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Toward Autonomous Ship Navigation

Formulating the Future of Maritime Situational Awareness Data


he technology available to the maritime world is for reduced manning on board vessels, unmanned work-
T changing fast; unmanned and autonomous systems
are redefining the way the world works at sea. The way
boats and unmanned security platforms and will eventu-
ally allow for unmanned large ships.
in which offshore construction is undertaken, how na- Unmanned vessels utilize powerful onboard process-
vies and coast guards provide security, ways the seabed ing and software to read, interpret and fuse sensor data
is surveyed, how freight is moved, and how people are together, typically from automatic identification system
transported all have scope for massive change. (AIS), radar, cameras and LiDAR aligning the data with
The key to ensuring these technological advances are historical information on a particular environment. The
of maximum benefit to maritime operations is to provide vessels create a digital world model, calculate potential
a coordinated approach between technology, data sup- routes, assign risks and make decisions on safe naviga-
pliers, standards and regulations. The integration and de- tional routes ahead that are not only collision-regulation
velopment of autonomy in the last decade has allowed (COLREG) aware but also move them toward their end-

L3 Technologies C-Worker 7 ASV, an example of an unmanned


10 ST | May 2019

advantages of data-dense, machine-read-
able charts.

Shortfalls of Nautical Charts

The main area of concern is the navi-
gational data required to “drive” an au-
tonomous vessel, including the lack of
any stated rules, regulations or standards
relating to an autonomous vessel. While
autonomous vessels are aware of their sur-
roundings and use sense and avoidance
technologies, these vessels will still need
navigational data to get from A to B, avoid
certain areas and operate in busy spaces
such as ports. To suggest that autonomous
vessels will only use the International Hydrographic Of-
fice (IHO) standard S-57 Electronic Navigational Chart
(Top) L3 Technologies is developing an object-detection ENC data is inappropriate: ENCs are fundamentally de-
capability (example: sailboat classification) using machine signed to be viewed and interpreted by a human being
vision to interpret camera images. (Bottom) Example of a and used in conjunction with the human’s knowledge
camera sensor monitoring the coastline, comparing terrain and visual interpretations of a situation to make deci-
shape with database information to confirm location. sions.
The question then arises: How do we get to a point
where an autonomous vessel has the same decision-mak-
goal or destination. However, this is only half of the pic- ing capability and capacity as a human? The vessel needs
ture, or, more accurately, the world model. The data used to be able to understand and interpret its environment
to form the background of the world model—location of based on a back catalog of experience and knowledge,
land, obstructions, navigation marks, guidance and rules, as well as situational awareness.
local information, visual references and more—is in a
format historically developed for humans to read and in- New Elements for Navigational Charts
terpret. The project developed a series of conceptual ideas
In the age of the digital ship, important safety and that, when stacked together, would make for a rich in-
efficiency opportunities exist, arising from the develop- formation source that could be utilized by autonomous
ment of a new data format or digital world model for the vessels for safe navigation: integration and exploitation
developers, owners and operators of vessels in need of of future IHO/UKHO work; visual imagery database that
unmanned capabilities. onboard cameras and processors can use to aid naviga-
With that in mind, the U.K.’s Department for Transport tion, confirm position and guard against GPS spoofing
(DfT) provided funding to L3 Technologies’ Unmanned or failure; informational and instructional layers where
Maritime Systems division, the Maritime & Coastguard the information often provided in text format on charts is
Agency (MCA) and the U.K. Hydrographic Office turned into logical guidance rules with geographical lim-
(UKHO) to undertake a project on the future of marine its in a computer-readable format; unique identification
navigational data and charts. The project’s intent was to database of all objects and marks (this information would
establish the future requirements of maritime situational encumber a conventional chart and confuse the human
awareness data provision for autonomous vessels and the reader but could be easily interpreted by a computer); May 2019 | ST 11

“Monitoring dynamic objects, identifying static objects, confirming position
relative to the coast or navigational marks, and monitoring
the weather and sea state are all critical to safe navigation.”

and updating and information-sharing techniques, such camera lenses. It is both expensive and time consuming
that the systems can share real-time updates and naviga- to collect such a variety of images in the real world and
tional information, compared to charts that some opera- often difficult in extreme environments. Using synthetic
tors may not update for a year or more. imagery solves this problem. Simulations make it possi-
ble to generate extreme conditions and situations that are
Integration with Future IHO, UKHO Work rare in real life but would help to train a model more ac-
The UKHO follows internationally approved stan- curately, e.g., a situation in which a boat is upside down.
dards that are developed and agreed upon by IHO mem- This provides a variety of conditions that are necessary to
ber states. Although there are a wide variety of standards, train the systems and create robust models. The final goal
the primary interest for this project was S-57, the current is to support operator and vessel situational awareness
IHO Transfer Standard for Digital Hydrographic Data. for collision avoidance.
S-57 has limitations for supporting autonomous naviga-
tion because it was designed for a human as the end-user. Instructional Layers
In 2010, a new standard, S-100, came into force. Un- Waterways can be hectic and complex environments
like S-57, S-100 is inherently more flexible and makes with a large number of moving vessels, navigational ob-
provision for such things as the use of imagery and grid- structions and restrictions that can change over time. To
ded data types, enhanced metadata and multiple encod- help manage this environment and reduce risk, organi-
ing formats. It also provides a more flexible and dynamic zations such as the MCA, local harbor authorities, U.K.
maintenance regime via a dedicated online registry. Ministry of Defence, UKHO and others issue information
The main benefit of the S-100 framework is that it is on charts.
extensible and the data model can be updated as new The amount of information that can be placed on
requirements emerge. It is vital that these future require- human-readable charts is limited. It is typically graph-
ments are considered now to ensure autonomous vessels ically represented with side information notes, and if
can utilize the data produced by hydrographic offices too much information is added the chart can become
around the world. over-cluttered. The situation for an autonomous system
is vastly different; a computer can handle very complex,
Vision Technologies, Imagery Databases multi-layered information sets with ease, allowing for
Vision is, without a doubt, one of the most critical more information to be included, to enable logical ma-
elements to situational awareness. Monitoring dynamic chine-readable instructions for actions.
objects, identifying static objects, confirming position Instructional layering has the potential to be extreme-
relative to the coast or navigational marks, and moni- ly powerful for making operations safer and managing
toring the weather and sea state are all critical to safe the introduction of autonomous vessels into operations
navigation. alongside conventional traffic.
Significant amounts of work are being undertaken in Example categories for instructional layers include
urban/city/highway environments to provide this infor- depth, speed limits, marked channels, traffic separation
mation to the self-driving and smart-car community. L3 schemes, communication, fishing restrictions, anchorag-
Technologies’ Unmanned Maritime Systems division has es, military areas, environmental areas and national in-
been conducting similar work in the maritime domain. frastructure, each with their own set of operational rules.
An L3 project called Simulation and Vision in Extreme There would be the option to add an instructional layer
Environments (SIMVEE) is using machine vision to inter- for the autonomy level of vessels. This would work by
pret camera images to detect and recognize obstacles. limiting the role of autonomous vessels in an area based
Machine vision is a fundamental tool for sophisticated, upon the complexity of the area and the sophistication
autonomous decision making. The SIMVEE project is level of the vessel.
about developing this capability using both real world L3 Technologies’ Unmanned Maritime Systems had
and synthetic imagery. Models are being developed, in- been developing autonomous navigation technologies
cluding deep neural networks to classify certain vessels, for the last decade and currently has an advanced COL-
for example, sailing boats or motor boats, in extreme en- REG-aware autonomous navigation system. The system
vironments and weather conditions. Multiple simulators can navigate safely around all sorts of scenarios and
are being used to generate synthetic images in different traffic but is currently configured for the particular mis-
scenarios. sion and area of operation. This configuration and set of
Training intelligent, deep neural networks requires operating procedures implicitly embed information that
capturing images in a variety of conditions, including would more appropriately be contained in an instruc-
different weather conditions, backgrounds, positions and tional layer. For example, when surveying, the rules the

12 ST | May 2019

autonomous vessel should follow are different in ship- requirement and should follow suit in autonomous ves-
ping lanes, nature reserves, the harbor and open water. sels.
Following these and many other “local knowledge” rules In the world of autonomous vessels, it is expected
is where autonomous vessels excel. The new instruction that communications between the vessel and shore be
layers are a way for the vessel to follow the rules directly, open at all times, enabling more frequent or real-time
rather than the ambiguity of a human attempting to con- updates to be pushed from official sources, such as the
vert them in an ad-hoc way. UKHO, so that the vessels can listen and update their
navigational database and products automatically, irre-
Unique Identifiers spective of where they are in the world. This would be
Autonomous vessels can follow the rules precisely, an advantage over the current situation in the manned
manage large amounts of data and never get bored, un- shipping environment; however, thought needs to go into
like their human equivalents. If every static or moored how to prove that an autonomous vessel has indeed re-
object shown on a chart had a unique identification ceived and applied the latest available updates. Today,
number that correlated with an imagery database, then that function is carried out by mariners and confirmed
a machine is ideally suited to checking that each has by port state inspectors. An equivalent model will need
been identified and keeping a careful progress status. to be defined and used to provide the assurance that the
This could be a useful means of providing secondary vessel is up to date and conforms to SOLAS regulations
navigational data, instead of GPS, and certainly a way for navigational data and situational awareness.
of determining a potential GPS spoof. A chart may show
an area of “mooring posts” but not define how many or What’s Next?
where this information would overload a human-read- The consortium of L3 Technologies, MCA and UKHO
able chart. If they were identified with unique ID num- has worked effectively to explore the opportunities for
bers and positions in a machine-readable format, this future “smart charts” to aid the safe navigation of autono-
would be a highly accurate method for an autonomous mous maritime systems and smart ships. During the proj-
vessel to verify its location, progress against goals and ect, it was identified that the concepts discussed would
navigational status. benefit not only fully autonomous or remote vessels but
UKHO holds unique IDs in the form of feature object also manned craft using “smart bridge” technologies that
IDs (FOIDs) for all charted features; however, at present, are emerging in the market. These enhance the mas-
they are not linked to the real-world element. The general ter’s situational awareness and offer collision/ground-
view is that, unless we were trying to connect real-world ing-avoidance capabilities. Taking any project from con-
features to the unique IDs, the current FOIDs would be cept to reality is a big step and will require the backing of
sufficient. regulators, government and industry. ST

Updating Vessel-Based Information

L3 is an industry leader in developing and fielding advanced solutions for
Clearly, whatever navigational services are required military, commercial and research customers.
by autonomous vessels, the crucial aspect of maintaining
and updating the data is as important in an autonomous The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) is responsible for maritime
regulation, safety and counter-pollution in the U.K.
environment as it is in today’s manned shipping environ-
ment. Indeed, today, the maintenance and updating of The U.K. Hydrographic Office (UKHO) is a leading center for hydrography,
charts and publications is a Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) providing marine geospatial data to inform maritime decisions.

Your View Below the Surface

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view beneath the surface and collects
the most accurate data!
Software for Single Beam,
Side Scan, ADCP, Magnetometer,
and Sub-bottom Support.

Software for Multibeam,
Backscatter, and Topographic
Laser Systems. •

14 ST | May 2019

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