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Diamond Gray

EDU 201 – 1002 Fall 2019


Portfolio Project #11 Lesson Planning

(1) Name of lesson: Electronic Biography Poster

(2) Grade Level: 5th grade

(3) Suggested group size: Individual Instruction

(4) Subject: Writing

(5) Standard: From the Common Core ELA Standards, students will “Conduct short research

projects that use several sources to build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of

a topic.”

(6) Objective: The student will learn how to use the Internet and other reference sources in

order to conduct research about an influential figure in American history.

(7) Materials needed to facilitate the lesson:

 A class set of laptops or computers

 Microsoft PowerPoint

 Any web browser, such as Google Chrome, Safari, or Microsoft Edge

(8) Procedures:
1. Instruct the students to find an influential figure in American history that has made a

significant contribution to society. This person can be a celebrity, an artist, a political

activist, or a former U.S. president; it does not matter what time period they lived in or

what their occupation was. The most important thing is that students research a person

who has made a significant impact on society. If students need help thinking of an

influential person to research, they may visit this website to get an idea:


2. Once students have an influential figure in mind, they should start researching

information about them by using a search engine, such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc...

Students will need to find their date of birth, place of birth, date of death (if applicable),

and all significant contributions that they have made to American history.

3. After students have completed the research portion, then they will open up Microsoft

PowerPoint and start a new slide in order to create their electronic biography poster.

4. Students are free to design their poster in any way they choose, but their biography poster

must include these following sections:

 The name of their chosen figure

 At least one picture of their chosen figure

 Their date of birth, place of birth, and date of death (if applicable)

 At least one paragraph (4-5 sentences) that explains their contributions to American

 At least one paragraph (4-5 sentences) that explains why the student chose this particular

person to write a biography poster about. In other words, ask students this question:

"Why is this American figure important or interesting to YOU personally?"

 Any colors or graphics to make their biography poster stand out. Points will be given for

creativity and neatness.

5. Lastly, students will take turns presenting their electronic biography poster to the rest of

the class.

(9) Assessment: I will use the holistic scoring rubric below to grade student work after they turn

in their electronic biography poster:

Score Description
5 Electronic poster reflects complete
understanding of proper research strategies.
The poster also contains all required sections,
and it looks very neat and creative.
4 Electronic poster reflects considerable
understanding of proper research strategies.
The electronic poster also contains all
required sections.
3 Electronic poster reflects partial
understanding of proper research strategies.
The poster contains nearly all required
2 Electronic poster reflects little understanding
of proper research strategies. Many of the
required sections are missing or incomplete.
1 Electronic poster reflects no understanding of
proper research strategies.
0 Student has not attempted task.

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