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ETHICS: A Watwat Soup for the Soul

I belong to a community where our foods are watwat, kiniing, and itag. To a community where Bendian
is our dance, we dance until we get tired. A community where our social party is called Cañao. In a
community where I belong, is a family- a one big family where everyone knows each one's businesses.
We live an ethical life as our forefathers practice it and we, younger generations adapt it. Humility, the
best description I can give, a culture we share. We let things be and we choose peace because it’s for
ourselves. Example, when there’s a misunderstanding between clans about land rights, we settle it
personally. We do not file a complaint but rather we let them do what they want (to own the land,
supposed to be “ours”) so that we would not be involved in a fight.

Plato's universal assent says that if everyone’s point of view is for the good of all, then it is ethical. But if
numerous people does not desire good, then it is unethical. This concept of morality and ethical
standards can be related to our community because what we want is the good of all, and for all. Elders
advise the youth to be careful in decisions and be rational. The officials help in developing the
community, providing us material needs for mass consumption. When there is a celebration, may it a
wedding or funeral, 'bayanihan' system is applied. This also can be in the concept of the writings of the

Majority in our community are not fond of buying material things which they do not need. I am one of
them. Today, the materialism of an individual is seen by how he presents himself. But does these things
make you happy and grant you lifetime satisfaction? It does not, does it? I for one am not really fit into
the materialistic category. As a teenager, I was one but as I grow older, I realized that I don’t need these
things. I just want it. I cannot utilize these luxury of mine on a daily basis anyway. My mother always tell
me to save up money instead of buying. I did so. The material things I bought for fun, or luxury, or out of
desire may have pleased me but for a short period of time only. After it was destroyed, there was no
pleasure no more. Gladly, I have acquired my ultimate happiness which is to study and pursue the
discipline I want. As I acquire new knowledge, concepts, and theories in teaching, I feel fulfilled because
I am gaining something intangible that is a food for my soul. By studying, I can apply the knowledge for a
lifetime and the knowledge, I can know for a lifetime. I am fully satisfied with the music I can create. I
can play the guitar, bass, violin, beatbox, flute, and keyboard by myself without any help of the notes or
musical figures. I can play and produce the music by hearing. I absorb the sound and naturally it comes
out. That is a pleasure and a privilege to have. By having music, I can share. I can share the happiness of
playing, I can share the emotions I am feeling, and most importantly, I can share a part of me to
everyone whom can hear the music I create. This enables me to give and have satisfaction. I used to
busk on the streets of Baguio. Strangers would tell me their feelings about the music we're playing. They
often say that it’s beautiful and that is the reward I gain by sharing my music that cannot be exchanged
with any tangible things. That is a genuine and lifetime happiness.

The vision of absolute beauty and the Idea of Good. The major criteria of aesthetic is balance and
symmetry. But what about beyond that? How about the transcendent meaning of beauty? I as an
individual does not look into the physical appearance of a person and characterize him/her as beautiful.
I cannot define a beautiful face nor a beautiful body but I can clearly define what truly a beautiful person
is. The most beautiful people I know are my family. My grandmother whom has taken care of me and
done me things that cannot be reciprocated at once, my mother whom has been supporting my studies
until I graduate, my father whom is like an empty book for I can write anything I want, my sisters and
cousins whom has made me laugh so hard until I catch my breath, and my husband whom had made me
feel and is making me feel like I'm the only woman in the world. The idea of good is the absolute value
of beauty indeed. The nature, I can say is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. It has the most
aesthetical value. Why? The trees and plants provide us oxygen, the reason why we are breathing
making us live. That is good. The sun which warms us and gives us natural light. That is good. The night
and the wind that puts us to sleep and cools down the heat of the sun. That is good. The rainwater that
moists and wets all of the land that we cannot water. That is good. The stars that gave us an idea of
hope and wishes. That is good. The land which provides us somewhere to settle in. That is good. The
fruits provide us sweet and natural taste, sea creatures and land creatures that provide us food to eat.
That is good. Another aesthetic thing is art. A person expresses his feelings to be felt by another person.
A wireless contact. That is good. On the other hand, beauty has no standard. But beauty is how you
perceive and evaluate things that makes it beautiful for you. Today, through advertisements, it dictates
the standard of what beauty is so never let anyone or anything dictate what beauty is for you.

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