Session 0 - DND

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Session 0: Villager Rescue

Our story begins in the dark hours of early morning, about 8 miles north of the village of Thain. You
have tracked the goblin party and their villager prisoners through the night, and now find yourselves
in front of an inky black cave opening at the foot of the Bragus Teeth. The goblin tracks are direct -
they lead right to this hole. What do you want to do?

The interior of the cave is dark and damp.

There is a hallway of some kind to the back right of the cave, with boulders, lose rock, and pickaxes
strewn about.

The hallway is made of stone bricks, while the occasional empty torch sconce breaks up the
monotony of walls. Eventually, you come to a room.

To the left of you, there is a small table facing a carving of a figure on the wall. There are a few
completely rotten and decayed barrels strewn about. Directly in front of you, there is a statue of a
figure holding an ornate longsword. To the right, there is another hallway leading into darkness

Investigate the figure to see an ornately carved figure of a middle aged man. He is wearing vaguely
Echerian clothing and has a halo floating behind his head. In Echerian, there is an inscription:
Emperor Caius Adeon Echeru
DC 20: History Check - Ancient Emperor of Echerian Empire, ruled at least 1000 years ago

DC 13 Investigate/Perception check
DC 15 Dex Save
A trap is in this hallway. There is a rope mechanism that when trigger causes an axe to swing down.

As you head further down the hallway you see a large stone door with a handle. There is a large
circular symbol of a sun with 8 spheres radiating from it carved into the door.

DC 20 Religion/History Check - Old Imperial Cult - Cult of the Sun

As your eyes adjust to the brilliant blinding light in the next room, you see a few things. There are lit
torches in all of the wall sconces as opposed to before. There are 8 large pillars that support the roof
of this open space. Fourduplicates of the statues you saw in the previous room are evenly spaced
along the side walls. And directly in front of you is a large stone altar, behind which stand a large, red
goblin, and a figure hooded in dark robes. In front of the altar you see two more goblins, weapons at
the ready, and a snarling wolf.

To the left is a caved in hallway

To the right is another dark hallway

Down this hallway is another large open room. In the corner of the room you see… something

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