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My exposition

1. My Technology object: the IPOD.

2. My question was: Could I use the iPOD to store
information as if it were an USB drive?
3. My first hypothesis is: If the iPOD can store music and
movies to be played, and they are files, then it is
possible that it can store other types of files that are
not exactly music or videos.
4. I found interesting information in these sources: 1) (that is a website about apple devices)
2) (that is the official apple website with
plenty of information about its devices).
5. In these two sources I found these two very important
pieces of information about my question: 1) According
to this website, the iPod can be used to store
information as if it were an USB drive; however, that is
only possible with non-iOS iPods like iPod nano, Shuffle
and Classic and by using a hidden option in iTunes. 2)
iPod touch devices that can work with the latest
versions of iOS can be used to store information as if
it were an USB only by using an app that is called Files
app and another app called iCloud Drive.
6. This is my final conclusion: My final conclusion is that
YES, it is possible to use the ipod as if it were an USB
drive but for non-IOS versions, you need to turn on a
hidden option in iTUNES and for IOS devices, like the
ipod touch, you need to install and use in your computer
an application called iCLOUD DRIVE. The ipod wasn’t
made to be used as if it were an USB drive but you can
still use it that way doing some modifications, the ones
I just mentioned.

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