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1. What is your developed perception on drugs?

Drugs are chemicals or substances that change the way our bodies work. Some are
medicines that help people when doctors prescribe them. Many have no medical use or
benefits. When taken, abused drugs find their way into the bloodstream. From there,
they move to the brain and other parts of the body. In the brain, drugs may intensify or
dull the senses, change how alert or sleepy people feel, and sometimes decrease
physical pain.

Because of the way these drugs work on the brain, they affect the ability to make
healthy choices and decisions. Even drinking makes people more likely to get involved
in dangerous situations, like driving under the influence or having unprotected sex.
Although substances can feel good at first, they can do a lot of harm to the body and
brain. Drinking alcohol, smoking or using tobacco, taking illegal drugs, even sniffing glue
all damage the human body.

In all sense, drugs can be good or bad for you. If these drugs were prescribed by the
doctor then these are healthy drugs but over consuming it may lead you to addiction
and worst cases, it will basically destroy your health, physically and mentally.

2. As youth, how can you help in the achievement of a mission of “Drug Free
Philippines by 2015”?

As a responsible youth, the best I can do to help achieving the mission of a Drug
free Philippines is to raise awareness to everyone especially my fellow mates that are
same with my age for we are prone in engaging in such acts like drug abuse, over using
drugs and addiction in using of one. I would like to be knowledgeable with this topic so
that I can share it and help people. Because I do believe that if one individual starts
engaging to these acts it may be hard for them to stop and worst may ruin their future.
There is still hope for everyone let us hold on to it and save them.

3. Give your suggestion(s) in addressing the problems of drugs in your community?

Everyone wants to know the key to preventing drug use in one’s community, the
miracle solution, the way out of a drug and alcohol trap, etc. People want peace of mind
and comfort. They want to feel like they are never going to have to worry about drug
problems entering into their communities and homes ever again. But there is  no cure-
all, no one-size-fits-all solution for safe-pointing every community from drug and alcohol

There are several ways in which a community can work on preventing drug abuse
within its homes, schools, churches, job places, and within the community as a whole.
These are; providing enough knowledge about Drug and alcohol abuse, increasing of
access in addiction treatment, enhancement of skills on recognizing and reducing
incidents of Drug use. Communities need to “skill-up” and not be so ignorant about drug
use occurring before their very eyes. Parents as well as educators should be educated
on the signs of drug abuse and spot these indicators sooner rather than later, so that we
can treat the person before they become an addict.

All in all, if all in the community cooperates well with the above mentioned prevention
acts we would notice a rapid decrease in drug use trends, alcohol misuse, interest in
drugs, drug crime, accidents and injuries caused by drugs and alcohol, etc. We have to
remember to retain a comprehensive approach, and we have to  all work on this
together. It’s quite the commitment, quite the effort, but the end goal of sober and drug-
free communities is well worth it.

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