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SECTION 2: Student Perception Survey Create a table of some sort to visually identify the

results on the student perceptions survey. 

Questions Yes Maybe No
1. My YSU Teacher asks me about my feelings. 9 2 0
2. My YSU teacher really cares about me. 10 0 1
3. My YSU teacher us nice to me. 10 0 1
4. We stay busy most the time. 11 0 0
5. My YSU teacher helps each of us know what we should be 10 1 0
6. When my YSU teacher is teaching, we all listen and do what she 10 1 0
7. My YSU teacher explains things in class. 9 2 0
8. My class understands each topic in class. 7 4 0
9. My YSU teacher explains things until we understand. 11 0 0
10. In class, my YSU teacher makes sure we all do our best. 10 1 0
11. My YSU teacher makes us all think 10 0 1
12. My YSU teacher makes learning just right: not too hard, not too 8 3 0
13. My YSU teacher makes class interesting. 9 2 0
14. My YSU teacher makes me want to learn more. 9 1 1
15. What we learn is related to my real life. 7 3 1
16. My class is allowed to talk about ideas with my YSU teacher. 10 1 0
17. My YSU teacher likes it when we ask questions. 9 2 0
18. My YSU teacher askes the class questions to make sure we 10 1 0
19. My YSU teacher reviews what we learned after each lesson. 10 1 0
20. My YSU teacher tells us how we will use our learning in one 8 2 1
subject to help us in another subject.
21. My YSU teacher lets me know how I am doing in my learning 9 1 1
so I can understand better.

What did you learn about yourself? 

I learned a lot about myself as an educator from this survey. While I thought that my strengths
were in other areas, like care the class did not agree. It is important for me to see how my
students are viewing me in the classroom and I understand how zoom can be changing how I
think of myself as a teacher and how the students see me. Although, a lot of a qualities were
quite high realize the students didn’t see captivate and clarity as strengths of mine. I was
disappointed thinking that I can’t captivate these students but I guess it shows me that that I have
room to improve for unit week.

I was most surprised by the amount of “maybe” I got in clarity and then I saw what question
skewed that, “My class understands each topic in class” and I think students may have chosen
maybe not knowing if other students understand the class topics.
What will you do differently for the unit and for student teaching based on this data? Use the
information about each area provided with the student survey to guide your reflection. 
For my unit and for student teaching, I will be sure to take all of this information
into consideration. I will try to ensure that me lessons are more captivating and that are more
meaningful to the students. I will also try to express how these lessons are meaningful to these
students lives my expressing it verbally. I now be more in tuned how my actions can be
perceived by my students in the class. I want all my students to feel cared for in my classrooms
and I want it feel as if we are a family. Comfortable to share our feelings and ideas. I will make
an explicit attempt to ask my students more about their feelings and to make sure they know that
they can talk to me about anything. For control the student did not rate me badly in that area but I
slightly disagree with them. When I taught I had student getting off zoom, out of their camera
and ones who wouldn’t turn their camera on. general zoom mishaps but issues the mentor teacher
has figured out ways to deal with it and I haven’t yet. Classroom dojo helps but not all of the
students are motivated by classroom dojo. I will make sure I remind the students that they cannot
just leave the camera without letting me know first and ask that they stay in class the whole day.
Again, these issues can be fixed with great lessons so I will try by best to plan great lessons for
unit week to help behaviors because hopefully students will just be too engaged to act up.

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