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Construction and Building Materials 68 (2014) 650–658

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Electrochemical impedance behavior of mortar subjected to a sulfate

environment – A comparison with chloride exposure models
Mariana O.G.P. Bragança a,b, Kleber F. Portella b,⇑, Marcelle M. Bonato a, Cláudia E.B. Marino a
Programa Interdisciplinar de Pós Graduação em Engenharia e Ciência dos Materiais, Universidade Federal do Paraná, PO Box 19011, CEP: 81531-980, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
Departamento de Estruturas Civis, Institutos Lactec, PO Box 19067, CEP: 81531-980, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil

h i g h l i g h t s

 Sulfate attack in mortar was studied by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.

 Mechanisms that occur under the mortar pores during the aging were highlighted.
 Mortar resistance shifted and the system presented a capacitive behavior.
 Electrochemical impedance identified the sulfate attack by non-destructive method.
 Electrochemical results were comparable with physical chemical characterizations.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Samples of reinforced mortar specimens (Sps) were studied over 300 days of exposure in reference,
Received 24 April 2014 sulfate, and chloride environments. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was used to investi-
Received in revised form 17 June 2014 gate external sulfate attack (ESA) in comparison with known chloride models. The study, based on the
Accepted 24 June 2014
mortar behavior and its measured electrical properties, highlighted the mechanisms that occur under
Available online 26 July 2014
the pores during the aging. The sulfate samples presented a capacitive behavior at lower frequencies,
and the mortar resistance shifted. It was confirmed that EIS is a qualified technique to identify the sulfate
attack in concrete by non-destructive methods.
External sulfate attack
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
Non-destructive diagnosis

1. Introduction thermodynamic conditions). This crystals growth promotes an

increase in the pressure in the pores, thus leading to microcracking
One of the primary aspects related to the durability of concrete of the matrix. In reinforced concrete, this distress also affect the
and mortar is the reaction of cement hydration products (alumina quality of the concrete/steel double layer, promoting the corrosion
and calcium hydroxide) with sulfate ions (SO24 ) derived from the of the reinforcement due to the bar de-passivation promoted by the
external environment, such as industrial wastes (water and air), change in the environment alkalinity [1–5].
soil, and decomposing organic matter, among other sources. Exter- Diagnosis of the decrease in concrete durability due to ESA
nal sulfate attack (ESA) has been studied since the 1990s but there involves the development of destructive tests, with the requirement
are still difficulties in understanding the phenomenon. In general, to extract specimens (Sps) for laboratory analysis using techniques
the mechanisms develop in a similar manner to reactions with chlo- such as microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Moreover, specifically for
ride. The anions SO24 tend to penetrate into the concrete through reinforced concrete under conditions exposed to environments con-
its surface, accumulating in the pores and near the reinforcement. taining chloride ions, electrochemical methods and the electro-
In the concrete or mortar, the sulfate reacts with the cementitious chemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) technique have been used
compounds, promoting the formation and growth of ettringite, to analyze the corrosion potential and polarization resistance of
gypsum, monosulfate, and thaumasite crystals (depending on the the metal bar. The broad use of these techniques is due to the pos-
sibility of obtaining electrical parameters that make it possible to
obtain, even in the field, the dielectric properties of the cementitious
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 41 3361 6220; fax: +55 41 3361 6141.
material and its interfaces (cement paste/aggregate and cement
E-mail address: (K.F. Portella).
0950-0618/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.O.G.P. Bragança et al. / Construction and Building Materials 68 (2014) 650–658 651

paste/reinforcement). In addition, it is possible to estimates of the a possible dissolution of the passive oxide with active corrosion of
probability and rate of corrosion at specific points of the structure the metal. The region of frequencies between 10 and 100 Hz was
[6–15]. considered difficult to approximate due to the superposition of
EIS is a material characterization technique that involves the processes and represented corrosion products such as iron oxides
analysis of the response of a specific material when applying an deposited in the concrete pores or even the formation of a layer
alternating current (AC) signal to a sweep of frequencies. This of Ca(OH)2 at the metal/concrete interface. This curve tended to
response is directly dependent on the applied frequency and makes be more defined with the aging of the reinforced concrete. The
it possible to study several features of the electrode/electrolyte region of frequencies higher than 100 Hz was attributed to the
interface, such as resistance (R), capacitance (C), and inductance resistance of the concrete, which increased with the curing time
(I). These features, when analyzed mathematically, enable the anal- and was approximately 103–106 X. Moreover, the behaviors of
ysis or estimation of the primary physical–chemical parameters of the material regarding processes of diffusion and ion migration,
the material, whose molecular structure and electrode charge allow the sealing of pores, and the curing of the cement were also
or limit the response to the electrical stimulus [16,17]. characterized in this region.
For reinforced concrete, the development of EIS measurements The development of a methodology for calculating the corrosion
is based on the principle that the material exhibits a supported- rate for reinforced concrete by EIS was performed by Ismail and
type electrode with a high concentration of ions, which are not Ohtsu [9]. For this purpose, Sps were prepared with ordinary
adsorbed and do not react with the electrodes of the measurement Portland cement (OPC) and high-performance Portland cement
cell [17]. The analysis is normally based on the study of Bode dia- (HPC), which were subjected to different accelerated aging cycles
grams (that relate the impedance modulus and the phase angle in a NaCl solution and dried in an oven. The influence of the corro-
with the frequency) and the complex plane (or Nyquist plots, sion rate measured by EIS for the type of cement and aging process
which relates the real and imaginary components of impedance) was proven by comparing the traditional Tafel and polarization
for simulation with an equivalent electrical circuit. From these resistance methodologies, with a good correlation obtained for
spectra, the data for polarization resistance and solution resistance the results from the different techniques.
(Rp and Rs), the capacitance of the electrical double layer (Cd) or the In recent years, the studies developed have been based on the
constant phase element (CPE) and the diffusion or Warburg determination of specific mathematical models for concrete and
coefficient (ZD) can be obtained. With these parameters, it is possi- mortar exposed to chloride ions, to interpret the degradation and
ble to determine a series of material properties related to corrosion corrosion phenomena for both the concrete and the reinforcement
and durability [6,16]. [8–15]. Specifically, Serdar et al. [13] studied the corrosion mech-
The EIS technique for the analysis of concrete is typically used anisms of galvanized steel reinforcement in Portland cement mor-
for the prediction of the electrical properties of concrete during tar exposed to chloride ions. The aging, which occurred over
the curing process or when exposed to chloride ions. Keddam 24 months with immersion of the Sps in a 3.5% NaCl solution,
et al. [6] developed one of the first studies of the technique, direct- enabled monitoring of the evolution of the interfacial properties
ing these investigations toward the determination of polarization of the cement matrix/reinforcement interface. For analysis of the
time constants and the dielectric properties of the cement paste, spectra, a methodology was proposed in which the system was
analyzed in the high-frequency region (103–108 Hz). This study analyzed in terms of three polarization time constants: (1) the
was developed with graphite electrodes to observe only the behav- high-frequency region (above 102 Hz), in which the impedance
ior of the cement paste (avoiding the interfacial processes of the modulus and the phase angle tended to zero relative to the fre-
paste/aggregate and paste/reinforcement double layers). The quency representing the resistance properties of the mortar; (2)
results obtained make it possible to establish mathematical models the intermediate-frequency region (between 102 and 10 2 Hz), in
for analyzing the system and facilitate calculating the dielectric which the phase angle exhibited an increasing trend to values of
constant for the cement paste when subjected to frequencies 80° and reflected the capacitive properties of the bar-mortar
higher than 108 Hz. Furthermore, it was possible to identify three interface related to the formation of a passive film or the deposi-
capacitive time constants for the wet cement paste when analyzed tion of corrosion products; and (3) for the low-frequency region
in the region of intermediate frequencies (106–105 Hz), which cor- (between 10 2 and 10 4 Hz), when the impedance modulus (rela-
respond to relaxation of the electrochemical processes that occur tive to the frequency) was stabilized at a new level and the phase
in the paste at the interface with the electrode and are due to angle was again close to zero, in which the processes of charge-
interfacial effects—which, until then, was not understood by the transfer resistance were identified. Regarding the results, two
authors. These results demonstrate the possibility of using the mathematical models were proposed for analysis of the system,
EIS technique to characterize cementitious materials. with one for the formation of a passive film and the beginning of
Ford et al. [7] studied concrete and its simulated pore solution, pit formation (characterized by the increase in the interfacial resis-
SPS, dividing the impedance spectra from the cement paste/ tances) and the other for its propagation and the formation of cor-
reinforcement system into distinct regions related to a specific rosion products (identified by the decrease in interfacial
frequency range. EIS measurements were performed by applying resistances and consequent increase in capacitances). Both of the
a signal with an excitation amplitude of 25 mV, in open-circuit models were similar and exhibited the characteristics of the sys-
potential, to a frequency range of 20  106–2  10 3 Hz, thereby tem in a separate manner, in terms of the properties of the mortar,
developing control of the moisture of the Sp. For low frequencies passive film, and metal. The results obtained with the electrochem-
(from 10 3 Hz to 100 Hz), the mechanisms were independent of ical technique and interpreted from the viewpoint of the
the cement paste and corresponded to its interaction with the rein- established models were also validated through the breaking of
forcement, which was proven by the absence of the typical arcs the Sps and the surface analysis of the reinforcement.
observed in the measurements with SPS. In this range of frequen- The concrete exposure to sulfate solution was studied by
cies, the high resistivity of the oxide film formed on the reinforce- electrochemical characterization tests to determine the reinforce-
ment (1011–1012 X cm) was considered, with a thickness of ment corrosion rate [18,19]. Cheng et al. [18] prepared samples
approximately 10 nm and a non-ideal capacitance (n less than of reinforced concretes using two different types of cement
0.9) of approximately 0.5 mF cm 2. With the increase in chloride (Portland type I and V) and low carbon steel and exposed the spec-
concentration, a 3- to 4-fold decrease was observed in the diameter imens to artificial seawater (Cl concentration around 20%) and
of the arcs projected in the complex plane, which was attributed to concentrated sulfate solution (SO24 concentration of 22%) during
652 M.O.G.P. Bragança et al. / Construction and Building Materials 68 (2014) 650–658

180 days. The deterioration of the immersed bar was measured by oped by Kanning et al. [15]. Prior to molding, the steel electrodes were identified
and measured (mass and dimensions), and part of their surface area was protected
open circuit potential (OCP) and EIS, which one was analyzed
with a self-fusing anti-corrosion tape to facilitate studying the reaction mecha-
through the Bode plot, considering three different regions of char- nisms that occur only at the interface of the mortar and reinforcement. The average
acterization (in terms of time constant): the concrete response, at exposed area for each of the Sps was approximately 0.643 m2 and located 0.065 m
higher frequencies; the surface film (corrosion oxides) in interme- below the upper end and 0.025 above the lower end. Electrical contact was
diate frequency region; and at lower frequencies, the steel inter- maintained with a copper wire.
Once prepared, the mortars were air-cured for 24 h and then removed from the
face. The results obtained to the sulfate exposure showed the
molds. The curing of the Sps was performed in a humid chamber, according to the
existence of two well-defined time constants to the surface film standard [23] until the 28th day of age.
and to the steel interface, which appears at frequencies of 0.1 Hz After curing, the Sps were divided into groups and subjected to different
and 0.1 mHz respectively. It seemed to suggest that the sulfate accelerated aging processes, including the following:
exposure promoted the formation of a bigger layer of corrosion
 desiccator: a portion of the samples were kept as a reference sample in a
products on the surface steel, which indicated that the reinforce- desiccator after wet curing for 28 days;
ment deterioration in this environment was more severe than the  sulfate chamber: exposure in a sulfate chamber under daily wetting (8 h at
chloride one. Besides, the electrical resistances of the systems were 40 °C in a humid atmosphere with a 2% SO2 concentration) and drying (16 h
taken through the adjustment of equivalent circuits and it was ver- at ambient conditions) cycles, according to a ‘‘Kesternich’’ procedure adapted
for cementitious materials from the Brazilian standard for metal plates [24];
ified an increase of the concrete resistance as the immersion time  salt spray chamber: exposure in a chloride chamber under daily wetting (8 h at
increases, in both exposure solution. It was attributed to the chem- 40 °C in a humid atmosphere with a 5% NaCl concentration) and drying (16 h at
ical property changes of the cement paste, which was not properly 25 °C) cycles, according to the procedure adapted for cementitious materials
discussed in the paper. Gerengi et al. [19] analyzed the corrosion from the Brazilian standard for metallic plates [25].
rate of three different traces of reinforced concrete exposed to sul-
After the exposure, some of the samples were broken and were characterized by
phuric acid (to simulate the acid rain). In this research, diatomite
optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with elemental
and zeolite-containing concrete were subjected to a solution of analysis by EDS using a Nikon SMZ800 (OM) and a TESCAN, model VEGA 3 (SEM/
0.5 M H2SO4 for 160 and every 15 days EIS measurements were per- EDS). The samples were prepared, prior to their characterization, with surface pol-
formed by applying a signal with an excitation amplitude of 10 mV, ishing (OM) and gold sputtering (SEM). Additionally, the samples were character-
in open-circuit potential, to a frequency range of 1  105– ized with regard to surface and internal porosity by the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller
(BET) technique using the Quantachrome Autosorb Automated Gas Sorption equip-
1  10 2 Hz. The results, analyzed by the Nyquist plot, indicated a
ment with nitrogen gas as an adsorbate.
decrease of the concrete and the charge transfer electric resistance
in function of the proposed aging, which was attributed to the rein- 2.3. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)
forcement corrosion process. It was concluded that the acid rain is
one of the main sources of chemical degradation of concrete due the Prior to and periodically during exposure, the reinforced mortar samples were
corrosion destruction of the rebars; and that the porosity is the characterized by the EIS technique, according to the ASTM G106 standard [26].
The measurements were performed by applying an alternating signal with a
main factor controlling the initiation of the corrosion in concrete.
25 mV amplitude for a frequency interval from 106 Hz to 5  10 2 Hz in open-cir-
The cement paste chemical modification due the sulfate attack cuit potential, with 10 points obtained per decade. These analytical conditions were
was neither explored in this paper. established based on the literature [7,11,15] and previously confirmed in the
Despite the wide use of EIS for analyzing the properties of the laboratory, obeying the criteria for linearity, causality, and stability, thus conferring
credibility and representativeness to the results obtained.
cement paste and its modifications [6–8,15], as well as studying
The measurements were performed in an electrochemical system from
the exposure of concrete and mortar to NaCl [9–14], little research Ecochemie, model Autolab – PGSTAT-100, interfaced with a microcomputer for
has been performed with regard to EIS application to contamina- the acquisition and recording of data. The measurements were performed with
tion phenomena by sulfate ions [18,19]. Consequently, this study the wet Sps relative to a reference saturated calomel electrode.
aimed to investigate the electrochemical methods developed in The characterization of the samples was performed by interpreting the spectra
obtained from the Bode and Nyquist diagrams. The variation in the parameters of
mortar exposed to SO2 (2%), based on the mathematical models
complex components and the magnitude of the impedance were analyzed, as was
already established for chloride ions, to enable applying the meth- the phase angle for each of the frequency regions, relative to each type of cement
odology for the non-destructive analysis of reinforced concrete. and aging interval, based on the literature [7,13,27]. The mathematical analysis of
the diagrams for adjusting the equivalent electrical circuit was performed with
the ZView software [13].
2. Experimental methodology

2.1. Materials 3. Results and discussion

The cement used in this study was CP II-Z 32 (composite Portland cement with
the addition of pozzolan) with crushed stone used as fine aggregates (particle size
3.1. Cement and aggregate characterization
of less than 4.8 mm). Both materials were characterized according to the Brazilian
technical standard [20,21]. Additionally, the chemical characterization was per- The characterized materials exhibit physical–chemical proper-
formed using X-ray fluorescence (XRF). The test was performed with polycrystalline ties in accordance with the Brazilian standard recommendations
samples in a PANalytical Axios Max spectrophotometer.
and the manufacturer’s specifications [20,21]. The results from
Regarding the fine aggregate, the characterization of the chemical phases pres-
ent was also performed by X-ray diffraction (XRD). For this purpose, pulverized the chemical characterization by XRF are presented in Table 1.
polycrystalline samples were used in a PANalytical EMPYREAN diffractometer using The aggregates were also characterized regarding their
Cu Ka radiation with a wavelength k of 1.54051 Å in a 2h scan mode between 0° and predominant chemical phases. The results obtained indicate that
70°, a 40 kV voltage, a 40 mA current, a 0.001 step, and an initial step velocity equal the material is composed of the following minerals: quartz (SiO2),
to 0.002 p/s. The minerals were identified by comparison to the data bank of the
pyrite (FeS2), plagioclase ((Na,Ca)(Si,Al)4O8), and anatase (TiO2).
‘‘International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD)’’.

2.2. Dosage and exposure procedures 3.2. Impedance measurements of the reference mortar

A mortar mixture was prepared from the characterized materials (cement and The results obtained for the EIS of the reinforced mortar cured
aggregates), adopting the standard trace of 1:3.2:0.6 for cement: aggregate: in a humid chamber and kept in a desiccator after 28 days of age
water/cement ratio on a mass basis, as established by the standard [22]. The mate-
rial was molded in prismatic molds containing carbon steel (CA-50) and graphite
are presented in the complex plane and Bode diagrams of Fig. 1.
electrodes for characterizing the properties based on electrochemical methods The analysis of the diagrams for the high-frequency region
(monitoring of the accelerated aging processes), in a similar manner to that devel- (above 102 Hz) reveals that the average resistance of the mortar
M.O.G.P. Bragança et al. / Construction and Building Materials 68 (2014) 650–658 653

Table 1 properties of the double layer also tended toward stabilization

Chemical characterization of the materials (cement and aggregates) by XRF. after 91 days. This behavior reflects the formation of a passive film
Materials CaO% SiO2% Na2O% Al2O3% MgO% on the surface of the reinforcement, induced by the pH of the
CP II Z 32 54.8 21.53 0.19 4.73 5.43 cementitious matrix (approximately 12), which tends to protect
Aggregates 9.1 47.1 2.5 13.0 2.8 the material from corrosion [8,12]. With the advancement of stud-
Fe2O3% SO3% TiO2% Others% Loss on Ignition% ies, the analysis of the phase angle curve relative to the frequency
for more advanced ages (greater than 200 days) revealed an
CP II Z 32 2.94 2.66 0.24 7.48 6.38
Aggregates 18.3 0.3 3.2 3.7 0.81
increasing trend toward capacitive behavior due to the progression
of this parameter from approximately 45° (at 205 days) to 70°
(beginning at 264 days), which again reflects the formation and
tended to increase from the beginning of the process until 91 days
growth of a passive film of compact iron oxide [13,28].
of age (approximately). This resistance R0, varied between 4  102
Finally, for the low-frequency region (less than 10 2 Hz), in
and 3  103 X cm, which represented an improvement in the prop-
which charge transfer processes are observed between the bar
erties of the cementitious matrix throughout the curing process.
and the matrix, an increase was again found for resistance R2, from
This process occurs due to hydrate formation reactions, which tend
approximately 20  103 to 20  106 X cm, and a decrease was
to fill the voids and pores, thus providing the isolation and conse-
found in the associated capacitance from approximately 5  10 3
quent protection of the reinforcement. According to Serdar et al.
to 20  10 5 F cm 2, primarily during the initial period, between
[13], this process tends to occur during a period of up to 4 months
28 and 91 days of age (with maintenance of constant properties
after molding of the Sp, even in accelerated aging conditions. After
until the end of the study). According to some authors [7,13,29],
91 days, the material properties remained constant. The results
the properties observed for this region may be related to the corro-
obtained corroborate those shown in the literature [13].
sive processes that tend to develop in the steel bar, with the
For the intermediate-frequency region (102–10 2 Hz), in which
increase in R2 and the decrease in capacitance being associated
the phase angle tends to display an increasing curve with 1 slope,
with an increase in corrosion resistance. Thus, the results found
the capacitive behavior of the bar/mortar double layer was
for this region corroborate the remaining results (high- and inter-
observed. Once again, curing of the matrix was evidenced until
mediate-frequency regions) because the obtainment of mortar
91 days, with a small increase in the resistance R1 (from 2  102
with a high electrical resistance and the formation of a compact
to 7  102 X cm) and a decrease in the capacitance of the
iron oxide film on the reinforcement tend to contribute to the pro-
associated double layer (from 500 to 50 lF cm 2). In a similar man-
tection of the metal, thus avoiding deterioration of the structure.
ner to the analysis performed for the high-frequency region, the

(a) (b)
R0 C1, n1 -70

R1 C2, n2

R2 -50 28 days
93 days
log |Z| (Ohm)

-40 205 days

θ( )

264 days

-30 322 days

10 -20


-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
log f (Hz) log f (Hz)

4 (c) 2.0x10

4 28 days
93 days
1.5x10 205 days
1.2x10 264 days
322 days
-Z" (Ohm)
-Z" (Ohm)

3 3
9.0x10 1.0x10
0.01371 Hz

0.01371 Hz 5.0x10 2476.1 Hz
2476.1 Hz

0.0 0.0

3 3 3 4 4 4 2 2 3 3 3
0.0 3.0x10 6.0x10 9.0x10 1.2x10 1.5x10 1.8x10 -5.0x10 0.0 5.0x10 1.0x10 1.5x10 2.0x10
Z' (Ohm) Z' (Ohm)

Fig. 1. Bode diagram (a/b) and Nyquist diagram (c/d) obtained through the EIS analysis of the reinforced mortar cured in a humid chamber until 28 days of age and kept in a
desiccator as a reference standard. Spectrum obtained for the frequency range from 1  106 Hz to 5  10 2 Hz with a 25 mV excitation signal in an open-circuit potential,
relative to a saturated calomel electrode.
654 M.O.G.P. Bragança et al. / Construction and Building Materials 68 (2014) 650–658

3.3. Impedance measurements of chloride-exposed mortar products, thereby modifying the parameters determined in the
intermediate-frequency region.
The results obtained by EIS for the reinforced mortar cured in a For evaluation of the low-frequency region (less than 10 2 Hz),
humid chamber and kept in a salt spray chamber (5% NaCl) after in which charge-transfer processes occur between the bar and
28 days of age are presented in the Bode diagrams of Fig. 2. matrix and the corrosion resistance of the material is evaluated,
The spectra obtained show a behavior for the curves that is in an analogous manner to the reference standard, an increase in
very similar to that of the reference standard for ages less than the resistance R2 was observed from approximately 2  103 to
91 days. The resistance of the mortar, analyzed in the high-fre- 2  105 X cm, together with a decrease in the associated capaci-
quency region (above 102 Hz), tended to increase on average tance from approximately 10 4 to 10 10 F cm 2, even after expo-
from 5  102 to 5  103 X cm and is again related to the hydra- sure to 5% NaCl for 5500 h. Despite this finding, the analysis of
tion processes of the components of the cementitious matrix, the phase angle showed a decreasing trend in the capacitive behav-
which tend to decrease the porosity of the material for up to ior of the region, with variation of the parameter from approxi-
4 months after molding, even in accelerated aging conditions mately 40° to approximately 10°. Furthermore, the associated
[8,13]. After 91 days, the resistance of the mortar continued capacitance showed a non-ideal behavior in this region, with vari-
increasing in a more accentuated manner than for the reference ation of the parameter n of the CPE from 0.63 (28 days) to 0.19
standard, with average values of approximately 106 X cm (205 days). According to the literature, the increase in the resis-
obtained at 236 days. This behavior can be justified as a function tance R2 is normally related to the higher protection of the bar from
of the concentration of the solution on the interior of the pores the corrosive processes. However, the deposition of Friedel’s salts in
and the formation of Friedel’s salts, which tend to accumulate the cementitious matrix and the high formation of corrosion prod-
in the voids, thus promoting a decrease in the preferential paths ucts tend to increase the electrical resistance of the set, thereby hin-
for current passage [13,30–31]. At 264 days, the resistance of the dering the verification of the mechanisms under development by
mortar showed an accentuated drop to values of approximately analyzing only these parameters (R2 and C2). Furthermore, the
2 X cm, which represented a characteristic profile of advanced decrease in the parameter n, observed by the analysis of the phase
corrosive processes, with deterioration of the cementitious angle profile, was associated with the corrosion by chloride in the
matrix [7–13,29–31]. studies by Feliu et al. [10]. These authors dosed concrete with the
The bar/mortar double layer can be analyzed in the intermedi- addition of (3%) CaCl2 to induce internal contamination and found
ate-frequency region (102–10 2 Hz) and tended to exhibit a resis- values varying between 1.0 and 0.7. The predominance of the resis-
tive behavior. An increase in resistance was observed, which was tive behavior, different from the reference standard, indicates the
attributed to the passive layer of iron oxide or to the corrosion occurrence of slow kinetic mechanisms, likely related to the attack
products formed (R1), on average from 100 X cm (at 28 days) to and dissolution of iron oxide from the passive layer.
108 X cm (264 days), and a decrease in the average capacitance Furthermore, regarding aging in the salt spray chamber, analyz-
of the double layer (C2), from 3  10 8 F cm 2 (28 days) to ing the profiles in the entire spectrum revealed an alteration in the
1.5  10 9 F cm 2 (264 days), was also observed. The increase in phase angle curve beginning at 205 days and intensifying at
the resistance and decrease in the capacitance were specifically 264 days. In these curves, a decrease from the level region of the
evident from the age of 205 days, when R1 increased from angle 0° was observed with a trend towards capacitive behavior, ini-
approximately 1  103 X cm to 5  105 X cm and C1 decreased tially from the frequency of 104 Hz and changing to 103 Hz
from approximately 30  10 6 F cm 2 to 0.5  10 9 F cm 2. These (205 days) and 101 Hz (264 days). These changes in the profile of
results may be related to the formation and deposition of oxides the phase angle may be correlated to the steel corrosion process,
and corrosion products on the bar/reinforcement interface, which although R2 resistance values higher than 109 X cm have been
tend to promote the closing of pores and voids, thus leading to obtained [9,28].
an increase in the resistance and consequent decrease in
capacitance [13,29]. Furthermore, the beginning of the active cor- 3.4. Impedance measurements of sulfate-exposed mortar
rosion process, found from the age of 205 days using the corrosion
potential technique (decrease in the open-circuit potential [OCP] The results obtained by EIS for the reinforced mortar cured in a
vs. the saturated calomel electrode [SCE] from 298 mV to humid chamber and kept in a sulfate chamber (2% SO2) after
473 mV), tended to increase the formation of deposited corrosion 28 days of age are presented in the Bode diagram of Fig. 3.

9 R0 C1, n1
10 -100
R1 C2, n2 28 days
8 93 days
10 R2
-80 205 days
R0 C1 , n1 C2 , n2 236 days
10 264 days
log |Z| (Ohm)

R1 R2
θ( )

5 -40

10 -20

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
log f (Hz) log f (Hz)

Fig. 2. Bode diagram, obtained for the EIS analysis of the reinforced mortar cured in a humid chamber until 28 days of age and then kept in a salt spray chamber (5% NaCl).
Spectrum obtained for the frequency range from 1  106 Hz to 5  10 2 Hz with a 25 mV excitation signal in an open-circuit potential, relative to a saturated calomel
M.O.G.P. Bragança et al. / Construction and Building Materials 68 (2014) 650–658 655

R0 C1, n1 -70

R1 C2, n2 -60
28 days
4 R2 -50 93 days
205 days
log |Z| (Ohm) 264 days

θ( )
322 days



-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
log f (Hz) log f (Hz)

Fig. 3. Bode diagram, obtained for the EIS analysis of the reinforced mortar cured in a humid chamber until 28 days of age and kept in a sulfate chamber (2% SO2). Spectrum
obtained for the frequency range from 1  106 Hz to 5  10 2 Hz with a 25 mV excitation signal in an open-circuit potential, relative to a saturated calomel electrode.

Fig. 3 shows, for the high-frequency region (higher than 102 Hz) processes [3,30]; and the reactivity of the sulfate ion in a cementi-
in which it is possible to obtain mortar parameters, the increase of tious environment, which leads to a greater formation of byprod-
the resistance property R0 of approximately 5  102 (28 days) to ucts compared with the diffusion of the free form of the ion
1.5  103 X cm (91 days), and, after, the maintenance of R0 in (which tends to decelerate corrosion) [3].
1.5  103 X cm until the end of the aging study. This value, which In the low-frequency region (less than 10 2 Hz), a predomi-
is approximately half of that obtained for the reference standard at nantly capacitive behavior was found for ages less than 91 days,
ages greater than 91 days, represents a deficiency in the curing with an increase in the resistance R2 from approximately
process of the cementitious matrix, which tends to occur due to 20  106 X cm to 500  106 X cm, a decrease in the associated
the no stoichiometry of the reactions promoted by the presence capacitance from approximately 5  10 4 F cm 2 to 2  10 4 -
of sulfur compounds. These compounds favored the formation of F cm 2, and maintenance of the phase angle at values greater than
gypsite, ettringite, and monosulfate, with a predominance of the 60°. Analogous to the reference standard, these results represent
cement hydrates, which led to decalcification of the material [3]. the protection of the reinforcement against corrosive processes
Despite these compounds tending to promote the filler effect, in due to the formation of a passive oxide layer on the metal surface
an analogous manner to the Friedel’s salts, they have a crystalline as well as the curing process of the cementitious matrix (deficient
(and conductive) and expansive characteristic, which tends to pro- in a sulfate environment) [7,13,27]. After this age, however, the
mote microcracks in the matrix [1–5], consequently hindering the resistance R2 decreased to values of 50  103 X cm, and the capac-
increase of the resistance of the mortar. Similar studies indicated itive behavior was predominant, with a decrease in the phase angle
that the electrical resistance of mortar or concrete, after the cure to approximately 45° (a value that may be related to diffusion
process ending and without any deterioration process occurrence, processes). The analysis of the behavior of these system parame-
can be higher than 3.0  103 X cm [13,32–34], the same result ters throughout the aging period, together with the results from
obtained for the reference mortar. Although, Gerengi et al. [19] OCP vs. SCE, maintained at values below 276 mV (region of prob-
did not discussed but proved that the exposure to sulphuric acid ability of uncertain or low corrosion, in accordance with ASTM
reduced the concrete electrical resistance from 8.0  103 to less C876 [36]) until 322 days of age, indicates the susceptibility of
than 2  103 X cm after 60 days of aging, which corroborate with the reinforcement, likely due to the microcracking of the matrix
the results obtained in this research and are a consequence of in connection with the decrease in the pH due to exposure to sul-
the sulfate attack occurrence. fate ions [1–5]. The electrochemical results obtained, however, did
For the intermediate-frequency region (102–10 2 Hz), in a sim- not enable confirming the active corrosion of the reinforcement
ilar manner to the reference standard, the capacitive behavior of until the present.
the reinforcement-mortar double layer was observed, as shown
by the ascending curve with a 1 slope of the phase angle profile. 3.5. Comparison between chloride and sulfate exposition
The passive film resistance (R1) exhibited constant values of
approximately 1  103 X cm; the associated capacitance (C1) also The average results obtained by simulation for the parameters
had a constant value over the aging process, at approximately of the reinforced mortar exposed to the different environments
4  10 5 F cm 2. This finding again revealed the formation of a are presented in Table 2, namely, the reference, 5% NaCl, and 2%
passive film on the metal resulting from the exposure of the metal SO2.
to the basic pH of the mortar. In this study, despite the exposure to Comparison of the results obtained for the aging in salt spray
aggressive agents, up to 300 days of age, there were no signs of the and sulfate showed a similar initial behavior for both environ-
formation of corrosion products derived from the active deteriora- ments, until 91 days, with an increase in the mortar resistance as
tion process. This phenomenon can be explained by the size of the a function of the curing processes. This occurred in a more efficient
sulfate ion (compared with chloride), which tends to difficult the manner in the chloride environment because this salt tends to
penetration through the material, leading to a slower occurrence accelerate curing processes [28,29]. After this age, there was a
of corrosive processes [3]; a difference in the corrosion mecha- marked increase in the solution resistance (R0), even in the cham-
nisms that tend to develop during exposure of the carbon steel ber with 5% NaCl, until 236 days, possibly due to the formation and
to SO24 (compared with Cl ), with the rupture of the passive film accumulation of Friedel’s salt on the interior of the pores. This phe-
by the decrease in the pH of the environment and the formation nomenon was followed by a drop in this parameter as a function of
of acid compounds, in a similar manner to the carbonation the deterioration of the matrix due to the initiation of the active
656 M.O.G.P. Bragança et al. / Construction and Building Materials 68 (2014) 650–658

Table 2
Parameters of the reinforced mortar exposed to the reference, 5% NaCl, and 2% SO2 environments, obtained through adjustment of the equivalent circuits in the EIS spectra.

EIS Parameters Exposition 28 days 91 days 205 days 236 days 264 days 322 days
R0 (10 X cm) Reference 0.43 2.9 3.1 – 2.9 2.4
5% NaCl 0.49 4.5 250 1200 0.002 –
2% SO2 0.46 1.6 1.5 – 1.5 1.6
R1 (103 X cm) Reference 0.17 0.67 1.2 – 1.1 0.93
5% NaCl 0.12 1.6 410 740 120,000 –
2% SO2 0.36 0.66 0.95 – 1.8 1.1
6 2
C1 (10 F cm ) Reference 440 44 32 – 29 31
5% NaCl 340 33 0.0005 0.0006 0.0014 –
2% SO2 320 47 52 – 40 27
nCPE1 Reference 0.5 0.7 0.5 – 0.75 0.71
5% NaCl 0.39 0.50 0.67 0.68 0.40 –
2% SO2 0.67 0.69 0.53 – 0.57 0.58
OCP (mV) Reference 580 140 320 – 270 210
5% NaCl 570 300 470 510 540 –
2% SO2 360 130 290 – 160 72
R2 (103 X cm) Reference 22 18,000 390 – 180,000 180,000
5% NaCl 1800 83 18,000 3800 160,000 –
2% SO2 18,000 500,000 64 – 18,000 180
6 2
C2 (10 F cm ) Reference 4300 170 150 – 120 120
5% NaCl 7400 200 0.69 0.099 0.00008 –
2% SO2 390 170 190 – 55 91
nCPE2 Reference 0.56 0.77 0.68 – 0.8 0.8
5% NaCl 0.64 0.79 0.19 0.39 0.75 –
2% SO2 0.77 0.78 0.73 – 0.67 0.69

corrosion process. Regarding exposure to SO24 , the R0 parameter spray chamber), similar to what was reported in the literature for
tended toward stabilization after 91 days, at values even lower Friedel’s salts [31].
than the ones obtained for the reference standard, around For the intermediate-frequency region, the electrochemical
1.5  103 X cm, which represents the occurrence of sulfate attack study of aging in chloride showed the possible formation of oxide
with the formation of gypsum, ettringite and monosulfate crystal- corrosion products beginning at 205 days, evidenced by the signif-
line compounds and consequent microcrack of the matrix, compet- icant increase in the polarization resistance R1, decrease in the
ing with the curing of the cementitious material. This observation double-layer capacitance C1, and alteration of the phase angle pro-
could be proven based on the performance of complementary tests file. The increase in the polarization resistance and the decrease in
with the mortar, such as porosimetry as well as morphological the double-layer capacitance were also evidenced for the reference
analysis and elemental analysis by SEM/EDS. standard samples and those exposed to sulfate, although in a less
For the porosimetry test, according to the results shown in pronounced manner, possibly due to the formation of a passive
Table 3, a decrease in the surface area of the external region from oxide layer on the surface of the steel bar. The results shown in
13.9 m2 g 1 to 4.749 m2 g 1 was observed as a function of the Table 3 indicate that for all of the studies, there was an increase
aging applied (specifically for the sulfate chamber). Moreover, a in the surface area for the internal region of the Sp, compared to
reduction in pore size from 56.9 Å (reference standard) to the external region, related to the interface of the mortar with
43.43 Å (chloride) and 49.82 Å (sulfate), related to the accumula- the steel bar. The exception was the salt spray aging process, in
tion of byproducts in the pores, was also observed for both types which the pores tend to decrease in size as a function of the accu-
of aging [35,37]. The formed byproducts were confirmed by SEM/ mulation of iron oxides produced in the passivation phase of the
EDS, as presented in Figs. 4 and 5, in which microcracks and crys- steel. This characteristic was not observed for the chloride ions,
tals with a morphology and chemical composition similar to that of despite the increase in the polarization resistance R1, because the
gypsum and monosulfate (for aging in a SO2 chamber) can be visu- corrosion products tended to diffuse through the material, whereas
alized [35], as well as hexagonal-shaped plates and an elevated the oxide layer accumulated on the metal surface, thus protecting
concentration of the elements chlorine and aluminum (for the salt the reinforcement from the corrosive processes.
Finally, from the perspective of the reinforcement, the suscepti-
Table 3 bility to corrosion was evidenced electrochemically for the study in
Porosimetry results for the regions of mortar and oxide formation obtained using the a sulfate atmosphere, with the decrease in the charge transfer
BET technique for different types of accelerated aging. resistance R2 and the predominance of capacitive behavior
Parameter Exposition External region – Internal region – throughout the aging period. For the study with chloride, although
mortar oxide layer the variation of the parameters does not indicate the occurrence of
Surface area Reference 13.9 33.461 active corrosion, the alteration of the phase angle profile added to
(m2 g 1) 5% NaCl 22.88 38.885 the variation of the OCP vs. SCE, when evaluated in comparison
2% SO2 4.749 12.98 with similar studies [9,28], indicated deterioration of the reinforce-
Pore volume Reference 0.01977 0.04089 ment. These analyses, performed based on the EIS data, were pro-
(cm3 g 1) 5% NaCl 0.02484 0.04993 ven with the breaking of the Sps and the observation of the carbon
2% SO2 0.005915 0.01411
steel surface through OM. The images obtained in these tests are
Pore size (Å) Reference 56.9 48.889 shown in Fig. 6.
5% NaCl 43.43 51.403
According to the optical microscope images (Fig. 5), the study in
2% SO2 49.82 43.5
the chloride environment provided, after approximately 300 days
M.O.G.P. Bragança et al. / Construction and Building Materials 68 (2014) 650–658 657

Fig. 4. SEM with 1000 magnification, obtained for the mortar samples after 300 days of aging with (a) 5% NaCl, external surface of the Sp; (b) 5% NaCl, internal region of the
Sp; (c) 2% SO2, external surface of the Sp; and (d) 2% SO2, internal region of the Sp.

0.5 0.9
(a) 0.8
0.4 0.7
0.6 Ettringite
0.3 Gypsum
Cl / Ca

S / Ca

Friedel's Salt Surface Region

Surface region 0.4 Internal Region
0.2 Internal region

0.0 0.0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Al / Ca Al / Ca

Fig. 5. Elemental chemical analysis by EDS of the mortar samples after 300 days of aging with (a) 5% NaCl and (b) 2% SO2.

Fig. 6. Microscopic analysis (400 magnification) of the carbon steel bar after an exposure of approximately 300 days in the (a) reference standard, (b) 5% NaCl, and (c) 2% SO2
658 M.O.G.P. Bragança et al. / Construction and Building Materials 68 (2014) 650–658

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