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Kabul University

Computer Science Faculty

Information Systems Department
Phone: +93 202504289

Thesis/Final Project Registration Form

Student(s) Personal Details:

First Name Last Name Father Name Year Semester Supervisor Project Duration No of Students

Mohammad Alamkhel Salimddin

1399 Fall Ahmad Javid Mayar 8 months 2
Mohammad Zaheer Halim Abdul Halim

Thesis/Final Project Details:

Start of project (year-month-day) 2020-11-16 Expected date for completion

Research Topic At this early stage, you just need to provide a coherent title. You can decide on the exact
wording for the title at the end of finalization of your dissertation. A good title should:
 Orient your readers to the topic of your research.
 Avoid using abbreviations.
 Use words that create a positive impression and stimulate reader interest
 Indicate the type of study you will conduct.

Research Problem What: In 3 sentences MAX

“What is the gap that needs to be filled?” and/or “What is the problem that needs to be
What is the problem that the research will address? Remember, a problem is, essentially,
something that is going wrong

List three current, peer-reviewed references that support the presence of that problem and
briefly describe the nature of that support.

Impact of the problem How, Where, and When: 1 or 2 sentences Max

Describe the impact of the problem.
How are people or researchers’ understanding negatively impacted by the problem?
When and where is the problem evident?

Research Goals Explain the goals and research objectives of the study (what do you hope to find?).

Research Questions Describe the research questions and/or hypotheses of the study.
At least three research questions.

Literature Review Survey the scholarly articles, books, and other sources relevant to the area of your

Research Methodology: This section includes a description of the general means through
which the goals of the study will be achieved: methods, materials, procedures, tasks, etc.
Development Methodology: Describe the relevant software development methodology (e.g.
Agile, Waterfall, etc). Provide the necessary justifications for adapting it.

Expected Outcomes List the expected outcomes that will be achieved at the end of this study (e.g. Report on
Literature Review or case studies, an MIS, etc)

Work Plan:
Kabul University
Computer Science Faculty
Information Systems Department
Phone: +93 202504289

Semester 1:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Scope Definition

Literature Review


Semester 2:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

References List all sources cited in your proposal.


Declaration and Approval:

Student(s) By signing this form I confirm that

 all the statements above are correct
 I have read and fully understand the examination regulations
 I am not in the process of writing another thesis/final project in the same subject at another
Kabul University
Computer Science Faculty
Information Systems Department
Phone: +93 202504289

Date: Place: Name(s) and Student 1


Student 2

Supervisor I hereby confirm that I will serve as supervisor for the below named thesis/final project:

Date: Place: Signature:

Department The prerequisites have been assessed and the student(s) can be registered for the thesis/final project described

Date: Place: Signature:

Submit completed form to Information Systems Department

Please contact the Administration Office if you have any questions

Receipt Date: Sign: ___________________________

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