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Susu :
• Aw tinggi
• Karbohidrat tinggi , Protein tinggi, Vitamin
dan mineral lengkap
• Pengawetan : pendinginan, pasteur, steril,
pengental, pembubukan, ferments
• Jenis produk : susu cair, susu kental, susu
bubuk, mentega, keju, es krim
• predominant : Micrococcus, Steptococcus,
• Kontaminasi : bakteri asam laktat, coliform
• Sapi mastitis : Streptococcus agalactiae,
Staph. Aureus, coliform, Pseudomonas
milk and milk products
• Raw milk
• Pasteurized milk
• Dried products
• Butter
• Frozen dairy products
• Concentrated products
• Fermented dairy products
Raw Milk
• Microbiota of milk from healthy cows
o Micrococcus ,Staphylococcus, Lactic acid cocci
(Lactococcus, Streptococcus)
o Counts usually <103/ml
• Microbiota of milk from cows with mastitis
o Contagious mastitis
• Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae
o Environmental mastitis
• Coliforms, Pseudomonas, other streptococci
o Counts >103 in the bulk tank (if not separated)
 Sources of microorganisms
 Cow surfaces (hides, udders)
 Organisms from manure, soil, feed, water
 Gram negatives and Gram positives
 Few microorganisms in the teat sinus
 Gram positive
 Uncleaned equipment and utensils
 Gram-positive thermoduric organisms
 Thermoduric bacteria affect the microbiological
quality of pasteurized milk
Susu segar

 Increase in microbial counts in raw milk is usually

due to psychotrophs
 Pseudomonas, Flavobacterium, Alcaligenes
 Some coliforms
 Spoilage of refrigerated milk consists usually of
bitter, rancid, fruity flavors
 Due to putrefaction
 Caused by psychrotrophs
 Spoilage of milk at room consists usually of souring
 Due to fermentation
Susu Segar

Food safety issues

• Most outbreaks of Campylobacter enteritis
are associated with consumption of raw
• M. tuberculosis and M. paratuberculosis
are of concern in raw milk
Susu Pasteurisasi

o Initial microbiota consisting of thermoduric

and sporeforming organisms
o Types and numbers of bacteria depend on
the microbial load before pasteurization
o Common thermoduric organisms
o Bacillus, Micrococcus, Lactococcus,
Microbacterium, Corynebacterium,
o All Gram positive
Susu Pasteurisasi

o Usually associated with Gram-negative
o Bitter, rancid, fruity, or unclean flavor
o Gram-positive, psychrotrophic
sporeformers (Bacillus spp.), can grow
and cause spoilage (sweet curdling)
Produk Susu Kering

• Milk
• Skimmed milk (nonfat dry milk)
• Buttermilk
• Whey
• Cheese
• Certain fermented products
Shelf stable due to low aw
Preheating reduces some microorganisms, mostly
psychrotrophic Gram negatives, coliforms, yesasts
and molds
Their presence in dry product indicates contamination
post drying
Typical microbiota include thermoduric micrococci,
thermoduric streptococci, corinebacteria and
aerobic sporeformers
Depending on the temperature used for processing
there are:
Low-heat, medium-heat or high-heat products
Their microbiological quality depends on the quality
of the raw product
 Dry products are often used as ingredients
 When used for direct consumption after
rehydrating, food safety concerns emerge
 Salmonella outbreaks associated with
consumption of dried milk
 S. aureus poisoning in desserts including dry
milk then temperature abused
Susu Fermentasi
Starter cultures
o Added to modify aroma and texture
o LAB are commonly used but not the only starters
o Some starters will produce acid
o Propionibacterium shermanii in swiss cheese
o Some starters will coagulate proteins
o Thickening of yogurt by Streptococcus
thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii
subsp. bulgaricus
o Some starters will produce a specific aroma
o Penicillium roquefortii in roquefort cheese
Fermented Dairy Products
• Microorganisms
– Lactococcus
– Leuconostoc
– Lactobacillus
– Others
• Preservation
– Lactic acid production
Bakteri asam laktat
• ada pada tanaman, susu, usus hewan.
• Bentuk baksil dan koki
• Fakultatif anaerob
• Sebagian besar mati pada suhu 70oC, ada
yang sampai 80oC
• Memefertasi laktosa menjadi asam laktat
• Kebanyakan fermentasi sampai 0,5-1,5%
asam laktat, ada sampai 3%
• Sumber N diperoleh dari kasein
Species Op. tem Ferment. Lact. to Ferment. Citric Use in
oC acid to
Lac acid % Others

Acidified milk,
Str. thermophilus 40--45 0,7-0,8 - -
Lc lactis 25 - 30 0,5 – 0,7 - - Acidified milk
Lc cremoris 25 - 30 0,5 – 0,7 - - Acidified milk
CO2,volatyles, Acidified milk,
Lc diacetylactis 25 - 30 0,3 – 0,6 -
diacetyl cheese, butter
CO2,volatyles, Acidified milk
Leuc cremoris 25 - 30 0,2 – 0, CO2
Lb acidophilus 37 0,6 – 0,9 - - Acidified milk
Lb casei 30 1,2 – 1,5 - - Cheese
Lb lactis 40 - 45 1,2 - 1,5 - - Cheese
Acidified milk,
Lb helveticus 40 - 45 2,0 – 2,7 - -
Lb bulgaricus 40-45 1,5 – 1,7 - - Acidified milk
Bifidobacterium 37 0,4 – 0, Acet a - Acidified milk
Cheese production
• Additives (salt and herbs) may be added
after seperation or shaping.
• Additives and shape effect property of
cheese product
• Ripening – add flavor and look
• Natural or inoculation of microbes e.g.
– Penicillium roquefortii (spores are usually
added into blue cheese), and
– Penicillium camemberti is added to the
surface of a cheese known as Camembert
Fresh or unripened
Cottage, Cream, Mozzarella, Neufchatel,
several Mexican-style cheeses
• Ripened
Soft surface ripened
Camembert, Brie
Muenster, Gouda, Edam, Roquefort, Blue
Cheddar, Swiss, Ementaler, Gruyere
Romano, Parmesan

Microbial spoilage limited by combined

effect of salt, acid and bacterial activity
Some cheeses may permit growth of
anaerobic sporeformers, causing gassy
Fresh cheeses have a pH >5.0 and aw
>0.9 therefore may be spoiled by Gram-
negative psychrotrophic bacteria
Pseudomonas, Flavobacterium, Alcaligenes
Yogurt and other fermented milk
• Yogurt, kefir, buttermilk, sourcream
• Yogurt usually use mixture of 2 cultures:
– Streptococcus thermophilus: ini. acid
– Lactobacillus bulgaricus 0.5 - 1.0% lactic acid
• Fermented at 28-32 °C
• Taste due to acetaldehyde, diacetyl, and
• Product need to contains live cultures

• Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp.
bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus
• Symbiotic growth
– L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus stimulates
Streptococcus thermophilus down to pH 4.6-
– Streptococcus thermophilus stimulates
Lactobacillus bulgaricus to pH 4.1-4.3
Fermented milk

• Heat treatment of milk

– 185oF (85oC) - 30 min
– 195oF (90.5oC)- 3-5 min
• Inoculation
– Bulk starter 1-5%, from frozen concentrate or
frozen concentrate as recommended
M.O pada Ikan
• Aw tinggi, selalu basah
• Protein tinggi
• PH netral
• Asal kontak dengan air
• Mudah rusak sendiri (autolisis)
• M.o tergantung pada asal/lingk tempat hidup
• Pengawetan : pending, pembeku,
pengeringan, pengalengan, penggaraman
• Sulit melakukan pencegahan kontaminasi
Kandungan M.O
• Pada permukaan : Pseudomonas,
Flavobacterium, Enterococcus, Vibrio
• Pada perut : Alcaligenes, Pseuodomonas,
Flavobacterium, Vibrio, Clostridium, Escherichia
• Kandungan 103 – 108 CFU/gram
• Insang kandungan mo sangat tinggi
• Penyebab utama kerusakan : Pseudomonas,
kemudian Acinetobacter, Moraxella dan
• Dapat terkontaminasi mo dari manusia :
Salmonella, Shigela
Penyebab kerusakan
Produk Gol Contoh m.o
Ikan diasinkan Bak. Serratia, Micrococcus, Bacillus,
halofilik Alcaligenes, Pseudomonas
Ikan asap Kapang

Udang-udangan bakteri Acinetobacter, Moraxella, Vibrio

Kepiting Dingin Psedomonas, Acinetobacter,
hangat Proteus
Bacteria on mucosal surface
Host-parasite relationship
Host = an organism which harbors parasite
Parasite = an organism that lives on or in a second
Surfaces such as eggs, skin, gills, and intestinal tract
Mucus layer as an adhesion site and protective layer
Indigenous vs. transient
Indigenous = able to grow and multiply on the surface of
the host animal
Transient = not able to grow or multiply on the surface of
the host animal; does not persist for a long period of
Skin Microflora
Reflect that of surrounding water
May have from 102 to 104 bacteria/ cm2
Gram negative: Pseudomonas, Moraxella, Vibrio, Flavobacterium,
Acinetobacter, Aeromonas
Gram positive: Micrococcus, Bacillus
• Staphylococcus. Aureus, Streptococcus, C. tetanomorphum, Listeria spp.
• Gram-positive cocci. Coccobacilli: Acinetobacter spp, E. Coli, Haemophilus spp
Gill Microflora
May contain 102 to 106 bacteria/ g
The number is quite low considering its high surface
area and being continual flushed by water
Extensive colonization of certain types of bacteria
Gram negative: Pseudomonas, Flavobacterium, Vibrio,
Moraxella, Cytophaga
Gram positive: Micrococcus, Bacillus (in warmer water)

Cahill, 1990
Developed into a persistent flora at the juvenile stage
Population of microorganisms tends to increase along the
length of the GI tract
Largest number of bacteria in the intestines (up to 108 CFU/g)
Gram negative: Pseudomonas, Vibrio, Achromobacter,
Flavobacterium, Corynebacterium, Aeromonas
Gram positive: Bacillus, Micrococcus
Influenced by stages of life, diets, feeding, water temperature,
Large number when feeding, very few when not feeding
Organic content of the environment
Vibrio dominates in seawater, Aeromonas dominates in
Roles of intestinal microflora
Polyunsaturated fatty acids, amino
acids and vitamins
Extracellular enzymes: chitinase

Preventing infection from fish

Competitive attachment
Neutralization of toxins
Bacteriocidal activity

Survival and growth

Bacterial load impact on survival &
digestive organ development
Presence of certain species influence
Stimulation of the immune system
Provide antigens to trigger development
of immune responses in the gut Pre-release China rockfish
Fish Anatomy


Mikrobiologi pada Daging
• Sangat mudah rusak
• Kadar air tinggi (74-80%), Aw 0,99
• pH
– pre rigor 7,4
– post rigor 5,6
• Protein, lemak, karbohidrat ----
• Pengolahan
– Pendinginan Pembekuan, Pengalengan,
Pengeringan, Smoking, Curing/pengawet
• M.o. dari lingkungan 101-3sel/inci2
• Untuk daging giling 104-5 sel/gram
Product Gol M.o isolated

Fresh and Bacteria Acinetobacter, Moraxella, Pseudomonas,

refrigerated Aeromonas, Alcaligenes, Micrococcus
meat Molds Cladosporium, Geotricum, Sporotrichum. Mucor,
Yeast Candida, Torulopsis, Debaryomyces, Rhodotorula

Processed Bacteria Lactobacillus, BAL lainnya, Acinetobacter,

and cured Bacillus, Micrococcus, Staphylococcus
Meat Mold Aspergillus, Penicillium, Rhizopus, Thamnidium

Yeast Debaryomyces, Torula, Torulopsis, Candida

Kerusakan pada daging
1. Surface slime, permukaan berlendir
 pada suhu rendah dan k.a tinggi ---
Pseudomonas, alcaligenes
 k.a gak rendah --- micrococci, yeast
2. Perubahan warna
 berubah menjadi hijau, coklat, abu-abu hasil
oksidasi --- lactobacillus (hetero fer.),
3. Perubahan lemak
 karena oksidasi lemak oleh bakteri lipolitik
 Pseudomonas, Achromobacter, Yeast
4. Warna pada permukaan
– titik merah ---- Serratia marcescens
– Titik biru --- Psedomonas syncyanea
– Kuning --- Micrococcus, Flavobacterium
– Hijau kebiruan – coklat gelap ----
Chromobacterium lividum
5. Off-odors dan off-taste
– Bau dan rasa yang tidak enak
– Asam/sour odor (formic, acetic, butyric,
– Musty atau earth flavor --- Actinomycetes
Fermented meat
 􀂄 Use to preserve food
 􀂄 E.g. salami, summer sausage, cured ham
 􀂄 Thailand – naam (fermented pork),
 sausage, fermented fish, fish sauce…etc
􀂄 Main organism – Pediococcus serevisiae,
Lactobacillus plantarum, other lactic
acid bacteria
 􀂄 Production of lactic acid to change pH of
 􀂄 Production of probiotics in some strains
Mikroba pada Serealia
• Termasuk dalam serealia : biji-bijian, tepung,
pasta, produk roti
• Aw rendah, terutama biji-bijian
• Harus menjaga lingkungan selalu kering
• Kadar air diatas 12-13 % mudah ditumbuhi mold
• Pengawetan :
– Menjaga tetap kering
– Menjaga perubahan suhu – kelembaban
– Dapat digunakan suhu 4,4 – 7,2 oC
• Mold lebih mendomonasi kerusakan drpd bakteri
Profil mikoflora pada cereal grains dan product

Produk Normal m.o m.o

Biji Molds 102 – 104 /g
Yeast 102 – 104 /g
Aerobic P.C. 102 – 106 /g
Coliform group 102 – 104 /g
E.coli 10 – 103 /g
Actinomycetes 103 – 106 /g
Flour, cornmeal Molds 102 – 104 /g
Corn grits Yeast 10 – 102 /g
Aerobic P.C. 102 – 106 /g
Coliform group 0 – 10 /g
“Rope” spores 0 – 102 /g
Breakfast Molds 0 – 103 /g
Cereals Yeast 0 – 102 /g
Aerobic P.C. 0 – 102 /g
Coliform group 0 – 102 /g
Dry cereal Molds 102 – 105 /g
Yeast 102 – 105 /g
Aerobic P.C. 102 – 106 /g
Coliform group 0 – 104 /g
Mikroba pada Buahan dan Sayuran

• Karbohidrat tinggi
• PH rendah
• Ada bahan pelindung dari mikroba saat masih
• Kontaminasi m.o setelah dipanen
• Pda bagian yang memar, luka, rusak mekanis
• Penurunan kualitas disebabkan sifat fisiologi

• Bakteri berasal dari air, tanah, udara,

binatang, alat proses
• Mikroba alami 103-6 cfu/g
• Bakteri, khamir dan kapang
• Proses yang dilakukan : pengalengan,
pendinginan, pembekuan, pengeringan
• Bakteri asam laktat, coli
• Karbohidrat tingi
• PH 5-7
• Mikroba berasal dari tanah, udara, binatang, air
• Bakteri asam laktat, Corynebacterium,
Micrococcus, Enterococcus,
• Bakteri patogen enteric sbagai kontaminan
• Mold : Alternaria, Fusarium, Aspergillus
Kerusakan pada Buah dan Sayuran
1. Bacterial soft rot
- Penyebab : Erwinia carotovora --- fermentasi
- Berair, lunak, bau tidak enak
2. Gray mold rot
– penyebab Botrytis, miselia bewarna abu-abu
– keadaan yang lelmab dan hangat
3. Rhizopus soft rot
– oleh Rhizopus stolonifer
– Lunak, warna putih menyelimuti bahan
dengan spot hitam
Specific organisms of concern in meat
1. Staphyloccus aureas
– poisoning (toxin)
– nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, diarrhea 3 - 6 hrs onset ---
– usually cooked, prepared foods
• does not compete well in raw foods (not refrigerated appropriately)
– lowest growth ~ 45oF
60oF for toxin
• killed by 145oF cook, inhibited by acid
• tolerate 17% salt
– toxin is heat-stable
– humans are most common source (at least 50% are carriers)
Prevention: thorough cooking, rapid chilling, rapid
acidification (fermentation)
2. Salmonella sp. (2000 types)
– infection
– G.I. upset - diarrhea, cramps, fever, vomiting, diarrhea
included (flu-like)
– usually cooked, recontaminated foods (eggs, chicken) or
undercooked products
– present on much fresh meat
– separate fresh and finished (packaging) areas
– needs 45oF to grow
• killed by 140oF
• very susceptible to salt
– sources poultry ~ 60%
pork, beef ~ 20%
– second most common food pathogen ~1.4 million cases
Prevention: cook appropriately, avoid recontamination
3. Clostridium botulinum - poisoning (toxin)
– very potent neurotoxin blocks neuromuscular motor end plate
– 1 tablespoon would kill 1/2 of U.S. population
– impaired swallowing, dizziness, poor coordination, muscle
• botox cosmetic treatments to reduce skin wrinkles
– recoveries improved by using respirators, etc. until effects wear
off, still 10-20% mortality
– low acid, vacuum cans/packages
– need 250oF for destruction
– toxin is more heat-susceptible (80oC -10 minutes)
– susceptible to acids (below pH 5.0)
– inhibited by nitrite
– contamination level is low but widespread (outbreaks are rare)
– honey suspected in some cases of infant botulism
Prevention: appropriate cooking (retort), refrigeration, use of
4. Cl. perfringens
– intoxification (live ingestion  toxin)
– G.I. upset - diarrhea, cramps - seldom nausea
– usually cooked products held at warm temperatures
– needs at least 50oF - best@115oF
– most common in foods held on steam tables for extended
– need 212oF for inactivation
– also susceptible to acid (5.0) and salt
Prevention: appropriate cooking, rapid chilling
5. Listeria monocytogenes
– infection
– survives and grows at ~ 32oF very significant
– often found in meat though dairy products are most common
– concern is absorption and transport to other vital organs
• causing abortions, meningitis, etc.
– flu-like symptoms in normal individuals
– refrigeration is not a safeguard
• but needs oxygen for best growth
– commonly found in processing plant environments,
widespread in environment
– salt tolerant (to 25%)

heat sensitive, cooking to 160 F is more than adequate


– not a frequent problem (2,500 cases per year)

Prevention: appropriate cooking, prevent recontamination
6. Yersinia enterocolitica

– infection
– tolerates refrigeration temperature well (to 33oF)
survives freezing
– G.I. upset, diarrhea, fever, vomiting --- resembles
from all livestock including dogs and cats
but pork is most common source
– acid (pH 4.6), salt and cold tolerant --- also survives
– does not compete well with other organisms
• will survive in fermented sausage but nitrite is quite
effective for control
Prevention: cook appropriately
7. Escherichia coli O157:H7

– first found in 1982 - originally McDonalds (not

– later Jack-in-the-Box case - 475 people
- 3 deaths
- lots of publicity
– intoxification (live ingestion  toxins)
– G.I. upset - bloody diarrhea and kidney failure in
– survives freezing and refrigeration very well but will not
grow until about 38-40oF
– heat sensitive
• 140oF for less than 1 minute will kill 90%
• now recommend cooking to 155oF-160oF internal
temperature rather than 140oF internal for cooked
– can survive in fermented sausage
– primarily dairy cattle source (?)
Prevention: appropriate cooking
8. Campylobacter jejuni
– infection
– cramps, diarrhea, headache, muscle pain
– common in animal G.I. tracts
– most frequent cause of bacterial food-borne illness but
hasn’t received publicity ( ~ 2 million cases per year in food)

Prevention: appropriate cooking

9. Shigella spp
– intoxification (live ingestion and toxins)
• similar to E. coli O157:H7
• believed to be source of genetic pathogenicity of E. coli
– bloody diarrhea, cramps, fever
– typically derived form fecal contamination (water sources)
and under cooking - often sea foods
– third most common food-caused illness organisms
according to FoodNet
Prevention: avoid contamination, appropriate cooking
10. Bacillus cereus

– toxin ( 2 forms - short onset, - long onset

– sporeforming organism like clostridia that prefers warm
– relatively quick onset - 1-5 hours ( may be 15-30 min) -
vomiting - 8-16 hours - diarrhea
– generally need high numbers of organism
– common soil organism, sources are usually dirt or dust
– usually occurs in food held warm below 140oF
– long recognized but not one of the “majors”
Prevention: appropriate cooking (thermophile) and
appropriate chilling
11. Vibrio spp
– intoxification (live ingestion  toxins)
– V. cholera - toxin causing water-borne cholera
• frequent world wide but not in U.S.
– V. parahaemolyticus
• diarrhea, cramps, fever sometimes nausea and vomiting
– typical source is fish and seafood

Prevention: appropriate cooking

Fresh meat spoilage is typically by
psychrophilic, gram aerobes (Pseudomonas)
pychrophilic, gram +, facultative anaerobes
(lactics) - (vacuum-packaged fresh meat)
processed products spoilage is most often by
the lactics
Characteristics of Some Pathogens of
Significance in Meat Products

Organism oxygen temp.(oC) pH(min) salt(max.) water

botulinum anaerobe 10-50 4.7 10-12 0.94
aureus facultative 6.5-50 4.2 18-20 0.86/0.90
Salmonella spp. facultative 5-47 4.0 3 0.95
monocytogenes facultative 0-45 5.0 8 0.97
perfringens anaerobe 6.5-50 5.0 8 0.95
Escherichia coli facultative 10-45 3.6 8 0.90

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