door opened and Peter Walsh
entered. Peter noticed that she looked older. Clarissa asked him if he remembered
Bourton. It pained him to remember because it reminded him of Clarissa's refusal. He felt
that Clarissa had changed since marrying Richard. Peter mentioned that he was in love
with a girl in India. He had come to London to see about her divorce. Peter suddenly
wept. Clarissa comforted him. She wished he would take her with him. The next moment,
her passions subsided. He abruptly asked if she was happy with Richard. Suddenly,
Elizabeth entered. Peter greeted her, said good-bye to Clarissa, and rushed out the door.

Part I, Section Four:

Peter had never enjoyed Clarissa's parties. He did not blame her, though. She had grown
hard. He thought the way she had introduced Elizabeth was insincere. He had been
overly emotional when he had visited Clarissa. Peter associated St. Margaret's bells with
Clarissa as the hostess. He had never liked people like the Dalloways and Whitbreads.
Boys in uniform marched by Peter. He followed them for a while. He had not felt so young
in years. A young woman passed who enchanted Peter. He followed her until she

He was early for his appointment. He sat in Regent's Park and felt pride in the civility of
London. Thoughts of his past continued to combat him, a result of seeing Clarissa. He
settled next to a nurse and sleeping baby. Peter thought that Elizabeth probably did not
get along with her mother. Smoking a cigar, he fell into a deep sleep.

Part I, Section Five:

Peter dreamed. The nurse beside Peter appeared spectral, like the solitary traveler.
Suddenly Peter awoke, exclaiming, "The death of the soul." He had dreamt of a time
when he loved Clarissa. One day they had gotten in a fight and Clarissa went outside,
alone. As the day went on, Peter grew increasingly gloomy. When he arrived for dinner,
Clarissa was speaking to a young man, Richard Dalloway. Peter knew Richard would
marry Clarissa.
After dinner, Clarissa tried to introduce Peter to Richard. Peter retorted insultingly that
Clarissa was the perfect hostess. Later, the young people decided to go boating. Clarissa
ran to find Peter. He was suddenly happy. Yet, Peter still felt that Dalloway and Clarissa
were falling in love. Following that night, Peter asked ridiculous things of Clarissa. Finally,
she could take it no longer and ended their relationship.

Part II, Section One:

Rezia wondered why she should suffer. When Septimus saw that Rezia no longer wore
her wedding band, he knew that their marriage was over. She tried to explain that her
finger had grown too thin, but he did not care. His nerves were stretched thin. Still, he
believed that beauty was everywhere. Rezia told him that it was time to go. Septimus
imagined Evans approaching. Rezia told Septimus she was unhappy.

Peter Walsh thought of how Sally Seton had unexpectedly married a rich man. Of all of
Clarissa's old friends, he had always liked Sally best. Clarissa, though, knew what she
wanted. When she walked into a room, one remembered her. Peter struggled to remind
himself that he was no longer in love with her. Even Clarissa would admit that she cared
too much for societal rank. Still, she was one of the largest skeptics Peter knew. Clarissa
had so affected him that morning because she might have spared him from his
relationship problems over the years.

A tattered woman's incomprehensible song rose from the subway station. Seeing the
woman made Rezia feel that everything was going to be okay. She turned to Septimus,
thinking how he did not look insane. When Septimus was young, he had fallen in love with
a woman who lent him books on Shakespeare. He became a poet. Septimus was one of
the first volunteers for the army in World War I. He went to protect Shakespeare. He
became friends with his officer, Evans, who died just before the war ended. Septimus was
glad that he felt no grief, until he realized that he had lost the ability to feel. In a panic, he
married. Lucrezia adored his studiousness and quiet. Septimus read Shakespeare again
but could not change his mind that humanity was despicable. After five years, Lucrezia
wanted a child. Septimus could not fathom it. He wondered if he would go mad.

Dr. Holmes could not help. Septimus knew nothing was physically wrong, but he figured,
his crimes were still great. The third time Holmes came, Septimus tried to refuse him. He
hated him. Rezia could not understand and Septimus felt deserted. He heard the world
telling him to kill himself. Upon seeing Holmes, Septimus screamed in horror. The doctor,
annoyed, advised that they see Dr. Bradshaw. They had an appointment that afternoon.
Part II, Section Two:

At noon, Clarissa finished her sewing and the Warren Smiths neared Sir William
Bradwhaw. Bradshaw knew immediately that Septimus had suffered from a mental
breakdown. Bradshaw reassured Mrs. Smith that Septimus needed a long rest in the
country to regain a sense of proportion. Septimus equated Bradshaw with Holmes and
with the evil of human nature. Rezia felt deserted. The narrator describes another side to
proportion, conversion. One wondered if Bradshaw did not like to impose his will on
others weaker than he. The Smiths passed near Hugh Whitbread.

Though superficial, Hugh had been an honorable member of high society for years. Lady
Bruton preferred Richard Dalloway to Hugh. She had invited both to lunch to ask for their
services. The luncheon was elaborate. Richard had a great respect for Lady Bruton. Lady
Bruton cared more for politics than people. Suddenly, Lady Bruton mentioned Peter
Walsh. Richard thought that he should tell Clarissa he loved her. Lady Bruton then
mentioned the topic of emigration to Canada. She wanted Richard to advise her and
Hugh to write to the London Times for her.

As Richard stood to leave, he asked if he would see Lady Bruton at Clarissa's party.
Possibly, she retorted. Lady Bruton did not like parties. Richard and Hugh stood at a
street corner. Finally, they entered a shop. Richard bought Clarissa roses and rushed
home to profess his love.

Part II, Section Three:

Clarissa was very annoyed, but invited her boring cousin Ellie to the party out of courtesy.
Richard walked in with flowers. He said nothing, but she understood. Clarissa mentioned
Peter's visit, and how bizarre it was that she had almost married him. Richard held her
hand and then hurried off to a committee meeting. Clarissa felt uneasy because of the
negative reactions both Peter and Richard had toward her parties. Yet, parties were her
offering to the world, her gift.

Elizabeth entered. She and Miss Kilman were going to the Army and Navy surplus stores.
Miss Kilman despised Clarissa. Whenever Miss Kilman was filled with sinister thoughts,
she thought of God to relieve them. Clarissa despised Miss Kilman as well. She felt that
the woman was stealing her daughter. As they left, Clarissa yelled after Elizabeth to
remember her party.
Clarissa pondered love and religion. She noticed the old woman whom she could view in
the house adjacent. It seemed to Clarissa that the ringing of the bell forced the lady to
move away from her window. All was connected.

Miss Kilman lived to eat food and love Elizabeth. After shopping, Miss Kilman declared
that they must have tea. Elizabeth thought of how peculiar Miss Kilman was. Miss Kilman
detained her by talking, feeling sorry for herself. She drove a small wedge between them.
Elizabeth paid her bill and left.

Part II, Section Four:

Miss Kilman sat alone, despondent, before heading to a sanctuary of religion. In an

Abbey, she knelt in prayer. Elizabeth enjoyed being outdoors alone and decided to take a
bus ride. Her life was changing. She felt that the attention men gave her was silly. She
wondered if Miss Kilman's ideas about the poor were correct. She paid another penny so
that she could continue riding. Elizabeth thought she might be a doctor or a farmer.

Septimus looked out the window and smiled. Sometimes, he would demand that Rezia
record his thoughts. Lately, he would cry out about truth and Evans. He spoke of Holmes
as the evil of human nature. This day, Rezia sat sewing a hat and Septimus held a normal
conversation with her, making her happy. They joked and Septimus designed the pattern
to decorate the hat. Rezia happily sewed it on.

Septimus slowly slipped from reality. Rezia asked if he liked the hat, but he just stared.
He remembered that Bradshaw had said that he would need to separate himself. He
wanted his writings burned but Rezia promised to keep them from the doctors. She
promised no one would separate her from him either. Dr. Holmes arrived. Rezia ran to
stop him from seeing Septimus. Holmes pushed by her. Septimus needed to escape.
After weighing his options, he threw himself onto the fence below.

Part II, Section Five:

Peter appreciated the ambulance that sped past him as a sign of civility. His tendency to
become emotionally attached to women had always been a flaw. He remembered when
he and Clarissa rode atop a bus, and she spoke of a theory. Wherever she had been, a
piece of her stayed behind. She diminished the finality of death this way. For Peter, a
piece of Clarissa stayed with him always, like it or not. At his hotel, Peter received a letter
from Clarissa. She wrote that she had loved seeing him. He wished she would just leave
him alone. He would always feel bitterly that Clarissa had refused him. He thought of
Daisy, the young woman in India. He cared little about what others thought.

Peter decided that he would attend Clarissa's party, in order to speak with Richard.
Finally, he left the hotel. The symmetry of London struck him as beautiful. Reaching
Clarissa's, Peter breathed deeply to prepare himself for the challenge. Instinctively, his
hand opened the knife blade in his pocket.

Part II, Section Six:

Guests were already arriving and Clarissa greeted each one. Peter felt that Clarissa was
insincere. Clarissa felt superficial when Peter looked on. Ellie Henderson, Clarissa's poor
cousin, stood in the corner. Richard was kind enough to say hello. Suddenly, Lady
Rosseter was announced. It was Sally Seton. Clarissa was overjoyed to see her. The
Prime Minister was announced and Clarissa had to attend to him. He was an ordinary
looking man. Peter thought the English were snobs. Lady Bruton met privately with the
Prime Minister. Clarissa retained a hollow feeling. Parties were somewhat less fulfilling
recently. A reminder of Miss Kilman filled her with hatred.

Clarissa had so many to greet. Clarissa brought Peter over to her old aunt and promised
they would speak later. Clarissa wished she had time to stop and talk to Sally and Peter.
Clarissa saw them as the link to her past. Then, the Bradshaws entered. Lady Bradshaw
told Clarissa about a young man who had killed himself. Distraught, Clarissa wandered
into a little, empty room. She could feel the man, who had been Septimus, fall. She
wondered if the man had been happy. Clarissa realized why she despised Sir Bradshaw;
he made life intolerable. Clarissa noticed the old woman in the next house. She watched
the old woman prepare for bed. Clarissa was glad that Septimus had thrown his life away.
She returned to the party.

Peter wondered where Clarissa had gone. Sally had changed, Peter thought. Peter had
not, Sally thought. They noticed that Elizabeth seemed so unlike Clarissa. Sally
mentioned that Clarissa lacked something. Peter admitted that his relationship with
Clarissa had scarred his life.

Richard was amazed how grown up Elizabeth looked. Almost everyone had left the party.
Sally rose to speak with Richard. Peter was suddenly overcome with elation. Clarissa had
finally come.

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