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Celebrant: Dear Sisters: Therese, Elizabeth, Carmelita, and Victoria, you have
received grace upon grace after your Baptism and more so after
your religious consecration in the Daughters of St. Teresa on the
occasion of your 25th anniversary of religious profession, what do
you ask of God and His holy Church?

Jubilarians: We ask God’s merciful love, the blessing of Jubilee and the grace
to grow even more one with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, with
Mary and with the Church until we see God face to face. We also
ask that the whole Church especially our country and those who
are gathered here today may share abundantly in the grace of the

Celebrant: May the Lord grant you all your deepest desires and perfects the
good He has begun in you as you render Him anew your vows.

Jubilarians: O Lord, our hearts overflows with deep gratitude for your
merciful love for us, having drawn us from our nothingness and
overwhelmed us with your love, all these 25 years. We beg you for
your continued mercy to help us renew our commitment that our
life from henceforth may totally consummated by love, offered in
prayer for your Church, for your priests and for your people.


Celebrant: God our Father, give us the grace to persevere in our resolutions.
We pray to you for these servants of yours who are resolved to
renew their vows today in the presence of the Church.
(All pray for a time of silence)
Lord, in your providence you have called these servants of yours
to follow your Son more closely. Mercifully grant that they may
persevere to the end along the way of your love on which they
have lived out with such joy. We ask this trough Christ our Lord.

All : Amen
DST Community: As you renew your vows dear Sisters: Therese, Elizabeth,
Carmelita, and Victoria, we join in grateful thanksgiving to
Almighty God for all the years of living dedication to Jesus and
Mary. Today our Congregation offers with you our total
commitment to the Triune God. May God bless our life of Sisterly
love, prayer and sacrifices for God’s glory and growth of the
(The Jubilarians will renew their vows to the Superior General )

Jubilarian: I, Sister ____ desiring faithfully with the Blessed Virgin Mary of
Mt. Carmel, renew a life of allegiance to Jesus Christ which I made
twenty-five years ago. With my Sisters as witnesses, and in the
presence of Rev. Mother General, Ma. Louella Grace L. Buscato,
DST and her successors, I vow to Almighty God perpetual Poverty,
Chastity and Obedience according to the Constitution of the
Daughters of St. Teresa until death. Grant me O Lord, the grace of
perseverance in your love and service. Amen.

Mother General: I commend you earnestly to God, that you may fulfil your
dedication and live out your covenant which is united with this
Eucharistic sacrifice.

Jubilarian: Amen

(The Jubilee Candle is lighted and is given to the Jubilarian by the Celebrant )

Celebrant : Receive dear Sister, this candle, symbol of Jesus Christ you
Spouse to whom you have consecrated yourself these past
twenty-five years. May you attain perfect love for Christ and
radiate His light to all people.

Jubilarian : Amen

Celebrant : Receive this crown, symbol of victory. Wear it with joy and
gladness in your heart, and be a living witness to the glorious
Kingdom that is to come – the heritage of those who give
themselves wholly to the Lord.

Jubilarian : Amen

Prayers of the faithful

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