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Planas v.

COMELEC proposed by the 1971 Convention was not validly ratified in

49 SCRA 105; January 22, 1973 accordance with Article XV section 1 of the 1935
Ponente: Concepcion, C.J. Constitution which provides only one way for ratification
FACTS: (election or plebiscite held in accordance with law and only
While the 1971 Constitution Convention was in session on with qualified voters). Due to the environmental and social
September 21, 1972, the president issued Proclamation No. conditions in the Philippines (i.e. martial law), the Court
1081 placing the Philippines under martial law. On cannot honestly say that the people acquiesced to the
November 29, 1972, the Convention approved its proposed proposed Constitution. The majority ruled to dismiss the
constitution. The next day the president issued PD No. 73 cases as the effectivity of the proposed Constitution is the
submitting to the people for ratification or rejection the basic issue posed by the cases which considerations other
proposed constitution as well as setting the plebiscite for than judicial are relevant and unavoidable. The new
said ratification. On December 7, 1972, Charito Planas filed constitution is in force as there are not enough votes to say
a petition to enjoin respondents from implemented PD No. otherwise.
73 because the calling of the plebiscite among others is Aquino v. Enrile
lodged exclusively in the Congress. On December 17, 1972, May 24, 2018
the president issued an order temporarily suspending the Constitutional Law. Political Law. Powers of the President.
effects of PD 1081 for the purpose of the free and open Aquino v. Enrile
debate on the proposed constitution. On December 23, the 59 SCRA 183
president announced the postponement of the plebiscite, as FACTS:
such, the Court refrained from deciding the cases. On The cases are all petitions for habeas corpus, the
January 12, the petitioners filed for an “urgent motion” petitioners having been arrested and detained by the
praying that the case be decided “as soon as possible”. military by virtue of Proclamation 1081. The petitioners
ISSUES: were arrested and held pursuant to General Order No.2 of
1.    Is the validity of PD 73 justiciable? the President “for being participants or  for having given aid
2.    Is PD 73 valid? and comfort in the conspiracy to seize political and state
3.    Does the 1971 Constitutional Convention have the power in the country and to take over the Government by
authority to pass the proposed constitution? force…” General Order No. 2 was issued by the President in
HELD: the exercise of the power he assumed by virtue of
The Court may pass upon the constitutionality of PD 73 not Proclamation 1081 placing the entire country under martial
only because of a long list of cases decided by the Court but law.
also of subdivision (1) of Section 2, Article VIII of the 1935 ISSUES:
Constitution which expressly provides for the authority of 1) Is the existence of conditions claimed to justify the
the Court to review cases revolving such issue. The validity exercise of the power to declare martial law subject to
of the decree itself was declared moot and academic by the judicial inquiry?; and
Court. The convention is free to postulate any amendment 2) Is the detention of the petitioners legal in accordance
as long as it is not inconsistent with what is known as Jus with the declaration of martial law?
Cogens. HELD:
Javellana v. Executive Secretary 5 Justices held that the issue is a political question, hence,
50 SCRA 30; March 31, 1973 not subject to judicial inquiry, while 4 Justices held that the
Ponente: Concepcion, C.J issue is a justiciable one. However, any inquiry by this
FACTS: Court in the present cases into the constitutional sufficiency
On January 20, 1973, Josue Javellana filed a prohibition of the factual bases for the proclamation of martial law has
case to restrain respondents from implementing any of the become moot and academic. Implicit in the state of martial
provisions of the proposed constitution not found in the law is the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas
present constitution. Javellana maintained that the corpus with respect to persons arrested or detained for acts
respondents are acting without or in excess of jurisdiction in related to the basic objective of the proclamation, which is
implementing proposed constitution and that the president to suppress invasion, insurrection or rebellion, or to
is without power to proclaim the ratification of the safeguard public safety against imminent danger thereof.
constitution. Similar actions were filed by Vidal Tan, The preservation of society and national survival takes
Gerardo Roxas, among others. Petitioners pray for the precedence. The proclamation of martial law automatically
nullification of Proclamation 1102 (Citizens Assemblies) and suspends the privilege of the writ as to the persons referred
any order, decree, and proclamation which are similar in to in this case.
their objectives. Sanidad v. COMELEC
ISSUES: 73 SCRA 333; October 12, 1976
1.    Is the validity of Proclamation No. 1102 justiciable? Ponente: Martin, J
2.    Was the constitution proposed by the 1971 FACTS:
Constitutional Convention ratified validly in compliance with On September 27, 1976, Pablo Sanidad and Pablito Sanidad
applicable laws? petitioned for prohibition with preliminary injunction to
enjoin COMELEC from holding and conducting the
3.    Was the proposed Constitution acquiesced by the Referendum Plebiscite on October 16; to declare without
people? force and effect PD Nos. 991 and 1033, as well as PD.
4.    Are the petitioners entitled to relief? 1031. Petitioners contend that the president has no power
5.    Is the proposed Constitution in force? to propose amendments to the new constitution, as such,
HELD: the referendum-plebiscite has no legal basis.
Whether a constitutional amendment has been properly ISSUE:
adopted according to an existing constitution is a judicial 1.    Is the case at bar justiciable?
question as it is the absolute duty of the judiciary to 2.    Does the president have the authority to propose
determine whether the Constitution has been amended in amendments to the Constitution?
the manner required by the constitution. The Constitution 3.    Is the submission to the people of the proposed
amendments within the time frame allowed sufficient and FACTS:
proper submission? A number of petitions assail the validity of B.P Blg. 883
HELD: calling for a special election for a President and Vice-
The issue of whether the President can assume the power president on February 7, 1986. Marcos gave a conditional
of a constituent assembly is a justiciable question since it is resignation where he shall vacate the position only when a
not the wisdom but the constitutional authority of the winner has been proclaimed and qualified by taking his oath
president to perform such act is in question. The president 10 days after the proclamation. Petitioners question the
has the authority to propose amendments as the validity of Marcos’ resignation as it did not create the
governmental powers are generally concentrated to the vacancy needed for a special election to be held and pray
president in times of crisis. The time for deliberation of the for prohibition to acts in relation to B.P. Blg. 883
referendum-plebiscite questions, 3 weeks, is not too short ISSUE:
especially since the questions are issues of the day and the Is the B.P Blg. 883 unconstitutional?
people have been living with them since the proclamation of HELD:
martial law. The Court failed to have 10 votes to declare B.P. Blg. 883.
Occena vs. Commission on Elections Unconstitutional. Whereas the original issue on B.P Blg.
[GR 56350, 2 April 1981]; also Gonzales vs. National 883’s constitutionality, the issue has now transformed into
Treasurer [GR 56404] a political question where only the sovereign people can
En Banc, Fernando (CJ): 8 concur, 1 dissents in separate decide in a fair, clean and honest election. As such, the
opinion, 1 on official leave Court dismissed the petitions and denied their prayers of
Facts: The challenge in these two prohibition proceedings prohibition.
against the validity of three Batasang Pambansa People v. Perfecto
Resolutions proposing constitutional amendments, goes 277 SCRA 268
further than merely assailing their alleged constitutional FACTS:
infirmity. Samuel Occena and Ramon A. Gonzales, both About August 20, 1920, Fernando Guerrero, the Secretary
members of the Philippine Bar and former delegates to the of the Philippine Senate discovered that certain documents
1971 Constitutional Convention that framed the present which constituted the records of testimony by witnesses in
Constitution, are suing as taxpayers. The rather unorthodox the investigation of oil companies had disappeared from his
aspect of these petitions is the assertion that the 1973 office. On September 7, 1920, the newspaper La Nacion,
Constitution is not the fundamental law, the Javellana ruling edited by Mr. Gregorio Perfecto published an article
to the contrary notwithstanding. criticizing the Senate and its members in general. As a
Issue: Whether the 1973 Constitution was valid, and in result, he was charged guilty of violating Article 256 of the
force and effect when the Batasang Pambansa resolutions Penal Code by the CFI of Manila. Petitioner filed an appeal
and the present petitions were promulgated and filed, to the Supreme Court praying for the dismissal of the case
respectively. on the ground that said Article is no longer in force.
Held: It is much too late in the day to deny the force and ISSUE:
applicability of the 1973 Constitution. In the dispositive Is Article 256 of the Penal Code still in force despite the
portion of Javellana v. The Executive Secretary, dismissing change of Spanish sovereignty to American sovereignty
petitions for prohibition and mandamus to declare invalid its over the Philippines?
ratification, this Court stated that it did so by a vote of six HELD:
to four. It then concluded: "This being the vote of the It is a general principle of the public law that the previous
majority, there is no further judicial obstacle to the new political relations of the ceded region are totally abrogated.
Constitution being considered in force and effect." Such a All laws, ordinances, and regulations in conflict with the
statement served a useful purpose. It could even be said political character, institutions, and constitution of the new
that there was a need for it. It served to clear the government are at once displaced. Article 256 was enacted
atmosphere. It made manifest that as of 17 January 1973, to protect Spanish officials which were representatives of
the present Constitution came into force and effect. With the King. Such intent is contradictory to the ideology of the
such a pronouncement by the Supreme Court and with the new government where “In the eye of our (American)
recognition of the cardinal postulate that what the Supreme Constitution and laws, every man is a sovereign, a ruler
Court says is not only entitled to respect but must also be and a freeman, and has equal rights with every other man”.
obeyed, a factor for instability was removed. Thereafter, as As such, Article 256 is deemed abrogated and the case is
a matter of law, all doubts were resolved. The 1973 consequently dismissed and judgment reversed.
Constitution is the fundamental law. It is as simple as that. Lambino vs.COMELEC
What cannot be too strongly stressed is that the function of [G.R. No. 174153, October 25, 2006]
judicial review has both a positive and a negative aspect. As (case digest/notes)
was so convincingly demonstrated by Professors Black and
Murphy, the Supreme Court can check as well as legitimate.  FACTS
In declaring what the law is, it may not only nullify the acts
of coordinate branches but may also sustain their validity. Petitioners Lambino group commenced in gathering
In the latter case, there is an affirmation that what was signatures for an initiative petition to change the 1987
done cannot be stigmatized as constitutionally deficient. Constitution modifying Article 6 and Article 7 and adding
The mere dismissal of a suit of this character suffices. That transitory provision. 
is the meaning of the concluding statement in Javellana.
Since then, this Court has invariably applied the present The proposed change will shift the present Bicameral-
Constitution. The latest case in point is People v. Sola, Presidential System to a Unicameral-Parliamentary form of
promulgated barely two weeks ago. During the first year government.
alone of the effectivity of the present Constitution, at least
ten cases may be cited. They petitioned to COMELEC and had the support of 6M
Philippine Bar Association v. COMELEC individuals constuting at least 12% of all registers votes
140 SCRA 455 with each legislative district represented by at least 3% of
its registered voters.
The framers intended that Congress and Constitutional
ISSUE/S Convention may propose revision to the Constitution,
however, People's Initiative may only propose
Whether or not the Lambino group complied on the ground amendments.
of their acquisition?
It is a fundamental principle that a Constitution can only be
PRINCIPLES/HELD revised or amended in the manner prescribed by the
instrument itself, and that any attempt to revise a
The phrase "directly proposed by the people through constitution in a manner other than the one provided in the
initiative upon a petition" - means that the draft of the instrument is treated as Extra-Constitutional or
proposed constitutional amendment should be ready and Revolutionary.
shown to the people before they sign such proposal.
Revision- broadly implies a change that alters a basic
Before they sign the proposal, a draft must already been principle in the Constitution. (E.g. altering the principles of
shown to them. The entire proposal on its face is a petition separation of powers or the system of checks and balances)
by the people.
If the change alters the substantial entirety of the
Two (2) essential elements: Constitution, as when the change affects substantial
provisions of the Constitution.
1.  The people must author and thus sign the entire
proposal. No agent or representative can sign on their Amendment- broadly refers to a change that adds, reduces
behalf. or deletes without altering the basic principle involved.
2. As an intiative upon a petition, the proposal must be
embodied in a petition. Revision, generally affects several provisions of the
The full text of the proposed amendments may be either Amendment, generally affects only the specific provision
written on the face of the petition or attached to it. If being amended.
attached, the petition must state such fact of attachment.
Two(2) part test:
The requirement is that, the people must first see the full
text of the proposed amendments before they sign to 1. Quantitative Test -asks whether the proposed change is
signify their assent, and that the people must sign on an so extensive in its provisions as to change directly the
initiative petition that contains full text of proposed substantial entirety of the constitution by the deletion or
amendments. alteration of numerous existing provisions.

Rationale: It can pose a significant potential for fraud. The court examines only the number of provisions affected
and does not consider the degree of change.
Purpose: To provide sufficient information so that the
registered voters can intelligently evaluate whether to sign 2. Qualitative Test- inquires into the qualitative effects of te
the initiative petition or not. proposed change in the constitution.

The initiative signer must be informed at the time of signing The main inquiry is whether the change will accomplish
the nature and effect of that which is proposed. Otherwise, such far reaching changes in the nature of our basic
deceptive and misleading will render the initiative void. governmental plan as to amount to a revision.

Proponents bear the burden of proving that the complied Lambino's group initiative is Revision. By any legal test and
with the constitutional requirements in gathering the under any jurisdiction, a shift from Bicameral-Presidential to
signatures. a Unicameral-Parliamentary system, involving abolition of
the office of the President and chamber of Congress is
The Lambino group did not attach to their present petition beyond doubt a Revision.
the copy of the paper that the people signed, they only
submitted a signature sheet, merely asking a question of Revision requires harmonizing not only several provisions,
the shift. but also the altered principles.
De Leon v. Esguerra
Logrolling- when the initiative petition incorporates an 153 SCRA 602
unrelated subject matter in the same petition. FACTS:
Effect: To nullify the entire proposition and not only the Alfredo De Leon was elected Barangay Captain in the
unrelated subject matter. elections on May 17, 1982. On February 9, 1987, petitioner
received a Memorandum antedated December 1, 1986, but
Combining multiple propositions into one proposal signed by OIC Governor Esguerra on February 8, 1987,
constitutes "logrolling". It confuses and deceives people. designating Florentino Magno as Barangay Captain of
Barangay Dolores Taytay, Rizal. Petitioners pray that the
Three(3) modes of amending/revising the Constitution: memorandum is null and void in accordance with Section 3
of Barangay Election Act of 1982. Petitioner further that
1. Congress upon vote of 3/4 of ALL its members. with the ratification of the 1987 Constitution, respondent
2. Constitutional Convention OIC governor no longer has authority to designate
3. Amendments to the Constitution through People's successors and replace them.
Initiative ISSUE:
Is the dismissal order of De Leon et. Al. by respondent OIC very words the provision does not require any legislation to
Governor valid? put it in operation.
The constitution was ratified in a plebiscite on February 2, GR No. 118295     May 2, 1997
1987. By that date, the Provisional Constitution has been
superseded. As such, respondent OIC Governor could no FACTS
longer rely on Section 2 Article III of said Constitution. The
Memoranda was declared to be of no legal force and the The Philippines joined World Trade Organization as a
writ of prohibition enjoining respondents from proceeding founding member with the goal of improving Philippine
with the take-over was granted. access to foreign markets, especially its major trading
Manila Prince Hotel v GSIS (DIGEST) partners, through the reduction of tariffs on its exports. The
  President also saw in the WTO the opening of new
MANILA PRINCE HOTEL, petitioner v GSIS, respondent opportunities for the services sector, the reduction of costs
(DIGEST) and uncertainty associated with exporting and the
G.R. No. 122156; February 3, 1997 attraction of more investments into the country. On April
TOPIC: Non-Self Executing v Self Executing Constitutional 15, 1994, respondent Navarro, then DTI Secretary, signed
Provisions in Marrakesh, Morocco, the Final Act Embodying the Results
of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Negotiations. On
FACTS: December 14, 1994, the Senate concurred in the ratification
The Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) decided of the President of the Philippines of the Agreement
to sell through public bidding 30% to 51% of the issued and Establishing the WTO which includes various agreements
outstanding shares of the Manila Hotel (MHC). and associated legal instruments. On December 16,
In a close bidding, two bidders participated: Manila Prince 1994,the President signed the Instrument of Ratification.
Hotel Corporation (MPHC), a Filipino corporation, which
offered to buy 51% of the MHC at P41.58 per share, and
Renong Berhad, a Malaysian firm, with ITT-Sheraton as its
hotel operator, which bid for the same number of shares at ISSUES
P44.00 per share, or P2.42 more than the bid of petitioner.
Pending the declaration of Renong Berhard as the winning 1. Whether the WTO Agreement violated the mandated
bidder and the execution of the contracts, the MPHC economic nationalism by the Constitution
matched the bid price  in a letter to GSIS. MPHC sent a
manager’s check to the GSIS in a subsequent letter, which 2. Whether the provisions of the WTO Agreement restricts
GSIS refused to accept. On 17 October 1995, perhaps and impairs Philippine sovereignty, specifically the
apprehensive that GSIS has disregarded the tender of the legislative power vested in the Congress
matching bid, MPHC came to the Court on prohibition and
mandamus. 3. Whether the Senate concurrence in the WTO Agreement
Petitioner invokes Sec. 10, second par., Art. XII, of the and its annexes but not in the other documents referred to
1987 Constitution and submits that the Manila Hotel has in the Final Act is defective and insufficient and thus
been identified with the Filipino nation and has practically constitutes abuse of discretion
become a historical monument which reflects the vibrancy
of Philippine heritage and culture.
Respondents assert that Sec. 10, second par., Art. XII, of
the 1987 Constitution is merely a statement of principle and RULING
policy since it is not a self-executing provision and requires
implementing legislation(s). 1. No. The Constitution did not intend to pursue an
ISSUE: isolationist policy. It did not shut out foreign investments,
Whether the provisions of the Constitution, particularly goods and services in the development of the Philippine
Article XII Section 10, are self-executing. economy. In fact, it allows an exchange on the basis of
RULING: equality and reciprocity, frowning only on foreign
Yes. Sec 10, Art. XII of the 1987 Constitution is a self- competition that is unfair. The constitutional policy of a self-
executing provision. reliant and independent national economy does not
A provision which lays down a general principle, such as necessarily rule out the entry of foreign investments, goods
those found in Article II of the 1987 Constitution, is usually and services. It contemplates neither economic seclusion
not self-executing. But a provision which is complete in nor mendicancy in the international community.
itself and becomes operative without the aid of
supplementary or enabling legislation, or that which 2. No. While sovereignty has traditionally been deemed
supplies sufficient rule by means of which the right it grants absolute and all-encompassing on the domestic level, it is
may be enjoyed or protected, is self-executing. however subject to restrictions and limitations voluntarily
Hence, unless it is expressly provided that a legislative act agreed to by the Philippines, expressly or impliedly, as a
is necessary to enforce a constitutional mandate, the member of the family of nations. Unquestionably, the
presumption now is that all provisions of the constitution Constitution did not envision a hermit-type isolation of the
are self-executing. If the constitutional provisions are country from the rest of the world. By the doctrine of
treated as requiring legislation instead of self-executing, the incorporation, the country is bound by generally accepted
legislature would have the power to ignore and practically principles of international law, which are considered to be
nullify the mandate of the fundamental law. automatically part of our laws. A treaty engagement is not
In fine, Section 10, second paragraph, Art. XII of the 1987 a mere moral obligation on the parties. By their inherent
Constitution is a mandatory, positive command which is nature, treaties really limit or restrict the absoluteness of
complete in itself and which needs no further guidelines or sovereignty. The Philippines has effectively agreed to limit
implementing laws or rules for its enforcement. From its the exercise of its sovereign powers of taxation, eminent
domain and police power. The underlying consideration in HELD:
this partial sovereignty is the reciprocal commitment of the NO. Petition for prohibition, review and/or injunction was
other contracting states in granting the same privilege and dismissed. Pertinent to the issue, the SC held:
immunities to the Philippines, its officials and its citizens. xxx
The same reciprocity characterizes the same commitments (3) that the ELA is valid as a lease contract under the Civil
under WTO-GATT. The point is that a portion of sovereignty Code and is not contrary to the charter of the Philippine
may be waived without violating the Constitution, based on Charity Sweepstakes Office;
the rationale that the Philippines adopts the generally (4) that under §1(A) of its charter (R.A. 1169), the
accepted principles of international law as part  of the law Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office has authority to enter
of the land and adheres to the policy of cooperation and into a contract for the holding of an on-line lottery, whether
amity with all nations. alone or in association, collaboration or joint venture with
another party, so long as it itselfholds or conducts such
lottery; and
3. No. The petitioners submit that concurrence in the WTO (5) That the Equipment Lease Agreement (ELA) in question
Agreement alone is flawed because it is in effect a rejection did not have to be submitted to public bidding as a
of the Final Act. The Court held that a final act is an condition for its validity.
instrument which records the winding up of the proceedings RATIO:
of a diplomatic conference and not the treaty itself. On the E.O. No. 301, §1 applies only to contracts for the purchase
other hand, the WTO Agreement itself expresses what of supplies, materials and equipment. It does not refer to
multilateral agreements are deemed included as its integral contracts of lease of equipment like the ELA. The provisions
parts. It should be added that the Senate was well-aware of on lease are found in §§ 6 and 7 but they refer to the lease
what it was concurring in as shown by the member’s of privately-owned buildings or spaces for government use
deliberation. or of government-owned buildings or spaces for private
Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare use, and these provisions do not require public bidding. It is
to Pinterest thus difficult to see how E.O. No. 301 can be applied to the
ELA when the only feature of the ELA that may be thought
Kilosbayan vs. Morato (G.R. No. 118910. July of as close to a contract of purchase and sale is the option
17, 1995) to buy given to the PCSO. An option to buy is not of course
25APR a contract of purchase and sale.
CAPULONG, JR., JOSE T. APOLO, EPHRAIM TENDERO, Indeed the question is not whether compared with the
FERNANDO SANTIAGO, JOSE ABCEDE, CHRISTINE former joint venture agreement the present lease contract
TAN, RAFAEL G. FERNANDO, RAOUL V. VICTORINO, is “[more] advantageous to the government.” The question
JOSE CUNANAN, QUINTIN S. DOROMAL, SEN. is whether under the circumstances, the ELA is the most
FREDDIE WEBB, SEN. WIGBERTO TAÑADA, REP. advantageous contract that could be obtained compared
JOKER P. ARROYO, petitioners,  with similar lease agreements which the PCSO could have
vs. made with other parties. Petitioners have not shown that
MANUEL L. MORATO, in his capacity as Chairman of more favorable terms could have been obtained by the
the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office, and the PCSO or that at any rate the ELA, which the PCSO
PHILIPPINE GAMING MANAGEMENT concluded with the PGMC, is disadvantageous to the
CORPORATION, respondents. government.
FACTS: Posted by kaye lee on 3:58 PM
[T]his suit was filed seeking to declare the ELA invalid on G.R. No. 101083 July 30 1993
the ground that it is substantially the same as the Contract
of Lease nullified in the first case [decision in G.R. No. FACTS:
113375 (Kilosbayan, Incorporated v. Guingona, 232 SCRA Forty-four children, through their parents, sought to make
110 (1994)) invalidating the Contract of Lease between the the DENR Secretary stop issuing licenses to cut timber,
Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) and the invoking their right to a healthful environment (Secs. 16,
Philippine Gaming Management Corp. (PGMC)]. 15 Article II, 1987 Constitution). The petitioners further
Petitioners maintain (1) that the Equipment Lease asserted that they "represent their generation as well as
Agreement (ELA) is a different lease contract with none of generations yet unborn." They further claimed that the
the vestiges of a joint venture which were found in the Secretary committed grave abuse of discretion in granting
Contract of Lease nullified in the prior case; (2) that the Timber License Agreements to cover more areas for logging
ELA did not have to be submitted to a public bidding than what is available.
because it fell within the exception provided in E.O. No.
301, §1 (e); (3) that the power to determine whether the ISSUE:
ELA is advantageous to the government is vested in the Whether or not the petitioners have a cause of action to file
Board of Directors of the PCSO; (4) that for lack of funds the case.
the PCSO cannot purchase its own on-line lottery
equipment and has had to enter into a lease contract; (5) RULING:
that what petitioners are actually seeking in this suit is to Yes. the Court stated that even though the right to a
further their moral crusade and political agenda, using the balanced and healthful ecology is under the Declaration of
Court as their forum. Principles and State Policies of the Constitution and not
ISSUE: under the Bill of Rights, it does not follow that it is less
Whether or not the ELA between the Philippine Charity important than any of the rights enumerated in the
Sweepstakes Office and the Philippine Gaming Management latter: “[it] concerns nothing less than self-preservation and
Corp. is invalid. self-perpetuation, the advancement of which may even be
said to predate all governments and constitutions”.  The
right is linked to the constitutional right to health, is
“fundamental”, “constitutionalised”, “self-executing” and G.R. No. L-18463             October 4, 1922
“judicially enforceable”. It imposes the correlative duty to
refrain from impairing the environment. 
The court stated that the petitioners were able to file a
class suit both for others of their generation and for
GREGORIO PERFECTOR, defendant-appellant.
succeeding generations as “the minors' assertion of their
right to a sound environment constitutes, at the same time,
the performance of their obligation to ensure the protection Alfonso E. Mendoza and the appellant in behalf of the latter.
of that right for the generations to come.” Attorney-General Villa-Real for appellee.
Categories: Constitutional Law 1, Environmental
Law, Oposa vs Factoran case digest
30 September 1963
GR No. L-10280 MALCOLM, J.:
“People” as Inhabitants The important question is here squarely presented of
FACTS: whether article 256 of the Spanish Penal Code, punishing
The Court of First Instance denied the petition for writs of "Any person who, by . . . writing, shall defame, abuse, or
habeas corpus, mandamus and certiorari by the petitioners. insult any Minister of the Crown or other person in authority
On May 12, 1952, Special Prosecutor Emilio L. Galang . . .," is still in force.
charged petitioner before the Deportation Board. The
crimes: About August 20, 1920, the Secretary of the Philippine
•Purchasing $130,000 with license from Central Bank and Senate, Fernando M. Guerrero, discovered that certain
remitted it to Hong Kong documents which constituted the records of testimony given
•Attempted bribery of Phil and US officials.  by witnesses in the investigation of oil companies, had
In effect, Deportation Board issued a warrant of arrest for disappeared from his office. Shortly thereafter, the
petitioner (E.O. No 398, series of 1951). Upon fixing of Philippine Senate, having been called into special session by
bonds, petitioner was temporarily set free. the Governor-General, the Secretary for the Senate
ISSUE/S: informed that body of the loss of the documents and of the
1. Whether or not the President has authority to deport steps taken by him to discover the guilty party. The day
aliens. following the convening of the Senate, September 7, 1920,
2. Whether or not the Deportation Board also has authority the newspaper La Nacion, edited by Mr. Gregorio Perfecto,
to file warrants of arrest. published an article reading as follows:
1. YES
Half a month has elapsed since the discovery, for
Section 69 of Act NO. 2711 of the Revised Administrative
the first time, of the scandalous robbery of records
Code – Deportation of subject to foreign power. — Asubject
which were kept and preserved in the iron safe of
of a foreign power residing in the Philippines shall not be
the Senate, yet up to this time there is not the
deported, expelled, or excluded from said Islands or
slightest indication that the author or authors of the
repatriated to his own country by the President of the
crime will ever be discovered.
conducted by said Executive or his authorized agent, of the
ground upon which Such action is contemplated. In such To find them, it would not, perhaps, be necessary
case the person concerned shall be informed of the charge to go out of the Sente itself, and the persons in
or charges against him and he shall be allowed not less charge of the investigation of the case would not
than these days for the preparation of his defense. He shall have to display great skill in order to succeed in
also have the right to be heard by himself or counsel, to their undertaking, unless they should encounter the
produce witnesses in his own behalf, and to cross-examine insuperable obstacle of offical concealment.
the opposing witnesses.”
* In effect, the President (Quezon, May 29, 1936) created In that case, every investigation to be made would
the Deportation Board to conduct investigations. be but a mere comedy and nothing more.
2. Yes but only after investigation has resulted to the actual
order of deportation. Arrest would have been necessary for After all, the perpetration of the robbery, especially
deportation to take effect. However, in the case at bar, under the circumstances that have surrounded it,
investigations were still ongoing and no order for does not surprise us at all.
deportation was yet made. Decision: E.O. No 398, series of
1951: declared illegal
The execution of the crime was but the natural
Deportation may be effected in 2 ways:
effect of the environment of the place in which it
1. by order of President, after due investigation, pursuant
was committed.
to Section 69 of the RAC
2. by Commissioner of Immigration, upon recommendation
by the Board of Commissioners under Section 37 of How many of the present Senators can say without
Commonwealth Act No. 613 remorse in their conscience and with serenity of
Crime was an act profiteering, hoarding or blackmarketing mind, that they do not owe their victory to electoral
of US dollars. robbery? How may?
The author or authors of the robbery of the records filed. Our Penal Code has come to us from the
from the said iron safe of the Senate have, perhaps, Spanish regime. Article 256 of that Code prescribes
but followed the example of certain Senators who punishment for persons who use insulting language
secured their election through fraud and robbery. about Ministers of the Crown or other "authority."
The King of Spain doubtless left the need of such
The Philippine Senate, in its session of September 9, 1920, protection to his ministers and others in authority in
adopted a resolution authorizing its committee on elections the Philippines as well as in Spain. Hence, the
and privileges to report as to the action which should be article referred to was made applicable here.
taken with reference to the article published in La Nacion. Notwithstanding the change of sovereignty, our
On September 15, 1920, the Senate adopted a resolution Supreme Court, in a majority decision, has held
authorizing the President of the Senate to indorse to the that this provision is still in force, and that one who
Attorney-General, for his study and corresponding action, made an insulting remark about the President of the
all the papers referring to the case of the newspaper La United States was punishable under it.
Nacion and its editor, Mr. Gregorio Perfecto. As a result, an (U.S. vs. Helbig, supra.) If it applicable in that case,
information was filed in the municipal court of the City of it would appear to be applicable in this case. Hence,
Manila by an assistant city fiscal, in which the editorial in said article 256 must be enforced, without fear or
question was set out and in which it was alleged that the favor, until it shall be repealed or superseded by
same constituted a violation of article 256 of the Penal other legislation, or until the Supreme Court shall
Code. The defendant Gregorio Perfecto was found guilty in otherwise determine.
the municipal court and again in the Court of First Instance
of Manila. In view of the foregoing considerations, the court
finds the defendant guilty as charged in the
During the course of the trial in the Court of First Instance, information and under article 256 of their Penal
after the prosecution had rested, the defense moved for the Code sentences him to suffer two months and one
dismissal of the case. On the subject of whether or not day of arresto mayor and the accessory penalties
article 256 of the Penal Code, under which the information prescribed by law, and to pay the costs of both
was presented, is in force, the trial judge, the Honorable instances.
George R. Harvey, said:
The fifteen errors assigned by the defendant and appellant,
This antiquated provision was doubtless reenforced by an extensive brief, and eloquent oral
incorporated into the Penal Code of Spain for the argument made in his own behalf and by his learned
protection of the Ministers of the Crown and other counsel, all reduce themselves to the pertinent and decisive
representatives of the King against free speech and question which was announced in the beginning of this
action by Spanish subjects. A severe punishment decision.
was prescribed because it was doubtless considered
a much more serious offense to insult the King's It will be noted in the first place that the trial judge
representative than to insult an ordinary individual. considered himself bound to follow the rule announced in
This provision, with almost all the other articles of the case of United States vs. Helbig (R. G. No. 14705, 1 not
that Code, was extended to the Philippine Islands published). In that case, the accused was charged with
when under the dominion of Spain because the having said, "To hell with the President and his
King's subject in the Philippines might defame, proclamations, or words to that effect," in violation of
abuse or insult the Ministers of the Crown or other article 256 of the Penal Code. He was found guilty in a
representatives of His Majesty. We now have no judgment rendered by the Court of First Instance of Manila
Ministers of the Crown or other persons in authority and again on appeal to the Supreme Court, with the writer
in the Philippines representing the King of Spain, of the instant decision dissenting on two principal grounds:
and said provision, with other articles of the Penal (1) That the accused was deprived of the constitutional
Code, had apparently passed into "innocuous right of cross-examination, and (2) that article 256 of the
desuetude," but the Supreme Corut of the Philippine Spanish Penal Code is no longer in force. Subsequently, on
Islands has, by a majority decision, held that said a motion of reconsideration, the court, being of the opinion
article 256 is the law of the land to-day. . . . that the Court of First Instance had committed a prejudicial
error in depriving the accused of his right to cross-examine
The Helbig case is a precedent which, by the rule a principal witness, set aside the judgment affirming the
of stare decisis, is binding upon this court until judgment appealed from and ordered the return of the
otherwise determined by proper authority. record to the court of origin for the celebration of a new
trial. Whether such a trial was actually had, is not known,
but at least, the record in the Helbig case has never again
In the decision rendered by the same judge, he concluded
been elevated to this court.
with the following language:

There may perchance exist some doubt as to the authority

In the United States such publications are usually
of the decision in the Helbig case, in view of the
not punishable as criminal offense, and little
circumstances above described. This much, however, is
importance is attached to them, because they are
certain: The facts of the Helbig case and the case before us,
generally the result of political controversy and are
which we may term the Perfecto case, are different, for in
usually regarded as more or less colored or
the first case there was an oral defamation, while in the
exaggerated. Attacks of this character upon a
second there is a written defamation. Not only this, but a
legislative body are not punishable, under the Libel
new point which, under the facts, could not have been
Law. Although such publications are reprehensible,
considered in the Helbig case, is, in the Perfecto case,
yet this court feels some aversion to the application
urged upon the court. And, finally, as is apparent to all, the
of the provision of law under which this case was
appellate court is not restrained, as was the trial court, by indictable when defaming a "body of persons definite and
strict adherence to a former decision. We much prefer to small enough for individual members to be recognized as
resolve the question before us unhindered by references to such, in or by means of anything capable of being a libel."
the Helbig decision. (Digest of Criminal Law, art. 267.) But in the United States,
while it may be proper to prosecute criminally the author of
This is one of those cases on which a variety of opinions all a libel charging a legislator with corruption, criticisms, no
leading to the same result can be had. A majority of the matter how severe, on a legislature, are within the range of
court are of the opinion that the Philippine Libel Law, Act the liberty of the press, unless the intention and effect be
No. 277, has had the effect of repealing so much of article seditious. (3 Wharton's Criminal Law, p. 2131.) With these
256 of the Penal Code as relates to written defamation, facts and legal principles in mind, recall that article 256
abuse, or insult, and that under the information and the begins: Any person who, by . . . writing, shall defame,
facts, the defendant is neither guilty of a violation of article abuse, or insult any Minister of the Crown or other person
256 of the Penal Code, nor of the Libel Law. The view of the in authority," etc.
Chief Justice is that the accused should be acquitted for the
reason that the facts alleged in the information do not The Libel Law is a complete and comprehensive law on the
constitute a violation of article 156 of the Penal Code. Three subject of libel. The well-known rule of statutory
members of the court believe that article 256 was construction is, that where the later statute clearly covers
abrogated completely by the change from Spanish to the old subject-matter of antecedent acts, and it plainly
American sovereignty over the Philippines and is appears to have been the purpose of the legislature to give
inconsistent with democratic principles of government. expression in it to the whole law on the subject, previous
laws are held to be repealed by necessary implication. (1
Without prejudice to the right of any member of the court Lewis' Sutherland Statutory Construction, p. 465.) For
to explain his position, we will discuss the two main points identical reasons, it is evident that Act No. 277 had the
just mentioned. effect so much of this article as punishes defamation,
abuse, or insults by writing.
1. Effect of the Philippine Libel Law, Act No. 277, on
article 256 of the Spanish Penal Code. — The Libel Act No. 292 of the Philippine Commission, the Treason and
Law, Act No. 277, was enacted by the Philippine Sedition Law, may also have affected article 256, but as to
Commission shortly after organization of this this point, it is not necessary to make a pronouncement.
legislative body. Section 1 defines libel as a
"malicious defamation, expressed either in writing, 2. Effect of the change from Spanish to Amercian
printing, or by signs or pictures, or the like, or sevoreignty over the Philippine son article 256 of
public theatrical exhibitions, tending to blacken the the Spanish Penal Code. — Appellant's main
memory of one who is dead or to impeach the proposition in the lower court and again
honesty, virtue, or reputation, or publish the energetically pressed in the appellate court was that
alleged or natural deffects of one who is alive, and article 256 of the Spanish Penal Code is not now in
thereby expose him to public hatred, contempt or force because abrogated by the change from
ridicule." Section 13 provides that "All laws and Spanish to American sovereignty over the
parts of laws now in force, so far as the same may Philippines and because inconsistent with
be in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. . . ." democratic principles of government. This view was
indirectly favored by the trial judge, and, as before
That parts of laws in force in 1901 when the Libel Law took stated, is the opinion of three members of this
effect, were in conflict therewith, and that the Libel Law court.
abrogated certain portion of the Spanish Penal Code, cannot
be gainsaid. Title X of Book II of the Penal Code, covering Article 256 is found in Chapter V of title III of Book II of the
the subjects of calumny and insults, must have been Spanish Penal Code. Title I of Book II punishes the crimes
particularly affected by the Libel Law. Indeed, in the early of treason, crimes that endanger the peace or
case of Pardo de Tavera vs. Garcia Valdez ([1902], 1. Phil., independence of the state, crimes against international law,
468), the Supreme Court spoke of the Libel Law as and the crime of piracy. Title II of the same book punishes
"reforming the preexisting Spanish law on the subject the crimes of lese majeste, crimes against the Cortes and
of calumnia  and injuria." Recently, specific attention was its members and against the council of ministers, crimes
given to the effect of the Libel Law on the provisions of the against the form of government, and crimes committed on
Penal Code, dealing with calumny and insults, and it was the occasion of the exercise of rights guaranteed by the
found that those provisions of the Penal Code on the fundamental laws of the state, including crime against
subject of calumny and insults in which the elements of religion and worship. Title III of the same Book, in which
writing an publicity entered, were abrogated by the Libel article 256 is found, punishes the crimes of rebellion,
Law. (People vs. Castro [1922], p. 842, ante.) sedition, assaults upon persons in authority, and their
agents, and contempts, insults, injurias, and threats against
The Libel Law must have had the same result on other persons in authority, and insults, injurias, and threats
provisions of the Penal Code, as for instance article 256. against their agents and other public officers, the last being
the title to Chapter V. The first two articles in Chapter V
define and punish the offense of contempt committed by
The facts here are that the editor of a newspaper published
any one who shall be word or deed defame, abuse, insult,
an article, naturally in writing, which may have had the
or threathen a minister of the crown, or any person in
tendency to impeach the honesty, virtue, or reputation of
authority. The with an article condemning challenges to
members of the Philippine Senate, thereby possibly
fight duels intervening, comes article 256, now being
exposing them to public hatred, contempt, or ridicule,
weighed in the balance. It reads as follows: "Any person
which is exactly libel, as defined by the Libel Law. Sir J. F.
who, by word, deed, or writing, shall defame, abuse, or
Stephen is authority for the statement that a libel is
insult any Minister of the Crown or other person in language of the United States Supreme Court in
authority, while engaged in the performance of official Weems vs. United States ([1910], 217 U. S., 349), there
duties, or by reason of such performance, provided that the was not and could not be, except as precise questions were
offensive minister or person, or the offensive writing be not presented, a careful consideration of the codal provisions
addressed to him, shall suffer the penalty of arresto and a determination of the extent to which they accorded
mayor," — that is, the defamation, abuse, or insult of with or were repugnant to the "'great principles of liberty
any Minister of the Crown of the Monarchy of Spain  (for and law' which had been 'made the basis of our
there could not be a Minister of the Crown in the United governmental system.' " But when the question has been
States of America), or other person in authority in the squarely raised, the appellate court has been forced on
Monarchy of Spain. occasion to hold certain portions of the Spanish codes
repugnant t democratic institutions and American
It cannot admit of doubt that all those provisions of the constitutional principles. (U.S. vs. Sweet [1901], 1 Phil.,
Spanish Penal Code having to do with such subjects as 18; U.S. vs. Balcorta [1913], 25 Phil., 273;
treason, lese majeste, religion and worship, rebellion, U.S. vs. Balcorta [1913], 25 Phil., 533;
sedition, and contempts of ministers of the crown, are not Weems vs. U.S., supra.)
longer in force. Our present task, therefore, is a
determination of whether article 256 has met the same The nature of the government which has been set up in the
fate, or, more specifically stated, whether it is in the nature Philippines under American sovereignty was outlined by
of a municipal law or political law, and is consistent with the President McKinley in that Magna Charta of Philippine
Constitution and laws of the United States and the liberty, his instructions to the Commission, of April 7, 1900.
characteristics and institutions of the American In part, the President said:
In all the forms of government and administrative
It is a general principle of the public law that on acquisition provisions which they are authorized to prescribe,
of territory the previous political relations of the ceded the Commission should bear in mind that he
region are totally abrogated. "Political" is here used to government which they are establishing is designed
denominate the laws regulating the relations sustained by not for our satisfaction or for the expression of our
the inhabitants to the sovereign. (American Insurance theoretical views, but for the happiness, peace, and
Co. vs. Canter [1828], 1 Pet., 511; Chicago, Rock Island prosperity of the people of the Philippine Islands,
and Pacific Railway Co. vs. McGlinn [1885], 114 U.S., 542; and the measures adopted should be made to
Roa vs. Collector of Customs [1912], 23 Phil., 315.) Mr. conform to their customs, their habits, and even
Justice Field of the United States Supreme Court stated the their prejudices, to the fullest extent consistent with
obvious when in the course of his opinion in the case of the accomplishment of the indispensable requisites
Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Co. vs. McGlinn, of just and effective government. At the same time
supra, he said: "As a matter of course, all laws, ordinances the Commission should bear in mind, and the
and regulations in conflict with the political character, people of the Islands should be made plainly to
institutions and Constitution of the new government are at understand, that there are certain great principles
once displaced. Thus, upon a cession of political jurisdiction of government which have been made the basis of
and legislative power — and the latter is involved in the our governmental system, which we deem essential
former — to the United States, the laws of the country  in to the rule of law and the maintenance of individual
support of an established religion or abridging the freedom freedom, and of which they have, unfortunately,
of the press, or authorizing cruel and unusual been denied the experience possessed by us; that
punishments, and he like, would at once cease to be of there are also certain practical rules of government
obligatory force without any declaration to that effect." To which we have found to be essential to the
quote again from the United States Supreme Court: "It preservation of these great principles of liberty and
cannot be admitted that the King of Spain could, by treaty law, and that these principles and these rules of
or otherwise, impart to the United States any of his royal government must be established and maintained in
prerogatives; and much less can it be admitted that they their islands for the sake of their liberty and
have capacity to receive or power to exercise them. Every happiness, however much they may conflict with
nation acquiring territory, by treaty or otherwise, must hold the customs or laws of procedure with which they
it subject to the Constitution and laws of its own are familiar. It is evident that the most enligthened
government, and not according to those of the government thought of the Philippine Islands fully appreciates
ceding it." (Pollard vs. Hagan [1845], 3 Hos., 210.) the importance of these principles and rules, and
they will inevitably within a short time command
On American occupation of the Philippines, by instructions universal assent.
of the President to the Military Commander dated May 28,
1898, and by proclamation of the latter, the municipal laws The courts have naturally taken the same view. Mr. Justice
of the conquered territory affecting private rights of person Elliott, speaking for our Supreme Court, in the case of
and property and providing for the punishment of crime United States vs. Bull ([1910], 15 Phil., 7), said: "The
were nominally continued in force in so far as they were President and Congress framed the government on the
compatible with the new order of things. But President model with which American are familiar, and which has
McKinley, in his instructions to General Merritt, was careful proven best adapted for the advancement of the public
to say: "The first effect of the military occupation of the interests and the protection of individual rights and
enemy's territory is the severance of the former political privileges."
relation of the inhabitants and the establishment of a new
political power." From that day to this, the ordinarily it has Therefore, it has come with somewhat of a shock to hear
been taken for granted that the provisions under the statement made that the happiness, peace, and
consideration were still effective. To paraphrase the prosperity of the people of the Philippine Islands and their
customs, habits, and prejudices, to follow the language of interests of the public, have been obliterated by the present
President McKinley, demand obeisance to authority, and system of government in the Islands. 1awph!
royal protection for that authority.
From an entirely different point of view, it must be noted
According to our view, article 256 of the Spanish Penal that this article punishes contempts against executive
Code was enacted by the Government of Spain to protect officials, although its terms are broad enough to cover the
Spanish officials who were the representatives of the King. entire official class. Punishment for contempt of non-judicial
With the change of sovereignty, a new government, and a officers has no place in a government based upon American
new theory of government, as set up in the Philippines. It principles. Our official class is not, as in monarchies, an
was in no sense a continuation of the old, although merely agent of some authority greater than the people but it is an
for convenience certain of the existing institutions and laws agent and servant of the people themselves. These officials
were continued. The demands which the new government are only entitled to respect and obedience when they are
made, and makes, on the individual citizen are likewise acting within the scope of their authority and jurisdiction.
different. No longer is there a Minister of the Crown or a The American system of government is calculated to
person in authority of such exalted position that the citizen enforce respect and obedience where such respect and
must speak of him only with bated breath. "In the eye of obedience is due, but never does it place around the
our Constitution and laws, every man is a sovereign, a ruler individual who happens to occupy an official position by
and a freeman, and has equal rights with every other man. mandate of the people any official halo, which calls for
We have no rank or station, except that of respectability drastic punishment for contemptuous remarks.
and intelligence as opposed to indecency and ignorance,
and the door to this rank stands open to every man to The crime of lese majeste disappeared in the Philippines
freely enter and abide therein, if he is qualified, and with the ratification of the Treaty of Paris. Ministers of the
whether he is qualified or not depends upon the life and Crown have no place under the American flag.
character and attainments and conduct of each person for
himself. Every man may lawfully do what he will, so long as
To summarize, the result is, that all the members of the
it is not malum in se  or malum prohibitum  or does not
court are of the opinion, although for different reasons, that
infringe upon the qually sacred rights of others."
the judgment should be reversed and the defendant and
(State vs. Shepherd [1903], 177 Mo., 205; 99 A. S. R.,
appellant acquitted, with costs de officio. So ordered.

Ostrand and Johns, JJ., concur.

It is true that in England, from which so many of the laws
and institutions of the United States are derived, there were
once statutes of scandalum magnatum, under which words Separate Opinions
which would not be actionable if spoken of an ordinary
subject were made actionable if spoken of a peer of the ARAULLO, C.J.,  concurring:
realm or of any of the great officers of the Crown, without
proof of any special damage. The Crown of England, I concur with the dispositive part of the foregoing decision,
unfortunately, took a view less tolerant that that of other that is, with the acquittal of the accused, for the sole
sovereigns, as for instance, the Emperors Augustus, reason that the facts alleged in the information do not
Caesar, and Tiberius. These English statutes have, constitute a violation of article 256 of the Penal Code; for
however, long since, become obsolete, while in the United although that article is in force with respect to calumny,
States, the offense of scandalum magnatum  is not known. injuria, or insult, by deed or word, against an authority in
In the early days of the American Republic, a sedition law the performance of his duties or by reason thereof, outside
was enacted, making it an offense to libel the Government, of his presence, it is repealed by the Libel Law in so far as it
the Congress, or the President of the United States, but the refers to calumny, injuria, or insult committed against an
law met with so much popular disapproval, that it was soon authority by writing or printing, as was that inserted in the
repealed. "In this country no distinction as to persons is said information.
recognized, and in practice a person holding a high office is
regarded as a target at whom any person may let fly his
poisonous words. High official position, instead of affording ROMUALDEZ, J.,  concurring:
immunity from slanderous and libelous charges, seems
rather to be regarded as making his character free plunder I concur with the result. I believe that the responsibility of
for any one who desires to create a senation by attacking the accused has not been shown either under article 256 of
it." (Newell, Slander and Libel, 3d ed., p. 245; the Penal Code or under the Libel Law.
Sillars vs. Collier [1890], 151 Mass., 50; 6 L.R.A., 680.)
I am of the opinion that article 256 of the Penal Code is still
Article 256 of the Penal Code is contrary to the genius and in force, except as it refers to "Ministers of the Crown,"
fundamental principles of the American character and whom we do not have in our Government, and to
system of government. The gulf which separates this article calumny, injuria, or insult, by writing or printing, committed
from the spirit which inspires all penal legislation of against an authority in the performance of his duties or by
American origin, is as wide as that which separates a reason thereof, which portion was repealed by the Libel
monarchy from a democratic Republic like that of the Law.
United States. This article was crowded out by implication
as soon as the United States established its authority in the Johnson, Street, Avanceña and Villamor, JJ., concur.
Philippine Islands. Penalties out of all proportion to the
gravity of the offense, grounded in a distorted monarchical
Republic vs. Villasor (Consti1)
conception of the nature of political authority, as opposed
to the American conception of the protection of the
Republic of the Philippines, petitioner, vs. Hon. Guillermo P. del Mar, the petitioner, was was relieved with honorable
Villasor, as Judge of the Court of First Instance of Cebu, discharge with permanent total physical disability. Philippine
Branch I, the Provincial Sheriff of Rizal, the Sheriff of the Veterans administration granted him pension but was soon
City of Manila, the Clerk of Court of First Instance of Cebu, discontinued because he received the same pension under
P.J. Kiener Co., Ltd., Gavino Unchuan, and International the United States Veterans Administration.
Construction Corporation, respondents.

The PVA decided that:
November 28, 1973

(1) Petitioner is barred from receiving any pension from the

Fernando, J: Philippine Veterans Administration.

“The PVA reiterated its contention that del Mar’s receipt of

Facts: a similar pension from the United States Government
effectively barred him from claiming and receiving from the
The decision that was rendered in favor of respondents P.J.
Philippine Government the monthly life pension granted
Kiener Co., Ltd, Gavino Unchuan and International
him as well as the monthly allowances he claimed for his
Construction Corporation was declared final and executory
five living unmarried minor children below eighteen years of
by Respondent Hon. Guillermo P. Villasor.
Pursuant to the said declaration, the corresponding Alias (2) The filing of the case is premature.
Writ of Execution was issued. And for the strength of this
writ, the provincial sheriff served notices of garnishment
with several banks, specially on the 'monies due the Armed “the action of del Mar was premature because of his failure
Forces of the Philippines in the form of deposits; the to exhaust administrative remedies before invoking judicial
Philippines Veterans Bank received the same notice of intervention”
garnishment. (3) The case is a suit against the state.

The funds of the AFP on deposit with the banks are public
funds duly appropriated and allocated for the payment of “the court  a quo was without jurisdiction to try the case as
pensions of retireees, pay and allowances of military and del Mar demand partakes of a money claim against the PVA
civillian personnel and for maintenance and operations of — a mere agency of the Philippine Government — and, in
AFP. effect, of a suit against the Government which is not
suitable without its consent.”
Petitioner filed a petition against Villasor for acting in (4) It was discretionary on the part of PVA to discontinue
excess jurisdiction amounting to lack of jurisdiction in pension.
granting the issuance of a Writ of Execution against the
properties of AFP, hence the notices and garnishments are
null and void. Held:
(1) When a case is a suit against the state:

Whether or not the Writ of Execution issued by respondent “As a general proposition, the rule — well-settled in this
Judge Villasor is valid. jurisdiction — on the immunity of the Government from suit
without its consent holds true in all actions resulting in
“adverse consequences on the public treasury, whether in
No the disbursements of funds or loss of property.”
(2) Suits against the state must be dismissed

What was done by respondent Judge is not in conformity (3) When a case is not a suit against the state:
with the dictates of the Constitution. It is a fundamental
postulate of constitutionalism flowing from the juristic
concept of sovereignty that the state and its government is “where a claimant institutes an action against a functionary
immune from suit unless it gives its consent. A sovereign is who fails to comply with his statutory duty to release the
exempt from suit not because of any formal conception or amount claimed from the public funds already appropriated
obsolete theory but on the logical and practical ground that by statute for the benefit of the said claimant.”
there can be no legal right as against the authority that (4) The case is not premature. Administrative liability is not
makes the law on which the right depends. required.

Everything Legal
“Suffice it to state that where a case as in the present
controversy — involves a question solely of a legal nature,
Del Mar vs Philippine Veterans Administration [G.R. L- there arises no need for the litigant to resort to all
27299] June 27, 1973 administrative remedies available to him before seeking
by  Quolete judicial relief.”
Facts: (5) The act committed by the PVA, in suspending a
provision of law, is against the constitution.
“… the Constitution limits the authority of the President, in
whom all executive power resides, to take care that the
laws be faithfully executed. No lesser administrative
executive office or agency then can, contrary to the express
language of the Constitution, assert for itself a more
extensive prerogative. Necessarily, it is bound to observe
the constitutional mandate. There must be strict compliance
with the legislative enactment. Its terms must be followed.
The statute requires adherence to, not departure from, its
provisions. No deviation is allowable.”

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