Why Travelling Matters Studied Enriching: Reading

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1. LESSON BY MARC (U61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 78)

I studied tourism not only because I like travelling, but because I believe travelling is
one of the most enriching activities human beings can do in order to grow. I believe
travelling is an important activity of ours that keeps the world moving in many ways.
Travelling, in general, is important , however, at the moment it’s not urgent because of
the negative impact COVID-19 crisis has on it (bearing in mind that 75 million jobs are
expected to be lost) even though it represents almost the 11% of the GDP worldwide.
Travelling matters not only because of the numbers but because it defines who we are as
a society in many different ways. No matter what, travelling is a very resilient activity
that always comes back. I still remember September 11 th attacks which caused people to
stop taking planes for a while and that seemed to be the end of modern travelling. In the
end, we went back to flying and since then, things have progressed significantly.
Hi Dear Students,
This is my last Microlesson. I’m very proud I’ve been able to create 103 Microlessons
this year for all of you, which I really hope contributed to your English Learning and
perhaps a bit more.
I would like to use a Microlesson itself to thank you all for your great committment with
ABA English and its team and also for your great and useful comments which inspired
me. We work hard everyday with one clear obsession: finding new innovative ways for
you to learn English effectively, by having fun and through topics that you are interested
in. There is a bright future ahead for all of you continue working hard.
I’ve been working almost 3 years at ABA English and I learned a lot from the team and
also from you, the students. I would like to share a few important learnings that I’ll take
with me, which hopefully will be useful to all of you. And with them , my favourite
Microlessons so far that inspired me through these learnings.
Please, continue studying and chasing your goals. And most importantly , stay safe.
I’ll see you in another life,
It’s quite obvious that this is going to be a dark year for many industries and if there is
one that is really suffering this summer, it is travel. The World Travel and Tourism
Council has estimated that 76 million job and $2.1 trillion in revenue will be lost.
I, however, do not only think that the travel industry will come back stronger than ever as
it always has, but it’s interesting to look at the new market trends to understand what the
next years are going to look like.
There is a major travel trend booming right now and growing heavily especially due to
the new COVID conditions. I’m talking about the RV stands for “Recreational Vehicle”,
which means travelling with a mobile home or a camper van. The amount of people who
are travelling with an RV is growing 366% and the trend is expected to continue in the
coming years. There are around 15 million mobile homes on the road and there are a
number of growing options to easily rent them whether you are an expert or it’s your first
time trying it.
Personal finance is the process of managing your money. This includes saving,
budgeting, investing, insurance, and planning for the future. It may sound complicated,
but it really is just another system, and our whole life consists of different systems,
whether we like it or not. The main building block of this system is the income which,
contrary to a popular belief, does not consist of the salary alone- apart from that, any
other sources such as pension, a scholarship, or dividends, also form part of it. Key
having a comfortable life is income growth- if you earn the same salary year after year,
you should consider asking for a raise, or creating a side gig. Many people have come to
realise the importance of multiple streams of income, especially now that the entire world
is in a finance crisis.
Procrastination is something that thousands of people have problems with all over the
world. We have all experienced that feeling of stress and frustration that come with
knowing that you should have been trying to finish a task. Procrastination is the process
of putting off the task that you don’t want to do. Often we find that we have managed to
do everything else, except the one thing we should have done.
The key with overcoming procrastination and becoming more productive is to
understand why you procrastinate. It turns out that the answer is biological. Usually we
put off things we don’t like doing. Knowing that you have to do that unpleasant thing
causes mild anxiety in your mind as a response to what your brain sees as a
‘threatening stimulus’. This produces a ‘fight or flight’ response.

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